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Unit 6 Im watching TV.,第一课时(Section A 1a1c),一、根据句意及图片提示完成句子。(53分15分),1Lisa _ _ her room now. 2Whats your father doing? He is _ a _. 3John is _ _ _ in the kitchen. 4Tom is _ _ now. 5Jack is _ on the _.,talking phone,is cleaning,reading newspaper,doing the dishes,watching TV,二、根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空。(53分15分) 6My mother is _ (do) the dishes now. 7It is seven oclock. They _ (eat) some cakes. 8Look at the ducks. They _ (swim) in the river. 9_ he often _ (get) up early? Yes,he does. And he _ (read) English now. 10Listen,some boys _ (talk) in the room.,are talking,doing,are eating,are swimming,Does get is reading,三、根据句意及汉语提示写单词。(53分15分) 11My mother usually makes _ (汤) for dinner. 12Can you _ (洗) your clothes? Yes,I can. 13What are you doing,Tom? Im _ (使用) my computer. 14I _ (锻炼) for thirty minutes every morning. 15My father is reading a _ (报纸),newspaper,soup,wash,using,exercise,四、单项选择。(53分15分) 16Listen,the girl _ an English song. Asings Bsing Cto sing Dis singing 17Is your brother _ TV? No,hes _ a newspaper. Awatching;looking Bwatching;reading Clooking;watching Dwatching;read 18My pen pal and I often talk _. Aon phone Bby the phone Con the phone Dwith the phone 19Whats Mary doing? _. AShe is washing the dishes BShe often washes the dishes CShe exercises DShe sometimes cleans the room 20What _ you _? I _ to a CD. Aare;doing;am listening Bare;do;listen Cdo;do;am listening Dare;doing;listen,A,D,B,C,A,五、按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。(54分20分) 21.Tom is playing the guitar(对画线部分提问) _ _ Tom _? 22My grandfather is reading a newspaper.(改为否定句) My grandfather _ _ a newspaper. 23She is visiting Hong Kong.(改为一般疑问句) _ she _ Hong Kong? 24They run every morning.(用now改写句子) They _ _ now. 25Are they playing basketball?(作否定回答) _,they _.,No arent,What is doing,isnt reading,Is visiting,are running,六、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。(54分20分) 26戴尔正在做什么? 他正在锻炼。 _ _ Dale _? He _ _ 27你父母正在做什么? 他们正在打扫房间。 _ _ your parents _? They _ _ the room. 28莫莉现在正在做汤。 Molly _ _ _ now. 29我妈妈现在没有在看电视。 My mother _ _ TV now. 30他们正在吃午饭吗? 不,没有。 _ they _ lunch? No,they _,Are having/eating arent,What is doing is exercising,What are doing are cleaning,is making soup,isnt watching,第二课时(Section A 2a2d),一、用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。(53分15分),1Whats Mike _? Hes watching TV. 2Sally is _ a CD now. 3My parents often read _ in the evening. 4Is your mother _ the dishes? 5Can Jim _ the paper to make a boat? Yes,he can.,use,doing,listening to,newspapers,washing,二、根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空。(53分15分) 6Hi,Peter.Do you want _ (go) to the movies? 7Its seven oclock.I _ (wash) clothes. 8Lets meet at school _ (one) 9Im listening to a CD. What about you? I _ (exercise) 10Jim and John _ (do) their homework now.,are doing,to go,am washing,first,am exercising,三、根据句意及汉语提示写单词。(53分15分) 11It _ (刚好) takes ten minutes to clean the room. 12The _ (电影) The Secret Life of Pets(爱宠大机密)is very interesting. Lets go and watch it. 13Look!My father is helping my mother _ (洗) clothes. 14We can _ (出去吃饭) because my parents arent at home. 15The _ (汤) tastes so good.,soup,just,movie,wash,eat out,四、单项选择。(53分15分) 16Hello!