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英语导游口试基础,赵宝国,口试环境,约四平米的小房间 两名考官 考生对面有电子屏幕,显示考题 全程录音录像,口试检查项目,适当、礼貌的仪态 认真负责与真诚服务的工作态度 良好的语言沟通与讲解能力 熟悉工作规程 合情合理合法处理问题,口试知识范围,现场讲解六个专题英语现场导游 上海概况(概况与问答) 豫园历史文化风貌区(概况、景点、问答) 外滩历史文化风貌区(概况、景点、问答) 人民广场景区(概况、景点、问答) 东方明珠景区(概况、景点、问答) 玉佛寺宗教场所(概况、景点、问答) 业务问答 导游服务规范导游业务 导游服务应变导游业务,讲解部分题目组合,概况讲解:上海概况或其他五处景区概况 景点讲解:五处景区中景点1 知识问答:前面未涉及的专题的知识,讲解部分四要素,礼仪得体 身份正确;着装得体;举止自然;真诚自信 禁忌:形容猥琐,态度冷漠,言行夸张 语言得体 语音正确;节奏自然;语句连贯;语法规范 禁忌:发音错误,语句错乱 内容得体 要点鲜明;结构完整;组织合理;主题统一 禁忌:文不对题,信息错误 方式得体 对象明确;观点正确;速度适中;效果明显 禁忌:拘泥词句,目中无人,口试程序,礼貌进场问候考官,随手关门,放好物品 递交文件上前递交准考证和身份证等 退后等待看屏幕核对信息 考官发出考试指令 概况介绍(三分钟左右) 代表景点介绍(三分钟左右) 其他景区知识问答(二分钟左右) 规范问答(要点回答完毕即可) 应变问答(要点回答完毕即可) 礼貌退场感谢,带好物品,随手关门,礼仪得体 身份正确导游 着装得体工作 举止自然投入 真诚自信挺拔 礼貌教养言行 禁忌:形容猥琐,态度冷漠,言行夸张 意义:占一定比例分数,影响整体判断,语言得体 语音正确,发音清晰 节奏适当,语速中等 意群正确,语法规范 调整自然,从容组织 语气适当,情感适度; 禁忌:发音错误,语句错乱,语言要求,语音正确,发音清晰 多注意单词的重音和元音 Pearl ;Buddha; wharf, promenade, sword renaissance, architecture, Seminar Monsoon, 注意个别因素如l,n,m,r, Freedom,chrysanthemum, banian, custom 注意尾音为辅音时,及时收住气息,避免发出“呃”音 Relic,orchid, Bund; bank,节奏适当,语速中等。 多注意词组的节奏 Recreation ground; administration, transportation, commerce and recreation 句子要有明显的开始与结束;注意结构性词组的关联 It is modeled on a bronze tripod called Ding, with a round top to symbolize the heaven and a square base representing the earth. 语速三分钟350词左右,意群正确,语法规范 鼓励自己风格的规范语言 避免明显语法错误 避免意思表达支离破碎,意群完整,调整自然,从容组织 讲错了词,可将包含这个词的词组重新讲; 句子顺序错了,可继续讲,适当调整句子顺序 漏掉句子或词汇,若不影响理解可继续讲;若内容重要可在后面补充,方式得体,对象明确游客 场合明确景点 语气适当,情感适度 讲解的声音带情感,喜欢相信你讲的内容 忌夸张、忌沉闷 目光交流,讲解内容要求,要点准确、完整 概况:方位、范围、性质、由来、特色、意义 信息结构合理 逻辑性,说完一样在转别的; 使用转接表达 重点、主题明显 主辅分明,主要的一般内容较多、层次较多 重要的一般慢速解说 有细节有丰采,讲解中的信息准确度取决于意义 东方明珠高度不应说成400多米; 上海人口则可说是2400多万 信息的存废也取决于意义 列举式的信息 同义反复的信息,如建筑高度数字与层数 展览馆的展厅面积vs建筑的占地面积,口试案例,景区概况 豫园景区 景点讲解 内园 跨景区问答 玉佛寺布局 业务规范 小王是一个新导游,旅行社安排他负责一个英国旅游团的地陪工作,请问小王该做些什么准备? 业务应变 你带一新加坡教育界旅游团。团员李女士一早过来对你说,她的护照丢失,你作为地陪如何处理?,概况讲解基本要求,要点清晰准确 方位;范围;定位;历史背景;主要景观 惯用语言结构熟悉 如:be located in, covers, be known as, 逻辑结构符合习惯 要点间的关系与顺序合理,方便记忆 符合导游词的要求 适合口头讲述 内容长度约350词,举例:豫园景区,方位: 范围: 历史背景: 建城;成市;保存 定位: 传统文化 主要体现: 城隍庙、传统街市、豫园,景点讲解基本要求,突出景点特点 明确景点讲解的目的,分析景点特点 合理安排要点 要点完整围绕主题特点 信息准确、丰富 可阐发,但要有根据 讲述有现场感 可使用指引性表述,举例:豫园内园,讲解目的:介绍相对独立的庙园景观 特点:小而精,道教文化 要点: 建园庙园 演变钱业公会,供奉城隍 布局静观大厅为主体,小而精 静观道教与园林双重意义 戏台酬神演戏传统与戏台特点,各专题知识问答,在专题讲解内容中 问答内容一般有层次要点,3-5点不等,知识问答举例,例: Q: Briefly introduce the location of Shanghai and its geographical features. A: Shanghai is a coastal city on the western coast of the Pacific Ocean, in the midway of Chinas coastal line. It is at the estuary of the Yangtze River. It is a low-lying region with an average altitude of 4 meters. 3 It features a lot of rivers and canals. Over 20,000 water courses crisscross a land of 6340.5 square kilometers.,Q: What are the features of the Exquisite Stone. A: This stone is one of the kind of rocks produced in Taihu Lake. type This rock is 3.3 meters high and weighs 500 kilograms. size It is noted for its slender shape, permeable nature, wrinkled surface and 72 holes. It is said that water poured on top would twirl down through the holes and smoke from incense sticks burned below would coil up through all of them. features,Q: How is the Jade Buddha Temple laid out? A: 要点: 风格、方位、功能 The temple follows the Sangharama style of the Song Dynasty. It has the main gate, the Heavenly King Hall, the Grand Hall and the Library located on a south-north axis. On the eastern side of the main buildings are minor halls and chambers housing Shanghai Buddhist Association, meditation hall and sermon hall as well as a vegetarian restaurant. On the western side are another line of halls for Buddhist activities and shops. At the back of the old premises is a new addition. It is a multistoried architecture in traditional style serving as the offices, lecture halls and guestrooms. The temple covers an area of 1.3 hectares with over 200 rooms for various functions.,规范服务与应变问答,规范服务与应变问答题目以导游服务规范与技能为根据 用英语作答 按要点答题 每题约4-6个要点 意思表达的准确与清晰 老师会根据情况提问 What do you mean by ,答题建议,问题提炼 研读案例,提炼出要处理的问题。