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其他范文/相声小品剧本 maiyao a play: buying medicineby liu qinglincharacters: x - xiao fei s - shopkeeper d- - doctor li ws - wounded soldiers ( w1, w2,w3 -) h -he zhenwu, a japanese spy w- - woman j - japanesescene1( at an old temple lie some wounded soldiers. d is examining their wounds.)d: good evening, everyone. ws: ( together) good evening, dr li. d: hello, let me examine you. w1: im all right. theres no need to do so. ( w1 is about to fall down.) d: (helps him up) your leg discloses you! let me have a look. ah, its going worse. let me put some medicine on you.w1: no, it isnt necessary. there is little medicine left. go to look after that young man. he has a high fever. he seems fainted.d: ( takes w2s temperature. ) so he has! he needs an injection but we have none. feed him these last three pills with warm water. what else can i do? theres no medicine left.w3: dont worry, doctor. i am young and strong. i am all tight now. ill go and buy some medicine.d: no, you are not all right. your leg will bleed when you move. lie down and have a good rest.w4: so you can let me go . i can run very fast. the enemy cannot catch me.( just then, xiao fei comes in.)x: be quiet everybody. you must have a good rest. this is order, you know. w1: but theres no medicine left.x: thats why im here. ive come to fetch the list . ill go to town to buy medicine.d: have you got any money?x: no.d: ( takes off her gold ring.) take this with you. perhaps you can change it for medicine.x: no, i cant take it , because it is given to you by your future husband who gave up his life to the revolution a few days ago. it mustnt go to other peoples hands.d: but how can you get the medicine without money?x: dont worry. ill manage. goodbye.d and ws: be careful! scene2( music) ( xiao is walking on the way like a businessman. he sings as he goes.when he passes a corn field, he sees he zhenwu the japanese spy robbing a woman)w: help! help! h: you neednt cry. theres nobody else here. let me marry you and make yourself noble. w: you japanese spy! no one will marry you. h: otherwise ill kill you! ( he raises his gun and the woman catches hold of his wrist . they start a fight. finally, h knocks w down. just then x arrives)x: stop! dont bully chinese woman!h: its none of your business! go away.x: i would rather stop you. ( h raises his gun towards x. x kicks it away. they begin a fight. w puts on his clothes w and begins to pull hs leg. x knocks h down)x: (to w) quick! help me tie him up.w: you are bleeding. let me do first aid. x: it doesnt matter. pull him into the corn fields. h: please spare my life. i wont do that again ( w takes up the gun and is about to shoot.)x: dont do that. if the japanese hear the shot, theyll come. h: thank you, sir. but please let me go.x: let you go? youll continue to kill and bully chinese! ( x puts his socks into hs mouth.) wait here . and lend me your pass and bike. dont try to run away. (they go down.) scene 3(music) (x is riding a bike toward town. he sings as he goes along) x: here you are! and after some time stops at a drug shop and knocks at the door.)s: whos it? x: its me, a customer. s: (to o1) go to answer the door. o1: come in, please. you are the only customer for these days.s: what can i do far you?x: ( hands him the pass.) we japanese assistant soldier need some medicine. here is the list. s: oh, so much medicine! do you have enough money?x: well send you the money in a few days time. quick, this is order. ( shows him his gun.) s: all right! all right!s: ( to o1) quick! give him the medicineo1: all right . ( hands it to x.) here you are. x: i have to go now. bye-bye.s: ( to o1) quick! close the door.o1: all right. ( he closes it.)s: ( makes a telephone call.) hi! this is no1 medicine shop. just now, a man came in and took a lot of medicine away. perhaps he belongs to the eighth route army . stop him, quick! signs him to stop. x rides towards him and knocks him out. j1 begins to short at him. soon he arrives at a bridge, where two soldiers stand . x kills them with two shots. a crowd of soldiers rush towards him. he run into the corn field. h has just frees himself and is about to leave.)j3: oh, here he is!js: (together) dont move! hands up! h: im sorry. im not eighth -j4: tie him up. ( they tie him up and beat him.) h: ouch! i belong to japanese army.j5: dont listen to him. hes lying. put him in our car. lets go. (they go down.) x: (x goes through the corn field and comes up to a street. he meets some japanese and fights them. he kills some of them and enters a lane. finally he arrives at the temple. d and ws come to welcome him) d: here comes our congratulations.x: thank you, everybody. ( the end )

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