高考英语二轮复习 读写任务 要点各个击破 后果影响课件.ppt

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高考英语二轮复习 读写任务 要点各个击破 后果影响课件.ppt_第1页
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高考英语二轮复习 读写任务 要点各个击破 后果影响课件.ppt_第3页
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后果影响,这类要点中常含有“对的影响”“对有哪些影响”“带来的影响”“会有什么危害”“的后果”等字眼。表示影响或后果的词或词组有affect, influence, impact, cause, create(引起/产生), effect, consequence (后果/影响), lead to, give rise to, bring about, result in, have an effect on, have an influence on, have an impact on, make a difference to, have a far-reaching consequence (有深远的影响), bring unfavorable consequences (带来不良后果), play an important part/role in (在中起着重要作用), do great harm to (对危害很大), as a result, in consequence (结果)等。,1. 假如, 就会对有很大的危害。 If, will do great harm to 2. 会带来许多不良后果。 will bring many unfavorable consequences.,常用句式,3. 在和两方面带来影响。更 糟的是 influence sb./sth. both inand in To make things /matters worse 3. 对和都有影响。 have an effect both onand,4. 不仅大大地影响了而且还对造成了很大的危害。 not only influenced/affectedgreatly, but also did great harm to 6. 更容易 更糟的是最糟的是 are more likely to do Whats worse Worst of all,7. 父亲对孩子的性格有巨大的影响。 Fathers have an enormous effect on their childrens personalities. 8. 他对中国文化的发展有着很深的影响。 He had a strong influence on the development of the Chinese culture.,9. 计算机的诞生对人类生活产生了巨大变化。 The birth of the computer has made an enormous difference to the human life. 10. 钓鱼岛争端已严重地影响了中日关系。 The conflict about Diaoyu Island has severely impacted Sino-Japan relations.,11. 温室气体排放对气候变化将产生深远的影响。 Greenhouse gas emissions will have far-reaching consequences for climate change. 12. 经济改革在老百姓生活方面带来巨大的变化。 The economic reform brought about great changes on the life of the common people.,13. 太多的私家车可能导致一系列的问题,如更严重的环境污染、更多的交通事故和更多的能源消耗。 Too many private cars will give rise to/lead to a series of problems such as more serious environmental pollution, more traffic accidents and more energy consumption.,14. 在我看来,确实在我们的生活中扮演着重要角色。我的观点有以下两点理由。第一 第二 From my point of view, does play an important role in our life. There are two reasons contributing to this point. For one thingFor another,高考链接,想家给学习和生活带来的影响。(2011广东高考) Homesickness not only influenced me a lot in my study but also did great harm to my school life. First, the great loneliness stopped me from concentrating on my class and I couldnt keep pace with my classmates. Whats worse, I couldnt sleep well and finally got sick and I got terrible scores. Worst of all, I even cried at night, which surely depressed me a lot and annoyed my roommates.,1.溺爱小孩将会带来什么影响? 首先,写出主题句:如果父母溺爱小孩, 将会对小孩的学习和生活带来很多的危害。 然后,列出24个影响或危害:wont work hard at studies/put more energy on something unrelated to studies/cant take care of themselves/dont live independently/ ruin their studies and lives,要点特训,If parents spoil the children, it will do great harm to the childrens studies and lives. First, most of them wont work hard on studies, because they can get whatever they want, and they will put more energy on something unrelated to studies. Worse still, the spoiled children cant take care of themselves, since they dont live independently. Worst of all, if they are addicted to games or drugs, these will ruin their studies and lives.,2.中学生抽烟带来的影响。 首先,写出主题句:中学生抽烟会带来 许多不良后果。 然后,列出24个影响或后果:a waste of money/will affect their physical health/ distract their attention on studies,For middle school students, smoking will bring them many unfavorable consequences. For one thing, cigarettes include a kind of thing called nicotine, which will affect their physical health. For another, cigarette smoking is a waste of money for students who always ask their parents for money. Even worse, being addicted to cigarettes will distract their attention on studies.,3.酒后开车的后果。 首先,写出主题句:酒后开车不仅威胁自身生命安全,而且危及公众的生命安全。 然后,列出24个影响或后果:does great harm to the public security/will be very dangerous to their own safety/pose a great threat to others lives,Drunken driving not only endangers the drivers themselves, but also does great harm to public security. Drunken drivers will lose their intellectual sensitivity, which is badly needed in driving, so it will be very dangerous to their own safety. Whats worse, drunken driving will pose a great threat to others lives.,仿真模拟,The author tells us about her experience of taking her boy to the hospital, in which she had some trouble in getting the medicine because some people jumped the queue and ignored her words. Once, I was waiting to get my lunch at the canteen. Suddenly, two girls moved up to the girl before me. Undoubtedly, they wanted to jump the queue.,I felt very angry but did nothing because I didnt want to make a fool of myself by shouting or yelling in the public. In my view, it is uncivilized and selfish for people to jump the queue because people in the line have the same needs and opportunities.,Besides, jumping the queue will leave a bad impression on others, showing that you are an immoral and uneducated guy. Jumping the queue is more likely to bring unfavorable consequences like fights or quarrels. If so, our society will be in a mess.,


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