高考英语新一轮总复习 Unit20 New Frontiers 1课前预习落实基础课件 北师大版选修7.ppt

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高考英语新一轮总复习 Unit20 New Frontiers 1课前预习落实基础课件 北师大版选修7.ppt_第1页
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高考英语新一轮总复习 Unit20 New Frontiers 1课前预习落实基础课件 北师大版选修7.ppt_第2页
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高考英语新一轮总复习 Unit20 New Frontiers 1课前预习落实基础课件 北师大版选修7.ppt_第3页
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教材复习,第一部分,Unit 20,New Frontiers,Section 课前预习,落实基础,1. Running away is our instinctive _ (反应) when we meet danger. 答案: reaction 2The data should be_(更新)once a week. 答案:updated 3The lost explorers ate birds eggs to stave off _ (饥饿) 答案: starvation,4Your request _(冲突)with my duties. 答案:conflicts 5I share my office with two_(同事) 答案:colleagues 6Jane was painting the walls and m_ Pat was watching TV. 答案:meanwhile,7Uncle Frank is an o_ man. He never cheats others. 答案:outspoken 8My a_ settled in this country a hundred years ago. 答案:ancestors,9This medicine is p_ if taken in large quantities. 答案:poisonous 10The ticket p_ three people to go into the exhibition. 答案:permits,1. 以防,万一_ 答案:in case 2出版;出来_ 答案:come out 3而不是_ 答案:rather than 4一点也不像_ 答案:nothing like,5另外,而且_ 答案:in addition 6预先_ 答案:in advance 7泄露(秘密)_ 答案:give away 8接收,接管_ 答案:take over,9点击进入_ 答案:click on 10奉献给_ 答案:devote.to. 11实行,实施_ 答案:carry on 12以为主食_ 答案:live on,13更不用说_ 答案:not to mention 14总之_ 答案:in conclusion 15以为范围_ 答案:range from 16由于_ 答案:due to,17下降_ 答案:drop off 18计算出,领会到_ 答案:figure out,1. It was launched in 1990 so that astronomers could observe space without the Earths atmosphere being a barrier. 该望远镜于1990年发射使用,这样天文学家就可以在没有地球大气层阻碍的情况下观察太空了。 句中so that引导的是结果状语从句。,句子仿写 我们栽了很多灌木,花园里不久就好看多了。 _ 答案: We planted many shrubs, so that the garden soon looked more beautiful.,2By the year 2030, development in biochemistry and medical science will have made it theoretically possible for us to live for at least 150 years. 到2030年,生物化学和医学的发展将能够在理论上使人类至少活到150岁。 make it possible意为“使成为可能”,it是形式宾语,代替后面的真正宾语不定式。,句子仿写 宇宙飞船使去月球旅行成为可能。 _ 答案:Spaceships make it possible to travel to the moon.,3Some like to read fantasy stories and imagine what the world will be like in 10,50 or even 1,000 years time. 有些人喜欢阅读幻想故事,想象世界在10年,50年甚至1,000后会变成什么样子。此句中Whatbe主语like?句型意为“是什么样子?”,句子仿写 20年后,我们国家会是什么样子呢? _ 答案:What will our country be like 20 years later?,4By the year 2015 ,the clothing industry will have produced new types of material that will remain stainless no matter what you spill on them. 到2015年,服装产业将生产出新型材料,无论你在上面洒下什么东西,都不会留下污渍。 no matter what引导的是让步状语从句,no matter what可以换成whatever。,句子仿写 不管你是谁,你都要遵纪守法。 _ 答案:No matter who you are, you must keep the law.,

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