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专题十八 意图态度,-2-,考情概览 高考考试说明指出:每篇文章都有一个特定的写作目的,或是向读者传递某个信息,或是使读者愉悦,或是讲授某个道理。而这些信息通常并不明确表达出来,而是隐含在文章之中。因此,这类问题要求考生在理解文章总体内容的基础上,去领会作者的言外之意。,-3-,意图态度题就是指针对作者的写作意图、观点态度和对事件的评价设问的阅读理解题目。作者在文章中不仅客观地进行叙述和说明,往往还持有某种态度,如对某一观点或赞同或反对,或肯定或批评。因此这类题主要考查学生对作者的观点、情感、态度、写作目的和意图的理解能力。作者的观点和态度除了直接表达外,还经常在文章中间接表达出来。考生可以通过全文的叙述,从文章的主要内容去理解作者的观点;有时作者也会在文章中用特殊的词汇表达自己的思想感情。同学们要从文章中的用词、语气或对某个细节的陈述来推断作者的态度、观点等。,-4-,意图态度题考查目标比较明确,题干一般都含有according to the author,attitude,opinion,believe,consider,regard等词或短语。这类题目除了考查作者在整篇文章中所表现的态度和写作意图外,有时还考查作者对具体的某个人或事物的态度或评价。,-5-,1.意图态度题常见的命题方式有以下几种 (1)In writing the passage,the author intends to . (2)The author writes this passage/text mainly to . (3)The purpose of the passage is to . (4)According to the author, . (5)In the authors opinion, . (6)The author thinks/believes/suggests/seems that . (7)How does the author feel about.? (8)What is the authors opinion/idea about.? (9)Which of the following will the author agree/disagree with? (10)The tone of the passage can best be described as .,-6-,(11)What is the tone/mood of the passage? (12)Which of the following can best describe the attitude of the author towards.? (13)The authors attitude to.is that . (14)How does the author probably feel about.?,-7-,2.意图态度题解题策略 (1)写作目的/意图推测题 此类题型要求考生根据文章的论述,推测作者的写作意图及应用某种写作手法的目的。作者一般不直接陈述自己的意图,而是通过文章所提供的事实,客观地使读者信服某种想法或意见。这种题型不仅要求考生能理解文章的内容,更重要的是一定要对文章主题有正确的把握,而且还要具备对作者所阐述的问题及写作手法进行归纳总结和分析的能力。 不同题材的文章可能有不同的目的,概括起来有以下几点:讲述一段有趣的经历、娱乐读者使之发笑(常见于故事类文章);说服读者接受某种观点(常见于广告类文章);告知读者某些信息(常见于科普类文章、新闻报道类文章、文化类或者社会类文章)。,-8-,【典例分析】(2016全国卷,C) If you are a fruit grower -or would like to become one -take advantage of Apple Day to see whats around.Its called Apple Day but in practice its more like Apple Month.The day itself is on October 21,but since it has caught on,events now spread out over most of October around Britain. Visiting an apple event is a good chance to see,and often taste,a wide variety of apples.To people who are used to the limited choice of apples such as Golden Delicious and Royal Gala in supermarkets,it can be quite an eye opener to see the range of classical apples still in existence,such as Decio which was grown by the Romans.Although it doesnt taste of anything special,its still worth a try,as is the knobbly(多疙瘩的) Cats Head which is more of a curiosity than anything else.,-9-,There are also varieties developed to suit specific local conditions.One of the very best varieties for eating quality is Orleans Reinette,but youll need a warm,sheltered place with perfect soil to grow it,so its a pipe dream for most apple lovers who fall for it. At the events,you can meet expert growers and discuss which ones will best suit your conditions,and because these are family affairs,children are well catered for with apple-themed fun and games. Apple Days are being held at all sorts of places with an interest in fruit,including stately gardens and commercial orchards(果园).If you want to have a real orchard experience,try visiting the National Fruit Collection at Brogdale,near Faversham in Kent.,-10-,31.What is the authors purpose in writing the text? A.To show how to grow apples. B.To introduce an apple festival. C.To help people select apples. D.To promote apple research. 写作意图题。通读全篇,文章主要介绍一个关于苹果的节日苹果节。故选B项。,-11-,(2)态度、观点判断题 作者的态度、思想倾向是指作者对陈述的观点是赞同、反对,还是犹豫不决,对记叙或描写的人、物或事件等是赞扬、同情,还是厌恶、憎恨。作者的这种思想倾向和感情色彩往往隐含在文章的字里行间,或流露于修饰的词语之中。因此,在推断过程中,应特别注意文中作者的措辞。 通常这一类的关键词为:advise,convince(使信服),present, propose,warn等。表达作者态度和观点的形容词有:objective(客观的),subjective(主观的),neutral(中立的),positive(积极的),negative(消极的),approval(赞成的),disapproval(不赞成的),indifferent(冷漠的), sarcastic(讽刺的),critical(批判的),optimistic(乐观的),pessimistic(悲观的)等。