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其他范文/相声小品剧本 ReindeerGames,驯鹿游戏 英文片名: reindeer games 中文片名: 驯鹿游戏 上映: 2000 reindeer games by ehren krugerfade in:a figure in a santa claus suitlies face-down in a nighttime expanse of snow. one of the bodysred-sleeved arms is twisted at a sickening angle. the white snowbeneath the figure is spreading with red.reveal ext. snowy road - nightthe figure in the suit lies motionless. snowflakes hallway - nightdark, rustic wood, an office with broken windows and whistlingwinter beyond. a second body in a santa claus suit lies dead inthe doorway.its a man with a large build. the suit is riddled with holes. hisface is missing.ext. parking lot - nightmore snow falling. a handful of cars in the lot. a third bodyin the same red-and-white outfit lies atop the hood of an oldpontiac. his head is not visible, having smashed through thewindshield. his suit is charred and blackened.a halo of broken glass outlines him. his black boots hang off thefront bumper. the parking lot is room - nighta floor scattered with shiny silver quarters. reflections of neon.theres a fourth santa here, face-down in a red pool. the suit isfar too big for him. not that it matters now.ext. snow-filled ravine - nightwhere the fifth and final santa lies at the edge of a ravine,which plummets a hundred feet down. the man rests precariouslyatop the slope, upside-down, eyes closed.his burned suit is smoldering. he has a sly but tired face, late-20s, sandy hair, cold and scarred. this is rudy duncan.he opens his eyes. rudy (v.o.) i never was much for the holidays. cut to black.the sound of a winter windrises, as a title appears: seven days before.and then, to complete the sentence: . xmas.fade in:ext. iron mountain state prison - daysnow drifts down onto the stone walls and wire fences of the ironmountain, michigan s.i.c. winters been here prison cell - dayrudy duncan lies in his top bunk, staring at his ceiling - where ahandful of paper-cut snowflakes have been pasted.the sounds of yelling inmates and gates slamming shut echo throughthe fortress. rudy watches a spider scurry across the paper snow.its his excitement for the day.he turns to the wall, where theres a photo of his teenage selfwith some co-workers at an auto body shop. and a family photo,cheery midwesterners, with rudy a scowling artful dodger.a wall calendarshows the dates have been crossed off up to december 18th.december 22nd is circled again and again.rudy muses at the calendar, then hops out of his bunk. drops tothe floor, crosses to a desk, finds a chewed-on pen. turning backto the beds we reveal-the lower bunkwhere rudys cellmate, nick mason (32), rugged, mustached andwell-built, sleeps soundly. in contrast, his bed-wall is a collage ofphotographs, twenty, maybe thirty of them. almost a mural.all of them photos of a beautiful young girl, mid-twenties,smiling out from beaches, parties and snowy scenes. gorgeous brownhair, heartbreaking smile. effortlessly sexy.rudystares at the pictures for a moment, wistful. nick snores, turnsover. rudy climbs atop his bunk again, with the pen this time. andcrosses december 18th off the calendar. cut to:ext. prison yard - daythe two of them, nick and rudy, shivering by the fence. nick -absently whistles some silver bells, then digs for a smoke. nick whats the first thing, man? whats the first thing youre gonna do? rudy havent thought about it. nick hell you havent. rudy get to thinking about it, it wont happen. nick we walk outta here, we hit that road, whats the first thing youre gonna do. rudy aint there yet. nick three days, man. rudy not yet. nick in christmas, man. in, christmas on the outs.dozens of uniformed inmates wander the yard, stamping feet, handstucked away, breath frosting. nick tries to light his cig, but thewind plays havoc. nick curses, tosses it. rudy hot chocolate. nick what? rudy get a hot mug of chocolate. (nods) first thing im gonna do. nick (smiles) and a slice of pecan pie, right? rudy and some pecan pie.nick laughs, stares through the fence at the gates of the prisonsentrance road. longingly. nick shes gonna be out there, man. right there. right there waiting. rudy yeah. nick gonna walk out of this shitstorm and right into her arms. rudy yeah. nick got us a motel out highway 5, bringing her own damn sheets, you read that part? silk