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writing,empty-nesters,Chinese style of crossing the Road,As is shown in the picture, a group of pedestrians are walking across the street ignoring the red traffic light and the passing cars. The phenomenon, which is known as “Chinese style of crossing the road is still common in many parts of China, including big cities like Beijing. This pictures shows us that some of people have no sense of traffic safety.,Many factors may account for the disturbing phenomenon. To begin with, peoples ignorance of the traffic rules is the root of the phenomenon. What is more, some people are so self-centered that they just care about their own interests without thinking about others. Last but not least, some people mistakenly thin that if they cross the street in groups, they are unlikely to be punished.,As far as I am concerned, we students should take the lead in obeying the traffic rules and persuade our family and relatives to realize how important and urgent it is to obey the traffic rules. In addition, to impose fines on pedestrians running the red lights is one of the effective ways to make people recognize the problem. Finally, government and schools should strengthen the education on traffic laws to promote peoples awareness traffic safety. Only in this way can we create a safe and harmonious traffic environment.,Whether You will Help Others?,Recently, there is an issue has arouse large numbers of net friends attention, three pupils help a older who fell to the ground and was framed by the falling older that these kids known her over. The older demanded compensation from the kids and even went to their home to live .Most netter sympathize three enthusiastic children and accuse the older make use of childrens kindness to cheat money. they also doubt nobody is going to help others in future. 近日,在微博上有一件事引起广大网友的关注,三名小学生 扶起一名跌倒在地上的老奶奶,却被这个老奶奶诬陷他们撞 倒她,并要求这三个孩子赔偿,甚至还到孩子家住。大部分 网友同情这几个热心的孩子,指责这名利用孩子善良的心骗 钱的老人家,质疑今后再也不会有人帮助别人。,First of all, not every strangers are cheater, the one who take advantage from others only account for a minority of society. Just image, what if one day you are in trouble and no one wants to help you? Should we be onlookers when other people fall down or get injured in front of us? We should learn from the three kids, it isnt their wrong of helping the older; their problem is they are unlucky to meet a fraud. 首先,并不是所有的陌生人都是坏人,这种利用别人的人只占社 会少数。想一想,如果有一天你陷入困境却没有人愿意帮助你的 时候,会是什么感受?难道我们要在别人摔倒或者受伤的时候做 一个旁观者吗?这三个孩子的行为值得我们学习,不是他们不应 该帮助那位老人,而是他们的运气不好,碰到了骗子。,Secondly, helping other is the traditional virtue of China; we can not hesitate of helping others because of a few negative behaviors. We are educated to offer assistant to others from childhood, if everyone afraid of getting trouble and tune a blind eyes to the people in need, the society will become cold and there is only suspicion. 其次,帮助别人是中华的传统美德,不能因为少数人的 反面言行而犹豫去帮助他人。从小我们受到的教育就是要帮 助人,如果每个人都因为担心帮助别人惹祸上身,那这个社 会就会变得很冷漠,人与人之间只有猜疑。,In fact, helping others is helping ourselves, there is an old saying in China, One good turn deserves another, which means to be a good person and keep to help others, rewards will come to nice guys first.。 其实,帮助别人就是帮助自己,中国有句古话好人 有好报,就是要我们做一个热心的帮助别人的好 人,这样人与人之间才会充满信任和快乐。,My View on Delaying Retirement Age,Nowadays, Delay retirement age is the hot spot of peoples attention. Whether to delay retirement or not is related to everyones vital interests. Its also a major policy decision of our country. The latest regulation of Delay Retirement Age of 2013will set a few years grace period to promote delay retirement gradually. Some people agree this decision, but more people dont agree. These two kinds of attitude have a great contrast. In my view, we should take this view into two sides. 当前,推迟退休年龄是人民关注的热点。是否推迟退休关系到 每个人的切身利益,它也是我们国家的重大决策。延迟退休 年龄2013的最新规定:将延缓几年宽限期逐渐实行延迟退休。 一些人同意这个决定,但是更多的人不同意。这两种态度有很 大的对比。在我看来,我们应该一分为二地看这个问题。