要注意所给的条件,找准问题。 要点组织 围绕问题,组织处理的程序要点。注意要点的不可缺乏性和顺序。 英语表述 选择简单、准确的语言表述每个要点。注意要点清晰,不需要铺陈。,备考建议 准备内容,熟悉教材相关问题 准备语汇,达意即可 例: Show upappearfind Logosignboardplacard Agencycompany,Confirm 确认 Count Board the bus Arrivals, departures Lobby Parking lot Travel plan Itinerary Expense Precautions,Receipt coupon Show up Report to Hand over Refund Prior to flight time Emergences and crises Tight schedule In advance Courtesy manner Flight number,Fulfill the contract, comply with the contract Abide by professional ethic Secure Conduct trips See off Optional tour program Pre-tour work Transportation terminals Transfer On site Elderly persons Physically challenged people,Lost luggage Hard-to-please persons Escort the group Cancel Outdoor activities Make cautionary instructions Reasonable request Locate missing members Contact Tour leader The arrival The departure Review Nationality,Take count of the guests Get a head count of Be consistent with Assist Check Assemble Flight delays Reconfirm Hotel amenities Implement an upset stomach Special dietary needs Notify in advance,Additional expenses incurred Decline politely Is not authorized to make the change Extra expenses Inform the staff Make arrangement for cancelling meals Apply remedies Prolong/extend a stay Approve Shorten the length of stay Skip,业务复习提示,案例 小王是一个新导游,旅行社安排他负责一个英国旅游团的地陪工作,请问小王该做些什么准备? 问题提炼 地陪的准备 要点组织 熟悉旅游计划、核实接待事宜、制定旅游日程、准备景点知识、准备所需用品、调整心理状态 英语表述 Study the travel plan and get to know the guests and the itinerary Check out the services and facilities included in the plan Work out a workable itinerary Get familiar with the attractions Pack the kit with some documents, IC card, notebook, some cash, etc. Get psychologically prepared.,案例:小周作为全陪带着游客到达虹桥机场,但没有发现地陪前来接团。小周该如何做? 问题提炼 地陪漏接 要点组织 首先设法联系地陪和接待社、带客人到安全地方等候,并致歉、找车带客入住酒店、费用责任人承担、做好记录 英语表述 National guide try to reach the local guide and the local agency Guide guest to a proper place to wait and apologize for the inconvenience Hire coach to the designated hotel The expenses incurred are on the person responsible Keep a record,案例: 导游小李得到通知,今晚7点要他到机场接一个加拿大的旅游团,司机已经在机场了,要他自己赶到机场。请问小周到达机场后要做些什么? 问题提炼 在机场的联络与接机 要点组织 确认时间、联系司机,确认停车地点和告知活动安排、确认到达时间、准备接机牌,出口接机、接到后确认团队和行李、引导客人上车 英语表述 Check the arrival time of the guests Arrive at the airport 30 minutes in advance Find the driver and check the parking place and tell the driver about the itinerary Check the arrival time again and the luggageman Greet the group Check the tour number and the group and the luggage Guide the guests to the coach and help them get aboard,例:小周是上海的地陪,他接待的美国旅游团刚刚到达,领队告诉他一位游客的行李没有找到。小周应该做什么? 问题提炼:入境首站行李丢失 要点组织(程序) 带领失主办理失物登记和认领手续。 留下联系方式,同时记下失物处电话号码及联系人。 保持联系,了解查找结果 协助客人购置生活必需品。 离开当地时,应帮助失主将联系电话转告航空公司有关部门。若行李确系丢失,协助失主向有关航空公司索赔。 英语表达: Report to the lost-and-found office and leave a phone number for further contact Get down the address and phone number of the airline office and the name of the person in charge Keep contact with the person concerned for information about the luggage Help the guest buying some items for daily use When the guest moves to the next destination, notify the lost and found of this case. Help the guest to file a claim against the airline company,案例 你刚接到一个旅游团并引导他们上车。请现在向客人致欢迎辞。 