九年级英语下册 Module 4 Rules and suggestions单元复习课件 (新版)外研版.ppt

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Rules and suggestions,Module 4,Unit 1 You must be careful of falling stones. 第一课时,一、根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空。(53分15分) 1In my opinion,wed better_(set off) for the train station right now. 2Mr Black and Mrs Black,please make_(yourself) comfortable. 3Mum,what will we have for breakfast? Im_ (starve) Well have jiaozi.It will be ready soon. 4Lucy,have you seen Mr Brown? Yes,he_(go off) five minutes ago. 5Mum,can you buy me a pair of_(sock)? Sure.,set off,yourselves,starving,went off,socks,二、从方框中选择适当的单词或短语并用其适当形式填空。(53分15分) leave for, rule, something, a few, thick 6Oh,I feel so bored.I want_to read. This is a good magazine.Here it is. 7According to Celia,her brother has read_ of Mo Yans books. 8Mrs White advises Harry to wear a(n)_ coat because its cold outside. 9May I speak to your father? Oh,sorry.He_Scotland this morning. 10If you dont follow the four_,youll lose the game.,something,a few,thick,left for,rules,三、根据句意及汉语和首字母提示写出正确的单词。(54分20分) 11Look!The bear is playing with some s_(石头) over there. 12This problem is f_(相当) easy.You can work it out by yourself. 13What does your English teacher look like? She has long s_(直的) hair. 14W_(每当) Uncle Wang comes to visit me,he brings a gift. 15Dont put the cup on the e_(边缘) of the table,Tina.,tones,airly,traight,henever,dge,四、单项选择。(54分20分) 16As the road to the airport is under repairing,we will have to_early to get there on time. Aturn off Btake off Cput off Dset off 17You_touch an electric fire.Its dangerous. Aneed Bmust Cneednt Dmustnt 18You will_wait another hour if you miss the bus. Amust Bcan Cneed Dhave to,D,D,D,19Last Friday afternoon the young man was_in the traffic accident which happened on the highway. Abothered Bimpressed Cchanged Dhurt 20Because of zombie meat(僵尸肉),more and more people are_our food safety. Acatching up with Blooking forward to Cpaying attention to Dlosing themselves in,D,C,五、根据汉语意思完成句子(每空一词)。(56分30分) 21杰瑞,这个模型火车是你自己做的吗? 是的。 Jerry,did you make this model train_ _ _? Yes,I did. 22贝蒂从未去过露天剧场。 Betty_ _ _ _an openair theatre. 23莉莉一口气吃了整个蛋糕。 Lily ate the whole cake_ _ _.,on your own,has never been to,in one go,24吉姆,小心那条狗。它有时候咬人。 Jim,_ _ _that dog.It sometimes bites people. 25多亏了那张地图,我们没迷路。 Thanks to the map,we didnt_ .,get lost,be careful of,第二课时,一、语法填空。(53分15分) 按照句子结构的语法性,在空格处填入一个适当的词。 1You should pay_to what your teachers say in the class. 2Look,everyone is_a white skirt. 3The little boy can cook on his_. 4You must_careful of falling stones. 5When you go_the street,you should look left and right first.,attention,wearing/in,own,be,across,二、用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。(53分15分) be, suggest, late, fall, something 6Thank you for giving me so many_. 7Jane is one of the students in the class who have ever_to China. 8Peter shut his mouth at the meeting all the time.How about Tom? So did he.He didnt say_. 9An hour_the other kids showed up. 10I am afraid of_into the swimming pool.,suggestions,been,anything,later,falling,三、根据句意选择方框中的词组,并用其适当形式填空。(54分20分) get difficult, hurt oneself, on ones own,keep together, be careful of 11During the Spring Festival,we usually_. 12David,when you cut the meat,remember not to_. 13Girls,you mustnt go out_at night. 14When you cross the road,you must_the coming cars. 15The situation is_.How can we solve it?,getting difficult,keep together,hurt yourself,on your own,be careful of,四、用适当的情态动词填空。(54分20分) 16Can you drive a car,Wang Nan? No,I_. 17I_write an English diary when I was six,but now I_. 18It_be Tonys book.Look,there is his name on the cover. 19Must I hand in the homework today? No,you_. 20It_be Mr Li.He has gone to Hangzhou.,cant,cant,couldnt,can,must,neednt,五、任务型阅读。