中考英语 第二部分 专题三 代词课件 新人教版.ppt

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,专题三 代 词,专题训练,1(2015宜宾)There are enough cups for each visitor to have _. Aone Bit Cthis Dthat 【解析】考查代词的用法。one指代前面提到过的同一类人或物中的一个;it指代前面提到过的事物;this/that意为“这个/那个”。句意为“有足够的杯子,每个游客都能得到一个杯子”。空格中的one指代杯子中的一个。故选A。 答案:A,2(2015重庆)My mother used to make breakfast for _ every morning, but now I do it myself. Amine Bmy CI Dme 【解析】考查人称代词的用法。for是介词,后接人称代词宾格。故选D。 答案:D,3(2015温州)Mom, what would you like, coffee or tea? _. Just water, please. AEither BBoth CNeither DNone 【解析】考查不定代词的用法。either “两者中的任何一个”; both“两者都”;neither “两者都不”; none“没有人或物”。由“你喜欢喝什么,咖啡还是茶?”和答语“只喝水”可知,“两者都不要”。故选C。 答案:C,4(2015连云港)Im afraid I wont pass the exam. Come on, Bill. You should believe in _. Thats the secret of success. Amyself Bourselves Cyourself Dyourselves 【解析】考查反身代词的用法。结合设空前的“Come on, Bill.”以及设空处所在句的主语You可推断,说话人对Bill说的是“你应该相信你自己”,故所缺的反身代词是yourself。 答案:C,5I am a little hungry, Mom. There are some cakes on the plate. You can take _. Ait Bone Cthat Dthis 【解析】考查代词辨析。it指代前面提到过的事物;one指代前面提到过的同一类人或物中的一个;this/that意为“这个/那个”。句意为“妈妈,我饿了。”“盘子里有一些蛋糕,你可以吃一块。”空格处用one指代蛋糕中的一块。故选B。 答案:B,6(2015资阳)Sally, may I use your iPad? _ is broken. OK, here you are. AYour BYours CMine DMy,【解析】考查物主代词的用法。your是形容词性物主代词“你的/你们的”;yours是名词性物主代词“你的/你们的”;mine是名词性物主代词“我的”;my是形容词性物主代词“我的”。由“我可以用你的iPad吗?我的坏了”可知用名词性物主代词。故选C。 答案:C,7Walking in the woods makes Jenny think of the happy days in the countryside with her grandma. It is a favorite hobby of _. Ahis Bher Chers 【解析】考查代词辨析。句意为“在树林里行走使Jenny想起了在农村时,和奶奶在一起的快乐日子。这是她最喜欢的爱好。”名词性物主代词hers表示“她的”,相当于“her hobbies”。故选C。 答案:C,8(2015资阳)Would you like some more noodles, Celia? Yes, just _, please. Aa few Bfew Ca little Dlittle,【解析】考查不定代词的用法。a few“有些,有几个”,修饰可数名词复数;few “几乎没有”,修饰可数名词复数; a little“有点儿”,修饰不可数名词; little“几乎没有”,修饰不可数名词。句意为“你再来点儿面条吗?”“好的,就一点儿”。故选A。 答案:A,9Is there _in todays newspaper? Aspecial something Bspecial anything Csomething special Danything special 【解析】考查不定代词及形容词的用法。形容词修饰不定代词时要后置,故排除A、B两项;一般情况下,something用于肯定句中,anything用于否定句和疑问句中。故选D。 答案:D,10(2015济宁)Uncle Tom will come to visit _ next Saturday. Awe Bus Cour Dours 【解析】考查人称代词的用法。visit是动词,后接人称代词宾格。故选B。 答案:B,11A foreign visitor is coming to visit our new house this evening.My mother will offer him _to eat. Aanything delicious Bsomething real Chinese Csomething Japanese food Ddelicious something,【解析】考查不定代词的用法。形容词修饰不定代词需后置,故排除D项;anything用于疑问句或否定句中,故排除A项;选项C中Japanese food是名词短语,不能修饰不定代词,故something real Chinese(正宗的中国菜)符合题意。 答案:B,12If you prefer the red evening dress, youll have to pay _ 30 dollars, because its made of silk. OK. Here you are. Aother Bthe other Cmore Danother 【解析】考查不定代词的用法。表示“另外的”应使用“another数词可数名词复数”或“数词more可数名词复数”。故选D。 答案:D,13(2015杭州)Unfortunately I was sitting at the table with smokers on _ side of me. Aeither Bboth Cother Dall 【解析】考查either的用法。结合本题语境可知,有抽烟的人坐在我的两边,先排除C和D;再结合设空后的单数形式side可知,符合题意的词是either。故选A。 答案:A,14My friend showed _ some old photos of his family. Amy BI Cme Dmine 【解析】考查人称代词的用法。show sb. sth.是固定搭配,show后用人称代词的宾格。故选C。 答案:C,15(2015常州)Your home town is really nice! The air quality is as good as _ of Sanya. Ait Bone Cthat Dthe one 【解析】考查代词用法。代指不可数名词用that;it是代指上文提及的同一个东西;one是泛指,the one是特指。句意为“你的家乡的空气质量和三亚的一样好”。故选C。 答案:C,16The man called his professor for help because he couldnt solve the problem by_. Aherself Bhimself Cyourself Dthemselves 【解析】考查反身代词。