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Module 2 My New Teachers Period 2 Reading and Vocabulary 要点讲解课,. 根据语境及首字母写出正确单词 1. You should be p_with your family. 2. This article is well o_. 3. Are you trying to a_ me?,atient,rganized,void,4. I really a_ your handwriting. 5. Dont be n_. The doctor just wants to help you. 6. She keeps a store of a_ stories in her head. 7. My first i_ of him was favourable. 8. I knew he was e_ and would get things done.,ppreciate,ervous,musing,mpression,nergetic,. 根据语境用所给单词的正确形式填空 1. Bring your homework to me _ (immediate). 2. _(strict)speaking, its not allowed. 3. They were talking _(loud). 4. When I am angry, he always tells _(joke)to please me.,immediately,Strictly,loudly,jokes,5. He is highly _(respect)by everyone for his kindness. 6. She braked emergently and _(avoid)an accident. 7. He _(admit)having stolen the money. 8. Your answers are _(complete)wrong .,respected,avoided,admitted,completely,. 翻译短语 1. _ 讲笑话; 开玩笑 2. _ 在某方面做得好 3. _ 结果 4. _ 睡着 5. _ 挥舞双手,tell jokes,do well in,as a result,fall asleep,wave ones hands,6. _ 事实上 7. _ 取得进步 8. _ 第一次 9. _ 犯错误 10. _ 确定; 确信; 查明; 弄清楚,in fact,make progress,the first time,make mistakes,make sure, patient adj. 耐心的 My father is lively and energetic, but he is not very patient. 我的父亲活跃并且精力充沛, 但他不是很有耐心。 She is patient with her patients. 她对她的病人很有耐心。,【自我归纳】 _ 对某人/事有耐心 patient n. _,be patient with sb. /sth.,病人,【知识延伸】 patience n. 耐心 with patience=patiently 耐心地,【活学活用】 He isnt _ _ children. 他对孩子没有耐心。 I waited there _ _. 我在那儿耐心地等着。,patient,with,with,patience,用patient的正确形式填空。 Fishing is a hobby which calls for a great deal of _. The daughter is always taking care of her mother _. There are a lot of _in the hospital.,patience,patiently,patients, make sure确定; 确信; 查明; 弄清楚 Good teachers make sure that everyone in the class understands. 好的老师能保证班里的每个人都能听懂。 You must make sure of the time and place. 你必须把时间和地点弄清楚。,【自我归纳】 make sure+that从句 _ make sure of/about sth. _,保证, 确保,查明, 弄清楚,【知识延伸】,【活学活用】 _ _ _you write down every word she says. 你要确保记下她说的每一个字。 _ _ _ the facts before you write the article. 先弄明白事实, 再写文章。,Make,sure,that,Make,sure,of/about,_ _ _ ring and let me know youve got back safely. 一定要来个电话, 让我知道你已经平安归来。 Im pretty _ _ hell agree. 他会同意的, 对此我相当有把握。,Be,sure,to,sure,that, avoid vt. (故意)避开 Try to avoid making the same mistakes next time. 下次尽量避免犯同样的错误。 (avoid doing sth. 意为: _),避免做某事,(2016天津高考)I practiced reading and writing, which I used to avoid as much as possible. 我现在经常 阅读书写, 这是我以往所不愿做的。(avoid +代词/名词 意为: _),避开,【知识延伸】只跟 v. -ing形式的动词及动词短语 只跟 v. -ing形式(不可用不定式)作宾语的常见动词及动词短语有: mind, risk, practise, keep, consider, miss, suggest, enjoy, delay, admit, escape, finish, appreciate, imagine, give up, insist on, cant help, be worth, look forward to, get down to等。,【活学活用】 语法填空。 You can easily make up an excuse to avoid _ (go)out with him. He came into the classroom from the back door to avoid _(see)by his teacher.,going,being seen,avoid,wasting,money,practice,reading,speaking, appreciate vt. 欣赏; 感激 Most of us really appreciate her because her teaching is so well organised and clear. 我们大多数人真的非常欣赏她, 因为她的讲解非常有条理, 很清楚。,We appreciate your/you helping us. 我们感激你帮助了我们。 I would appreciate it if you would turn the music down. 如果你把音乐音量关小一点, 我将不胜感激。,【自我归纳】 _ 欣赏某人/某物 appreciate(one/ones)doing sth. _ _ 如果我将不胜感激,appreciate sb. /sth.,感激()做某事,I would appreciate it if. . .,【名师指津】appreciate用法小结 (1)appreciate +名词/代词/ v. -ing /从句, 不接动词不定式作宾语。 (2)appreciate不接“人”作宾语, 只能接“事”作宾语。 (3)表示情感的词, 如appreciate, hate, like, love等后面常接it再跟从句, it指代从句内容。,【活学活用】 I _ _ _ _you paid in cash. 假如你支付现金的话, 我将不胜感激。 We shall _ _ from you again. 能再次收到你的来信, 我们将不胜感激。,would,appreciate,it,if,appreciate,hearing,I will keep this secret for you. I _ _ _ (谢谢你的好意). You cant really appreciate foreign literature in translation. 译: _,appreciate,your,kindness,看翻译作品不能真正欣赏到外国文学的美妙之处。, admit vt. 承认 And a few students even admit liking her! 并且一些学生甚至承认喜欢她! We all admit him as a good leader. 我们都承认他是一个好领导。,He never admits that he is wrong. 他从不承认自己错了。 His brother was admitted into Beijing University last year. 他的哥哥去年被北京大学录取了。,【自我归纳】 admit(doing/having done)sth. _ _ 承认某人/某物是 admit(to sb. )+that从句 _ _ 被允许/接受进入/加入,承认(做了)某事,admit sb. /sth. as,(向某人)承认,be admitted into/to. . .,【活学活用】 Only ticket-holders will _ _ _ the stadium. 只有持票者才可进入体育场。 He has _ _ the window. 他已承认打碎了窗户。,be,admitted,into,admitted,breaking,用适当的介词填空。 He was admitted _ a Party member. How many students have been admitted_ the school this year? Children five or under were admitted free. 译: _,as,into/to,五岁或未满五岁的孩子免费入场。, respect vt. 尊重 (2016全国卷I)Persons in Asian cultures may view silence as a sign of respect. 在亚洲文化中人们可能会把沉默看作是尊敬的表示。,She had always been honest with me, and I respected her for that. 她一直对我很诚实, 我非常敬重她这一点。 We should show/have respect for our teachers. 我们应该尊敬我们的老师。 Please send my respects to your mother. 请代我向你的母亲转达我的问候。,【自我归纳】 respect sb. _(doing)sth. 因(做)某事而尊敬某人 _ 尊敬某人 give/send ones respects to _,for,show/have respect for sb.,代某人向问候,【活学活用】 We _ _ _ _ our premier for his devotion to our country. 我们非常尊敬我们的总理, 他为我们的国家鞠躬尽瘁。 I _ her _ her honesty. 由于她的诚实, 我很敬重她。,show,great,respect,for,respect,for,为了老师们的辛苦劳动, 我们应该向他们表示敬意。 译: _ _ 改错。 Please give my respect to your parents. ( ),We should show respect for our teachers for their,hard work.,respectrespects, as a result结果, 因此 During scientific experiments, she explains exactly what is happening and as a result my work is improving. 在做科学实验时, 她把发生的现象解释得很准确, 因此我的学习正在进步。 She died as a result of her injuries. 她由于受伤而死亡。,【易混辨析】,as a result,as a result of,【知识延伸】 result vi. 产生; 致使 result in 导致, 结果是 result from 由于, 起因于,【巧学助记】 “因”与“果”各不同,【活学活用】 一句多译。 他努力学习, 因此他很轻松地通过了考试。 He worked hard at his study. _ _ _, he passed the exam easily. _ _ _ _ his hard work, he passed the exam easily.,As,a,result,As,a,result,of,他的粗心造成了他的失败。 His failure _ _ his carelessness. His carelessness _ _ his failure. The girl didnt water the flowers for so long. _ _ _ (结果), the flowers died.,resulted,from,resulted,in,As,a,result, Shes kind and patient, and she explains English grammar so clearly that even I can understand it! 她友善、耐心, 把英语语法解释得清清楚楚, 甚至我都能听懂!,【句型剖析】 本句包含“so+adv. +that. . . ”结构, 意为: _ _。so为副词, 修饰副词clearly; that 为连词, 引导结果状语从句。 It is _ _ _ _ _ I want to go out for a walk. 天气如此好, 以至于我想出去散步。,如,此以至于,so,fine,a,day,that,【易混辨析】,Those are such beautiful flowers that the girls want to pick them. 那些花是如此漂亮以至于女孩们想要摘下它们。,【活学活用】 用so. . . that. . . 和such. . . that. . . 填空。 He improved his English _ greatly _ he began to talk freely with foreigners. It was _ hot a day _ they went swimming. Ping-pong is_a popular game _ people all over the world play it.,so,that,so,that,such,that,大街上的人太多以至于小男孩找不到他妈妈了。 