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与电影相关的表达,严洁,一些关于电影的表达,与电影相关的表达,严洁,Film Types,电影类型 film types 新闻片 newsreel (A short film dealing with recent or current events. 放映最近或当前事件的短小电影) 纪录片 documentary 文艺片 literary film 商业片 commercial film 音乐片 musical 恐怖片 horror film/dracula film 惊悚片 thriller 爱情片 romance film 盗匪片 gangster film,Dracula: The character of Count Dracula from the 1897 novel Dracula by Bram Stoker, has remained popular over the years, and many films have used the Count as a villain. Dracula has enjoyed enormous popularity since its publication and has spawned an extraordinary vampire subculture in the second half of the 20th century. More than 200 films have been made that feature Count Dracula, a number second only to Sherlock Holmes.,目前一部译制片的译制费大约为5万元,其中包含了翻译、配音等各种费用,最后能分给翻译人员的钱极少。 字幕翻译报酬很低,翻译的强度并不小。 译制厂由于收入过低,目前徘徊在生死边缘。 现在绝大部分字幕翻译并非科班出身,甚至不少都是兼职。 译制片与字幕组形成竞争。,中国电影翻译行业,战争片 war film 犯罪片 crime film 灾难片 disaster film 动作片 action film 科幻片 science fiction film 侦探片 detective film 伦理片 ethical film 剧情片 feature film 情色片 erotic film 西部片 western film,卡通片 cartoon 悬疑片 suspense film 史诗片 epic 系列片 serial 观光影片 travelogue 译制片 dubbed film 预告片 trailer - teaser 翻拍片 remake 番外篇 special,Trailer vs. teaser Trailer:a series of short extracts from a film, used to advertise it in a cinema or on television official Trailer(正式/官方的电影预告片),在电影上映前1-2个月比较长,一般2分钟,目的是要告诉大家这电影讲了个什么故事,就算不都告诉你,也要让你知道大概是关于什么的,什么类型的等。也好让你决定是否去看。 ,Teaser:a preliminary advertisement in a campaign that attracts attention by making people curious to know what product is being advertised 一个电影(特别是比较大预算电影)一般在正式Trailer出来前会先有Teaser在电影上映前3-4个月-只是告诉大家有这么个电影,谁演的,谁导演的,是改编自什么小说或是续集.这样以吸引大家开始关注它。,与电影相关的表达,严洁,Cineaste,cast 阵容 star, lead 主角 double, stand-in 替身演员 stunt man 特技替身演员 extra, walker-on 临时演员 character actor 性格演员 regular player 基本演员 extra 特别客串 support 配角 util 跑龙套 technicians 工作人员 script girl, continuity girl/man 场记员,电影制作人员 cineaste,与电影相关的表达,严洁,About Shooting,关于拍摄,scene 场景 exterior 外景 shooting 摄制 dissolve 渐隐 fade-out/in 淡出/入 special effects 特技 slow motion 慢镜头 editing, cutting 剪接 montage 剪辑 recording 录音 sound effects 音响效果 mix, mixing 混录,dubbing 配音 studio 制片厂,摄影棚 set, stage, floor 场地 properties, props 道具 dolly 移动式摄影小车 spotlight 聚光灯 clapper boards 拍板 microphone 麦克风,话筒 boom 长杆话筒 scenery 布景,与电影相关的表达,严洁,Something Else,film industry 电影工业 first-run cinema 首轮影院 second-run cinema 二轮影院 art theatre 艺术影院 continuous performance cinema 循环场电影院 film society 电影协会,电影俱乐部 (美作:film club) film library 电影资料馆 premiere 首映式 film festival 电影节,The Venice Film Festival 威尼斯电影节,世界上第一个国际电影节。号称“国际电影节之父”。 Award: the Leone dOro (Golden Lion), which is awarded to the best film screened in competition at the festival Festival date: end August /start September,The Cannes International Film Festival (Festival de Cannes)戛纳电影节 Award: The most prestigious award given out at Cannes is the Palme dOr (“Golden Palm“) for the best film. Festival date: May,The Berlin International Film Festival (German:Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlin), also called the Berlinale 柏林国际电影节 Award :The Golden Bear (German: Goldener Br),与电影相关的表达,严洁,Rating 分级制 G-General Audience PG- Parental Guidance Suggested PG-Parents Strongly Cautioned R-Restricted NC-17-No One 17 And Under Admitted,END.,

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