七年级英语下册 Unit 8 Is there a post office near here习题课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt

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七年级英语下册 Unit 8 Is there a post office near here习题课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第1页
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七年级英语下册 Unit 8 Is there a post office near here习题课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第3页
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Unit 8 Is there a post office near here?,第一课时(Section A 1a1c),一、根据句意及图片提示写单词。(53分15分),1Is there a _ near here? 2There is a new _ on Center Street. 3Is there a _ on Bridge Street? 4How can I get to the _ in the neighborhood? 5You can see a big _ on New Street.,bank,restaurant,hotel,park,school,二、用方框中所给词或词组的适当形式填空。(53分15分),6Mr. White is on vacation. He lives in a _. 7Look,Tom is calling his friends again on the _. 8If you want to see a doctor,you can go to the _. 9You can go to the _ to ask a policeman for help. 10I need some stamps(邮票)I have to go to the _.,hotel,pay phone,hospital,police station,post office,三、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写单词。(53分15分) 11There is a _ (超市) on my way to the park. 12The school is _ (在附近) a hospital. 13Lets go to a r_. I dont want to cook today. 14Wheres Mr. Greens o_? 15We can see lots of new things in the s_.,supermarket,near,estaurant,ffice,treet,四、单项选择。(53分15分) 16_ a post office on Center Street? No,there isnt. AThere is BIs there CIt is DIs it 17I want to call the police. Is there a _near here? Ahospital Brestaurant Cpay phone Dhotel,B,C,18Is there a bank _ here? Yes,its _ Lincoln Street. Aon;on Bnear;on Con;near Dnear;in 19There _ two pay phones here. Aare Bis Chave Dhas 20You can get money(钱) in the _ and you can get books in the _. Apost office;bank Bbank;garden Cbank;library Dpost office;library,B,A,C,五、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。(54分20分) 21他想给吉尔打电话,但是找不到付费电话。 He wants to call Jill,but he cant find a(n) _ _. 22广播电台在南街。 The radio station is _ South _. 23我家在火车站附近。 My home _ _ the train station.,pay,phone,on Street,is near,24这儿有动物园吗? 是的,有。 _ _ a zoo here? _,_ _. 25邮局在哪儿? _ the _ _?,Is there,Yes there is,Wheres post office,六、按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。(54分20分) 26There is a pen in the pencil box.(改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答) _ _ a pen in the pencil box? _,_ _. 27The zoo is near here(对画线部分提问) _ _the zoo?,Is there,Where is,Yes there is,28There is a pay phone on Center Street.(改为否定句) There _ a pay phone on Center Street. 29Is there a police station near here?(作否定回答) _,_ _. 30Two baseballs are in the backpack.(改为同义句) _ _ two baseballs in the backpack.,isnt,No there isnt,There are,第二课时(Section A 2a2d),一、根据句意用适当的介词填空。(53分15分) 1The bank is across _ the library. 2The hospital is _ Center Street. 3Mike sits _ front of me. 4The hotel is next _ the restaurant. 5Is the pay phone _ the post office and the library? Yes,it is.,from,on,in,to,between,二、用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。(53分15分),6Where is Center Street? Oh,it is not _ from here. 7The pay phone is on Green _. 8The restaurant is in _ of the post office. 9The hotel is _ the police station. 10I live in a small _.Its very beautiful.,far,Street,front,behind,town,三、根据句意及汉语提示写单词。(53分15分) 11Li Lei sits _ (紧挨着) to Liu Mei. 12There is a big tree in _ (前面) of our house. 13You must be careful(小心的) when you go _ (穿过) the street. 14Can you show me _ (在周围) your new school. 15I am visiting Wu _ (镇) with my mother.,next,front,across,around,Town,四、单项选择。(53分15分) 16_,is there a post office near here? _,I dont know. AExcuse me;Excuse me BExcuse me;Sorry CSorry;Excuse me DSorry;Sorry 17We are playing games on the playground. Theres a long desk between _ and _. Ayou;I Bshe;he Cher;me Dhe;you,B,C,18_ is the supermarket? Its on Bridge Street. AWhat BHow CWhere DWho 19I live _ school,so I must get up early every morning. Anear Bfar Cfar from Dnear to 20Liu Mei is short. Im tall. So she sits _ me. Ain front of Bin the front of Cat the back of Dbehind,C,C,A,五、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。(54分20分) 21打扰一下,邮局在哪里? 它在公园的对面。 _ _. _ the post office? Its _ _ the park. 22图书馆在我们教室的前面。 The library is _ _ _ our classroom.,Excuse me Wheres,across from,in front of,23汤姆坐在他和我之间。 Tom sits _ _ _ me. 24这儿附近有超市吗? 是的,有。 _ _ a supermarket near here? Yes,_ _ 25书店不在我们学校的后面。 The bookshop _ _ our school.,between him and,Is there,there is,isnt behind,六、从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话,有两项多余。(54分20分),A:Excuse me. B:Yes.26._ A:Is there a hotel on Green Street? B:No.27._ Its in front of No.5 Middle School. A:Well,is it far from here? B:28._ You can walk there. A:29._ B:About 10 minutes. A:Thank you. B:30._,F,B,D,A,E,第三课时(Grammar Focus3c),一、用there be或have的适当形式填空。(53分15分) 1_ any apples in the box? 2_ a new supermarket near my home. 3Lu Han _ lots of fans(粉丝) 4_ any milk in the bottle? 5They _ a good time visiting the park.,Are there,There is,has,Is there,have,二、用方框中所给介词填空。(53分15分) 6The post office is across _ the bookshop. 7My school is _ Bridge Street. 8There isnt a library _ the neighborhood. 9Is there a hotel _ here? 10The pay phone is _ the bank.,from,on,in,near,next to,三、根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空。(53分15分) 11Many _ (hotel) are in the town and they are very clean. 12My father _ (have) two bikes. 13There _ (be) a book and some pens on the desk. 14How can I _ (help) you? 15Look!The police _ (eat) under the tree.,hotels,has,is,help,are eating,四、单项选择。(53分15分) 16The post office is _ the park. Ato Bon Cbehind Dat 17There arent _ bananas on the table. Asome Bany Cmuch Dmany,C,B,18I _ a new desk,and _ some books on it. Ahas;there are Bhave;there is Chave;there are Dhas;there is 19Is there a tape player on the sofa? _.Its on the desk. AYes,there is BNo,there isnt CYes,there are DNo,there arent 20There _ three boys and a girl in the classroom. Aam Bis Care Dhave,C,B,C,五、按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。(54分20分) 21There are some flowers on the dressers.(改为一般疑问句) _ there _ flowers on the dressers? 22The zoo is between the hotel and the bank(对画线部分提问) _ _ the zoo?,Are any,Where is,23Mikes house is behind his school.(改为同义句) Mikes school is _ _ _ his house. 24Lucy sits on Susans left(左边) and on Georges right(右边)(改为同义句) Lucy sits _ Susan _ George. 25There is a park on the other side(另一边) of the street.(改为同义句) _ _ the street is a park.,in front of,between and,Across from,六、补全对话,每空一词。(102分20分) A:26._ me. Is there a 27._ office near here?I 28._ to post(寄) a card. B:Yes. Just go along this street and turn left. Its 29._ Center Street. A:Is it far 30._ here? B:No,it isnt. Its very near. It will take you only ten minutes to get there on foot. A:By the way,31._is the bookstore?,Excuse,post,want,on,from,where,B:The 32._?Its on Eighth Street. Its 33._ to the supermarket. A:Can I 34._ there? B:Yes,you can. But it will take you about half an hour to walk there. You had better 35._ a bus there. A:Thank you very much. B:Youre welcome.,bookstore,next,walk,take,Section A 单元话题阅读,一、完形填空。 Welcome to New Street. New Street is a great place to enjoy _1_There are _2_ stores and shops on New Street. It is a very _3_ street. If you want to _4_,you can go to the bookstore. It is _5_ from the big supermarket. There is also a new park _6_ the supermarket. Its _7_ and quiet. You can _8_ your lunch in it. If you want to borrow books,you can go to the _9_Its _10_ the supermarket and the park.,D,C,C,D,A,C,B,D,B,C,二、阅读理解。,根据材料内容,选择正确答案。 11There is _ in the place. Aa library and an old bridge Ba school and a hotel Ca post office and a restaurant Da school and a zoo 12The pay phone is _ the park. Ain Bbetween Cin front of Din the front of 13If you are at the pay phone,just go straight and turn left,you can see _ on your right. Aa school Ba library Ca supermarket Da bank,B,C,C,14Where is Marys house? AIts on Jiefang Street. BIts on Shanghu Street. CIts between the hotel and the supermarket. DIts in front of the library. 15If you are at A,how can you get to the pay phone? AGo down Shanghu Street and turn right. BGo down Shanghu Street and turn left. CGo down Jiefang Street and turn right. DGo down Jiefang Street and turn left.,A,A,三、任务型阅读。 