_ Peter. Hello!Peter!Its Linda here. AThis is BI am CIt is DThat is 17What are you doing,Becky? Not much. Im _ doing my homework. Aeither Balso Cjust Dtoo 18I dont like the TV show. I think it is _. Ainteresting Bbeautiful Cboring Dexciting 19Lets go to the movies. That _ great. Alooks Bsounds Chears Dfeels 20Wheres Tom? He _ newspapers at home now. Aread Breading Cis reading Dreads,C,A,C,C,B,五、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。(54分20分) 21他们正在电话中交谈。 They are talking _ _ _. 22咱们七点钟见吧! _ _ at 7 oclock. 23这部电影有点无聊。 The movie is _ _ boring. 24你想和我们一起吃晚饭吗? Do you want to _ us _ dinner? 25明天晚上见! _ _ tomorrow evening!,See you,on the phone,Lets meet,kind of,join for,六、从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话,有两项多余。(54分20分),A:Hello!This is Anna. B:Hi,Anna.26._ A:Oh,hi,John. 27._ B:Not much.Im having lunch now. What about you? A:28._ B:Is it interesting? A:29._ B:Then lets go to the zoo this afternoon. A:30._ Lets meet at 2 oclock at the zoo. B:OK.See you then. A:See you.,C,G,E,D,A,第三课时(Grammar Focus3c),一、用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。(53分15分),1Can you tell me how to _ the computer? 2We need to _ eight cups of water every day. 3Mary has to _ her clothes on weekends. 4Can you come to my party _ evening? 5It _ takes twenty minutes to get to the subway station.,just,use,drink,wash,tomorrow,二、根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空。(53分15分) 6Look!Maria _ (ride) a bike there. 7Listen!Ms. Li _ (tell) a story to the students. 8The girls _ (sing) in the classroom now. 9Where is your mom? She _ (make) dinner in the kitchen. 10Mr. Brown _ (write) a book these days.,is writing,is riding,is telling,are singing,is making,三、根据句意及汉语提示写单词。(53分15分) 11Jenny is _ (喝) milk. 12_ (茶) is a kind of drink. 13We clean our _ (房子) every day. 14How about going to the movies _ (明天) evening? 15My father is reading _ (报纸),newspapers,drinking,Tea,house,tomorrow,四、单项选择。(53分15分) 16_ Frank _ his homework now? No,he _. ADoes;doing;doesnt BIs;doing;doesnt CIs;doing;isnt DIs;do;isnt 17My brother _ basketball every day. Look!He _ basketball now. Aplays;plays Bplays;is playing Cis playing;is playing Dis playing;plays 18_? Lets go there at 7 oclock in the morning. AWhere do you want to go BHow do you get there CWhen do you want to go DWhat are you doing 19Sam _ to the movies every Saturday. Agoing Bis going Cgoes Dgo 20Do you want to go to the movies? _ AYes,Im watching a movie BThe movie is interesting CThat sounds good. I like watching movies DI dont want to watch TV,C,C,B,C,C,五、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。(54分20分) 21简正在听音乐。 Jane is _ _ music. 22你叔叔正在看电视吗? _ your uncle _ _ now? 23海伦经常通过电话和朋友交谈。 Helen often talks with her friends _ _ _. 24今天我妈妈不在家,我要出去吃饭。 My mother isnt at home today. I will _ _. 25你会煲汤吗? Can you _ _?,make soup,listening to,Is watching TV,on the phone,eat out,六、按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。(54分20分) 26Lisa is drawing a picture.(改为否定句) Lisa _ _ a picture. 27They are having dinner at home.(改为一般疑问句) _ _ _ dinner at home? 28Jim is taking photos in the zoo.(对画线部分提问) _ Jim _ in the zoo? 29Is Lucy playing the piano now?(作肯定回答) _,_ _. 30Is Jack reading English?(作否定回答) _,_ _.,No he isnt,isnt drawing,Are they having,Whats doing,Yes she is,Section A 单元话题阅读,一、完形填空。 