,On the one hand, the laborer is the majority in our country, so most people dont agree delay retirement is reasonable. Some workers hard work a lifetime but has no rest, they have no legal holiday; they have to work every day. They think delaying retirement age is unreasonable and unfair. What they want most is retirement early, because they dont have good work situation and they work ability is limited. And, they may dont have healthy body when they get older. Some jobs dont need the olds, those jobs have more request for age and physical condition. So they think to stay on the job is not appropriate for them, because they couldnt do more contribution for the job. 一方面,我国劳动者占大多数,所以大多数人不同意延迟退休是合理 的。一些工人努力工作一生但没有休息,他们没有法定假日,他们每 天都要工作。他们认为延迟退休年龄是不合理和不公平的。他们最 需要的是提前退休,因为他们没有良好的工作环境,而且他们的工作 能力也是有限的。当他们越来越年长,可能没有那么健康的身体去 继续从前的工作。有些工作对年龄和身体状况有更多要求。所以他 们认为继续工作不适合他们,因为他们无法在原来的岗位上做出更多 的贡献。,On the other hand, for those who are highly educated talents should delay retirement to prevent the waste of talent resources. In our country, Drs Average age was 30 to begin work. Relative to those who work in less than 20 workers, they have shorter work life a lot. The different nature of work, should not retire at the same time. Like Dr, they are talent, they are highly skilled, and they have high professional qualification. They delay retirement is not only beneficial to the state, but also use their intelligence fully. 另一方面,对于那些高学历的人才应该延迟退休,以防止人才 资源的浪费。在我国,博士开始工作的平均年龄在30岁左右。 相对于那些在不到20岁就开始辛勤工作的人们,他们的工作年 限太短。不同性质的工作,不应该同时退休。像博士,他们是 高学历人才,他们头脑聪明,他们有很高的职业资格。他们推 迟退休不仅有利于国家,而且还能充分发挥他们自身的资源。,From what has been discussed above, the Delay retirement age is the Trend of The Times. We need to stand on a different workers perspective on the issue. There are two sides and two kinds of different sounds of this major decision. It still needs to continue to improve. 综上所述,延迟退休年龄是大势所趋。但我们需要站 在不同的工种看待这个问题上。国家延迟退休这个 重大的决定产生了两种不同的声音。它仍有待改善。,Recently, the haze weather has increasingly been serious and this phenomenon triggers the widespread concern towards air quality. In my view of the point, the best way to improve air quality is to tax the owner of private car. 最近,灰霾的天气越来越严重,这种现象引起了大众对空气 质量的关注。在我看来,改善空气质量最好的办法是向私家 车车主征税。 There are reasons accounting for my view. To begin with, there is no denying that gas emission of private car is a great evil of air pollution. To tax the owner of private car will make some contribution to cut down gas emission and improve air quality. 有很多理由可以支持我的观点。首先,不可否认的是私人汽 车的尾气排放是空气污染的一大罪恶。向私家车车主征税有利 于减少尾气排放,改善空气质量。,Furthermore, the tax also has a great impact on decreasing the rate of cars increase. Those who have a plan to buy a car will take the tax into account and some of them have to give up their plan. If a lot of people can use public transportation instead of private cars, the air quality will not be so rotten. In addition, taxing for private car is also a warning of environment protection. The notion of environment protection will be brought to public again and an increasing number of people will be awake to the importance of air protection and environment protection and make effort to protect it. Finally, the government can use the tax as funds of improving the air quality, which will be a great help to raise fund. 此外,税收对降低汽车增长率也有很大的影响。那些计划买车的人 考虑到税收问题,有些人不得不放弃他们的计划。如果有很多人使 用公共交通工具,而不是私家车,空气质量将不会那么糟糕。此 外,对私家车车主也是对环境保护的警告。环境保护的概念将再次 被带到公众眼前使越来越多的人意识到空气保护和环境保护的重要 性,并努力保护环境。最后,政府可以利用税金作为改善空气质量 的资金,这筹集基金是有很大帮助的。,Taking above into account, I believe that taxing the owner of private car is the best way to improve air quality. Certainly, we can carry out other methods to improve it at the same time, such as planting trees, developing public transportation and so on. I advocate that all of us should take pains to protect our environment and we will lead a better life. 考虑上述所说的,我相信对私家车车主人征税是改善空气质 量的最佳途径。当然,同时我们可以用其他方法来提高它, 如植树,发展公共交通等。我认为我们都应该尽力保护我们 的环境,这样我们会过上更好的生活。,

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