七年级英语下册《Unit 4 Finding your ways Reading》课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt

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七年级英语下册《Unit 4 Finding your ways Reading》课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt_第1页
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Unit 4 Finding your way,Reading,Sunshine Zoo,Sunny Garden,Lake Park,Sunshine Park,Sunshine Middle School,Where is Sunshine Zoo?,Where is it? When to leave? How to go there?,Make up a dialogue,A trip to Sunshine Zoo,A guide is showing the map and telling how to get around the zoo.,Before reading,Words and expressions,evreybody pron. straight adv. on prep. bamboo n. all day long along prep. road n.,每人,人人 径直地 向前移动;开 竹 整天地 沿着 道路,Words and expressions,king n. remember v. that conj. dangerous adj. sound n. forest n. funny adj.,国王 记得 (引导从句) 危险的 声音 森林 好笑的,滑稽的,Words and expressions,laugh v. giraffe n. quite adv. neck n. leaf n. north-east n.,adj.&adv. bridge n. cross v.,大笑 长颈鹿 相当,非常 脖子 树叶 东北方 桥 穿过,横过,Watch and read,Hi, everybody. Here were in front of the South Gate. Go straight on, and youll find the Panda House. Pandas are cute. They like to eat bamboo and lie down all day long. Every year, lots of visitors come here to see them. Walk along the road. To the north of the Panda House, youll find the lions. Lions are the kings of the animal world. Remember that theyre dangerous. Never go near them. Turn left, and to the west of the Lions Area, youll find the World of Birds. Birds make beautiful sounds when they sing. To the north of the World of Birds is the Monkeys Forest. Monkeys are clever and funny. They jump around and make people laugh. Then turn right, and to the east of the Monkeys Forest, youll see the giraffes. Theyre quite tall. Their long necks help them eat the leaves from trees. North-east of the giraffes theres a bridge. Cross the bridge, and youll see the elephants. Their large ears are like open fans. Here you can see all kinds of animals. Have a nice trip!,A trip to the zoo,Fast reading,Who comes to see the panda? What animals are the kings of the animal world? 3. How do monkeys make people laugh? 4. What helps giraffes eat the leaves from trees? 5. Whatre elephants ears like?,Lots of visitors come to see the panda.,Lions are the kings of the animal world.,Monkeys jump around to make people laugh.,Their long necks eat the leaves from the trees.,Their ears are like open fans.,Listen again and find the right animals,pandas,lions,birds,monkeys,giraffes,elephants,north,west,south,east,North-west,Choose T or F,The students start their visit from the North Gate. 2. Pandas do not like to lie down all day long. 3. Visitors cant go near the lions. 4. The birds in the zoo are very quiet. 5. Monkeys are clever and funny. 6. To the north-east of the giraffes there is a hill.,T,F,F,F,T,F,Language pionts,1. Sunshine Zoo is north of Sunshine Middle School. 此处“be + 方位词 + of ” 表示“(某地)在(另一地)的 方向”。 其前通常加 the;表示在某个方位,通常介词 in。如: The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. 太阳从东方升起,从西方落下。 【拓展】表示“在的东(南,西,北)”,通常应根据情况选用不同介词in(表示在范围之内),to(表示在范围之外),on(表示毗连)。如: China is in the east of Asia. 中国位于亚洲的东部。 Mexico is to the south of the U. S. A. 墨西哥在美国以南。 China faces the Pacific on the east. 中国东临太平洋,2. Go straight on, and youll find the Panda House. go straight on 一直向前走 Go straight on until you come to Go along the street Follow this road Turn left/right Turn left into Take the first/second road/acrossing on the left/right It takes about ten minutes by bus. Its a ten-minute walk. ,3. Remember that theyre dangerous. Never go near them. 此处的that theyre dangerous 是做remember的宾语从句. e.g.: I remember that he is from the USA. 【拓展】 remember doing sth. 记得做过某事 remember to do sth. 记得去做某事 e.g.: I remember finishing homework but I forget. I remember to help my mother do houework.,4. Monkeys are clever and funny. They jump around and make people laugh. 句子中make people laugh 是“动词+宾语+宾语补足语”结构,这时如果前面的动词是make, let, have , hear, see 等时候,第二个动词则省略不定式 to,动词也可以换成形容词等等。 please let me go with you. 请让我和你一起去。 The game makes him happy.,Further reading,cute,bamboo,king,sounds,jump around,laugh,tall,neck,large,fans,Millie is telling her friend Wendy online about Sunshine Zoo.,Wendy: Hi, Millie. How was your trip to the zoo? Millie: Not bad. There are lots of (1)_ in the zoo. Wendy: Are there any pandas? Millie: Yes. Pandas are (2)_ . Every year, lots of (3)_ come to see them. Wendy: Are there any lions? Millie: Yes, but theyre (4)_ . We cant go near them. Wendy: There are also birds, arent there? Millie: Yes. I like to hear birds (5)_ . There are monkeys too. Wendy: I like monkeys. Theyre clever and (6)_ . Millie: Yes, they are. And there are also tall (7)_ . Their long necks help them eat the (8)_ from trees.,animals,cute,visitors,dangerous,sing,funny,giraffes,leaves,1、 一直走 2、 整天 3、 沿着路走 4、 在熊猫屋北面 5、向左转 6、使人发笑 7、 过桥 8、 像张开的扇子,go straight on,all day long,walk along the road,to north of the Panda House,turn left,make people laugh,cross the bridge,be like open fans,Summary,Phrases,1、 一直走,你就会找到阳光动物园了。 2、 在我们学校的东面,有一个美丽的公园。 3、他常让我们开怀大笑。 4、她正在过桥。,Go straight on, youll find Sunshine Zoo.,Theres a beautiful to the east of our school.,He often makes us laugh.,She is crossing the bridge.,Summary,Sentences,Thank you!,

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