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基于MBD的数字化工艺设计平台 Model Based Process Planning Platform,2,汇报内容,业务目标,1,2,3,国外案例,数字化制造及MBD,基于MBD的数字化工艺设计平台,5,效 益,生产工程,自 动 化、数字化 程 度,3D作业指令,3D维护、培训技术方案 3D产品质量控制 3D工厂布局、生产线设计 3D生产计划( 产品、进度、资源) 3D工艺资源(设备、工装、刀量具) 3D总工艺计划,工艺审查、,产 品 加 工 Manufacturing,加工自动化,产 品 设 计 Product Design,R&D,2030%,2030%,4060%,工艺规划面临的挑战,3D MASTER 介绍,Context,3D MASTER 介绍,Now,100% 3D Model Based Definition,3D Master,缩短产品研制周期, 提高产品,工艺和工装设计的首次成功的概率, 减少更改,降低研制成本 建立基于MBD的产品,工艺和资源的表达,以三维结构化的数据传递为依据, 统一产品研制中的单一数据源和数据表达,支持基于MBD的下游应用,提高数据传递的效率和质量。 建立基于MBD的产品设计,工艺设计和工装设计的联合定义支撑平台,加強设计与工艺之间,主制造商和合作伙伴之间,进行并行工程的能力,目标,基于MBD(Model Based Definition)的装配工艺设计,7,汇报内容,业务目标,2,1,3,国外案例,数字化制造及MBD,基于MBD的数字化工艺设计平台,5,效 益,8,COMET 项目,商业目标:增加效益 DELMIA/COMET 项目在24个月内就可以收回成本 第二个目标 快速的市场响应,在投标报价之前,可以准确的评测出生产风险. 使得产品和技术在客户国家本地化工作更加容易。 技术目标 : 设计和制造的协同工作 制造过程中的工具和工艺的标准化 工程和制造上的革新,COMET = COengineering Manufacturing Engineering Tool 协同制造工程工具 DELMIA 是 ALSTOM Transports PLM 项目的一块基石,9,Virtual Packaging,TYPICAL USERS Packaging Synhtesis,KEY BENEFITS Manage DMU alternate shapes results for design context and product behavior tests Early check of spatial integration in accordance with mounting, maintenance or in work assemblies motions Associative simulations in a configured product management across product life cycle, for digital validation Powerful simulation environment fully integrated to design workbenches Easy reporting for decision support,10,DASSAULT SYSTEMES - Date Page,11,ALSTOM,在产品生命周期内,管理和共享信息,协同工程,确保不同部门之间的协同,在产品工程和制造部门提供了平滑的数据传递,确保站点之间的数据传递,12,ALSTOM,数字化模型装配,DASSAULT SYSTEMES - Date Page,13,ALSTOM,14,ADTranz,15,ROI study for Digital Manufacturing,16,汇报内容,业务目标,3,1,2,国外案例,数字化制造及MBD,基于MBD的数字化工艺设计平台,5,效 益,数字化制造涵盖的范围和应用,验证制造成本可行性 选择设施&供应商 执行制造& 物流方案比较,用数字化制造解决的问题包括:,产品生命周期,面向制造&装配的设计 面向维护的设计 定义用于采购的 MBOM 估计成本,机器人 & NC 编程 优化布局& 生产 定义和验证制造工艺规程 建立工艺指令,调研生产率增加/减少 优化布局, 工装, 工人利用率 验证并贯彻工程更改,减少维护& 维修 & 周期 建立技术出版物,优化布局, 工装, 工人利用率 物流可行性规划 及验证,新产品开发,生产 & 物流,售后服务,17,DS PLM 航空数字化制造解决方案,18,成本 & 效率分析,厂房物流, 生产仿真,质量保证,面向装配和制造的工艺规划,初步规划 Pre-Planning,现场执行和反馈,机器人仿真& 离线编程,装配&工艺布局分析,产品开发,3D工作指令,人机建模,分析&仿真,19,汇报内容,业务目标,4,1,2,国外案例,数字化制造及MBD,3,基于MBD的数字化工艺设计平台,5,效 益,20,基于MBD 定义的工艺设计平台,MPS,MBOM,Process Design DPE PPR Structure,Optimization Quest Balancing Scenario on specific Assembly,Optimization DELMIA V5(DPM ) 3D Assy+Human+DPM Shop,CATIA V5,VPM (product / Jigs),SAP,EBOM /3D Model ERM Model,MBD Docs. DPM WKI WKC+3DviaComposer,PPR Metadata,DELMIA,基于模型的定义(MBD),是一种在D环境里管理所有ER的工程方法,因此ER必须在D里进行传递。 特点:以D传递为依据,消除与2D 图纸不一致的地方。 Engineering Requirement (ER) 是描述在2D图纸上的装配和安装需求. 