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专题九 名词性从句,词汇复习9(根据汉语提示填入以e开头的单词的适当形式,然后背诵情景,熟记以e开头的课标高频词汇。) 【情景】In order to make the Chinese dream come true, (专家) and educators in every field take great efforts with full energy to explore,examine,evaluate,make experiments and collect evidence with as little as expense.Some employees (暴露) to the burning sun are especially enthusiastic.Their extra and (优秀的)work moves engineers extremely,and their (经验) is valuable.Meanwhile,editors are eager to publish their essays in every edition to report all events to (表达) both leaders and peoples satisfaction.It is evident that the Chinese dream will come true (最终).,experts,exposed,excellent,experience,express,eventually,译文:为了实现中国梦,各个领域的专家和教育工作者精力充沛,努力以最少的费用去探索、检测、评估、做实验以及搜集证据。暴露在骄阳下的雇工,尤其激情昂然。他们超额的、优秀的工作极大地感动了工程师们,并且他们的经验也很宝贵。同时,编辑人员热切地在各个版面发表文章来报道各种事件以表达领导人与民众的满意。很显然,中国梦最终将会实现。,名从共分四大类,主、宾、表语和同位; 句法成分拿得准,表达造句尽唯美。 1.(2015安徽卷改编)A ship in harbor is safe,but thats not ships are built for.,答案,解析,2.(2015重庆卷改编)We must find out Karl is coming,so we can book a room for him.,答案,解析,3.(2015北京卷改编) we understand things has a lot to do with what we feel.,答案,解析,4.(2015浙江卷改编)If you swim in a river or lake,be sure to investigate is below the water surface.Often there are rocks or branches hidden in the water.,答案,解析,5.(2015四川卷改编)The exhibition tells us we should do something to stop air pollution.,答案,解析,一,二,三,四,五,六,一,二,三,四,五,六,二、主语从句 1.that引导的从句做主语时,多数情况下由 it 做形式主语,而把该从句放在后面,尤其是谓语部分(包括宾语)较短的情况下;有时根据需要也会将主语从句置于句首(此时句首要以that开头)。常见的以it做形式主语的主语从句句型有四种:,一,二,三,四,五,六,It wasnt very clear what she meant. 不清楚她是什么意思。 It is important that he should come on time. 他按时来是很重要的。 It is true that that man on the left is a well-known writer here. 左边那个人是本地的一位著名作家,这是真的。 That he gave up the chance to go to college made his teachers very confused. 他放弃了上大学的机会,这让他的老师们感到非常困惑。 It is known to us all that she is a rich woman. =That she is a rich woman is known to us all. 众所周知她是一位富有的女士。,一,二,三,四,五,六,三、宾语从句 1.在谓语动词、介词、动词不定式、分词、动词的-ing形式之后都可以接宾语从句。某些形容词如sure,happy,glad,certain,pleased 等之后也可以接宾语从句。 I suddenly realized that music has become a necessary part of my life. 我突然意识到音乐已成为我生命中不可或缺的一部分。 We need to think about what we should say to the visitors. 我们需要想一想我们应该对游客说些什么。 To find out who did this is very important. 查明谁做的这件事非常重要。 Hearing that his son was badly wounded,he hurried to the hospital to see him. 听说儿子受了重伤,他急忙赶到医院去看望他。 I am sure that the real green life is not far from us. 我相信真正的绿色生活离我们不远了。,一,二,三,四,五,六,2.如果从句做宾语而后面还有补语,为了保持句子结构的平衡,用it 做形式宾语,而将宾语从句放在句尾。常跟这样的复合宾语的动词或词组有make,find,see,hear,feel,think,consider,regard,take.for granted等。 George made it clear that he opposed this project. 乔治已明确表示他反对这个项目。(it 代替that 引导的从句,做宾语,clear 是宾语补足语。) They kept it quiet that he was dead. 对他已经死亡的消息,他们秘而不宣。 I took it for granted that youd stay with us. 我想当然地认为你会和我们待在一起。,一,二,三,四,五,六,3.某些表示心理动作的动词(enjoy/hate/love/like/dislike/appreciate/prefer)后接宾语从句时,先加it 然后再接when/if引导的宾语从句。 I hate it when people speak with their mouth full. 我讨厌人们满嘴食物讲话的情形。 I would appreciate it if you could help me this time. 如果这次你能帮我,我对此将感激不尽。 4.介词后that宾语从句前往往添加it。如: see to/look to/insist on/stick to/depend on/answer for.+it+that-从句 He insisted on it that all the money should be used at a proper time. 他主张所有这些钱都要花得切合时宜。 You can depend on it that he will complete the task on time. 你可以信赖他会按时完成这项任务的。,一,二,三,四,五,六,5.宾语从句的否定转移 主句的谓语动词是think,believe,imagine,suppose,consider,expect,fancy,guess等,并且主句的主语是第一人称而且为一般现在时时,从句的否定词一般要转移到主句上来,其反意疑问句一般与宾语从句一致。 