问题提炼 车上致欢迎词 要点组织 招呼、自我介绍、司机介绍、热情态度、其他 英语表述 Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to Shanghai! My name is Oscar. I am from CITS. I have been a tourist guide for 8 years and I will be your guide for the next two days. This is Mr. Chen, our driver. He will take us around the city in this coach. Mr Chen and I will do our best to make your visit to Shanghai a pleasant experience. I hope you will enjoy your stay in this beautiful city. If you experience any difficulties, please dont hesitate to let us know. We are always ready to offer our service to you. Let work together to create an enjoyable trip in Shanghai. Thank you! Now we are heading for our hotel in the center of the city. The trip will take about 30 minutes. Please be relaxed and I would like to give you a brief introduction of the city we are going to visit. ,案例 一意大利旅游团住进了浦东的滨江大酒店。一对游客夫妇找到导游小李,希望能够把自己的房间换成江景房。请问小李该怎么做? 问题提炼 客人调换房间 要点组织 找领队商量,内部调换 另外,了解酒店是否有房 有房可调,差价自理 通知叫早等服务变更 英语表述 Explain the rule of room assignment Go for the tour leader and see if possible to change with a group member Grant the special request when extra room available Expenses incurred on the guest Keep a record with the signature of the tour leader Inform the front desk of the change in room assignment,案例:今天你要带客人去豫园游览,下车游览前你需要对客人说些什么? 问题提炼 游览前讲解 要点组织 概况讲解、注意事项 英语表述 A brief introduction to Yuyuan Garden The duration at this place The meeting time and place The number of the coach The precautions against certain cases,案例:你的游客希望能够到新天地参观一下石库门建筑,而这个项目不在计划之内。你该如何处理? 问题提炼 增加项目 要点组织 原则上按合同办事、增加项目须客人同意、费用由客人承担、保存签名等证件、安排活动 英语表述 Explain the importance of keeping the agreed schedule Grant the special request on the condition that the tour leader and guests agree The expenses incurred are on the guests. Keep a record with the signature of the tour leader and the national guide. Arrange for the new program,案例: 游客今天下午离境。小王要到酒店和客人见面后再陪他到机场送他离境。小王按约到达酒店后没有见到客人。请问小王该怎么办? 问题提炼 离境客人失踪的寻找 要点组织 店内寻找:前台确认是否结帐;房间、餐厅、卫生间、商店等、告知旅行社;告知前台、机场寻找:、若仍无,告知旅行社,飞机起飞后离开 英语表达 Tour guide should arrive at the hotel earlier than the appointed time Look for the guest at the front desk, his room, restaurant, bar, any other places he would be Report the case to the person on duty at the agency Leave a message at the front desk for the guest Go to the departure terminal / airport and look there for him Wait till the plane leave Keep a record,建议关注的问题一,What would you do to take care of carsick guests? What would you do when the tour leader asked you to add on a new program like Xintiandi? What would you do when the guests requested to move from a 3-star hotel to a 4-star hotel? How would respond to the architects who would like an add-on visit to Zhujiajiao for its traditional architecture? How would you respond to the incident that a guest from the group had to cut short his tour because of urgent call at home? How would you respond to the incident that a guest suddenly fell seriously ill and had to be hospitalized? How would you respond to the request of moving from the assigned room to a room with a river view? How would you respond to the incident that you got to know just before the dinner that a guest from the group is a Muslim? How would you respond to the request of changing dishes because of sudden illness? How would you respond to the request by an old couple who choose to stay out of the mountain-climbing program?,建议关注的问题二,How would you respond to the request by a guest who asked you to buy a piece of artifact and ship him after the tour? What would you do when you find a guest from the group is missing after a tour of Yuyuan Garden? What would you do when a guest from the group tells you that his wallet was stolen last night and his passport and some cash are in it? How would you respond to the incident that your guest and you have arrived at the airport but