零件 尺寸Dimensions / 几何公差Geometrical tolerances 装配或安装 联接件/紧固件Fasteners /密封Sealants/涂胶Adhesives/表面精度Surface Finishes,Model Based Definition,22,Imported Geometry (from Detail Parts and Master Geometry) Created Geometry Ex: Fastener Installation Direction Vectors (FIDV) Parameters Geometric Dimensions and Tolerances Text Leader and Flag notes Knowledge rules,Exemplary Fastener representation in CATIA V5 with Engineering Requirements,Model Based Definition (MBD),基于MBD的下游应用,Model Based Process Planning 装配工艺规划,基于MBD的下游应用,Model Based Process Planning 装配工艺规划,3DCS- Analyst CAA V5 based,Statistical tolerances analysis (Monte Carlo technology) Seamlessly integrated to CATIA V5 Targeted for Variation Analysis specialists Quick and easy tolerance analysis model creation Direct link to the CATIA D&T Visual tolerance deviation of CATIA bodies Visual animation of the assembly sequence.,Statistical tolerances analysis (Monte Carlo technology) Seamlessly integrated to CATIA V5 Targeted for users with basic knowledge in GD&T and modeling principles For use in analyzing simple to moderate problems Provide on-screen viewing of expected assembly variation Evaluate geometric factors in the robustness of designs and critical dimensions through an entire range of motion Communicate results quickly and simultaneously,3DCS- Designer CAA V5 based,基于MBD的下游应用,Model Based Tolerance Analyze 公差分析,基于MBD的下游应用,26,输出 / 收益 由 3D定义驱动的机器人作业单元的完整解决方案,在离线程序产生之间进行仿真验证 基于仿真验证,减少了NC机床和机器人刀具路径干涉的风险 由于离线编程降低了机器人作业单元的停工时间 在给定的装配工艺流程图中,管理和可视化仿真数据,基于集成的PLM数据库环境,对机器人进行建立,仿真和离线编程,Model Based Assembly Robot Simulation &Programming,PLM 配置 Mfg Hub DELMIA Process Engineer V5 Robotics, V5 Machining, CAA Partners,目标 在V5 环境中建立和仿真机器人程序 产生自动钻铆机的离线程序,DPM Machining,Machining Tolerances Assistant,Access/Reuse of Dimensioning and Tolerancing semantic attributes. Activate the 3D annotation display. Create 3D annotations on manufacturing features. Tolerance charting application.,Automated generation of In-Process Models Automated generation of Process Documentation Full associativity Integration with other DELMIA/CATIA products,基于MBD的下游应用,Model Based Part Process Planning 零件工艺,检测,Metrolog,Automatically generate the inspection Process. Compare the tolerance result computed from the measurements to the specification tolerance.,基于MBD的下游应用,Model Based Inspection 检测工艺,可装配性/可维护性验证 装配仿真,可装配性/可维护性验证 系统装配 电缆仿真,可装配性/可维护性验证 自动路径规划,32,3D总装生产线平衡验证与优化,Objectives Navigate through assembly line in 3D context line , station or workplace level check sequence of tasks and run what if scenarios Distribute new processes to existing lines and check worker utilization Optimize line due to cycle time changes,Value Early 3D validation of balanced processes solve problems on the assembly line at a time when cost changes are low No data preparation work for process planners between line balancing and 3D validation reduce engineering time more iterative loops between planning and validation Easy to understand overview of the line Improve communication between all actors of final assembly lines,Validate and optimize balanced assembly lines in a 3D context,3D Balancing verification & Line optimization,PLM Configuration V5 DPM and MSD (Mfg System Definition),Driving customers/References,工艺驱动的MBOM,33,目标 对于配置的EBOM, 基于装配工艺流程约束建立和管理M-BOM 包含装配工艺有效性 有效地定义和管理工艺构型,输出 / 收益 验证过的MBOM结构,3D 装配工艺的自动产生 工艺路线是装配工艺规划的基础 避免了用于定义/管理和协调MBOM的管理费用,减少了工艺员开发装配工艺规划数据的时间,通过装配工艺自动建立和管理MBOM,工艺驱动的MBOM,DELMIA 模块 DELMIA Process Engineer DPM Assembly with Assembly Process Planner,目标 从带构型的3D定义中,建立和管理装配工作指令, 交付和供应状态插图,和维护手册,输出和收益 基于在mhub中验证协调过的数据集,交付发放到车间的3D MBD的工作指令 通过预定义的指令库,降低贯彻设计/制造更改所需的工作量 部署容易使用的接口用于建立和显示3D工作指令 重用不同构型所公用的工作指令 使用相似的技术用于建立维护手册,和交付状态/供应条件的插图,直接输入制造HUB中的工艺规划数据,通过3DVIA可以方便地建立D工作指令, 交付状态插图, 和维护手册,Model Based Work Instruction 工艺规程 & 维护手册,PLM 配置 DELMIA: PPR Navigator for Mfg Hub Conf (EPC) + DELMIA Work Instruction Composer (WKC) + Configuration & Effectivity (CEF) 3DVIA: 3DVIA Composer,DELMIA Work Instruction Composer,DELMIA Process Engineer,34,3D,基于MBD的下游应用,3D Master management,MBD Based Platform,在VPLM/CATIA中(EHUB)建立和保存ER模型,3,Equipped Panel,Part1,Part2,ARM-X,ER -1,Equipped Panel,EBOM,Part1,Part2,Part1.CATPart,Part2.CATPart,DV1,DV2,ARM-X,DV3,PRC,ARM-X.CATPart,ER -2,An FT&A Object used to represent an ER,Load / Save Parts & ARM,Instance / Reference Link,DV1,Part1,Instance,Reference,Document Version,V5 CATIA,Link between ER & Part,Legend,在DPE/DPM(MHUB)中消耗或分配ER,ProcessView,S10,Manufacturing Hub,S10,P10,Op1,Op2,ProcessView,P10,Op1,Op2,Equipped Panel,Part1,ARM-X,ER -1,ER -2,PPR,Part2,Product List,Process List,Equipped Panel,Part1,ARM-X,Part2,Legend,Relation between Process & Product”,Link between Activity & EI Object,Load / save Process,Identifier of ER-1,Identifier of ER-2,Relation between Process & ARM with identifier of EI stored on the link,ProductView,V5 DELMIA,38,设计工艺并行定义,CATIAV5 3D product & resource design,Product & resource CGRs,ENOVIA LCA Product & resource lifecycle management,Product & resource,CATPart,CATPart,DELMIA DPM - Product, process & resource simulation,CATPart (incl. Design change notes),LCA Vault,DELMIA DPE - Product, process & resource planning,CATPart (Jigs & Tools),structure,3D Process Planning,Dynamically Calculate Manufacturing Context,3D based Simulation,DELMIA 3D工艺设计及验证,EHub,MHub,Identity Review Process data with Work-Instructions & Animations & Relations,Open,LSF,Identity Enable Generation of Shop Order Package for Specific Configuration Foundation for MES CAA Partners,SOR,Generate Process Sheets,Identity Plan/Reconcile Engineering Requirements,EIP,Human Replay & Cable Installation not available with R18sp2 3dxml,Identity Author, Reuse, Generate Text Instructions,Save Process Data & Work Instructions,Load Process Data from Detailing,WKI,DPM-based Applications,Identity Validate installability of cable harness,EHS,Extract,Fetch Released Process and Work Instruction Data,JobXml,3D 工艺规程编制/维护手册,现场执行,DELMIA Virtools Interface,

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