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其他范文/相声小品剧本 Terminator2,未来战士续 英文片名: terminator 2 中文片名: 未来战士续 魔鬼终结者续上映: 1991- terminator 2 script - ext. city street - day 1downtown l.a. noon on a hot summer day. on an extreme long lens thelunchtime crowd stacks up into a wall of humanity. in slow motion theymove in herds among the glittering rows of cars jammed bumper to bumper.heat ripples distort the torrent of faces. the image is surreal,dreamy. and like a dream it begins very slowly todissolve to:2 ext. city ruins - night 2same spot as the last shot, but now it is a landscape in hell. the carsare stopped in rusted rows, still bumper to bumper. the skyline ofbuildings beyond has been shattered by some unimaginable force like arow of kicked-down sandcastles. wind blows through the desolation,keening with the sound of ten million dead souls. it scurries the ashesinto drifts, stark white in the moonlight against the charred rubble. atitle card fades in:3 angle on a heap of fire-blackened human bones. beyond the mound isa 3 vast tundra of skulls and shattered concrete. the rush hourcrowds burned down in their tracks.4 we dissolve to a playground. where intense heat has half-meltedthe 4 jungle gym, the blast has warped the swing set, themerry-go-round has sagged in the firestorm. small skulls lookaccusingly from the ash-drifts. we hear the distant echo ofchildrens voices. playing and laughing in the sun. a silly,sing-songy rhyme as we track slowly over seared asphalt where thefaint hieroglyphs of hopscotch lines are still visible.camera comes to rest on a burnt and rusted tricycle. next to thetiny skull of its owner. hold on this image as a female voicespeaks: *voice * 3 billion human lives ended on august 29th, * 1997. thesurvivors of the nuclear fire called * the war judgment day. theylived only to * face a new nightmare, the war against the *machines. *a metal foot crushes the skull like china.tilt up, revealing a humanoid machine holding a massive battle rifle.it looks like a chrome skeleton. a high-tech death figure. it is theendoskeleton of a series 800 terminator. its glowing red eyescompassionlessly sweep the dead terrain, hunting.terminator 2 - rev. 9/10/90 24 the sound of roaring turbines. searchlights blaze down as a 4formation of flying hk (hunter-killer) patrol machines passesoverhead. pan with them toward the jagged horizon, beyond whichwe see flashes, and hear the distant thunder of a pitched battle inprogress.5 ext. battlefield - night 5the battle. human troops in desperate combat with the machines forpossession of the dead earth. the humans are a ragtag guerrilla army.skynets weapons consist of the ground hks (tank-like robotgun-platforms), flying aerial hks, four-legged gun-pods calledcenturions, and the humanoid terminators in various forms.sequence of rapid cuts: 5a explosions! beam-weapons firing likesearing strobe-lights. 5a* 5b a gunner in an armored personnelcarrier fires a law rocket at a pursuing 5b aerial hk, bringing itdown in a fiery explosion. 5c another apc is crushed under the treadsof a massive ground hk. 5c5d a team of guerrillas in an intense fire-fight with terminator 5d5e endoskeletons in the ruins of a building. three terminatorendoskeletons 5e* 5f advance, firing rapidly. another (completecyborg), with flesh ripped open 5f and back broken, gropes for arifle on the ground.5g a centurion overruns a human firing position. soldiers are cut downas they 5g run. fiery explosions light the ranks of advancingmachines.6 in a blasted gun emplacement at the edge of battle, a man watches6 the combat with night vision binoculars. he wears the uniform ofa guerrilla general, and a black beret. he is still amid running,shouting techs and officers.c.u. man, pushing slowly in as the battle rages o.s. he lowers thebinoculars. he is forty-five years old. features severe. the leftside of his face is heavily scarred. a patch covers that eye. animpressive man, forged in the furnace of a lifetime of war. the namestitched on the band of his beret is conner. we push in until his eyesfill frame, then. dissolve tofire. slow roiling, enormous. filling frame. *voice (sara conner) * skynet, the computer which controlled the *machines, sent two terminators back through * time. theirmission: to destroy the leader of the * human resistance. johnconner. my son. *the first terminator was programmed to strike * at me, in the year1984. before john was born. * it failed. *terminator 2 - rev. 9/10/90 36 voice (sara conner) 6* the second was set to strike at john himself,* when he was still a child. as before, the * resistance was ableto send a lone warrior. a * protector