by oneself意为“单独,独自”,该题的主语the man 为男人,故用himself(他自己)。故选B。 答案:B,17(2015苏州)Mrs. Smith often goes to visit those AIDS patients in hospitals to cheer _ up. Aher Bthem Chim Dus 【解析】考查人称代词的用法。cheer up是动词短语,后接人称代词时要用宾格。由句意可知选B。 答案:B,18(2015盐城)Wow, so many new buildings! But it used to be a poor village. Yes. _ has changed in our hometown. ANothing BNobody CEverything DEverybody,【解析】考查不定代词的用法。nothing “没有东西”;nobody“没有人”;everything “每件事物”;everybody“每一个人”。由“哇,这么多的高楼大厦!但它过去是个很穷的小村庄”可知,“我们的家乡一切都变了”。故选C。 答案:C,19Which of the two magazines will you take? Ill take_ though I find _ of them are very useful to me. Aall; both Beither; either Ceither; neither Deither; both 【解析】考查不定代词的用法。all“三者或三者以上都”;both“两者都”;either“(两者中的)任何一个”;neither“两者都不”。由句意“我要买两本中任何一本, 尽管我发现两本对我来说都很有用。”可知,应选D。 答案:D,20I cant find my ticket. I think I must have lost _. Ait Bone Cthis Dthem 【解析】考查代词的用法。此处特指上文提到的“my ticket”,用it代替。故选A。 答案:A,21(2015南京)Everyone makes mistakes in his or her life.The important thing is not to repeat _. Ait Bthem Chim Dher 【解析】考查代词的用法。根据句意可知,空格处应用代词them来指代复数名词mistakes。故选B。 答案:B,22We have friends to help us fight against pollution, and trees are one of _. Athemselves Bthey Ctheir Dthem 【解析】考查人称代词的用法。介词of后用人称代词的宾格形式。故选D。 答案:D,23(2015益阳)Which of the two subjects do you like, art or music? _. They are really interesting. ANeither BBoth CNone 【解析】考查代词辨析。neither “两者都不”;both“两者都”;none“没有人或物”。由“你喜欢哪门学科,美术还是音乐?”和答句“它们真的很有趣”可知,“两者都喜欢”。故选B。 答案:B,24As for learning English, students who read a lot can do much better than _ who dont. Athose Bthat Cthese Dthem 【解析】考查代词的用法。that常用来指代可数名词单数或不可数名词。those常用来指代可数名词的复数。由复数名词students可知选A。 答案:A,25(2015山西)Nowadays many travellers usually take photos with koalas in Australia. These photos are _ good memories. Ahis Bher Ctheir 【解析】考查形容词性物主代词的用法。由many travellers可知,这些照片是“他们的”美好回忆,故选C。 答案:C,26At present, children mean _ to most parents in China. Aeverything Bnothing Canything Dsomething 【解析】考查不定代词的用法。句意为“目前,对中国的大多数父母来说孩子就是一切”。everything意为“一切”,故选A。 答案:A,27Susan, go and join your sister in cleaning the yard. Why_ ? John is sitting there doing nothing at all. AI Bme Cmyself Dmine 【解析】考查人称代词的用法。结合答语中的后句“约翰正坐在那里无事可干”可知,前句是“为什么是我”,空格处用代词的宾格形式。Why me?是一种口语表达法。 答案:B,28“Underground” is the only word in the English language _ begins and ends with the letters “und” Awhat Bthat Cwho Dwhom 【解析】考查关系代词的用法。先行词是word,且由the only修饰,又因关系代词在定语从句中作主语,故所缺的词是that。 答案:B,29(2015荆州)How do you like the famous actor, Tong Dawei? Wonderful! I like _ very much. Ahe Bhis Chim Dhimself 【解析】考查代词的用法。like是动词,后接人称代词宾格作宾语,故选C。 答案:C,30Morning, class. Is _ here today? No, sir. Tom is absent. He is ill at home. Aanybody Beverybody Cnobody Dsomebody 【解析】考查不定代词的用法。“Is everybody here today?”是日常用语,意为“今天大家都到齐了吗?”。 答案:B,31(2015武汉)The East Lake is not far from the Yellow Crane Tower, so you can easily visit _ in a day. Fantastic! I cant wait for it. Anone Bboth Call Deither,【解析】考查代词的用法。none“没有人或物”;both“两者都”;all“三者及以上都”; either “两者中的任何一个”。由“东湖离黄鹤楼不远”可知,“你很容易在一天之内参观这两个地方”。故选B。 答案:B,32Hello, Linda speaking. Whos_? Hello, this is Martin. Ahe Bone Cthat Dthis 【解析】考查代词的用法。由“Hello, Linda speaking.”可知是电话用语。打电话询问“你是谁?”用Whos that?故选C。 答案:C,33(2015孝感)My friend and I are interested in drawing, but _ of us is good at it. Aneither Bboth Cnone Dall 【解析】考查代词的用法。