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Unit 2 The Olympic Games,-2-,主题语境:人与社会体育赛事,-3-,高频单词,重点短语,难点句型,1.admit v.(常指勉强)承认;承认(过错、罪行),招认;招供;准许进入;容纳 经典例句 Some new players will be admitted into our school ping-pong team and we feel it would be a great idea if you can join us.有些新的选手将被招进我们校乒乓球队,如果你能加入到我们中来那是很好的。 (1)admit sth/doing sth 承认某事/做某事 admit+n./pron.+to be. 承认是 admit sb/sth into/to.允许某人/物进入;成为中的一员 be admitted as.作为被接受 (2)admission n.进入;入场费;承认,-4-,高频单词,重点短语,难点句型,四维热练 (1)单句语法填空 Joe is proud and stubborn,never (admit)he is wrong and always looking for someone else to blame.(2014浙江卷) He admitted (cheat)in the exam. We all admit him (be)foolish. Do they charge for (admit)? (2)单句改错 He admitted us to enter the building. He was admitted a member of the club.,admitting,cheating/having cheated,to be,admission,去掉enter admitted后加as,-5-,高频单词,重点短语,难点句型,(2)写作升级 He had to admit that he had done wrong.(改为简单句) 满分表达He had to admit .,having done wrong,-6-,高频单词,重点短语,难点句型,2.charge n.要价,收费;指控,控告;指责,谴责;主管,掌管;责任 v.收费;要价;控告,起诉;指责;充电 教材原句 duty to be in charge and get in trouble if things go wrong(Page 12)如果出现问题,有负责和介入麻烦事的责任 change for 要价;为收费 charge sb with(doing)sth=accuse sb of(doing)sth 指控某人犯罪 free of charge 免费 in charge of 掌管(表状态) in the charge of 被掌管;由负责 take charge of 掌管(表动作),-7-,高频单词,重点短语,难点句型,四维热练 (1)单句语法填空 This kindergarten is in charge of a young girl. How much do they charge advertising? She is charged murdering her husband. (2)同义句改写 Police have charged Mr Bell with murder. (用accuse改写) Mr Bell is in charge of the class. (用the class做主语改写),the,for,with,Police have accused Mr Bell of murder.,The class is in the charge of Mr Bell.,-8-,高频单词,重点短语,难点句型,3.bargain vi.(与某人就某事)讨价还价;商讨条件 n.减价品;便宜货;协议;交易 教材原句 Her father said that she must marry,so Atalanta made a bargain with him.(Page 14)她的父亲说她必须结婚,于是阿塔兰忒就和她的父亲达成了一个协议。 bargain with sb about/over.(=make a bargain with sb about/over.)就和某人讨价还价 a good/bad bargain 买得合算/不合算 Its a real bargain.这可真是个便宜货。,-9-,高频单词,重点短语,难点句型,四维热练 (1)单句语法填空 In my opinion,the car was bargain at that price. I bargained the taxi driver the price. Ill make a bargain you.Ill play hostess if youll include Matthew in your guest list. (2)完成句子 那辆汽车300英镑,真便宜。 That car at 300. 他和他们做了一笔满意的交易。 He them.,a,with,about/over,with,is a real bargain,made a satisfactory bargain with,-10-,高频单词,重点短语,难点句型,4.deserve vi.应得的,-11-,高频单词,重点短语,难点句型,四维热练 (1)完成句子 She worked day and night and now she deserves . 她日夜工作,现在她应该得到很好的休息。 He deserves in the competition because he cheated. 因为他作弊了,他活该输掉比赛。 No matter how ordinary a job is,it plays a part in society and therefore deserves . 无论一个工作多么普通,它在社会中都起着一份作用,所以值得我们的尊重。,a good rest,to lose,our respect,-12-,高频单词,重点短语,难点句型,(2)单句语法填空 It is those who are willing to give rather than receive that deserve (respect). The man donates money to a (deserve) cause every year.,respecting/to be respected,deserving,-13-,高频单词,重点短语,难点句型,1.used to 过去常常;过去曾经(后接动词原形) 教材原句.and I used to write about the Olympic Games a long time ago.(Page 9)很久以前,我常常写一些关于奥运会的情况。 (1)否定形式:used not to+动词原形=usednt to+动词原形=did not use to+动词原形=didnt use to+动词原形 (2)疑问形式:used+主语+to+动词原形=did+主语+use+to+动词原形 (3)There used to be.过去曾经有;过去曾存在 (4)be used to do sth 被用来做 be used to doing sth 习惯于,-14-,高频单词,重点短语,难点句型,四维热练完成句子 I smoke,but I gave up a couple of years ago. 我以前吸烟,但几年前就戒掉了。 We the noise from the traffic now. 现在我们已经适应车辆往来的噪音了。 Im not used to so much at lunchtime. 我不习惯午饭吃那么多。