Today is Saturday,Ann _1_ to school.Her parents Mr. King and Mrs. King _2_ to work.They want to go to the Haishan Park(公园)The park is near their house,so they _3_ to the park.Its 9 oclock now.There are _4_ people in the park.Some people talk,some people _5_,some people sing,and some people _6_ in the river.Ann plays on the merry-go-round(旋转木马) _7_ other boys and girls.Mr. King _8_ in the sports club.Mrs. King dances in the music club.They _9_ its very _10_,1A.dont go Bdoesnt go Cnot go Dgoes 2A.dont go Bdoesnt Cnot go Dgo 3A.takes a walk Bon foot Cwalks Dtake a walk 4A.no Bmany Ca lots of Dlot of 5A.play the guitar Bplay guitar Cplays the guitar Dplays guitar 6A.run Bswim Cplay chess Ddance 7A.having Band Cwith Dor 8A.plays tennis Bplay the tennis C. plays the tennis Dplay tennis 9A.think Bthinks Cthinking Dlook 10A.relax Brelaxing Crelaxed Dboring,B,B,A,D,B,A,B,C,A,A,二、阅读理解。 Its Sunday morning. The King family are at home.Mrs. King is in the kitchen. She is making cakes.Mr. King is in the living room. He is sitting in a chair and reading a book. Tim and his friend Jim are in the garden.They are playing soccer.Lily and her friend Tina are in Lilys bedroom. They are painting some pictures.,根据短文内容,选择正确答案。 11There are _ people in Mr. Kings family. Asix Bfive Cfour Dthree 12_ is in the kitchen. AMr. King BJims mother CTinas mother DLilys mother 13Mr. King is reading a book _ Ain the kitchen Bin his bedroom Cin the garden Din a chair 14What are Tim and Jim doing? AThey are reading books. BThey are watching TV. CThey are playing soccer. DThey are painting pictures. 15Which of the following sentences is RIGHT about Tina? ATina is Mr. Kings daughter. BTina is Lilys friend. CTina is making cakes. DTina is Tims sister.,B,C,D,D,C,三、任务型阅读。 It is Saturday. The Browns are at home.Mrs. Brown is in the kitchen. Shes making apple pies(苹果派). The pies are very delicious(美味的). Do you want to have a taste?Mr. Brown isnt in the living room. He is in front of the house.He is washing his car. The car is new and very beautiful. So he looks after it very well. Jim is outside the house. He is playing soccer with some boys. Where is Jims sister,Sue?Shes in her bedroom with her friend,Ann.They are watching Happy Camp(快乐大本营). Who is the little boy under the tree?Its Bob,he is playing with the cute cat.,Playing soccer,Washing his car,In the kitchen,Bob,Watching TV/Happy Camp,第四课时(Section B 1a1e),一、根据图片提示回答问题。(53分15分),1What is he doing? _ 2Is he playing volleyball? _ 3What is he doing? _ 4Is she playing basketball? _ 5What is she doing? _,She is shopping.,He is swimming.,No,he isnt.,Hes watching TV.,Yes,she is.,二、根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空。(53分15分) 6Look!The boys _ (swim) in the river. Its dangerous. 7Lin Tao _ (put) on his coat now. 8Sometimes I go _ (shop) with my mother. 9Listen!The birds _ (sing) in the tree. 10Those _ (man) are playing tennis now.,men,are swimming,is putting,shopping,are singing,三、用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。(53分15分),11I want to go to the _ to buy some vegetables. 12Lucy is _ books in the library now. 13Jack usually swims in a _ in summer. 14Is the _ exercising? Yes,he is. 15Do you like _? Yes,I always buy some useful things.,shopping,supermarket,reading,pool,man,四、单项选择。(53分15分) 16Please be quiet in the _. Apool Brestaurant Czoo Dlibrary 17Is Paul playing baseball now? _.Hes playing basketball. AYes,he is BNo,he isnt CYes,he does DNo,he doesnt 18Where are Jeff and Jack? They _ at the supermarket. Aare taking a walk Bare shoping Care shopping Dare playing basketball 19_ they _ basketball? No,they arent. ADo;play BAre;play CAre;playing DDoes;play 20Whats Jim doing? He _ a book. Ais listening to Bis reading Cis looking Dis speaking,B,D,B,C,C,五、按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。