neither “两者都不”; both“两者都”;none“没有人或物”;all“三者以上都”。由“尽管我和我朋友对绘画很感兴趣”可知,“但我们两个都不擅长绘画”。故选A。 答案:A,34You can take_ of the two toy cars and leave the other for your brother. Aboth Bnone Ceither Dneither 【解析】考查不定代词的用法。由句意“把另一个玩具留给你弟弟”可知,上半句应为“两个玩具你可以玩任何一个”。either意为“(两者中的)任何一个”,故选C。 答案:C,35(2015海南)Its too far. Im afraid I cant walk there. Dont worry. You can ride _ bike. AI Bmy Cmine 【解析】考查代词的用法。I是人称代词主格“我”;my是形容词性物主代词“我的”,后接名词;mine是名词性物主代词“我的”,单独使用,后不能接名词。故选B。 答案:B,36Who helped Betty tidy up the bedroom just now? _. She cleaned it all by herself. ASomebody BNobody CEverybody DAnybody 【解析】考查不定代词的用法。somebody“某人”;nobody“没有人”;everybody“每个人”;anybody“任何人”。由答语“她自己打扫的卧室。”可知没有人帮助她,所以选B。 答案:B,37(2015六盘水)We must protect animals, they are_friends. Awe Bour Cours Dus 【解析】考查代词辨析。we人称代词主格“我们”;our形容词性物主代词“我们的”;ours名词性物主代词“我们的”;us人称代词宾格“我们”。friends是名词,要用形容词性物主代词修饰,故选B。 答案:B,38Being blind is something_ most people cant imagine. Awho Bwhat Cthat Dwhom 【解析】考查关系代词的用法。who和whom引导定语从句,前面的先行词是人; what不能引导定语从句; that引导定语从句,先行词既可以是人也可以是物,故选C。 答案:C,39(2015广东)Look at this model ship. I made it all by _ last week. Wow, you are so smart! Ame Bmy Cmine Dmyself 【解析】考查代词辨析。by oneself是固定词组,意为“独自”。故选D。 答案:D,40Bob,can you see the boys over there? _ are my cousins. Lets go and say hello to them. AThis BThose CThat DThese 【解析】由the boys 和are可知此处用代词的复数形式,排除A项和C项。由over there 可知是远指,用代词those。 答案:B,41(2015广州)Hurry up, kids! The school bus is coming. We have _ time left. Afew Ba few Clittle Da little 【解析】考查不定代词的用法。few “几乎没有”,修饰可数名词复数;a few“有些,有几个”,修饰可数名词复数;little“几乎没有”,修饰不可数名词;a little“有点儿”,修饰不可数名词;由“赶快”可知“我们几乎没有时间了”,故选C。 答案:C,42(2015兰州)The Browns had a party with their neighbors yesterday. _ all enjoyed themselves. AWe BYou CThem DThey 【解析】考查人称代词辨析。由句中宾语themselves可知,句子主语为they。故选D。 答案:D,43My sister is old enough to dress _ now. Ahimself Bherself Cmyself 【解析】和my sister相对应的反身代词是herself。故选B。 答案:B,44(2015汕尾)If people have problems, they should keep them to_and ask for help. Aourselves Byourselves Cthemselves Ditself 【解析】考查反身代词的用法。keep sth. to oneself意为“保守秘密;不将说出去”,由主语they可知,应选C。 答案:C,45This book on idioms is interesting. Id like _, where did you buy it,Simon? In the Amazon Bookstore. Ait Bthis Cthat Done 【解析】题干中提到了“这本关于习语的书很有趣”,可推断说话人也想要一本,故用one。one泛指前面提到的同类事物中的任何一个。 答案:D,46(2015天津)I dont like _ watch. I like _. Ame; your Bmy; your Cme; yours Dmy; yours 【解析】考查代词的用法。watch前要用形容词性物主代词,先排除A和C;第二空要用名词性物主代词,应填yours。 答案:D,47This work needs close teamwork. _ will be achieved unless we work well together. ANothing BAnything CSomething DEverything 【解析】句意为“这项工作需要紧密的团队合作,如果我们不同心协力什么事情都完不成”。nothing符合题意。 答案:A,48Can you come on Monday or Tuesday, Scott? Im afraid _ is possible.Ill be on business on those two days. Aeither Bneither Cevery Deach 【解析】either表示“(两者中)任何一个”,neither“两者都不”,every“每一个,每个”,each“各自,各个”。根据题意可知,星期一和星期二两天都不合适,所以neither符合题意。 答案:B,49(2015沈阳)Jane looked carefully at _ in the mirror before going outside. Aher Bhim Cherself Dhimself 【解析】考查代词辨析。句意为“外出之前,简在镜子前仔细地打量下她自己。”Jane是女的,所以反身代词用herself(她自己)。故选C。 答案:C,50I dont understand the story though there are_ new words in it. Afew Blittle Ca few Da little 【解析】though表转折,句意为“尽管故事中几乎没有生单词,我也不理解”。句中的words是复数,故排除B、D;few表示否定,意为“几乎没有”,故选A。 答案:A,


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