(56分30分)(2015,湖南永州) Do you like travelling?How can you make your trip interesting?Heres some advice. Read! Before you leave,you should find some information about the place,such as geography,history and people.You can understand the place better by reading. Take photos! If you want to take some photos,remember to choose the most special sights.Dont choose the sight you can see in other places.For example,Qingdao and Ningbo are coastal(海滨的) cities,so dont only take photos of the sea.You should take photos of something else,too.,Taste! Youd better taste some specials in the area.Food in some places is very delicious.So why not taste it?Maybe you have just one chance to taste it in your life. Write! When you visit a place,you should take a pen and a notebook,so you can write down what you see and what you think during the trip.,21_about travelling,see,Advice,information,special,Taste,Unit 2 We must keep the camp clean. 第一课时,一、从方框中选择适当的介词填空(每词限用一次)。(53分15分) in, for, with, past, at 1Ross felt very tired after swimming_45 minutes. 2Look at the bird_the apple tree.How cute it is! 3Chuck ran_me without saying anything. 4Luke got up_half past nine in the morning. 5Last week,I visited a church_my parents.,with,for,in,past,at,二、从方框中选择适当的短语填空(每条短语限用一次)。(53分15分) tidy up, look up, every time, look out of, in the middle of 6Sandy spent the whole afternoon_her bedroom.Now its clean and tidy. 7When Tom called,I was_the dinner with my family. 8Sarah_the window when she heard a loud noise outside. 9_I hear the beautiful music,I feel relaxed. 10When Jimmy heard Mum call his name,he stopped doing his homework and_.,looked up,tidying up,in the middle of,looked out of,Every time,三、根据句意及汉语提示写出正确的单词。(54分20分) 11The beautiful dress is made of_(柔软的) silk. 12The young man lost a lot of_(血) in the car accident. 13Dear,where did you_(悬挂) your coat? Look!Its over there. 14Please stay_(不动的)!Ill take a photo of you. 15Susie said she saw a man carrying a(n)_(枪) in the bank.,gun,soft,blood,hang,still,四、单项选择。(54分20分) 16It is getting late.We have to_the tent for the night. Awork out Bcome true Cput up Dshow off 17It was not easy for Linda to_at night,because she was too excited. Ago to bed Bfall asleep Cfall into Dfall over 18As soon as she saw a snake on the road,she started crying at the top of her_. Asound Bvoice Cnoise Dshout,C,B,B,19Is this raincoat yours? No,mine_behind the door. Ais hanging Bhas hung Changs Dhung 20Our classroom is very dirty.Lets_it_. Atidy,up Btake,up Cpick,up Dput,up,A,A,五、根据汉语意思完成句子。(56分30分) 21首先,你应该向她道歉。 _ _,you should say sorry to her. 22吃面条的时候你不应该弄出响声来。 Youre not supposed to_ _while eating noodles. 23我妈妈过去常常在我睡觉前给我讲故事。 My mother used to tell me stories before I_ _ _.,Above all,make noise(s),went to sleep/bed,24仰望天空,你会看到很多星星。 _ _at the sky,and youll see a lot of stars. 25她的爷爷每天晚饭后去散步。 Her grandfather_ _ _ _after supper every day.,goes for a walk,Look up,第二课时,一、语法填空。(53分15分) 按照句子结构的语法性,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。 1On the_(one) evening,we were so tired after a long walk. 2Wed better get 8_(hour) sleep a day at least. 3In the_of the night,I heard a strange noise outside. 4The boy is old_to look after himself well. 5No one can run_than a bear in the forest.,faster,first,hours,middle,enough,二、用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。(54分20分) outside, try, enter, see, break 6Do you remember_him this morning? Of course.He was wearing a black hat. 7I saw Mike_the room quietly and sit behind the door. 8Have you ever_riding your bike backwards? Is it possible? 9We cant go any farther without a_. 10Its very cold_.Please put on your coat.,outside,seeing,enter,tried,break,三、单项选择。(55分25分) 11I saw some boy students_basketball when I passed the playground. Aplayed Bplays Cplaying Dto play 12The banana pie tastes delicious.Could I have _ one? Aother Bthe other Canother Delse,C,C,13You dont have to_every new word in the dictionary while reading. Alook for Blook up Clook at Dlook after 14Susan,why are you_?They are all ready to start. Im sorry,but I wasnt told when to start. Aalways Bever Cstill Dnever 15What do you remember about Grade 7? I remember_a prize.(2015,湖北鄂州) Ato win Bwining CWin Dwinning,B,C,D,四、阅读理解。