for john. it was just aquestion of * which one of them would reach him first. *dissolve to: 7 ext. truckstop - night 7wild fingers of blue-white electric arcs dance in a steel canyon formedby two tractor trailers, parked side by side in the back lot of an allnight truck stop. then.the strange lightning forms a circular opening in mid-air, and in thesudden flare of light we see a figure in a sphere of energy. then theframe whites out with an explosive thunderclap!through the clearing vapor we see the figure clearly. a naked man.terminator has come through. physique: massive, perfect. face:devoid of * emotion. terminator stands and impassively surveys itssurroundings.8 int. truck stop diner - night 8on a back route north of l.a. a handful of local truckers hunch overchili-sizes, cat hats pushed back on the heads. three bikers areplaying a game of pool in the back, their miller empties line thetables rail. the dives owner, lloyd, a fat, aging biker-type in asoiled apron, stands behind the bar. nothing much going on.then the front door opens and a big naked guy strolls in- that doesnthappen here every night. all eyes simultaneously swivel towardterminator. its emotionless gaze passes over the customers as it walkscalmly through the room. everyone freezes, not sure how to react.8a terminator pov. a digitized electronic scan of the room, overlaidwith 8a alphanumeric readouts which change faster than the humaneye can follow. in pov we move past the staring truckers, past theowner, and the awestruck waitress, and approach a largenasty-looking biker puffing on a cigar. his body is outlined, orselected, and thousands of estimated measurements appear. hisclothing has been analyzed and deemed suitable.8b terminator 8b i need your clothes, your boots, and your motorcycle.the big bikers eyes narrow. he takes a long draw on his cigar,getting the tip * cherry-red hot. cigar biker you forgot to sayplease.he grinds the cigar out on terminators chest. which produces not theslightest reaction of pain. terminator calmly, and without expression,grabs cigar by his meaty upper arm. cigar screams from the hydraulicgrip.8b terminator doesnt see cigars friend, behind him, holding his poolcue by the 8b narrow end like a louisville slugger. the heavy endwhistles in a powerful swing and cracks in two across the back ofterminators head.terminator seems not to notice. doesnt even blink. without releasinghis grip on cigar, he snaps his arm straight back and grabs pool cue bythe front of his jacket. suddenly the heavyset biker finds himselfflying through the nearest window. craassh!terminator hurls cigar, all 230 pounds of him, clear over the bar,through the serving window into the kitchen, where he lands on the bigflat grill. we hear a sound like sizzling bacon as cigar screams,flopping and jerking. he rolls off in a smoking heap.the third biker whips out a knife with an eight inch blade and slashesat terminators face.terminator grabs the arcing blade with his bare hand. holding it by therazor-sharp blade he jerks it from the guys hand. ultra-fast here: heflips it. grabs the handle like youre supposed to hold a knife. grabsthe biker and slams him face-down over the bar. then brings the knifewhistling down, pinning the bikers shoulder to the bar top with his ownsteel.9 int. kitchen 9the door bangs open and terminator strides in. the mexican cook does afast fade as terminator walks toward cigar, who is cursing in pain onthe floor.with his deep-fried fingers he struggles to get out the .45 auto tuckedunder his leather jacket. but he cant even hold onto it. terminatortakes it from him. instead of pointing it at him, terminator carefullyexamines the weapon, analyzing its caliber and operating condition.terminator never threatens. thats a human thing. he just takes.cigar senses what he must do when the emotionless eyes come back to him.he slides the keys to his bike across the floor to terminators foot.then painfully starts getting out of his jacket.10 int. truck stop 10terminator strides from the kitchen, fully clothed now in a blackleather jacket, leather riding pants, and heavy cleated boots. he movestoward the moaning biker pinned to the pool table. without slowing hisstride he jerks the knife out. the guy slumps to the floor, groaning,behind him.terminator continues toward the front of the diner, passing lloyd, theowner. at the door, he comes abreast of two truckers who sit frozenlike a snapshot in mid bite. one of the truckers finally nods.10 trucker 10 evening.terminator impassively stares back. then moves on out the door.11 ext. truck stop 11terminator walks out, surveying the parked harleys. sticks