(54分20分) 21.Are they having lunch at home now?(用every day改写句子) _ they _ lunch at home _ _? 22My sister and I are cleaning our room(对画线部分提问) _ are your sister and you _? 23Shes running.(改为一般疑问句) _ she _? 24Were talking to our friends(对画线部分提问) _ are you _ to? 25Im swimming in the pool(对画线部分提问) _ _ you _?,Where are swimming,Do have every day,What doing,Is running,Who talking,六、用所给词的适当形式补全对话。(82.5分20分) A:Hello!This is Marie.May I speak to Karen? B:Hello!This is Karen.How are you,Marie? A:Im fine.What 26._ (do)? B:Nothing much.I 27._ (study) math.What about you? A:I 28._ (clean) my room. B:Hey,do you want 29._ (go) to the movies? A:That 30._ (sound) boring. B:I just call Lucy.She 31._ (swim)Do you like 32._ (swim)? A:Sure.We can swim in the schools swimming pool.When do you want to go? B:Lets 33._ (go) to the swimming pool now. A:Great!,go,are you doing,am studying,am cleaning,to go,sounds,is swimming,swimming,第五课时(Section B 2a2c),一、英汉互译。(53分15分) 1包粽子 _ 2寄宿家庭 _ 3Dragon Boat Festival _ 4read a story _ 5talk on the phone _,用电话交谈,make zongzi,host family,端午节,读故事,二、根据句意及汉语提示写单词。(53分15分) 6Two men are _ (研究) the leaves under the tree. 7Mr.Brown has two _ (孩子),a son and a daughter. 8Bill is an _ (美国的) boy. 9The _ (年轻的) girl is very beautiful. 10David _ (希望) to have a new computer.,studying,children/kids,American,young,wishes,三、根据句意及首字母提示写单词。(53分15分) 11They are watching the boat r_ on TV. 12The food is really d_. I like it. 13My mother isnt at home.I m_ her a lot. 14You can get this book at a_ bookstore. 15John learns history,geography and o_ subjects.,ther,aces,elicious,iss,ny,四、根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空。(53分15分) 16Look! She _ (talk) with her friends. 17Its six oclock. My mother _ (make) dinner. 18Her father _ (not read) a book now. 19Do you want _ (go) to the movies? 20What about _ (watch) TV?,watching,is talking,is making,isnt reading,to go,五、单项选择。(54分20分) 21My father _ me to have a good job. Ahopes Bmakes Cwishes Dlets 22What are your two sisters doing? They _ TV. Awatch Bwatching Care watching Dwatches 23What _ friends do you have in Japan? Aother Bthe other Cothers Danother 24_ is it in New York? Its nine oclock in the morning. AWhat time BWhere CWho DWhat 25Lily is _ in Beijing. She _ her family very much. Astudying;misses Bstudying;missing Clearning;misses Dlearning;missing,A,C,C,A,A,六、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。(54分20分) 26我妈妈每天晚上给我读故事。 My mother _ stories _ me every night. 27音乐与任何别的艺术形式迥然不同。 Music is different from _ _ art form. 28吉尔正在电视上看足球比赛。 Jill _ _ a soccer game _ _. 29他们希望这周五离开这儿。 They _ _ _ here this Friday. 30你和你父母住在一起吗? Do you _ _ your parents?,live with,reads to,any other,is watching on TV,wish to leave,单元写作小专题&Section B(3a3b),基础写作 一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子。 1What are you doing? Im r_ a newspaper. 2My brother likes t_ with his friends on the phone. 3Mary,may I u_ your dictionary? OK. Here you are. 4Is she w_ TV? No,she isnt. She is doing her homework. 5June 1st is C_ Day. 6Best w_ to your parents. 7Bill and his friends are from New York. They are _ (美国人) 8How _ (美味的) the chicken is! 9Those _ (男人) are playing soccer now. 10Cindy is _ (洗) her clothes.,washing,eading,alking,se,atching,ishes,hildrens,Americans,delicious,men,二、连词成句。 11he,join,to,wants,dinner,for,me _. 12you,do,to,movies,want,to,the,go _? 13is,a,he,test,studying,for _. 14lets,at,home,meet,my,first _. 