,-12-,【典例分析】(2016四川卷,C) In the depths of the French Guianese rainforest,there still remain unusual groups of indigenous(土著的) people.Surprisingly,these people live largely by their own laws and their own social customs.And yet,people in this area are in fact French citizens because it has been a colony(殖民地) of the French Republic since 1946.In theory,they should live by the French law.However,their remote locations mean that the French law is often ignored or unknown,thus making them into an interesting area of “lawlessness” in the world. The lives of these people have finally been recorded thanks to the efforts of a Frenchman from Paris called Gin.Gin spent five months in early 2015 exploring the most remote corners of this area,which sits on the edge of the Amazon rainforest,with half its population of only 250,000 living in its capital,Cayenne.,-13-,“I have a special love for the French Guianese people.I have worked there on and off for almost ten years,” says Gin.“Ive been able to keep firm friendships with them.Thus I have been allowed to gain access to their living environment.I dont see it as a lawless land.But rather I see it as an area of freedom.” “I wanted to show the audience a photographic record touching upon the uncivilized life,” continues Gin.“I prefer to work in black and white,which allows me to show different specific worlds more clearly.” His black-and-white pictures present a world almost lost in time.These pictures show people seemingly pushed into a world that they were unprepared for.These local citizens now have to balance their traditional self-supporting hunting lifestyle with the lifestyle offered by the modern French Republic,which brings with it not only necessary state welfare,but also alcoholism,betrayal and even suicide.,-14-,30.What is Gins attitude towards the lives of the indigenous Guianese? A.Cautious. B.Doubtful. C.Uninterested. D.Appreciative. 观点态度题。根据文章第三段中的“I have a special love for the French Guianese people.”可知,Gin对圭亚那人有着特殊的喜爱之情,故选D项。,-15-,A,B,C,(2015天津卷,D) Once when I was facing a decision that involved high risk,I went to a friend.He looked at me for a moment,and then wrote a sentence containing the best advice Ive ever had:Be bold and braveand mighty(强大的) forces will come to your aid. Those words made me see clearly that when I had fallen short in the past,it was seldom because I had tried and failed.It was usually because I had let fear of failure stop me from trying at all.On the other hand,whenever I had plunged into deep water,forced by courage or circumstance,I had always been able to swim until I got my feet on the ground again.,-16-,A,B,C,Boldness means a decision to bite off more than you are sure you can eat.And there is nothing mysterious about the mighty forces.They are potential powers we possess:energy,skill,sound judgment,creative ideaseven physical strength greater than most of us realize. Admittedly,those mighty forces are spiritual ones.But they are more important than physical ones.A college classmate of mine,Tim,was an excellent football player,even though he weighed much less than the average player.“In one game I suddenly found myself confronting a huge player,who had nothing but me between him and our goal line,”said Tim.“I was so frightened that I closed my eyes and desperately threw myself at that guy like a bullet(子弹)and stopped him cold.”,-17-,A,B,C,Boldnessa willingness to extend yourself to the extremeis not one that can be acquired overnight.But it can be taught to children and developed in adults.Confidence builds up.Surely,there will be setbacks(挫折) and disappointments in life;boldness in itself is no guarantee of success.But the person who tries to do something and fails is a lot better off than the person who tries to do nothing and succeeds. So,always try to live a little bit beyond your abilitiesand youll find your abilities are greater than you ever dreamed.,【语篇导读】本文为议论文。作者通过自己和一位大学同学的事例说明自信和勇敢的重要性,告诫人们不要让恐惧束缚自己的手脚,鼓励人们最大限度地发掘自身潜能。,-18-,A,B,C,1.Why was the author sometimes unable to reach his goal in the past? A.He faced huge risks. B.He lacked mighty forces. C.Fear prevented him from trying. D.Failure blocked his way to success.,C,解析细节理解题。根据第二段第二句内容可知,作者过去有时不能够达到自己的目标是因为他害怕失败,根本没有去尝试。,-19-,A,B,C,2.What is the implied meaning of the underlined part? A.Swallow more than you can digest. B.Act slightly above your abilities. C.Develop more mysterious powers. D.Learn to make creative decisions.,B,解析推理判断题。