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其他范文/相声小品剧本 星球大战StarWars the star warsbygeorge lucasrough draft first of four major screenplay draftslucasfilm ltd.5/741. fade in:spacea sea of stars is broken by the vast blue surface of the planet, utapau. fivesmall moons slowly drift into view from the far side of the planet. the maintitles are followed by a roll-up:until the recent great rebellion, the jedi bendu were the most feared warriorsin the universe. for one hundred thousand years, generations of jediperfected their art as the personal bodyguards of the emperor. they were thechief architects of the invincible imperial space force which expanded theempire across the galaxy, from the celestial equator to the farthest reachesof the great rift.now these legendary warriors are all but extinct. one by one they have beenhunted down and destroyed as enemies of the new empire by a ferocious andsinister rival warrior sect, the knights of sith.a small silver spacecraft emerges from behind one of the utapau moons. thedeadly little fightercraft speeds past several of the moons, until it finallygoes into orbit around the fourth moon.2. wasteland - fourth moon - utapaua harsh gale blows across the bleak grey surface of the fourth moon. theleaden sky presses down on a lone figure, annikin starkiller, a tall, heavy-set boy of eighteen. he slowly makes his way across the canyon floor. theheavy winds whip at him and make the going extremely difficult. his face iscovered by a breath mask and goggles. he stops for a second to adjust theshoulder strap on his chrome multiplelaser rifle. something in the skycatches his eye, and he instinctively grabs a pair of electrobinoculars fromhis belt. he stands transfixed for a few moments, studying the heavens, thenturns and rushes back in the direction from which he came.3. supply hut - fourth moon - utapaua spacecraft, half buried in the dust, rests next to the remains of anabandoned supply shack. annikin makes his way across the colorless landscapeand rushes into the crumbling building. the interior of the hut is shabby,but manages to abate the howling winds. seated in front of a thermoheater areannikins father, kane, and his young brother, deak. kane is a large, burlyman, wearing the distinctive robes of a jedi. deak is ten years old, withdusty blond hair and a large scratch on his cheek. annikin slams the door andremoves his gear. his ruggedly handsome face is caked with many layers ofdust.annikindad! dad!.theyve found us!deak looks up from a small cube he has been studying. his father whacks himacross the shoulder with a braided wire connector.kanecontinue with the problem. your concentration is worse than your brothers.(to annikin) how many?annikinonly one this time. a banta four.kanegood. we may not have to repair this old bucket after all. prepare yourself.deakme too!kanedo you have the answer?deaki think its the corbet dictum: what is, is without.kane smiles. this is the correct answer. annikin is strapping on a utilitybelt with chrome laserpistols and lasersword. kane rises and starts for hisequipment.deak (cont)ahhh, pop.kanedeak, do you feel youre ready?deakyes, sir. ive outmarked annikin in twelve disciplines. im as good.kaneall right, son, get your gear.deak jumps up with the enthusiasm available only to a ten-year-old and grabshis gear. his father frowns and shakes his head.4. wasteland bluff - fourth moon - utapaukane starkiller and his two sons carefully make their way up a rock bluffoverlooking the parked silver sith spacecraft. kane inspects the craft withhis electrobinoculars.kaneno tracks. bi-lock hasnt been opened.interior systems are still on.annikinare we going to wait for him to come out?kanehes not in there.hes baiting us. im surprised they only sent one thistime. we must be wearing them down, or they must think this knight issomething special.stay on guard, and keep hidden. im going to work my wayacross the ridge and call his bluff. better we meet in open combat than waitfor him to ambush us.keep your guard!kane leaves his two sons and moves off along the obscured ridge. annikin anddeak watch him intently. annikin throws down his multiplelaser rifle indisgust.annikinhe should have let me go with him.hes getting too old to make an openchallenge.deakhes not too old to realize youd just get in the way.annikin ignores his little brothers remark and sneaks a look over the ridgeat the sith spacecraft. kane moves out of the rocks some distance away andstarts toward the starship. deak moves to the ridge next to his brother, hischrome laserrifle sparkling in the reflected light of utapau.deakhes