I dont think he will come to my party.() I think he wont come to my party.() 我认为他不会来我的舞会。 I dont believe that man is killed by Jim,is he? 我认为那个人不是吉姆所杀的,是吗? 注意:如果宾语从句中有某个含有否定意义的形容词或副词,其反意疑问句要用肯定形式。 We find that he never listens to the teacher carefully,does he? 我们发现他从来不仔细听老师讲课,是吗?,一,二,三,四,五,六,四、表语从句 1.表语从句位于主句的连系动词之后,引导词that通常不可以省略。 Thats why I have come.那就是我来的原因。 One advantage of solar energy is that it will never run out. 太阳能的一个优点是永远也不会枯竭。 The problem is who is to pay and when we can start. 问题是谁来付账、我们又何时开始。 The question is whether the God really exists. 问题是上帝是否真的存在。 The fact is that he didnt notice the car until too late. 事实是他注意到车时已经太晚了。 What I want to know is where we shall go and whether she will join us. 我想知道的是我们要去什么地方以及她是否加入我们。,一,二,三,四,五,六,2.表语从句还可由as if (好像)引导。 It looked as if it was/were going to rain.(虚拟语气) 看起来好像要下雨。 It seems as if he has known everything about it. 好像他对这件事理解得一清二楚。,一,二,三,四,五,六,五、同位语从句 同位语从句是对抽象名词的内容给予具体、详细的说明。常在后面接同位语从句的名词有fact,news,idea,truth,hope,suggestion,question,problem,doubt,fear,belief等。同位语从句常用的引导词为that,有时也用when,where,whether 等词。 The idea that you can do this work well without thinking is quite wrong. 你认为不动脑筋就能做好这件工作的想法是完全错误的。 People used to hold the belief that the earth was the center of the universe. 人们曾认为地球是宇宙的中心。 The difficulty lies in the fact that we are short of money. 困难在于我们缺乏资金这个事实。 There is no doubt that to study abroad can give you an excellent opportunity to learn new things.毫无疑问,去国外学习会给你一个学习新知的好机会。,一,二,三,四,五,六,六、关于名词性从句值得注意的几点 1.whether与if 均为“是否”的意思,且均可以引导宾语从句,但在下列情况下,只可用whether 引导主语从句并在句首时。 Whether he can come to the party on time depends on the traffic. 他是否能按时参加聚会取决于交通。 引导表语从句时。 The question is whether we can get in touch with her. 问题是我们是否能和她取得联系。 引导同位语从句时。 We have a doubt whether it is true. 我们怀疑那是不是真的。,一,二,三,四,五,六,做介词后的宾语从句时。 I am thinking about whether I should quit my present job. 我正在考虑是否辞掉现在的工作。 if与whether都可以与or not 连用,但后面紧跟or not 时只能用whether。 We didnt know whether or not she was ready.我不知道她是否准备好了。(此时只能用whether) I wonder whether/if the news is true or not.我想知道消息是否是真的。(此时二者都可以用) 后面直接跟动词不定式时。 I dont know whether to tell the truth to the teacher. 我不知道是否应该将事实告诉给老师。,一,二,三,四,五,六,Everyone is different and that is what makes our world so much better. 每个人都是不一样的,正因为如此,我们这个世界才更加美好。 One reason for her preference for city life is that she can have easy access to places like shops and restaurants. 她钟爱城市生活的一个原因是她可以很方便地到商店和饭店这些地方去。,一,二,三,四,五,六,3.that 引导同位语从句和定语从句时的区别 同位语从句中的that 只是引导词,没有其他语法作用,在句子中不作句子成分,不能省略;而定语从句中的that 除了引导定语从句外,还是定语从句的一个成分,在定语从句中做主语或宾语,做主语时不能省略,做宾语时可以省略。 The idea that some peoples are superior to others is sheer nonsense. 有些民族优越于其他民族这种想法简直荒谬。(同位语从句) The idea that he proposed at the meeting is sheer nonsense. 他在会议上提出的这个想法简直荒谬。(定语从句) No one is happy with the fact that he found out. 没有人对他发现的事实感到高兴。(定语从句) No one is happy with the fact that he will become their boss. 没有人对他将成为他们的老板这一事实感到高兴。(同位语从句),一,二,三,四,五,六,4.doubt 之后的宾语从句和同位语从句 宾语从句 (主句为肯定句时,宾语从句用whether 引导;主句为否定句时,宾语从句用that引导) I doubt whether he will listen to us and stop playing net games. 我怀疑他是否会听我们的话而停止玩网络游戏。 I dont doubt that he will make a wonderful performance on the stage. 我毫不怀疑他会在舞台上有出色表现。 同位语从句 (doubt 处于肯定句中时,宾语从句用whether 引导;whether处于否定句中时,宾语从句用that 引导),一,二,三,四,五,六,There is no doubt that he will be satisfied with our new design. 毫无疑问,他会对我们的新设计满意的。 There is still some doubt whether people will accept such a new fashion. 对于人们是否会接受这个新潮流依然有些疑问。,一,二,三,四,一、在空格处填上适当的名词性从句引导词 1.As John Lennon once said,life is happens to you while you are busy making other plans. 