15your,doing,father,what,is,now _?,What is your father doing now,He wants to join me for dinner,Do you want to go to the movies,He is studying for a test,Lets meet at my home first,典例分析 【典型例题】 假设现在是周六上午10点,Tony和他的朋友们正在做不同的事情。请你根据下表内容写一篇短文,描述他们正在做的事情。 要求:1.词数:4050词; 2可适当发挥想象。,【思路点拨】 写作时要按照如下思路进行: 1交代时间。 根据题目所提供的信息可知,时间是“周六上午10点”,故在开头部分要交代现在的时间。 2总述句。用总述句引起下文,此时可以发挥想象,描述“Tony和他的朋友们都很忙,正在做不同的事情”。 3详细描述。 根据表格信息可知,有四个人物,而且分别提到了他们正在做的事情。此时要使用现在进行时的句式结构。,【连句成篇】 Today is Saturday. Its 10:00 am. Tony and his friends are very busy. They are doing different things now. Tony is 1._ TV at home. Mary is doing her 2._.Anna is doing some 3._ in the 4._ and Kate is 5._ in a 6._.,pool,watching,homework,shopping,supermarket,swimming,巩固演练 动物园里今天可真热闹!看,动物们正在举办派对呢!请你根据图片提示,写一篇60词左右的短文,描述一下它们正在做的事情吧!,One possible version: Today is a great day for all the animals in the zoo.They are having a party.Look!The elephant is playing the piano. The panda is playing the guitar.The cat is playing the violin. What is the lion doing?Oh,he is playing the drums.What about the other animals?They are watching the show. They are all having a great time.,Section B 单元话题阅读,一、完形填空。 Its Monday today.Tony _1_ at 6:00.Look! His mother _2_His father is reading a newspaper in the living room.Lily,his sister,is sleeping.Shes young,so she doesnt _3_ to go to school. “She is lucky,” Tony _4_.After having _5_,Tony _6_ a bus to school.Its 7:55 when he _7_ school.School starts at 8:00,_8_there are many students in the classroom._9_ students are cleaning the classroom._10_ are writing and reading.Tony helps his classmates clean the classroom.,1A. gets to school Bgoes home C. gets up Dgoes to school 2A.is cooking Bis cook Ccooks Dcooking 3A.wish Bhave Cwant Dhope 4A.talks Bspeaks Creads Dsays 5A.dinner Bsupper Clunch Dbreakfast 6A.brings Basks Ctakes Dsells 7A.arrives Barrives at C. arrives in Darrives to 8A.because Bor Cso Dif 9A.Some BAny CYoung DNew 10A.These BThose CWe DThe others,D,C,A,B,D,D,C,B,C,A,二、阅读理解。 There is a big square(广场) near my home.People like to go to this square after work.Some of them go to the square every day.Look!That is Mr. King.He is sitting on a chair and watching the children.Some children are playing games.Some children are flying kites(放风筝)Some boys are playing football.Lucy and Lily are standing under a tree.They are talking.Listen!A girl is singing.This is really a nice square.I come here after school every day.,11_ like to go to the square. AChildren BFathers and mothers CLucy and Lily DPeople 12There are some _ in the square. Abirds and cats Bchairs and trees Cballs and desks Dhouses and buses 13Lucy is talking with _. AMr. King Bthe boys CLily Dthe birds 14The writer(作者) cant see _ in the square. Akites Bboys Cgirls Dbirds 15What is the writer doing? AHes watching the people in the square. BHes playing a game. CHes flying a kite. DHes singing.,A,D,B,C,D,三、任务型阅读。 Its a quarter to eight in the morning.Everyone is busy now. The telephone rings and Jodie goes to answer it. “Hello,whos that?” she asks. “Its me,David.” David is a friend of Sams.Sam is Jodies brother,the only boy in the family. “Oh,hello,David. Whats up?” says Jodie. “Can I speak to Sam?” “No,” says Jodie, “You cant speak to him now.He is busy.He is getting ready for school.He is eating his breakfast.Grandmother is combing(梳) his hair.Sister is under the table,putting his shoes on.Mother is getting his books

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