the local guide is not there meeting you? The guests are at the railway station to take the train to Hangzhou. What would you do at this time as a national guide? A group from the United States has just arrived at Pudong International Airport. What would you do when the tour leader told you that a piece of luggage was missing? You got an itinerary of the two-day tour of your group. How would you make good use of the plan to get prepared for the work? You get an urgent call for you to meet a group at Hongqiao Airport at 3 pm and the driver is already there. What would you do when you arrive at the airport? You are at the airport expecting a group from Singapore. What would you do make sure that you could find your group easily and right? Deliver a welcome speech to the newly arrived guest.,建议关注的问题三,Deliver a speech to the guest who are leaving Shanghai? How would you respond to the incident that an overseas Chinese lost his wallet with his passport in it? What would you do when the program in your itinerary is a one-day tour of Zhouzhuang and in the tour leaders is a tour of Suzhou? What would you do when you are taking the newly arrived guests on the way to their hotel? What would you do when you are check in a group at a hotel at 2 pm? What would you do when you check in a group at a hotel at 9 pm? What would you do when you take a group to dinner at 6 pm? What would you do when your guests are leaving the hotel for the airport? What would you say before you let the guests get off the coach for a tour of the attraction? What would you do when seeing guests off at the airport?,建议关注的问题四,What would you do to ensure the success of a shopping tour? What would you do to get prepared for a 10-day tour across the country? When and where is the national guide required to make presentations or speeches? How would you guide a tour made up of clergymen? What would you do when a guest suddenly fainted out of sunstroke? How would you prevent such a case from happening? How would you take care of the handicapped guests? What would you do when the guests are having their dinner and after they finish their dinner? How would you respond to the incident that an English guest got his video camera stolen? How would you respond to the request by a quest who asked you to deliver a parcel to his friend after he left Shanghai?,建议关注问题五,What would you do to help the guests board a bus? What would you do when you are called in short notice to meet a group of guests who are getting annoyed for waiting at the airport? What would you do to work with the driver? What would you do to work with an outgoing tour leader? What would you do when taking the guests from Shanghai to Suzhou? What would you do when you are taking the guests to the destination after breakfast at the hotel? What occasions are not right for free-time activities? What would you do when two guests asked to change their dinner 1 hour before the dinner time?,建议关注问题六,What would a national guide do during the stay at a certain destination city? What would you do to keep the guests from straying out and getting lost? What would you do when the guests arrived a day later than the schedule because of typhoon? What would you do when two guests asked to stay out of the cruise program and go to watch a acrobatic show? What would you do to meet the local guide when you and your guests arrive at the Pudong airport? What would you do to help the guests check out a hotel? What would you do when you are picking up a guest at the hotel? What would you do if he is not in his room?,口试考场禁忌,与考官套近乎 与考官争辩 询问考试结果 说自己没准备 炫耀自己,不遵守考试要求 背书,

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