damn sheets. lock ourselves in the whole week, drinking wine, taking baths, man, see if they got those room service steaks . anything i want to do. remember when she wrote that? anything i want . rudy yeah. in christmas.nick grins. they stand there, shivering. its freezing, but thetime they get outside is too precious to give up. rudy all those pictures shes sent. yknow . you sure theyre all of her, nick? you hear sometimes they dont send their real pictures. could be her cousin or something.nick studies him. nick why you gotta say a thing like that. rudy im just saying. nick why you gotta. we were gonna give you a ride someplace, man. now i just dont know. rudy im just talking. nick your hot chocolate, rudy.they trail off in silence. nick looks out at the prison roadagain. a snowy wasteland. nick im gonna marry this prison cell - dayrudy lies in his bunk, staring at the same paper snowflakes. nick (o.s.) hey, hey, listen here. ive made my list and ive checked it twice, and as long as youre naughty, its gonna be nice. these cold winter weeks have been killing me, nick, as i lie here alone. its not enough to have your warmth in my heart anymore; i need your warmth next to me. work at penneys has been busy because its christmas and thats when we do almost half of our business for the whole year-, okay, whatever, whatever- (skipping on) -my managers still mad at me for asking for the whole week off, whatever, whatever-(smiles) here we go. and all that gets me through the day is to close my eyes and imagine holding you, and kissing you, and touching you, and tasting you everywhere because i know at that moment, ill feel ive found the reason for my whole entire life.rudy still stares at the stone ceiling. rudy for twenty-five, she sounds pretty mature. nick yeah. you grow up in detroit, you get matured real quick.nicks doing pushups on the floor below, smoking a cig, readingsheets of pink stationery. with a new photo: of the same girl, ina bikini by a lake. vamping a childish pose. nick sure as hell dont make me miss millie bobek. guess i owe millie, though. if i hadnt been rollin, her, i woulda never ended up here. and i woulda never met ashley. (studies photo) thats the world for ya.nick climbs off the floor, paces back to the bunks, marvelling atthe latest letter. rudy what if she sees you, man, sees what you look like . and its not there. you just dont do it for her. nick me and her got a connection. (hands page to him) read this part. read the part about stuffing her stocking.nick drops the page on his stomach. rudy sighs, picks it up,brings it to his nose. rudy shes using a new perfume. nick no, i think thats just oranges. she writes here shes eating oranges. rudy oh. nick shoulda written to that magazine, rudy. im gonna walk outta here, walk right into a relationship. not some one-nighter, man . a relationship. you? youre gonna walk outta here with bus fare. searching for the drunkest skirt in the room. rudy mornin, gorgeous. more egg nog? nick shoulda written, rudy.nick dropsback to his bunk, pasting the new lakeside photo amonghis collage of pictures. admiring his pen pal: nick shoulda got yourself a girl.above, rudy peruses the page nick gave him. some lipstick markspressed to the paper. he passes it back, closes his eyes. rudy all i want . is to make it to sidnaw, and sit down for christmas dinner. watch some ball with my old man, sleep in my old bed, and have leftovers for bout six months. nick thought you hated sidnaw. rudy just taste that christmas turkey. nick thought you hate your old man. rudy five years, nicky. five years. (shrugs) i just want to go home.theres the echo of crashing metal gates. prisoners yelling. nicksmiles, still staring at his girl. nick well, man. me and ashley. well be thinking about main prison floor - dayguards monitor prisoners as they file out of their cells for theafternoon meal. rudy and nick are motioned out by a mean guard,his bitter world etched in his face. they join the line. rudy shit. alamos back.across broadway, a parallel line is forming. a tall, tattooednative american, the alamo, steps out of his cell. his hands arethe size of a mans skull. nick dont look like he missed the sunlight. rudy pinscher told me alamo thinks im the one ratted on him beating up cree. since i was there, i saw it, he thinks i got him sent