making his move.annikinwatch your guard.and cover that weapon. it shines like a beacon.deak reluctantly move away and watches the other direction. kane has almostreached the sith spacecraft and still there is no sign of its occupant.deakwhats happening?annikinnothing. i dont like it.kane carefully moves to the main hatch of the starship. he kicks a valve andthe hatch drops open with a loud clank and rushing gas. annikin becomes moretense as his father carefully moves inside the spacecraft. everything isstill. even the continual winds seem to have died down. moments pass with nosign of activity inside the enemy starship. annikin watches the craft withhis electrobinoculars. the waiting becomes unbearable.annikinsomethings happened! hes been in there too long.deaklet me look! stand my guard.deak takes the electrobinoculars from his brother and studies the silentspacecraft. annikin impatiently scans the opposite horizon.deaki think the power just went off. wed better wait here until someone comesout.annikinwhat if he needs help?deakthe power went back on again.with the aid of the electrobinoculars, deak watches the running lights of thestarship flash on and off. suddenly, something huge moves in front of hisfield of view. before either of the two young boys can react, a large,sinister sith warrior in black robes and a face mask looms over them. hecarries a long lasersword which cuts young deak down before he or his brotherare able to raise their weapons. the startled annikin backs away in horror,then settles down and ignites his lasersword, which creates an eerie red glow.he stumbles over rocks as he attempts to avoid the charging sith knight. theevil warrior swings his mighty lasersword, but annikin manages to deflect theintended deathblow.finally, annikin is able to assume a defensive stance, and the two warriorsstand, sizing up each other. the black knight is at least seven feet tall,and dwarfs the young jedi. they stand for a few moments, almost frozen, thenin a flurry of blows, laserswords clash with the sound of electric snappingand popping. annikin is barely able to hold his own against the experiencedknight. many blows are exchanged before the sith warrior is able to backannikin up against a deep crevasse. annikin stumbles and almost falls overthe cliff to his death.the black knight suddenly senses something behind him and whirls around toface annikins father, kane starkiller, a jedi bendu master. the sith warriorraises his lasersword, but is cut in two before he can bring it down again.kane moves to the fallen black knight, and studies him carefully. annikin,still a little wobbly from the whole experience, attempts to stand. kane seeshis dead son deak, and goes to him. he lifts him into his arms and begins toweep. annikin stands bewildered, watching his father cradle his dead brother.5. interior sith starship - wasteland canyon - utapaukane starkiller slides into one of the four seats of the small sith starship.through the front viewing canopy, he watches annikin drag his youngerbrothers body to a small crevasse. annikin places a small locket around hisbrothers neck, makes a complicated sign with his hand, and dumps the bodyinto the shallow depression. the giant engines of the spacecraft begin towhine, kicking up large clouds of dust.annikin climbs into the seat beside his father and removes his breath mask andgoggles. there are tears in his eyes. father and son look out across thewasteland towards deaks grave. the thunderous clap of an explosion isfollowed by a small mushroom cloud rising out of the depression. annikinthrows a container down in a fit of rage.annikinhow many more of them are there? i want to finish it, once and for all! imsick of running.when will it stop?annikins father waits silently until his sons tirade is finished. annikinsits silently for a few moments.annikin (cont)im sorry.kaneson, plot a course for aquilae.annikin lights up like a bantha at feeding time.annikinaquilae! you mean were going home?kanewe both need a rest.kane pulls back on the throttle, and the powerful spaceship lifts off thesurface of the fourth moon of utapau.6. cloud sea - alderaana title card appears over a sea of billowing clouds on the gaseous planet ofalderaan:alderaan: capital of the new galactic empire.the towering white oxide clouds pass, revealing the imperial city of alderaan.the magnificent domed and gleaming city is perched, mushroom-like, on a tallspire, which disappears deep into the misty surface of the planet. thepeacefulness of this nebulous idyll is broken by the increasing wail of ionengines. four sleek stardestroyers, from