,used to,are/get used to,eating,-15-,高频单词,重点短语,难点句型,2.as well也,又;还(相当于too,also) 教材原句 For each Olympics,a special village is built for them to live in,a main reception building,several stadiums for competitions,and a gymnasium as well.(Page 10)每届奥运会都有一个特殊的村庄(奥运村)供参赛的人住,一个主要的接待大楼、好几个供比赛用的体育场,还有一个室内体育馆。,-16-,高频单词,重点短语,难点句型,may/might as well do.表示委婉的建议,一般是针对当时的情况提出另外的提议,意思是“不妨;还是为好” as well as 也;既又;和一样。用作连词,连接两个相同的成分,如名词、形容词等,通常不位于句首,相当于not only。当主语含有as well as时,谓语动词须和as well as前面的主语在人称和数上保持一致。此外,类似用法的词还有together with,along with,with,besides,but,except,including,rather than等。作介词,相当于besides,in addition to,意为“除之外(还有)”,后面通常接名词或动词-ing形式。A as well as B=not only B but also A,两者强调的都是A。,-17-,高频单词,重点短语,难点句型,词语辨析,-18-,高频单词,重点短语,难点句型,四维热练 (1)单句语法填空 Now that youve got a chance,you might as well (make)full use of it. Mr Li works on newspapers as well as (teach)us English. My sister,as well as her classmates who late for class, criticized by Mr Hunt.(be) (2)写作升级 The workers want to reduce working hours as well as increase their pay.(用not only.but also.改写为倒装句) 满分表达,make,teaches,were,was,Not only do the workers want to increase their pay,but they also want to reduce working hours.,-19-,重点短语,难点句型,高频单词,1.I lived in what you call “Ancient Greece” and I used to write about the Olympic Games a long time ago.(Page 9)我生活在你们称之为“古希腊”的地方,我过去也经常写有关很久以前奥运会的情况。 what引导的从句做介词in的宾语,并在从句中做call的宾语,Ancient Greece做宾语补足语。 介词后不能直接跟that引导的宾语从句,需要用it做介词的形式宾语,再接that引导的宾语从句;但what,which,whom等连接词引导的宾语从句可放在介词后面。 介词后可接whether引导的宾语从句,但不接由if引导的宾语从句。,-20-,重点短语,难点句型,高频单词,四维热练 (1)单句语法填空 We are talking about we admit students into our club. Our teachers always tell us to believe in we do and we are if we want to succeed. Have you finished the book? No.Ive read up to the children discover the secret cave. Could I speak to is in charge of International Sales please? As a new diplomat,he often thinks of he can react more appropriately on such occasions.,whether,what,who,where,whoever,how,-21-,重点短语,难点句型,高频单词,(2)完成句子 你要相信他会帮你的。 You he will help you.,can depend/rely on it that,-22-,重点短语,难点句型,高频单词,2.No other countries could join in,nor could slaves or women!(Page 10)别的国家不能参加,奴隶和妇女也不能参加! 句型“nor/neither+情态动词/助动词/be动词+主语”用于否定陈述句之后,表示“也不”,相当于either用于否定句。 “so+情态动词/助动词/be动词+主语”,是另一种倒装句型,意为“也是如此”,表示上句所谈到的情况也适用于另一主语,so用来代替上句的内容。 如果下文表示的是对上文的赞成或肯定,则仅把so放于句首,其后用正常语序。 如果表示前面两件事或两件以上的事也适合于另一人或物时,则需要用So it is/was with.或It is/was the same with.。,-23-,重点短语,难点句型,高频单词,四维热练 (1)单句语法填空 He is a student and he studies hard. it is with me. (2)完成句子 He works very hard. (他确实如此),and (我也一样). She doesnt like them and (Jeff也不喜欢他们).,So,So he does,so do I,nor does Jeff,-24-,重点短语,难点句型,高频单词,3.Theres as much competition among countries to host the Olympics as to win Olympic medals.(Page 10)国与国之间争取奥运会举办权的竞争,就跟争夺奥运奖牌一样激烈。 as.as. 像一样 (1)结构特点:第一个as为副词,修饰形容词或副词的原级。第二个as为连词,引导状语从句;也可是介词,其后加名词或代词。 (2)否定式:not as/so.as.不如。 (3)表达倍数关系句型时则表达为:倍数+as.as.。 (4)当as.as.中间有名词时,应采用如下格式:as+adj.+a/an+n.+as.或as+adj.+n.(复数或不可数)+as.。在as+adj.+a/an+n.+as.结构中形容词放在不定冠词a/an之前,同样的结构还有:so/too/how+adj.+a/an+n.+.。 (5)as.as one can/could=as.as possible尽可能,-25-,重点短语,难点句型,高频单词,四维热练 (1)完成句子 和那件连衣裙相比,我更喜欢这件。 我也是,但它贵一倍。 I like this dress better than that one. So do I,but it costs almost twice . (2)同义句改写 You must help him as much as possible.(改为复合句) You must help him . (3)单句写作 她的声音像她妈妈的声音一样甜美。(as.as),as much as that one,as much as you can,She has as sweet a voice as her mother.,

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