Roman City is an interesting place to visit. Its a beautiful little town with many old buildings. Take a walk through the center of the town on Main Street. Look at the Roman City Hotel first. It is at the corner(角落) of Main Street and Green Avenue. Its about 150 years old and people can still live there. Theres an interesting old building across from the hotel. Its a store for books and videos. There are many places to eat on Main Street. You can get lunch or dinner in one of these places. Theres a park between Main Street and Oak Street. You can sit on a bench(长凳) in the park. Its nice and quiet,and you can enjoy the trees and flowers. You can also take a walk down Green Avenue. There are some old buildings and interesting little stores on this street.,根据短文内容,完成下列句子。 16Roman City is a town with_. 17The store for books and videos is _ the hotel. 18Theres a _ between Main Street and Oak Street. 19There are some _ and interesting little stores on Green Avenue. 20The _ is about 150 years old.,many old buildings,across from,park,old buildings,Roman City Hotel,第四课时(Section B 1a1d),一、用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。(53分15分),1Dont forget to _ left when you see the library. 2_ there any students in the classroom? Yes,there are. 3The hospital is _ from the bank. 4There are many _ in our city. 5Turn right at the _ crossing.,turn,Are,across,hotels,first,二、根据句意用适当的介词填空。(53分15分) 6The hotel is _ to the supermarket. 7Our school is _ the post office and the shop. 8Can you see the bank? No,I cant. Its _ the supermarket. 9You can see a new watch _ my right hand. 10Its not far _ the park.,next,between,behind,on,from,三、根据句意及汉语提示写单词。(53分15分) 11Go _ (沿) New Street and youll find the post office. 12Lucy sits on my _ (左边),and we are good friends. 13When you get to the Green Street,_ (转向) right,and you can see the school. 14Youll get to the first _ (十字路口) 15The restaurant is on the _ (右边) of the pay phone.,along,left,turn,crossing,right,四、单项选择。(53分15分) 16Is there a post office on Center Street? _. AIts not far from here BYes,it is CYes,there is DNo,there arent 17_? Go along this street and turn left. AWhere is the hotel BIs there a hotel near here CWelcome to our clothes store DDo you come here,C,A,D,C,B,五、按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。(54分20分) 21There are some pens in the box.(改为一般疑问句) _ _ _ pens in the box? 22Is there a library around here?(作否定回答) _,_ _. 23The library is behind the dining hall.(改为同义句) The dining hall is _ _ _ the library. 24The restaurant is next to the park(对画线部分提问) _ _ the restaurant? 25A week has seven days.(改为同义句) _ _ seven days in a week.,Are there any,No there isnt,in front of,Where is,There are,六、根据图示内容完成对话,每空一词。(54分20分),A:Excuse me. B:Yes. Can I 26._ you? A:Well,Im 27._ in the town. Is there a hotel in the neighborhood? B:Yes,there is. Go 28._ Guangming Road,and turn 29._ at the third crossing. Go along Xinhua Street,and youll see the hotel. Its next to a 30._,across from a museum. A:OK. Thanks a lot. B:Youre welcome.,help,new,along/straight,left,bookstore,第五课时(Section B 2a2c),一、用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。(53分15分),1The post office is on the _ of the hotel. 2Its sunny today. Do you want to _ the mountains with us? 3Jane _ tells us some interesting stories. 4There is a small but beautiful park _ my neighborhood. 5There is no _ lunch in the world.,left,climb,often,in,free,二、根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空。(53分15分) 6My grandpa spends an hour _ (exercise) every morning. 7Im sitting by the river and watching the boys _ (swim) 8_ (get) to the school on time,I must get up very early. 9Do you enjoy _ (listen) to music? 10The work isnt difficult. I can finish it _ (easy),exercising,swimming,To get,listening,easily,三、根据句意及汉语或首字母提示写单词。(53分15分) 11How do you _ (度过) your weekend? 12The_ (空气) in the village is clean. 13She wants to buy the clothes,but she doesnt have m_ 14He is driving his car along a busy s_ called Fifth Avenue. 15The dress is on sale today. You can buy one and get another one f_,spend,air,oney,treet,ree,四、单项选择。