the imperial third fleet, burstfrom one of the huge cumulus range. the craft are flying in a tight formationas they bank steeply, and head toward the imperial capital of the galaxy.7. interior of stardestroyer - alderaanstardestroyers are two-man spacecraft crammed with sophisticated electronicweaponry. the pilot and gunnery officers sit side-by-side, surrounded bylighted readouts and switches. they wear the gleaming black uniforms of theempire.pilottok-one to chicks: shape it up. lets make it good.chick-onedoes that glare bother you?pilotuse your face shield, chick-one.the pilot is cold and professional as he maneuvers his craft closer to theothers. the positions of the ships are displayed on a readout, along with agraphic representation of the city. the pilot gives the gunner a quick lookbefore he flips his sunshield over his eyes.pilothere we go. count: three, two, one, now!8. review stand - plaza of the daders - alderaanon a huge, austere platform stands the dark cos dashit, lord of alderaan,consul to the supreme tribunal, and ruler of the galactic empire. he is athin, grey-looking man, with an evil mustache which hangs limply over hisinsipid lip. standing at rigid attention on his right are several generals,dressed in the black and grey uniform of the realm. five members of thesupreme tribunal sit off to the side. on the emperors left stands crispinhoedaack, newly appointed governor of the aquilaean systems, a young,treacherous man with stone-cut, angular features and piercing grey eyes.they all gaze skyward, as the four gleaming stardestroyers scream low overheadin an impressive barrel-roll formation. as the sound of the spacecraftresonates throughout the glass canyon of the plaza, the group of dignitariesreturn their attention to the parade of imperial shock troops, and giant airtanks (which ride magically two to three feet above the ground).the plaza of the daders is filled with a hundred rows of troops as the lastbrigade marches into position. the sound of a thousand men snapping toattention is followed by a strange silence. a light wind blows the great redbanner of the empire, creating a subtle flapping sound. the emperorsamplified voice startles many of the troops as it cuts through the quiet.emperorupon this battle depends the survival of the galactic empire. upon thisbattle depends the life and long continuity of our civilization. not sincethe great jedi rebellion has our destiny been placed in such a balance. thisis to be the most magnificent campaign of all! you have never been calledwithout doing something to be remembered, something notable and striking. theconquering of the aquilaean system, the last of the independent systems, andthe last refuge of the outlawed, vile sect of the jedi, will have suchimportant and lasting consequences, that i cant but consider it as an epochin history.to the rear of the plaza, watching the spectacle over the shoulder of acurious bureaucrat, stands clieg whitsun, a tall, blond young man about twentyyears old. he seems interested in what the emperor has to say, but keepslooking around nervously as if someone were after him. his arm rests acrosshis head, as he carefully but coolly adjusts a glowing blue ring on his indexfinger. the emperor nears the end of his speech. crispin hoedaack has moved up to stand next to the sinister monarch.the troops shout an imperial salute in response to a particularly partisanstatement.emperor (cont).i have personally asked the aquilaeans to accept this treaty of alliance.during the long period of negotiation, they have only decided to be undecided.we will barter no longer. governor hoedaack has been appointed the first lordof the aquilaean system and surrounding territories. this is the lastfrontier and the final stone in the great wall of the galactic empire.the troops cheer, ad the emperor escorts hoedaack inside. whitsun movesquickly away from the plaza, passing through several check stations, where heis forced to show his identification.9. night club - alderaanwhitsun walks into the glass and chrome splendor of one of the famousnightclubs of alderaan. he moves to the long mirrored bar, and sits next to arough-looking man, bail antilles, dressed in the distinctive gold and furs ofthe galactic traders.whitsunyour glass is empty.whitsun speaks into a small intercom on the bar front.whitsun (cont)a dantic and.he looks in antilles glass.antillesno thanks, whitsun. ive had enough.whitsunjust a dantic then. bail, its not like you to refuse a drink. youre goingto give galactic traders a bad name.a drink appears magically from a small elevator in the bar. whitsun