七年级英语下册 Unit 7 Abilities task 2课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt

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Unit 7,Unit 7 Abilities,Task,get an award 获奖,Presentation,a sir 先生,a madam 女士,sir n. 先生 madam n. 女士 recommend vt. 推荐 award n. 奖,奖品,奖金 part n. 部分 take part in 参加,Read these new words.,need n.(食物、钱等的)短缺,缺乏 lose vt. 迷失,丢失 lose ones way 迷路 before conj. 到为止; 在之前 hear from 收到的来信 yours faithfully (用于书信结尾签名前)您忠实的,give a seat to someone on the bus,Lead-in,clean up the park,donate money, collect things ,help an old man to cross the road,Daniel is helpful, I would like to recommend him for this years Young Star Award.,Why did Mr. Wu write this letter? Mr. Wu wrote this _ to _ Daniel for this years _ _ _. 2. What kind of boy is Daniel? Daniel is _. Daniel is _. Daniel is _.,letter,recommend,Young Star Award,clever,thoughtful,kind,Listening,Read after the recorder.,1. clever He can learn things _ (quick). He can use the computer _ (good). 2. thoughtful He thinks _ (careful) when he works. He plans everything _ (good) and _ (take) part in activities.,quickly,well,carefully,well,takes,Daniel is .,3. kind,Last week, a 5-year-old boy _ (迷路) and cried in the street. He _ him _ (带去) the police station. He stayed with the boy and played with him _ (两个小时) before the boys parents came.,lost his way,took,to,for two hours,recommend sb. for 推荐某人获奖 e.g. We want to recommend Liu Tao for this years Young Star Award. 我们想要推荐刘涛获得今年青年之星奖。,Explanation,recommend sb. to do sth. 推荐某人做某事 e.g. He recommends me to do this job. 他推荐我做这份工作。,2. take part in sth. 参加某事 e.g. We want to take part in the sports meeting. 我们想要参加运动会。 3. in need 需要 e.g. He often helps the children in need. 他经常帮助需要帮助的孩子。,4. lose ones way = get lost 迷路 e.g. He lost his way/got lost in the forest. 他在森林里迷路了。 5. look forward to (doing) sth. 期待着、盼望着做某事 e.g. I look forward to seeing you soon. 我期待着尽快见到你。,6. hear from sb. = get a letter from sb. 收到某人的来信 e.g. She heard from her sister yesterday. 她昨天收到了她妹妹的来信。,1. 推荐某人获 2. 学东西快 3. 做大部分电脑工作 4. 仔细思考 5. 参加活动,recommend sb. for learn things well do most of the computer work think carefully take part in activities,Translation,6. 需要帮助的孩子 7. 迷路 8. 得到这个奖 9. 收到某人的来信,children in need lose ones way get the award hear from sb.,根据汉语或首字母提示完成单词。 1. The boy _(迷路) his way in the forest last night. 2. Waiters usually call a lady _ (夫人) in a restaurant. 3. Next t_, I will be in Grade Eight.,Exercise,lost,madam,erm,4. He was so c_ that he wrote down the wrong number. 5. I want to be a m_ of the Reading Club.,areless,ember,用所给词的适当形式填空。,1. We look forward to _ (hear) from you. 2. Jim can use the computer _ (good). 3. His father is in hospital, so he is _ (happy). 4. He does well in _ (dance). 5. He told his children to be _ (care).,hearing,well,unhappy,dancing,careful,6. Reading is _ (help) to us students. 7. Li Lei learns English by _ (he).,helpful,himself,The Best Class Leader Award (最佳班干部奖),The Most Popular Student Award (最受欢迎学生奖),Different awards in the class,Group Discussion,The Most Hard-working Student Award (最勤奋学生奖),Who do you want to recommend? Why do you want to recommend him/her? What is your hope?,The Most Helpful Student Award (最乐于助人学生奖),Writing your recommendation letter.,从候选人中选出你认为最适合当选最佳班干奖/最受欢迎学生奖/最乐于助人学生奖/最勤奋学生奖的同学,选择其中一种奖项,你向班主任卢老师写一封推荐信或自荐信。 要求:1. 词数100左右。 2. 推荐的理由要包含个人的品质,能力,并举事例说明。,Recommendation letter Introduction The first paragraph tells the receiver what the letter is about.,How to write a recommendation letter.,Main body The main body of the letter talks about different points in this order. Paragraph 2: ability of your classmate Paragraph 3: personality of your classmate Paragraph 4: what your classmate did,Conclusion The last paragraph states what you want from the receiver.,Dear sir/Madam, _ _ _ _ Yours faithfully _,Play a game!,Find out the mistakes,先看信的整体结构 1. 信的段落分布,推荐谁1分, 能力、品质、事例共6分,作者希望1分; 2. 字数2分; 3. 在此基础上,有语言点错误一个扣0.5分。,10分作文评分标准,Show your recommendation letter.,Review all the new words and language points in this unit.,Homework,Thank you!,Thank you!,

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