(58分40分)(2015,甘肃兰州) Earthquakes usually come without warning.What should you do if this happens to you?An earthquake is dangerous,but there are still things you can do to protect yourself. Stay calm as the earth begins to shake.Your chances of survival(幸存;存活) in an earthquake go up if you can keep calm.16._ 17_You need to have something strong around you to protect you from falling objects.Do not stand near walls or windows and stay out of the kitchen.The kitchen is dangerous because of many glass objects.,B,C,18_Stay away from buildings and trees.If you are in a car,pull over to a place where there are no trees or tall buildings and stay in the car.If you are close to the sea,try to get as far away from the water as possible.Earthquakes can cause huge waves that can really harm the people nearby. 19_For example,gas fire often comes with an earthquake.If you see a fire,quickly move outdoors to an open area. Remember to always hope for the best but prepare for the worst.,A,D,阅读以上短文,从文后方框中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,使文意通顺、正确;根据短文内容回答第20小题。 AIf you are outside,get to an open area as fast as you can. BStaying calm is not easy,but it can save your life. CIf you are inside when the earthquake starts,get under a table or a bed. DWhen the earthquake is over,there is still plenty of danger. 20What is the passage mainly about? AThe ways to protect yourself when an earthquake happens. BThe ways to stay away from tall buildings. CThe ways to stay calm. DThe ways to move outdoors to an open area.,A,Unit 3 Language in use 第一课时 模块语法,情态动词的用法 1表示某人能做某事时常用can或could。如:The boy could draw pictures when he was five.这个男孩五岁就会画画。 2表示某事可能要发生时用may或might。如:I may have a rest very soon.我很快就要休息了。 3表示允许某人做某事时可以用can,could,may或might。如:You cant leave anything which bears might think is food.你不能留下任何可能被熊认为是食物的东西。 4表示请求对方做某事时可以用will,would,could等。如:Will you please help me with the suitcase?你能帮我拿行李箱吗?,5表示建议或邀请时可以用would,shall等。如:Would you like to come with me?你愿意和我一起来吗? 6表示责任或义务时常用should,ought to和must。如:You should come to school on time.你应该准时到学校。 7表示命令、禁止、不得不时一般用must,have to等。如:You mustnt walk along the edge because you might fall and hurt yourself.你不能沿着边缘走因为你可能会掉下来摔伤自己。You have to think about your personal safety!你必须考虑你的个人安全!,一、用适当的情态动词填空。 1John_come to see us tonight,but he isnt very sure yet. 2Shall I get one more cake for you,Dad? Thanks,but you_.Ive had enough. 3May I take this book out? No,you_. 4You_go and see a doctor at once because youve got a high fever. 5Can you speak Japanese? No,I_.,may/might,neednt,cant,must,cant,6Even the top students in our class cant work out this problem,so it_be very difficult. 7He_be in the classroom,I think. No,he_be in the classroom.I saw him go home a minute ago. 8_I take this one? Yes,please. 9You_be late for school again next time. 10Must I do my homework at once? No,you_.,must,may/might,cant,May/Can,mustnt,neednt,二、单项选择。 11Harrys been driving all dayhe_be tired.(2015,杭州) Aneed Bcan Cshall Dmust 12Doctor Wang,Im feeling much better.Must I go on taking the medicine? No,you_.Youll get well soon.(2015,福州) Acant Bmustnt Cneednt 13Is that man Mr Smith? It_be him.He has gone to New York on business.(2015,天津) Amay not Bneednt Ccant Dmustnt,D,C,C,14Excuse me.Can you tell me what time it is now? Sorry,I_.My watch doesnt work.(2015,三亚) Acant Bshouldnt Cmustnt 15You_park here!Look at the sign,it says “No parking” Sorry,I didnt notice that sign just now.(2015,苏州) Awont Bneednt Cmustnt Dcouldnt 16Mr Wang,must I come again to clean the classroom on Sunday? No,you _.I have asked Kate to do it.(2015,德州) Acant Bmustnt Cneednt Dshouldnt,A,C,C,第二课时,一、根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空。(53分15分) 1Can you tell me something about_(west) culture? 2We must turn off the lights to save_(electric) 3My teacher suggested we_(take) notes in class. 4To see is_(believe) 5Do you know_(know) is power?,knowledge,Western,electricity,(should) take,to believe,二、根据句意及首字母提示补全下列单词。(53分15分) 6You must eat some food,or you will s_the whole day. 7Dont walk close to the e_of the rock.Its too dangerous. 8The road to my home is very s_and you will drive comfortably. 9She had to stand s_because there was so much traffic around her. 10Micheal was very tired after ten hours work,so he fell a_soon.,sleep,tarve,dge,mooth,till,三、单项选择。