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PEP BOOK 8 Unit 2 Part B Lets try Lets talk,happy face,How do you feel ?,sad face,How does he feel ?,tired,Shes tired.,How does she feel ?,angry,Shes angry.,How does she feel ?,excited,Hes excited.,How does he feel ?,happy,Hes happy.,How does he feel ?,sad,Hes sad.,How does he feel ?,bored,Hes bored.,How does he feel ?,三、短文填空:(用所给的单词填空,每词只准用一次) ( cold, better, bed, take, today, see, sad, doesnt, cant, go, come, drink ) is Wednesday. Tom is very , he _go to school. He has a bad . He has to and _ the doctor. The doctor tells him: some medicine and hot drinks. Stay in _ for a few days. You will feel soon.,Today,cant,cold,go,see,Take,drink,better,sad,bed,2,1,4,3,Marry,Tom,Larry,Jack,Im going on a big trip.,Im sorry to hear that.,Lets talk,Sarah: How are you , Liu Yun ? You look so happy. Liu: Yes. I am excited. I am going on a big trip. How are you , Sarah ? You look sad today. Sarah: I failed the math test. Liu:Im sorry to hear that.,How does Liu Yun feel ? Why?,How does Sarah feel ? Why?,Liu Yun feels happy because she is going on a big trip.,Sarah feels sad because she failed the math test.,The girl is sad, because her cat is ill. It cant play with her.,The boy is angry, because the dog took away his pencil.,The girl is happy, because her mother bought her a new dress.,I am happy,because I can .,sing songs.,take a big trip.,eat ice cream / chicken.,he fails the Chinese test.,Chinese test,Mike is,because,he has nothing to do.,.,.,bored,A. 想事情,C. 看风景,B. 没事做,I am excited because,.,its a goal.,I am because,.,I can play computer games.,excited,we have no homework.,No homework.,We are,.,excited,because,(因为),Shes,when the cup is broken.,.,angry,Hes when,the ball flies into his head.,.,angry,I am tired because I am.,jumping,running,swimming,and,and,Practise the dialogue according to the following words (根据下列单词和句型编对话) You should draw a picture first. tired angry excited happy sad bored,-Look at the picture. How do I feel? -You look sad. -Yes, because I failed my English test.,Im_because I _.,Im_because I _.,A: How do I feel? B: You look _. A: Yes, Im _.Because I_. B: Im sorry /glad to hear that.,Checking the learning result.,Amy感觉怎样? _ _Amy _?,他看上去(看起来)那么累 He _ so _.,我打算去旅游 I am _ _ a _.,4. 我语文考试不及格 I _ my Chinese _.,5.听到这件事情我很抱歉(深感遗憾)。 Im _ to _ that.,一、英汉互译。 1、see a doctor_2、take it easy_ 3、go on a big trip_4、have the flu_ 5、看起来很伤心_6、math test_ 7、read books_8、have some rest_ 二、句型转换。 1、How are you?(同义句) _ 2、You look so sad.(否定句) _ 3、当听到别人有不幸的事,你应说: _ 4、I am going on a big trip.(将I改为She) _ 5、Dont worry!(同义句) _,看医生,别紧张/别着急,旅游,患感冒,look sad,数学测试,看书,休息一下,How are you feeling?,You dont look so sad.,I am sorry to hear that.,She is going on a big trip.,Take it easy!,Thank you !,

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