高考英语二轮复习 语言知识及应用(六)课件.ppt

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第一节 完形填空,Many of the worlds pollution problems have been caused by the crowding of large groups of people into the cities. Supply for the needs of the people leads to further 1 by industry. If the rapid increase of world 2 continues at the present rate, there may be much greater 3 to human beings.,1. A. progress B. pollution C. education D. production 2. A. agriculture B. Industry C. environment D. population 3. A. danger B. harm C. benefit D. hardship,Some scientists 4 of the increase in numbers of people as “population pollution”. About 2, 000 years ago, the world population was about 250 million. It 5 a billion in 1850. By 1930 the population was two billion. It is now six billion. It is 6 to double by the year 2020.,4. A. dream B. approve C. rid D. speak 5. A. got B. took C. brought D. reached 6. A. suggested B. hoped C. expected D. said,If the population 7 to grow at the same rate, there will be 25 billion people in the 8 a hundred years from now. Man has been 9 the earths resources more and more 10 over the past years.,7. A. continues B. fails C. tries D. means 8. A. world B. country C. star D. end 9. A. discovering B. using C. digging D. destroying 10. A. seriously B. dangerously C. rapidly D. steadily,Some of them are almost gone. Now many people believe that mans 11 problem is how to control the 12 of the population. The material supplies in the world will be far from enough to 13 the human population if the present rate of increase continues.,11. A. greatest B. easiest C. lightest D. simplest 12. A. existence B. start C. growth D. birth 13. A. increase B. Decrease C. report D. support,There is already over-crowding in many cities and 14 in some countries. Many people believe that human survival in the future 15 on the answer to the question.,14. A. discussion B. starvation C. construction D. argument 15. A. depends B. Agrees C. saves D. passes,本文论述了人口增长与污染的关系。 1. B 根据本文第一句的Many of the worlds pollution problems可知。与pollution是原词复现。 2. D 由下句中的“population pollution”可知。与population是原词复现。 3. B 根据下句内容可推出填harm。harm与pollution是词语同现。 4. D 根据句意及搭配可推出填speak。speak ofas意为“把说成”。 5. D 根据句意可知填reached(指人口达到这个数目)。与后一句的was two billion是同义复现。,6. C 由本句的时间状语by the year 2020可以推出填expected(预计)。 7. A 根据下段中的if the present rate of increase continues可知选A。与continue是原词复现。 8. A 根据本段第一句的the world population可知。与world是原词复现。 9. B 根据该空所接的宾语resources及句意可知填using。 10. C 根据表结果的下句Some of them are almost gone可推出选rapidly。,11. A 由上一段内容可知,控制人口增长是人类最大的问题。 12. C 同上题一样,该空也是根据上段内容可推出答案growth。当然也可根据常识选出。 13. D 由本句句意及句中的主语可推出这里动词是support(养活)。 14. B 根据上句的will be far from enough to可推出。starvation与support是词语同现。 15. A 根据搭配及句意可推出填depend。depend on意为“取决于”。,第二节 语法填空,Life is short, limited and valuable. Besides, the time of 16 _ (die) is uncertain and we will never know for sure when our life will come to an end. Life is just like a boat. We move on when we paddle(划桨) and stay in 17 _ same place if not. In fact, to find our place in life is easier than to occupy it. However, even 18 _ we fail, it does not mean the end of 19 _ lives.,death,the,if,our,A childs life is like a piece of paper on which every passer-by 20 _ (leave) a mark, so if we want our children to have a peaceful life, allow them 21_ (suffer) a little hunger and a little coldness and encourage them to fight 22 _ (brave) for what they want. Also, we should set them a good example by showing them that we value time and consider each day of our lives 23 _ the last day while enjoying 24 _ . Those 25 _ waste time will feel sorry sooner or later.,leaves,to suffer,bravely,as,ourselves,who,生命是短暂且宝贵的,因此我们应该充分利用好每一天,敢于拼搏,奋勇前进,人生才会无悔。 16. death 在介词(of)要接名词或动名词,故填die的名词形式death。 17. the 因the same是固定搭配,in the same place指“在同样的地方”。 18. if 因even if是固定搭配,意为“即使/就算”,引导让步状语从句。 19. our 在名词前应填限定词,由句意“即使我们失败了,也不意味着我们末日的到来”可知,填形容词性物主代词“我们的(our)”。 20. leaves 在定语从句中作谓语,因全文都是用一般现在时,该句的主语是every passer-by,是第三人称单数形式,主谓要一致,填leaves。,21. to suffer 由allow sb. to do sth.可知,用不定式作宾补。 22. bravely 修饰动词fight(拼搏/搏斗),要用副词来,填bravely。 23. as 由consideras (把当作/看作)可知,填as。表示这一意思还可用regard as,takeas,treatas,think ofas等。 24. ourselves 因enjoy oneself(玩得开心/过得愉快)是固定搭配,相当于have fun或have a good time等。 25. who 引导定语从句,修饰先行词those。Those who“的那些人”,类似的还有Anyone who“任何的人”。,

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