to solitary. nick aw, that moment, alamo glances over. finds rudys eyes. rudyswiftly looks away- rudy count me outta mealtime-he slaps nick an the back, heads back for their cell- mean guard get back in line! rudy im not hungry, im gonna- mean guard shoulda stayed in your hole! get back in ing line!the mean guard pulls his blackjack. another guards ready behindhim. they want rudy to give them trouble.rudy stops. slides back into the line of prisoners. looks acrossbroadway. the alamos walked on up ahead. rudy swallows, headstoward the mess mess hall - daya gloopy spoon of chunky red and green jello gets splooshed onrudys plate. same with nick. its the cafeteria line. nick what the is this? ugly staffer holiday jello. nick whats this shit in it? ugly staffer swallow and see.the ugly staffer grins from under his plastic hairnet. nick looksto rudy, then turns back to the help: nick just so you know, this man and i are outta here in two days. so while were inhaling london broil and lobster bisque, youre gonna still be standing here smelling up the mystery cream. (nods) whos in prison now?the ugly staffer curls his lip. nick smiles. rudy moves on,taking his tray off the rail and turning-right into the chest of the alamo. he looks up-into the most scarred and vengeful face a man could ever dreadto see. the alamos a lifer. many times over. the alamo when you dont expect it. rudy it wasnt me, alamo- the alamo thats when.the alamo strides into the cafeteria line. rudy finally takes abreath, as if hes dodged death. nicks at his shoulder. theyshare a grave and worried look. trying to help: nick two mess hall - tables - dayrudy and nick sit at a cafeteria table. beside rudy is a frail,nervous, fiftyish inmate, zook. zook sits alone, talks to no one,always has the shakes. nick so maybe after our week beneath the sheets, well head down to motor city for new years. she says her roomnates skipping town for a few days, have the place to ourselves. remember how her brothers a truck driver down there? im thinking he might be able to help get me some work. rudy what, working security? nick no, im through with that shit. ashleys right. gotta start doing something i got a stake in. get a business going. rudy i dont know, ive seen the business world. nick hotwiring cars, rudy, does not qualify as a small business. chop shop consultant; doesnt work on a resume. rudy shrugs. he checks across the room, on the whereabouts of the alamo. the big indian has his back turned. nick ashleys talking about maybe we can start something up to rudy, zook has stopped eating. he is still as stone,staring at his tray. nick whatsa matter, zook?they both watch zook put down his utensils and reach into his red-and-green jello with his bare hand. rudy the hell you doing, zookerman?gloppy gelatin drips from his hand, as the frail man lifts a largeblack cockroach out. zooks shaking. nick just a roach, zook. rudy good for you. protein. zook monsters-in the gelatin. nick its a roach, guy- zook there are monsters . (voice rising) . in the gelatin. nick oh, man-zook stands up, holding jello aloft: zook there are monsters in the gelatin! nick (shakes his head) in, zookerman- zook there are monsters! in the gelatin! there are monsters! in the gelatin!a grumbling murmur sweeps through the cafeteria as inmates siftthrough their jello, searching for- distant inmate sonofabitch!he pulls something bug-like out of his dessert, holds it aloft,and then hurls it at the cafeteria line. a staffer ducks away. theinmates laugh and suddenly theyre all on their feet- zook there are monsters! in the gelatin!-grabbing handfuls of jello and throwing it at the cafeterialine. inmates get errantly splashed, and respond by wheeling ontheir fellow inmates - red and green globs flying to and fro! guards sit down! sit the back down!as guards immediately rush in to restore order- nick rudy, dont move- rudy two days, we got two days! dont do nothing. dont touch nothing-an inmate at the end of their table picks up their table andoverturns it, sending food flying. rudy and nick stand back, handsraised in surrender. jello hits rudy in the face. nick dont move, rudy! rudy standing right here, man!zook is still shouting until a guard clubs him senseless with ablackjack. whistles are blowing. guards scream for order. nick (as a guard eyes them) ate