根据下文的“.even physical strength greater than most of us realize”可推断,此处表示我们能够做到一些稍微超出我们能力范围的事情。,-20-,A,B,C,3.What was especially important for Tims successful defense in the football game? A.His physical strength. B.His basic skill. C.His real fear. D.His spiritual force.,D,解析细节理解题。根据第四段第一句“Admittedly,those mighty forces are spiritual ones.”可推断出,蒂姆在足球比赛中成功地防守,主要是因为他的精神力量发挥了作用。,-21-,A,B,C,4.What can be learned from Paragraph 5? A.Confidence grows more rapidly in adults. B.Trying without success is meaningless. C.Repeated failure creates a better life. D.Boldness can be gained little by little.,D,解析推理判断题。根据第五段前三句可以推断出,自信和勇敢不可能一蹴而就,但可以逐渐培养起来。,-22-,A,B,C,5.What is the authors purpose in writing this passage? A.To encourage people to be courageous. B.To advise people to build up physical power. C.To tell people the ways to guarantee success. D.To recommend people to develop more abilities.,A,解析写作意图题。文章第一段最后一句就点明了作者的写作目的,作者通过自身经历鼓励人们越来越勇敢和自信,从而发挥自己的最大潜能。,-23-,A,B,C,I had started doing my new job when I started getting these terrible headaches almost every day.I couldnt pure out what was causing them.My dentist told me that it was my wisdom teeth that caused the headaches.He advised me to get my wisdom teeth removed.But I refused.I was working for a small wage with no sick leave and had no way of paying $1,500 for the surgery.My wisdom teeth were getting so bad that I had gotten a terrible infection in my jaw(颌) and neck that was threatening my life.I decided to remove them. To my surprise I found that I worked with angels,some of the most generous people Ive ever met.Everyone was terribly worried about me and insisted on helping me out.The assistant division manager wanted to find some way that would help me get the money I needed.,-24-,A,B,C,They decided to hold a bake sale to get money for my surgery.I was very grateful when I heard about this,but figured it would only make a few hundred probably.To my astonishment,at the end of the day they presented me with over $1,000 towards my surgery.I cried.I had never had so much kindness bestowed(给予) upon me in my life.I knew they added their money to it.Two weeks before my surgery,I was very sick and they arranged for me to take the paid time off. I went through my surgery successfully and I made a promise that after I was fully recovered I would spare no effort to help others.Their kindness was remarkable,and I will remember it for the rest of my life.They are truly angels and Im so lucky to work with them.,【语篇导读】本文为记叙文。文章向我们讲述了作者接受同事帮助拔掉智齿的一次经历。,-25-,A,B,C,1.Why didnt the author follow the dentists advice on removing his wisdom teeth at first? A.Because he was afraid to pull his wisdom teeth out. B.Because he believed that there was no need to remove them. C.Because he had no sick leave and had to work all day long. D.Because he was so poor that he couldnt afford the surgery.,D,解析细节理解题。由第一段倒数第三句“I was working for a small wage with no sick leave and had no way of paying $1,500 for the surgery.(我工资少,没有带薪休病假的待遇,并且没钱支付1,500美元的高额手术费)”可知,D项正确。,-26-,A,B,C,2.In order to help him,the authors workmates . (1)held a bake sale to raise money (2)gave the author their own money secretly (3)let the author take a paid leave (4)helped the author with his work A.(1)(2)(3) B.(1)(3)(4) C.(2)(3)(4) D.(1)(2)(4),A,解析细节理解题。由第三段第一句“They decided to hold a bake sale to get money for my surgery.”可知,(1)正确;由第三段倒数第二句“I knew they added their money to it.”可知,(2)正确;由第三段最后一句“Two weeks before my surgery,I was very sick and they arranged for me to take the paid time off.”可知,(3)正确。故选A项。,-27-,A,B,C,3.From the passage we know that . A.the author had a strong mind B.the author had never gotten others help before C.the author hadnt thought he could get so much help D.the author didnt get along well with his workmates in the past,C,解析细节理解题。由第三段第三句中的“To my astonishment”及第四句“I cried.”可知,大家的帮助让作者出乎意料。,-28-,A,B,C,4.The authors attitude towards his workmates is that of . A.guilty B.appreciation C.envy D.criticism,B,解析观点态度题。