the .45 inhis belt and swings one leg over a massive custom electro-glide. heslips the dagger in his boot and the key in the ignition. kicks overthe engine. it catches with a roar and he slams the heavy iron intogear with a klunk.lloyd appears at the diners door with a sawed-off 10 gauge winchesterlever-action shotgun. he fires into the air and jacks another round infast, aiming at terminators back.lloyd i cant let you take the mans bike, son. now get off or ill putyou down!terminator turns and considers him coldly. he eases the shifter up intoneutral. rocks the bike onto its kickstand. swings his leg over andwalks calmly toward the guy.terminator strides right up to lloyd, staring straight into theshotguns muzzle. lloyd starts sweating, trying to decide if hes goingto kill a man in cold blood. hes still trying to decide whenterminators hand blurs out like a striking cobra and is somehowsuddenly holding the shotgun.lloyd gapes, knowing he is screwed. then. terminator reaches towardhim. oh shit. and slips the sunglasses out of lloyds shirt pocket.puts them on. strides back to the harley and roars off in a shower ofgravel.12 ext. freeway - night 12terminator roars down the freeway, heading into l.a. cold neon flaresacross the chrome of the big bike. the 10 gauge is jammed through theclutch and brake cables, across the handlebars. the lights flow overterminators wrap-around sunglasses like the tracks of tracer rounds.cut to:13 ext. street/ high school - night 13a south-central l.a. high school. rusting chain link fences andgraffiti-covered buildings. an l.a.p.d. black-and-white cruises theempty street.a tremendous blue-white glare suddenly spills out between the buildings.the young uniformed cop in the car whips his head around at the sourceof the light. he pulls quickly into the school parking lot, in time tosee.terminator 2 - rev. 9/10/90 613a the powerfully arcing electrical discharge reaches its peak betweentwo of the 13a buildings. lightning climbs the fire-escapes,lighting up the night, and papers swirl in a blasting whirlwind.13b the cop climbs from his cruiser as the glow fades. the schoolyardis dark. 13b he sees vapor dissipating as he approaches the spotwhere he saw the strange light. he draws his revolver andcautiously moves into the shadows between two buildings.a naked man glides from a shadowed doorway behind the cop. nothingspecial about him. certainly not built like a terminator. the flash oflight and the fact that he is naked are pretty good clues that he justarrived from the future. his features are handsome bordering on severe.his eyes are gray ice. penetrating. intelligent.the cop spins at a sound. too late. mr. x is already on him. the blowis lightning fast and the cop drops like a bag of sand.low angle as the unconscious cop hits the deck, his beretta 9mmautomatic clattering next to him. a hand enters frame and picks up thepistol. cut to:13c highly polished black shoes rounding the rear tire of the police13c cruiser. follow the shoes to the cruisers door then move up asmr. x, dressed now in lapd blue, climbs behind the wheel. he looksand acts exactly like a cop. cool, alert, confident in his power,his expression emotionless and judgmental. mr. x, now officer x,puts the car in gear and drives into the night.cut to:14 int. suburban house / garage - day 14tight on young john conner, who at this moment is ten years old and busyreassembling the carburetor on his honda 125 dirtbike. he has rippedlevis and long stringy hair. a sullen mouth. eyes which reveal anintelligence as sharp as a scalpel. the ramones i wanna be sedatedblasts from a boom box next to him.a woman, janelle voight, stands in the doorway of the garage, yellingover the music.woman .john? john! get in here right now and clean up that pigstyof yours.johns friend tim, a thirteen-year old hispanic kid, watches as johnreplies * by turning up the volume on the boom box. janellegives up with a slam of the houses back door.tim your foster parents are kinda dicks, huh?14 john 14 gimme that phillips right there.15 int. house - living room 15janelle storms into the room. todd voight, her husband watches sportson the tv. theyre both in their thirties. middle class workingstiffs.janelle i swear ive had it with that goddamn kid. he wont even answerme. (neither does he) todd? are you gonna sit there or are you gonnado something?he sighs. throws down the tvs remote and heads for the garage.16 int. garage 16john hops on the bike. kick starts it. tim picks up johns nylon bagthen climbs on the back. todd enters and shouts over the engine, whichjohn revs louder and louder.todd john! get your ass inside right