2.What a mess!You are always so lazy! Im not to blame,Mum.I am you have made me. 3. the delayed flight will take off depends much on the weather. 4.Grandma pointed to the hospital and said,“Thats I was born.” 5.It is difficult for us to imagine life was like for slaves in the ancient world. 6. one of you breaks the window will have to pay for it.,what,what,When,where,what,Whichever,一,二,三,四,7.It remains to be seen the newly formed committees policy can be put into practice. 8.The only way to succeed at the highest level is to have total belief you are better than anyone else on the sports field. 9.Sarah hopes to become a friend of shares her interests. 10.What is concerning us greatly is the workers held up in that area yesterday will be set free.,whether,that,whoever,whether/when,一,二,三,四,二、完成句子 1.It is none of your business (其他人如何看待你).Believe in yourself. 2.The professor suggested (我们将身体保持平衡). 3. (使小男孩感兴趣的)was the movable wheels on the toy. 4.We should show our great thanks to (凡是帮助过我们的人) when we are in trouble. 5. (他在比赛中得了一等奖) made his parents feel very proud.,what other people think about you,that we should keep our body in balance,What interested the boy,whoever has helped us,That he got the first prize in the competition,一,二,三,四,6.It seemed to me that she was in doubt (她是否会被她的新同学接受). 7.The fact (自然资源正面临严重的威胁)has aroused the attention of all countries around the world. 8.Ive put a cross on the map to show (那个著名的旅店在什么地方). 9.My decision is (我们所有人6点出发)tomorrow morning. 10. (这个问题能否解决) within a month remains to be seen.,whether she would be accepted by her new classmates,that natural resources are facing serious threat,where that famous hotel is,that all of us are to start at 6 oclock,Whether the problem will be solved,一,二,三,四,三、语法填空 Eleven-year-old Angela was stricken with a disease involving her nervous system.The doctors did not hold out much hope of her ever recovering 1. this illness.They predicted shed spend the rest of her life in a wheelchair.2. Angela firmly believed that she was definitely going to be walking again someday.The doctors were charmed by her 3. (defeatable) spirit.They taught her about imagingabout seeing herself 4. (walk) .Angela would work as hard as possible in physical therapy(理疗),lying there faithfully doing her imaging,visualizing herself moving,moving,moving!,from,But,undefeatable,walking,一,二,三,四,One day,5. she was straining with all her might to imagine her legs moving again,6. seemed as though a miracle happened:the bed moved!She screamed out,“Look,what I 7. (do)!Look!Look!I can do it!I moved,I moved!” Of course,8. this very moment everyone 9. in the hospital was screaming,too.It was the San Francisco earthquake.But dont tell 10. to Angela.Shes convinced that she did it.And now only a few years later,shes back in school on her own two legs.No walking sticks,no wheelchair.,as/when,it,am doing,at,else,that/it,一,二,三,四,四、短文改错 When a rabbit sees something danger,it runs away.Its tail moves up and down as it runs.When the other rabbit see this tail moved up and down,they know that there is danger,and they run,too.Many other animals use this kind of language.When a bee has found some food,it go back to their home.It cant tell other bees where the food is with speaking to them,but it does a little dance in air.This tells the bees at home there the food is.Some animals say things by make sounds.A dog barks when a stranger goes near.A cat purrs when pleased.,一,二,三,四,

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