译: _ _,There are so many people in the street that the,little boy cant find his mother.,句型转换。 The weather was so bad that we had to stay at home. _,It was such bad weather that we had to stay at home.,【备选要点】 amusing adj. 有趣的; 可笑的 I like teachers who are amusing and can laugh with their students. 我喜欢风趣而且会和学生们一起笑的老师。,What he said amused all of us. 他所说的把我们都逗乐了。 We were greatly amused. 我们很快乐。 He likes to go to places of amusement. 他喜欢去娱乐场所。,【自我归纳】 _ v. 逗乐, 使娱乐 _ adj. 快乐的; 愉悦的(常用来修饰人) _ n. 娱乐; 高兴; 消遣,amuse,amused,amusement,【知识延伸】 to ones amusement 令某人感到有趣的是 be amused to do 做觉得开心,【活学活用】 用amuse的适当形式填空。 His performance is _and we are all _ at his humour. I didnt find the joke _. Lucy has a great sense of humor and always keeps her colleagues _with her stories.,amusing,amused,amusing,amused,完成句子。 _ _ _ (使我们感到好笑的是), the boy acted as an old woman. The children _ _ _ (做是开心的)plant the flowers.,To,our,amusement,are,amused,to, strict adj. 严格的; 严厉的 The teacher is very strict with his students. 这位老师对他的学生要求非常严格。 (表示对人严格要求用介词: _) She is very strict in her study. 她对她的学习要求很 严格。 (表示对工作、事情严格要求用介词: _),with,in,【知识延伸】 strictly adv. 严格地 strictly speaking 严格来说,【活学活用】 His parents _ _ _(对严格)him. She _ _ _ (对严格)everything. _ _ (严格地说), hes not qualified for the job.,are,strict,with,is,strict,in,Strictly,speaking,用适当的介词填空。 My math teacher is strict _his work as well as _ us. We should be strict _all our work.,in,with,in, Physics will never be my favourite lesson, but I think that Ill do well in the exam with Mrs Chen teaching me. 物理绝对不会是我最喜欢的课, 但我觉得, 有陈老师教我, 我一定会在考试中做得很好。,【句型剖析】 (1)with Mrs Chen teaching me属于“with+宾语+宾语补足语”复合结构。该结构常作原因、条件、时间、方式或伴随状语, 也可作后置定语。Mrs Chen和teach之间是主谓关系, 所以用现在分词。,(2)with复合结构中宾语补足语的常见形式有形容词、 副词、现在分词、过去分词、介词短语、不定式。 He slept with the window _. 他敞着窗户睡着了。 Mary went out with lights _. 玛丽开着灯出门了。,open,on,I cant go out with all these dishes _ _. 因为所有这些盘子都要洗出来, 我不能出去了。 With prices _ _ so fast, we cant afford luxuries. 由于物价上涨很快, 我们买不起奢侈品。,to,wash,going,up,【活学活用】 The young man lay on the grass, with his eyes _ _ _ _(望着天空). _ _ _ _ _ (因为有汤姆要帮我们), we are sure to finish the work ahead of time. Its impolite to talk _ _ _ _ (你的嘴里 含满东西).,looking,at,the,sky,With,Tom,to,help,us,with,your,mouth,full,She came into the room, with _ _ _ (她的鼻 子通红)because of cold. They went home with _ _ _. 做完作业他们回家了。,her,nose,red,their,homework,finished,【课堂小结】 . 词汇串记 My first impression of my deskmate is that she is energetic and intelligent. She never falls asleep in class and does well in every subject. She works hard and is strict in her study. She hates making mistakes and avoids pronouncing a word incorrectly when she,speaks English. As a result, she is the best student in our class.,She is very kind. Whenever I have problems with English, she is always helping me immediately and is patient with me. I really appreciate her help. I believe I will make progress with my deskmate helping me.,. 句式背诵 1. The book is so interesting that I have read it twice. 这本书如此有趣以至于我读了两遍。 2. Id appreciate it if you could help me with my English. 如果你能帮我学英语, 我将不胜感激。,3. Make sure you get here before midnight. 你务必在午夜前赶到这里。 4. He practised again and again. As a result, he got the first prize. 他反复练习, 因此获得了第一名。,5. With more and more forests damaged, some animals and plants are facing the danger of dying out. 由于越来越多的森林遭到破坏, 一些动植物正面临灭绝的危险。,

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