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2019-2020年高三英语总复习第一部分回归教材Unit5Firstaid随堂演练新人教版必修.单词拼写1In the garden we can find a _(各种各样的)of plants.2It is _(至关重要的)that schools teach students to use puter technology.3He said _(温和地)to me that he didnt mean to upset me.4She was sentenced to twenty years imprisonment for _(毒害) and attempted murder.5An _(救护车)arrived in five minutes after the accident.6Having a fever or cold is the _(症状)that you have fallen ill.7The cut on his leg _(流血)a lot when he was hurt yesterday.8The law should _(适用于)to all of the people living here.9His foot was very _(肿胀的)after the big accident.10Its my _(请客);what would you like?答案1variety2.vital3.mildly4.poisoning5.ambulance6symptom7.bled8.apply9.swollen10.treat.单句语法填空1The group tried to put _ (press) on the government to act.2The driver of the car received serious _ (injure) to the legs and arms.3This gas is highly _ (poison),so dont touch it.4The expert has a language barrier in attending such an important meeting, but he should be praised for his _ (brave)5The operation is very plex; besides, the long time needed is _(bear)6We need some bandages and a pair of _ (scissor) to deal with the simple operation.7He was _ (mild) surprised at the news.8The passengers _ (tight) packed in the train.9There are various _ (treat) available for this condition.10Modernday horse breeds e in a wide _ (various) of shapes and sizes.11Tom got _ (injure) in the traffic accident.12Everything for the party is _ place, so you neednt worry.13It is vital _ (give) proper first aid in an emergency.14The house _ (belong) to Mr Green was destroyed in the fire.15It was her sense of humour _ put me at ease.16She was swimming in the river _ a heavy rain poured down.17Having _ good knowledge of first aid is necessary.18There was no doubt _ the beauty of the countryside impressed us.19Few of the students have put their hands _ the materials for their positions.20Dont get _ (involve) in their meaningless quarrel.答案1pressure2.injuries3.poisonous4.bravery5unbearable6.scissors7.mildly8.tightly9treatments10.variety11.injured12.in13to give14.belonging15.that16.when17a18.that19.on20.involved.单句改错1Dont take anything away. Father likes everything to be in the place._2Tom honored for his bravery after what he had done for others the other day._3The large number of private cars show that our ines are increasing._4What is most important is that we should apply theory for practice._5There is no doubt whether it is his achievements that have won him the Nobel Prize._6Though warning again and again, the young man still drove after drinking, leading to his being fined._答案1去掉the2.Tom后加was3.show改为shows4for改为to5.whether改为that6.warning改为warned.语法填空An old proverb says,“Friends are like wine; the older, the better.”So, nowadays many people consider old friends to be _1_ (important) than new friends. For example, if two pieces of advice are given to solve a problem, one from a new friend and the other from _2_ old friend, people always tend to adapt the latter one, _3_ the new friends advice may be better._4_ (disagree) with the old proverb, I believe that new friends are not _5_ (necessary) worse than old friends. Why? Because the _6_ (long) of time cannot determine whether your friendship is better or not.Once you call someone friend, he must be a reliable person, _7_ interests are in mon with _8_ (you). As time goes by, a friends outside look may change, but the inside characters of him and his interests _9_ (change). It is just these unchangeable characters and interests that make him a friend to you. _10_, on this point, there is no difference between old friends and new friends.答案1more important2.an3.though/although4Disagreeing5.necessarily6.length7.whose8yours9.will not change10.Thus/Therefore/So.短文改错Xihaigu is in the southern part of the Ningxia Hui autonomous region. Locating on the Loess Plateau (黄土高原), it faces rain lack and extreme poor living conditions. The UN had regarded it as one place that is difficult to live in. So in spite of the tough conditions, there are quite few rural teachers who work there. They do your best to perform their various duty with great devotion. China currently has over to 3 million rural teachers teaching more than 40 million rural children. According by the Ministry of Education, between xx and xx, the number of rural teachers falls from 4.73 million to 3.3 million.答案Xihaigu is in the southern part of the Ningxia Hui autonomous region. on the Loess Plateau (黄土高原), it faces rain lack and poor living conditions. The UN regarded it as one place that is difficult to live in. in spite of the tough conditions, there are quite few rural teachers who work there. They do best to perform their various with great devotion. China currently has over 3 million rural teachers teaching more than 40 million rural children. According the Ministry of Education, between xx and xx, the number of rural teachers from 4.73 million to 3.3 million.


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