高中英语 Unit3 computersPart4 Using Language课件(新人教版必修2)

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Part 4 Using Language,1.聚焦,召集 _ 2. win the first place _ 3.下决心做 _ 4.在某种程度上 _ 5.用这种方法 _,get together,获得第一名,be determined to,in a way,in this way,6. make up _ 7.在的帮助下 _ 8.拖地 _ 9.处理 _ 10. watch over _,看护,照顾,编造,补足,化妆,with the help of,mop the floor,deal with,1. For example, I have learned to signal to my teammates in computer language to give me the ball when I am open and have a good shot for a goal. (P23),句式分析 主句结构是:主语( )+ 谓语( _ ) + 宾语( )。 to give me the ball是动词不定式作_ 状语。 when I am open and have a good shot for a goal是 _ 从句。,to signal to my teammates,I,have learned,时间状语,目的,原句试译 句式仿写 我长大后要到法国去学法语。 看到醉酒的司机后,警察示意停车。,Ill go to France to learn French when I am grown up.,例如,当我前面没人防守有机会射一个好球的时 候,我已经学会了用计算机语言向队友示意把球 传给我。,The policeman signaled (to) the car to stop when he saw the drunken driver.,2. She programs me with all the possible moves she has seen while watching human games.她把观看人类比赛时所看到的一切可能的动作编入我的程序。(P23) 句式分析 句中while watching human games相当于while she is watching human games。在when, whole if, unless, though, once 等 引导的状语从句中,若从句的主语与主句的主语一致,且从句谓语含有be动词时,为了使句子结构简洁,可省略从句中的主语和be动词。,句式仿写 吃饭前洗手。 Wash your hands _. 听新闻时,她突然晕倒 (faint)了。 _, she suddenly fainted.,While/When (she was) listening to the news,before having meals,3. After all, with the help of my electronic brain which never forgets anything, using my intelligence is what Im all about! 不管怎样,在我过目不忘的电子脑的帮助下,运用智能就是我的一切! (P23),句式分析 本句结构是:状语(After all, with the help of my electronic brain)+ 主语( )+ 系动词(is)+ 表语从句 ( )。 在状语部分,which never forgets anything是一个_ 从句,修饰my electronic brain。,using my intelligence,what Im all about,定语,句式仿写 读书是孩子们应该做的事。,Reading (books) is what children should do.,一、单词拼写 1. Cars must stop when the s_ is red. 2. What t_ of house would you prefer to live in? 3. Our football team needed a very experienced c_. 4. I dislike him p_, but I admire his art. 5. The _ (外观) of the old house completely changed.,appearance,signal,type,coach,personally,二、选词填空,Mr. Smith is an expert in computer science. He 1_ many young people to design new programs for computers. His biggest wish is to design a robot which can think 2_ and looks like a 3 _, but 4 _ he has a long way to go. Mr. Smith is also a good husband at home.,signal; logical; so . that; human being;coach;operation; in reality; as a result;type;watch over; artificial mop; mobile intelligent; on the way,coached,logically,human,being,in reality,He does all 5 _ of housework such as 6 _ the floor, cooking dinner and 7_ his daughter. One day, his daughter fell ill and he decided to drive her to hospital. 8_ he saw a man who ignored the traffic 9 _ crossing the road. Mr. Smith was driving 10_ fast 10 _he could not stop in time. 11_, _ his car hit the man, and even worse, ran over his legs. Immediately, Mr.,types,mopping,watching over,On the way,signals,so,that,As a result,Immediately, Mr. Smith took out his 12_ phone and called the police. However, to his surprise, the man was uninjured and even stood up and smiled at Mr. Smith. “It must be an 13_ robot.” thought Mr. Smith. The man came to Mr. Smith and explained, “Several years ago, I lost my legs in a serious traffic accident and had an 14 _ in hospital. I was given a pair of 15_ legs, which are made of steel (钢) and wont break even if they are run over by cars.”,artificial,mobile,intelligent,operation,三、完成句子 (A)用arise,rise, raise的正确形式完成下列句子。 1. He _ and walked to the window. 2. He _ his hat to me as a sign of respect.,arose/rose,raised,3. The birds also attack crops when the opportunity_. 4. The peoples living standard has greatly been _ . 5. Her temperature is still _ .,arises,raised,rising,(B)用deal with与do with完成句子。 6.我不知道如何处理这个问题。 I dont know how to _. 7.他有一架望远镜,却不知怎样利用。 He has a telescope, but doesnt know what to_.,deal with the problem,do with it,四、翻译句子 请用in a way, in any way, in no way, in the way等短语把下列各句翻译成英语。 1. 从某方面来看,你的文章写得不错。 2. 恐怕你的汽车挡道了。,Your article is well written in a way.,Im afraid your car is in the way.,3. 我决不会继续为那个老板工作了。 4. 我们无论如何要在天黑前到那儿。,In any way we must arrive there before dark.,I will in no way go on working for that boss.,五 句型转换 根据A句句义,用本单元所学的句型或短语完成B 句,使其句义相同或相近。 1. A: As the years go by, I have been made smaller and smaller. B: As the years _ , I have been made smaller and smaller.,passed,2. A: We often see him play basketball on the playground. B: He is often seen _basketball on the playground. 3. A: He is so well that he can walk without any help. B: He is_ without any help.,to play,well enough to walk,4. A: How did you deal with those things? B: What did you _ those things? 5. A: I have truly been built to serve the human race since my birth. B: I have truly been built to serve the human race since I _ .,was born,do with,goodbye,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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