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选修八 Module 2 The Renaissance,语言点用法过关 1.motivate vt.成为的动机;激发 教材原句 The sense of exploration which motivated the artists went hand in hand with a new type of philosophy.这种激发艺术家的探索意识与一种新的 哲学携手共进。,语境应用 单句填空 The plan is designed to motivate (motivate)employees to work more efficiently. I think that the motivation (motivate)behind the decision is the desire to improve our customer service. She is a good teacher, because she s able to motivate (motivate)her students. A wise boss must be aware that sometimes a little bonus can motivate the employees to work (work) harder.,用法点拨 (1)motivate sb. 激励/激发某人 motivate sb. to do sth. 激励某人做某事 (2)motivated adj.有动机的;有积极性的 be strongly motivated 有强烈的积极性的 (3)motivation n.动机;意图 a lack of motivation 缺乏动机,2.suspect vt.怀疑;猜疑 n.嫌疑犯 教材原句 Were appealing to anyone who saw the suspect to contact us.我们呼吁任 何看到嫌疑犯的人和我们联系。,语境应用 完成句子 He was suspected of stealing the ring at the party last night, and the police were looking into the matter. 他被怀疑在昨晚的聚会上偷了戒指,警察正在调查此事。 The police set about arresting the suspect the moment they found enough evidence to prove him guilty. 一找到能证明他有罪的足够证据,警方就开始逮捕该嫌疑犯。 The police suspected him of carrying drugs so they went through his bag, but found nothing. 警察怀疑他携带毒品,于是就搜查了他的包,但是什么都没发现。,用法点拨 (1)suspect vt. suspect sth. 怀疑 suspect sb. to be 怀疑某人是 suspect sb. of doing sth. 怀疑某人做了某事 suspect that 怀疑 (2)suspect n. arrest the suspect 逮捕嫌疑人 question the suspect 审问嫌疑人 (3)suspicious adj.可疑的;令人怀疑的 suspicion n.怀疑,3.effect n.影响;效果;作用 教材原句 The effect of the light, the combination of light and shade, is astonishing. 光以及光和阴影的结合所带来的效果让人感到惊讶。,语境应用 同义句转换 Smoking has a bad effect on your health, so you d better give it up. Smoking affects your health badly, so you d better give it up. You d better give up smoking, which has a bad effect on your health.,完成句子 We sincerely hope that the government should take effective measures immediately to prevent the pollution from being bad to worse.我们真诚地 希望政府迅速采取有效措施来阻止污染进一步恶化。 To compete more effectively with others,more and more people equip themselves with a higher education.为了更有效地与别人竞争,越来越多 的人用高等教育来武装自己。,用法点拨 (1)have an effect on对有影响,对起作用 put/bring sth. into effect 实行,实施,使生效 come/go into effect 开始实施,生效 take effect 见效,起作用 in effect 实际上;有效 side effect 副作用 (2)effective adj.有效的 effectively adv.有效地 (3)affect v.影响,4.seek v.(sought;sought)寻找;试图 教材原句 We don t think the burglar was working alone.We re seeking a gang of criminals.我们认为那个窃贼不是单独行窃的。我们正在寻找一伙罪 犯。,语境应用 单句填空 They are seeking to get (get)in touch with her. The new graduate is seeking for a job where he is badly wanted. Having sought (seek)for a solution to the problem for several days, they finally found one.,完成句子 When he decided to seek his fortune abroad, I suggested that he should seek advice from his parents . 当他决定到国外寻求致富机会的时候,我建议他应该征求父母的意见。,用法点拨 (1)seek to do sth. 试图做某事 (2)seek(for).寻找/寻求 seek help 寻求帮助 seek a job 找工作 seek fame 追逐名利 (3)seek sth. from sb. 向某人请求/寻求某物 (4)seek one s fortune 外出寻求发财的机会,5.blame n.& v.责任,指责 教材原句 The outcome of the story is that Perugia got the blame for the crime and went to prison.故事的结果是,Perugia承担了罪名并进了监狱。,语境应用 单句填空 What we can learn from the story is that you mustn t blame children for the mistakes of their parents. Jeremy rather than his friends is to blame (blame)for the accident. Instead of blaming (blame) the child who had broken the vase, she gave him a tolerant smile and let him go. Blamed (blame)for not keeping his promise, Gary hung his head in shame.,一句多译 我们不能把这起事故归咎于天气。 We can t blame the accident on the weather. We can t put/lay the blame for the accident on the weather.,用法点拨 (1)blame sb. for(doing)sth. 为(做)某事责备某人 blame sth. on sb. 把某事归咎于某人 be to blame(for) 该(为)受责备 (2)put/lay the blame for sth. on sb. 把某事归咎于某人,1.on behalf of代表;为了 教材原句 Perugia had stolen the Mona Lisa on behalf of the chief organiser of the crime, Eduardo de Valfierno. Perugia是受这次犯罪活动的主要组织者 Eduardo de Valfierno的指使偷走了蒙娜丽莎。,语境应用 完成句子 On behalf of (代表)everyone here, I wish you a pleasant journey back to your country. He is on behalf of the US company. =He represents the US company. 他是美方公司的代表。 What does the letter “P”stand for ?字母P代表什么?,用法点拨 on behalf of sb.=on one s behalf代表/代替某人;因为某人;为了某人,【辨析】,2.depend on 依靠,依赖;取决于 教材原句 .here the taxes depended on the width of the house.这里的房屋税 多少取决于房子的宽度,语境应用 单句填空 You may depend on me to come (come) on time. You can never depend on his arriving (arrive)on time. He depends upon his parents to take (take)care of his children. Children depend on their parents for food and clothing.,用法点拨 (1)depend on sb. to do sth.依靠某人做某事 depend on/upon sb.for sth.依靠某人提供资金、帮助等 That depends/It all depends.视情况而定。 You can depend/rely on it that.你可以放心/指望 (2)be dependent on 取决于,依赖,依靠 dependence n.依靠;依赖 independent adj.独立的 independence n.独立,1.疑问词+不定式 教材原句 Painters discovered how to use perspective and the effects of light.画家 们发现了如何使用透视法和光线的效果,语境应用 完成句子 Perhaps the most difficult challenge is how to survive without friends. 或许最艰难的挑战就是在没有朋友中如何生存下去。 There are so many toys that he didn t know which to choose . 玩具太多了,他都不知道选哪一个了。 When faced with such a difficult problem, he didnt know what to do . 当面对这么困难的问题时,他不知道该做啥了。,用法点拨 疑问代词who,whom,what,which,whose和疑问副词when,where,how等放 在不定式前构成一类特殊的不定式短语,常在句中作主语、宾语、表语 等。,

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