由第三段第二句中的“I was very grateful when I heard about this(当我听到这条消息时,内心十分感激)”及最后一段第二句“Their kindness was remarkable,and I will remember it for the rest of my life.(他们仁义尽显,我将永生难忘。)”可知,B项正确。,-29-,A,B,C,5.It can be inferred from the passage that the author . A.lives a better life than before now B.will offer help to others in return C.has paid off his debt for the surgery D.will work harder to repay his workmates,B,解析推理判断题。由最后一段第一句“I went through my surgery successfully and I made a promise that after I was fully recovered I would spare no effort to help others.(手术进行得十分顺利,我承诺在我完全康复之后,会竭尽全力帮助他人。)”推知,B项正确。,-30-,A,B,C,Justin and Mary woke up early,even though they were vacationing at their uncles lake house.The night before,Uncle Thomas told them about the foggy figure that haunts(常出没于) the lake.Justin and Mary were determined to see the ghostly creature before their vacation was over. “Is it foggy outside?” Mary asked,as Justin looked out of the window. “Yup!Lets go!” Justin rushed to the door with Mary. It was only 5:00 am,so everyone else in the house was still asleep.As they crept(蹑足前进) through the kitchen to the back door,Mary sniffed the air.It had the scent of coffee and something sweet.She shrugged it off and followed Justin out onto the boat dock(码头).The fog had settled over the lake,making it impossible to see anything.,-31-,A,B,C,“Do you see anything?”Mary asked,leaning(倾斜) forward for a closer look. “Nothing.Do you think Uncle Thomas was just trying to scare us with that story?” Mary shook her head.“Remember what Uncle Thomas said?The foggy figure haunts the lake.Were on the dock.Maybe thats why we cant see him.The people in the story were in boats.” Justin crept toward the end of the dock.He could barely see the outline of Uncle Thomass boat.“Ill go first.”He carefully lowered himself into the boat and then reached for Marys hand. Mary climbed into the boat and sat beside him.She was getting nervous now that they were on the water.“See anything?”,-32-,A,B,C,They looked around,and gradually,the fog began to lift.Mary turned around and screamed.“The foggy figure!”It was in the boat with them! Justin and Mary hugged each other in fear,but then they heard a laugh.Justin leaned toward the foggy figure.“Uncle Thomas?” “I knew that story would get you two out of bed early enough to take a ride in the boat with me.” Mary sighed,happy there was no foggy figure after all.Justin looked relieved,too. Uncle Thomas laughed.“I packed a breakfast for us.” Mary smiled.She had smelled coffee.And Uncle Thomas had packed cakes for them,too. “Lets do it,” Mary and Justin said.,-33-,A,B,C,【语篇导读】本文是记叙文。文章讲述了贾斯汀和玛丽在叔叔家度假时的故事。,-34-,A,B,C,1.Justin and Mary woke up early because . A.they had to clean the house B.they wanted to see the foggy figure C.they had to make breakfast by themselves D.they were frightened of Uncle Thomass story,B,解析细节理解题。由第一段末的“Justin and Mary were determined to see the ghostly creature.”可知。,-35-,A,B,C,2.The scent Mary smelled was from . A.a caf nearby B.their breakfast C.their next-door neighbors D.the food for the previous night,B,解析推理判断题。由倒数第三段中的“I packed a breakfast for us.”及倒数第二段中的“She had smelled coffee.And Uncle Thomas had packed cakes for them,too.”可推断,玛丽闻到的味道来自叔叔准备的当日早餐。,-36-,A,B,C,3.Justin and Mary finally found the foggy figure . A.in the water B.in the kitchen C.on the boat dock D.in Uncle Thomass boat,D,解析细节理解题。由文中第八段中的“He could barely see the outline of Uncle Thomass boat.”及第十段中的“The foggy figure!It was in the boat with them!”可知。,-37-,A,B,C,4.Why did Uncle Thomas tell Justin and Mary the story about the foggy figure? A.He wanted to scare them. B.He wanted to entertain them. C.He wanted to play a game with them. D.He wanted them to take a boat ride with him.,D,解析细节理解题。由倒数第五段中的“I knew that story would get you two out of bed early enough to take a ride in the boat with me.”可知。,-38-,A,B,C,5.Which of the following can best describe Justin and Mary? A.Shy. B.Smart. C.Curious. D.Humorous.,C,解析推理判断题。通读全文可知,贾斯汀和玛丽在听了叔叔讲的关于雾中人的故事后很好奇并决定去看个究竟。强大的好奇心使他们克服了内心的恐惧和雾大的困难,并最终揭开了神秘的雾中人的真相。故C项正确。,


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