now and do what your mother says!john pins todd with a defiant glare.john shes not my mother, todd!he revs the engine and peels out of the garage, with tim almost fallingoff the back. they take off down the street.17 ext. vacant lot/ drainage canal 17john cuts through a vacant lot to a trail running beside a fenced-indrainage canal. he guns the bike through a hole in the retainingfence. tims eyes go wide as they roar down the concrete embankment.17a in the drainage canal john zig-zags along, throwing up a roostertail17a of muddy water. tim shouts, pretending he didnt just see hislife flash before his eyes. he slaps john on the back.tim major moves, homes! so. where is your real mom, anyway? (johndoesnt answer) she dead or something?its hard to read johns expression.17a john 17a she might as well be.john twists the throttle angrily and the bike lunges forward.cut to:18 ext. pescadero state hospital - day 18a sign on a chain link fence topped with concertina wire reads:pescadero state hospital for the criminally insane. beyond it squatsan imposing four story building. institutional brick. barred windows.about as inviting as kgb headquarters. security cars patrol themanicured grounds.19 int. hospital - maximum security wing 19sunlight is a barred slash on the bare institutional wall. the room isempty of all furnishings save the bed, a stainless steel sink, toilet,and a dented metal mirror. we hear a rhythmic grunting, smallexplosions of breath in perfectly metered time.pan to a bedframe leaned upright against the wall, legs facing outward.a pair of sweaty hands grip one leg. tendons knot and release assomeone does pullups. a mane of tangled hair hides the face that comesinto frame, dips out, comes back.wider. a woman in a tank top and hospital pants is hanging from the topleg of the vertical bedframe. her body is straight and taut. kneesbent so the feet clear the ground. the arms are lean and muscular.the inmate, face hidden, pulls up, dips, pulls up. like a machine. nochange in rhythm.20 int. hospital / corridor 20figures move toward us down a corridor of polished tile and two-tonewalls. dr. peter silberman, a smug criminal psychologist, leads a groupof young interns. following, laconically, are three burly attendants.silberman the next patient is a 29 year old female diagnosed as acuteschizo-affective disorder. the usual indicators. depression, anxiety,violent acting-out, delusions of persecution. (the interns nodjudiciously) here we are.silberman stops at one of the soundproof steel doors. there is atwo-way speaker beneath a tiny window. silberman flips the intercomswitch.silbermans scrubbed and cheerful face at cell window. his voice comesover the tinny speaker.reverse angle as she turns slowly into close up. sara conner is not thesame woman we remember from last time. her eyes peer out through a wildtangle of hair like those of a cornered animal. defiant and intense,but skittering around looking for escape at the same time. fight orflight. down one cheek is a long scar, from just below the eye to herupper lip. her voice is a low and chilling monotone.sara good morning, dr. silberman. hows the knee?22 int. corridor 22silbermans smug composure drops a second. then returns.silberman fine, sara. (he switches off, speaks to the interns) she uh.stabbed me in the kneecap with a screwdriver a few weeks ago.sara watches them talking about her through the glass, but cant hearthem. she feels like a lab animal. the interns look in at her throughthe glass as silberman talks. with her face drawn, eyes haggard andhair wild, she looks like she belongs where she is.silberman the delusional architecture is interesting. she believes amachine called a terminator, which looks human of course, was sentback through time to kill her. and also that the father of her childwas a soldier, sent to protect her. he was from the future too. (hesmiles) the year 2029, if i remember correctly. (the interns chuckle)lets move on, shall we.as the interns walk on, silberman steps close to douglas, the headattendant, and speaks low.silberman douglas, i dont like the patients disrupting their rooms likethis. see that she takes her thorazine, would you.douglas is 64, 250 pounds and warmhearted as a rattlesnake. he nods,catching silbermans meaning, and gestures for the other attendants tohang back as silberman moves on in his rounds.23 int. cell 23sara looks up as the cell door opens. douglas walks in slow, idlytapping his police baton against the door in an ominous rhythm. theother two orderlies ease in behind him. one of them carries a stunbaton (like


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