(53分15分) 16Wang Lin wants to buy a T-shirt. She needs to go to a _. Aclothes store Bbank Cbookstore Drestaurant 17His home is on a _ street. Its very noisy. Aquiet Bbusy Cclean Ddirty,A,B,18Dont _ the street now. There are too many buses. Across Bacross Ccrossing Dacrossing 19The drivers must drive their car _ the right side of the road. Aon Bat Cin Dfor 20Whats in your study? There _ a desk,a computer and many books. Ais Bare Chas Dam,A,A,A,五、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。(54分20分) 21这个女孩看起来像我表妹。 This girl _ _ my cousin. 22要去图书馆的话,你不得不沿着这条街走。 _ _ _ the library,you have to go along this street.,looks like,To get/go to,23我住在一个书店附近。 I _ _ a bookstore. 24别让那个孩子到处乱爬。 Dont let that child _ _. 25当我们读书时,时间过得很快。 When we read books,_ _ quickly.,live near,climb around,time goes,六、从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话,有两项多余。(54分20分),A:Hello.26._ B:Speaking,please. A:27._ B:I am reading a book at home. What about you? A:I am free now. B:Please come to my home. A:What can we do then? B:28._ A:Great!Where is your house? B:29._ A:I know it. There is a post office. B:30._ A:I get it. See you later. B:See you.,C,E,D,B,A,单元写作小专题&Section B(3a3b),基础写作 一、根据句意及首字母提示写单词。 1My mother often goes s_ at a big supermarket. 2Tom sits b_ David and me. 3To g_ to the bank,you need to take a bus. 4Please turn l_ when you see a hotel. 5I love the nice people in my n_.,hopping,etween,et,eft,eighborhood,二、用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。,6She likes _ in the park on weekends. 7It is a new park. Its across _ my office. 8_ do you get there from your home? 9He _ in a beautiful neighborhood. 10_ right at the second turning.,to play/playing,from,How,lives,Turn,三、连词成句。 11how,I,get,the,can,hospital,to _? 12turn,a,when,bank,left,see,you _. 13is,near,there,a,here,park _? 14his,far,house,from,isnt,zoo,the _. 15on,your,who,girl,left,is,the _?,How can I get to the hospital,Turn left when you see a bank,Is there a park near here,The zoo isnt far from his house,Who is the girl on your left,典例分析 【典型例题】 假设图中的黑点是Tony家在地图上的位置,请你根据该示意图写一篇文章,告诉Tony从家如何去动物园。 要求:1.词数:50词左右。 2可以适当发挥想象。,【思路点拨】 写作时要按照如下思路进行: 1开门见山。根据题目内容可知,要给Tony指路,可以以“Tony wants to go to the zoo.”来开头。 2描述具体路线。在描述具体路线时,可以根据你们自己的理解来灵活使用各种句式。比如,可以按照这样的路线来写:先沿着Bridge Street走,然后右拐。涉及的句式:Go along/down Bridge Street. Turn right.,(2)根据图示写出相关联的句子 Go along Bridge Street. Turn right into Paris Street. You can see the zoo on your right. 【连句成篇】 Now Tony is at home. He wants 1._ to the zoo. This is the way he can 2._ the zoo. Go down Bridge Street. You can see a supermarket and a cinema on Bridge Street.3._ into Paris Street at the second crossing. You can see the zoo 4._.The zoo is next to the cinema.,to go,get to,Turn right,on the right,巩固演练 本周末Joe邀请Linda去他家玩,但Linda不知道去Joe家的路怎么走。假如你是Joe,请根据下面的路线图,给Linda发一封邮件,告诉她去你家的路怎么走。 要求:60词左右。邮件的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。,One possible version: Dear Linda, Welcome to my house! After you get off at the bus station,walk along Green Street. First you can see a post office and then you see a library. Turn left at the library and walk along Park Road. You can see a restaurant on your right and a toy store on your left. When you see the toy store,turn left and walk on. Then you can see a shoe store. My house is just across from the shoe store. You cant miss it. Yours, Joe,Section B 单元话题阅读,一、完形填空。,A,C,C,B,A,B,A,C,C,B,二、阅读理解。,根据信件内容,选择正确答案。 11Julias house is across from _. Athe post office Bthe police station Cthe supermarket Dthe bank 12The _ is between Julias house and the hotel. Apark Bbank Csupermarket Drestaurant,B,A,13Julias family often _ in the park on weekends. Aread books Beat lunch Cplay sports Dtake photos 14The park is _ Amys house. Aacross from Bin front of Cnext to Dbehind 15Its about _ from Amys house to the hill. Aten minutes walk Bten minutes bus ride Cfifteen minutes walk Dfifteen minutes bus ride,C,D,C,三、任务型阅读。,16将(A)处画线的单词连词成句。 _ 17将(B)处的句子翻译成汉语。 _ 18将(C)处的句子改写同义句。 _ 19What do the writer and his friends do after school? _ 20Why are they sometimes late for class? _,There is a library across from my house.,在我家和图书馆之间有一个公园。,The school is near my home.,The writer and his friends often play basketball in the park after school.,Because North Street in front of the school is very busy. And there is a lot of traffic.,

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