the jello, jello was fine!the guard leaves them alone, runs on. the melees still out ofcontrol. as rudy turns-and suddenly sees the alamo charging across the room, withmurderous eyes, a metal shank in his hand! five feet away! nick rudy, look out!nick grabs him, trying to push him out of the way-and the alamos shank plunges deep into nicks stompch buryingbetween his ribs. blood splashes. nick slumps. rudy nick!the alamo pulls the blade out with a ferocious yell, pushes nickto the floor and spins on rudy! rudy blocks with a chair,stumbling back, cartwheeling over a table as the alamo roars overhim for the kill-and two guards tackle the big indian out of nowhere! knockingthe knife away, hammering him with blackjacks. it takes anotherthree guards to keep the alamo down.rudy scrambles across the floor. nicks on his back, blood pumpingfreely from his gut- rudy guard! guard! nick (in shock) alamo. rudy guard!no ones helping, the guards nearby all subduing the alamo. nickgrabs rudys shirt, gasping to speak- nick jesus, rudy- rudy take it, man! youre all right! hold it in! guard! nick oh, , rudy . oh jesus . rudy guard! nick ash.ashley. rudy no, man! no, no, no! nick (choking) tell her. ill be there . rudy youre gonna be there! were getting outta here! take it! nick tell ashley. i. rudy you tell her! nick . be with her.blood spills out nicks mouth. his eyes go vacant. rudy no! nick . for christmas. rudy nick!and rudys suddenly hauled backwards. a trio of guards descend,grabbing nicks body as his life fades away. dragging his figureout of the melee. whistles are blowing. guards get him out of here! lock down! rudy nick!rudy struggles, enraged, and gets blackjacked across the skull forhis trouble. he hits the jello-covered floor.and the world goes prison cell - nightdarkness and shadows. rudy sits in a corner, holding his head. thecell block silent for the first time.bootsteps from down the row. a shadow falls across rudys somberfigure. its the mean guard. he stares at rudy with distinctpleasure. rudy the man had two days . mean guard well. least he wont be coming back.the guard grins a gold tooth. rudy looks at him-and then springs to his feet, charges the room, grabbing throughthe bars. the guard takes a calm step back. keeps the cruel smile. mean guard you need company tonight, rudy. you just give a holler.he puckers a kiss and walks on. starts whistling are you lonesometonight? several shadowed voices request that he shut the up. the bootsteps and melody drift down the row.rudyturns back, starts toward his bunk. and stops. his eyes on nicksempty bed. and the wall behind.the pictures of ashleysmiling, laughing, playing kissy-face. hearts drawn on the photos.all colors of stationery taped to the wall.rudytakes a seat on nicks bed. theres a shoebox at the foot of it.rudy opens it. its filled with ashleys letters.he trails a finger along them, must be over a hundred pages. heselects the one nearest the front. surveys it. nick (v.o.) rudy, man, here we go, here, what she wrote here: the cars waiting. the motels waiting. and im waiting. ive waited for so long. im burning for you, nick. my whole body. my whole heart. im burning for you.rudy turns to the wall. to the lakeside picture of ashley, aswimsuit siren. rudy stares sadly. rudy he was burning for you too .and puts the letter away.close on rudys calendar - nightas his hand slashes through december 21st. prisons over. cut to:ext. iron mountain prison - daysnow swirls. near blizzard conditions. a heavy steel door bangsopen, held by an exit guard. and fifteen convicts, make that ex-convicts, trudge onto a fenced drive, covered in snow. exit guard your world and welcome to it, dumbs! dont be a stranger now! well keep the lights on for ya!rudy stumbles out with the group, shivering in a goodwill handme-down coat. thin canvas, wouldnt keep him warm in summer.secondhand shoes. no possessions.he clutches his sides with his hands, hunched over. all fifteenhuddle and herd toward the gate at the end of the fenceway.beyond the gatethere are a dozen friends and relatives waiting. a few men,several women, a couple kids. bundled in winter coats, hats andhoods. a prison shuttle bus is parked behind them.the released cons reach the gate, where a gate guard unlocks thefence to th


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