takes it,and then places a pen-like transmitter he has taken from his pocket next tothe intercom. it creates a low electronic buzz.10. bar observation center - alderaana controller sitting in front of a row of monitors taps his headphones, thenflips a switch back and forth a couple of times. he is obviously annoyed.controllernumber eighteen is out again. give me a maintenance check.the controller yawns and puts his feet up on the control panel.11. nightclub - alderaanwhitsun leans in close to antilles. he is suddenly very serious.antilleswhitsun, weve got problems. theyve just grounded all spacecraft, includingtrade frigates. even the ships under imperial registry cant move. somethingbig is up.whitsunim afraid theyre not waiting for the alliance treaty. theyre alreadymoving against the system. ive got to get word back.antillesthe chrome companies are protesting the embargo, but its going to take sometime.whitsunisnt anything moving?antillesmilitary ships, but.they are interrupted by an imperial officer, and several stormtroopers. theofficer shouts over the p.a. system, as the troops rush to block the exits.whitsun and the galactic trader are tense, but remain cool.officerattention: all captains and first officers of guild trade frigates willaccompany me to the ministry of transport immediately.antilles gives whitsun a hopeless look as the troops check their papers, andthen take antilles away. a small fight breaks out in the back of thenightclub as one of the trader captains expresses his dislike of the empire.whitsun slams his glass to the bar in a gesture of hate and frustration.12. governor hoedaacks quarters - alderaanthe large, white-on-white executive quarters resound with the high-pitchedlaugh of the evil governor hoedaack. he slaps darth vader, a tall, grim-looking general, on the back, and the generals mouth makes the slightestgesture at a smile.hoedaacksuccess, i told you. we are no longer under the control of the greatfamilies.weve gained a true advantage.vantos coll, a member of the supreme tribunal, and a man of the grossestdimensions, appears to be a little worried.colla rather dangerous advantage. you still have a system to conquer.hoedaackbut this system will bring us more scientific wealth than that of any otherhouse in the tribunal. we will easily gain control of the directorship.colldont underestimate the armies of aquilae. theyre lead by a jedi.hoedaackive told you about commissioner lars, general. he worries a lot.vaderits a myth that any jedi still exist.collgeneral skywalker is no myth. when i first arrived at court, he was the firstbodyguard to the emperor.he lead the jedi rebellion.vaderseig darklighter lead the rebellion.collso the emperor would have you think, but i was there.vaderthen why wasnt he hunted down like the others?collbecause he is too dangerous, too clever. besides, his presence on aquilae isstill only a rumor.hoedaackthen why do you believe it?collbecause i knew him. hes there, alright. i can sense it. mark my words:aquilae will not be easily conquered.13. courtyard - palace of lite - aquilaea low, sleek landspeeder, (an auto-like transport which travels a few feetabove the ground on a magnetic field), glides into the courtyard of the palaceof aquilae. the planet is desert wilderness, but the palace is a sparklingoasis, with low concrete walls and great turrets spilling over with foliagefrom rooftop gardens. the speeder stops before an enormous shaded corridor.fountains line the beautiful and highly polished, tiled walkway. two youngboys, biggs (7) and windom (5) are helped out of the speeder by amber, a one-armed bodyguard dressed in the flowing white robes of the aquilaean military.the two boys run through the long corridors, yelling and screaming, theirlittle footsteps echoing throughout the palace.14. the palace library is a dim, cool room projecting an aura of time-worncomfort and security. in the distance, the children can be heard screamingthrough the corridors. king kayos, silver-haired but amazingly youthful undera tanned and leathery face, motions for one of his aides to shut the partiallyclosed door. he is in the middle of an emergency meeting of the aquilaeanhigh senate. the twelve men sit in overstuffed chairs, placed in a largecircle. a large, sallow-eyed galactic trader named aay zavos fiddlesnervously with a small scrap of leather as he speaks.zavosmy lord, the chrome companies are with you in spirit, but you must understand,they cant openly support you. imperial trade restrictions are veryunfavorable, and we, of course, favor your

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