高考英语 词汇专题复习 Be adapted to的用法课件.ppt

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Be adapted to,1.be adapted to 适应于 eg. He is quickly adapted to new circumstances. We were adapted to the hot weather.,2.be adapted to = adapt oneself to 适应于 eg. Wang Yaping tried to adapt herself to the new situation in TianGong I in space.王亚平在太空的“天宫一号”中努力使自己适应新的环境。 He was obliged to adapt himself to the habits and customs of the country. 他被迫使他自己适应这个国家的风俗习惯。,3.adapt vt. 改编. eg. Why else would many films adapted from classics be successful? 还有,为什么许多根据经典文学作品改编的电影可以大获成功呢? The author is going to adapt his play for television. 作者准备把剧本改成电视剧。,4.adaptation n. 改编,不可数名词;改编本,可数名词。 eg. This is an original play , not an adaptation. 这是一个原创剧本,不是改编本。 The adaptation of the play for radio was easily done. 把这个剧本改编成无线电广播是很容易操作的。,5.adaptable adj. 适应性强的, 善于适应环境的 He is an adaptable man and will soon learn the new work. 他是适应性很强的人,很快就会学会这个新工作的。 6.归纳拓展: adapt sth. for sth. 把改编成 adapt sth. from sth.由改编成 adaptto使适应 adapt to 适应于 7.易混辨析: adapt 使适应, 改编, 改写 adopt 采取, 收养 adjust 调整, 调节,巩固练习: The erection options available can_ almost all construction sites . A. be adjusted B. be adapted to C. be adapted from D. be adapted for 解析:答案为B. 句意:现有的这些架桥的方法几乎可以适应各种条件的施工现场。 A答案改成be adjusted to 也是对的。 be adapted from 意为:由改编成 be adapted for意为:把编成。,

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