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2019-2020年高三英语Unit8Learningaforeignlanguage教案新课标人教版Teaching aims: to learn the words and phrases in this unit Important and difficult points: motivation; memorise;stick;acquire;instruct; adopt;etc.Teaching procedures:Step I Greetings Step II words and explanation1.motivation _/_v._1)What _ him to do such a thing? _(翻译及用法归纳)2)The murder was _ by hatred. _(同上)2.memorise/memorize老师要求我们记住这些诗。_近义词归纳:n. _ 1)_2)_3)_1)have a good/bad memory2)beyond the memory of men3)live on the memory of the good old days固定习语:if my memory serves me correctly_within living memory_in memory of_发散思维 in need of in face of in praise of in honour of in hope of in +n. + of in search of in charge of in favour of in anxiety of adj._/_n._/_3. stick(_/_)1)Their car was stuck in traffic for an hour.2)My bike was flat, for a needle stuck in the tyre.3)She stuck out her tongue at me.4)We can stick the broken pieces together with glue.词义:_/_词组:be stuck in stick out stick to stick togetherHe stuck his fork _ a big piece of meat.He stuck a big piece of meat _ his fork.(介词)4. acquire v._/_She acquired _(英语的知识). _( 抽烟的习惯). _(坏的名声). _(土地)adj _ 养成的嗜好_n. _ 这些就是我的学习心得。 _5. instruct1)Mr. White instructs us in maths.2)The teacher instructed the pupils to e into the gym.3)The pany instructed him that he would be employed.1_2_3_n._/_adj._她教授英语。_他指示我们尽早完成这件事。_有教育意义的书_6. anxious1).She is still absent. Im anxious _ her/her health.We are anxious _ your safe return.2).He is anxious _ see you.3).She was anxious for them to leave the room.4).She was anxious that he should e with her. She was anxious _ _ _ _ with her.归纳用法:1) 2) 3) 4)adv._/ n._(in _ of; feel _ for/about)Unit 8 Learning a foreign languagePeriod twoTeaching aims: to learn the words and phrases in this unit Important and difficult points: take a risk; experiment with; put to an end; adopt;etc.Teaching procedures:Step I Greetings Step II words and explanation7.take a risk1) risk v. He risked all his fortune for the new enterprise.risk failure/risk getting caught in a storm2)risk n.at any riskat riskat the risk ofrun/take a risk/risksrun/take the risk of doing sth.He saved her _(冒着生命危险)I dont want to run the risk of losing my friend._(翻译)8. experiment withexperiment n./v. adj. _做化学实验_/_/_/_/_ a chemical experimentHe experimented on rats.The teacher experimented with a new teaching method.9. adopt v. 1)_2)_3)_4)_1) Our school has adopted a new teaching method.2)They are not my real parents, I am adopted.3)She has been adopted as Labour candidate for York.4)Congress has adopted the new measures.运用:Having no children of their own they decided to _(收养一个孤儿).We would like to _(采纳你的观点).10.put an end to近义词组:_/_选择填空(三词)1)We should _ that ridiculous war.2)I wonder how I can _ their dispute _.3)The meeting _ at night.end的其它短语:on end from end to endwithoud end in the endend to end at the end of11.knock down1)_2)_3)_ knock out of knock at knock into knock overe.g.1)He knocked me _(他打我的头). 2)His son was _ by a car. 3)These old house are going to be _. 4)I managed to _ his price _. 5)Youve _ my drink! 6)France _ Belgium _ the European Cup. 7)Who is _ the door?12. fall behind1)_2)_fall apartfall intofall in love withfall downe.g.1)The illness caused him to fall behind the rest of the class. 2)Make sure not to fall behind with your rent, please. 3)His plan has _. 4)I _ conversation with a writer at the party. 5)They _ each other at their sight. 6)Their marriage finally _.13.option n.1)Students have the option of taking French, German or Spanish.2)You have no option to refuse his proposal.3)keep/leave ones options openStep III ConsolidationStep IV Homework

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