(53分15分) 11He walked_me and then turned back. Athrough Bpast Cacross Dover 12Tom,a_boy,can speak English quite well.He wants to learn_language next term. Atwelveyearsold;second Btwelve year old;the second Ctwelveyearold;a second Dtwelve years old;two,B,C,13A lot of famous doctors gathered in Harbin_save “Chinas most beautiful teacher” Ms Zhang Lili. Aso that Bin order to Cin order that Das a result 14Which of the following signs means “No photos”?,A,B,C,D,B,D,15I remember_the magazine on the shelf.But I cant find it now. Aput Bputting Cto put Dputs,B,四、根据汉语意思及英语提示翻译句子。(55分25分) 16玛丽让我把口信带给她弟弟。(pass on to) _ 17朱丽叶说:“我记得我关掉灯了。”(remember doing) _ 18小女孩手术后病情大有好转。(make progress) _,Mary asked me to pass on the message to her brother.,Juliet said, “I remember turning off the light(s)”,The little girl is making good progress after the operation.,19罗斯早离开是为了得个好座位。(in order to) _ 20许多人还没认识到健康的重要性。(wake up to) _,Ross left early in order to get a good seat.,Many people havent woken up to the importance of health.,五、短文填空。(103分30分) 从方框中选择合适的单词填空,使短文内容完整、通顺。 everything, before, safe, without, long, alone,sure, else, different, if Many children use the Internet to get useful knowledge and information,and to relax in their free time.But some of them are not using it in a good way.Here are some rules to make sure you are 21._ and have fun on the Internet. Make rules for Internet use with your parents.For example,when you can go online,for how 22._ and what activities you can go online.,safe,long,Dont give your password(密码) to anyone 23._,and never leak out(泄露) the following informationyour real name,home address,age,school,phone number or other personal information. Check with your parents 24._giving out a credit(信用) card number. Never send a photo of yourself to someone in email unless your parents say its OK. Check with your parents before going into a chat room.25._chat rooms have different rules and attract different kinds of people.You and your parents must make 26._its a right place for you.,else,before,Different,sure,Never agree to meet someone you met on the Internet 27._your parents permission(允许)Never meet anyone you met online 28._. Always remember that people online may not be who they say they are.Treat everyone online as strangers. 29_something you see or read online makes you uncomfortable,leave the site.Tell a parent or teacher right away. Treat other people as youd like to be treated.Never use bad language. Remembernot 30._you read on the Internet is true.,everything,without,alone,If,模块语篇与书面表达指导,一、完形填空。(2015,湖北黄冈) When I was a junior high school student in 1980,God gave me a gift;it was happiness. One weekend,I went to visit my grandparents in the countryside.On my way home a car ran over me and cut off my_1_because of its high speed. Several days later when I woke up at the hospital,I realized I had to spend the rest of my life_2_arms.How sad I felt at that time!Even I was full of fears._3_ slowly I knew I had to face the fact and got over it.I couldnt get my arms back even though I_4_every day.,However,its easier_5_than done.It took me nearly half a year to get out of the sadness_6_I got so much from my past story.From then on,I could treat my life with a_7_mind.But in our daily life,I often see my classmates_8_about little things:They get a bad grade on a test;their bus comes_9_;they dont have a mobile phone but_10_ do,and so on.But I only_11_life.I was lucky to realize from an accident that it is a waste of our life to focus on what you have_12_We should always think of what we have.So why are so many people unhappy?Someone may say, “My whole life would improve_13_I have a new car.” But when you get the car what_14_?For a whole week you are walking on air.Then you go right back to being unhappy.,Happiness depends on what we have!Its in our heart.Its a state of mind,even though you own the whole world,you may still feel_15_Happiness comes from mastering the art of appreciating(感激) and taking pleasure in what you really have.,1A.feet Blegs Carms Dears 2A.with Bwithout Cfor Don 3A.Or BBut CSo DOnce 4A.cried Blaughed Csat Dstood 5A.dreamed Bacted Ccalled Dsaid 6A.strongly Bespecially Ccompletely Dsimilarly 7A.crazy Bnormal Cfull Dspecial,C,B,B,A,D,C,B,8A.get excited Bget nervous Cget serious Dget worried 9A.early Bfirst Cfast Dlate 10A.the other Bone another Cother Dothers 11A.hate Bdislike Cenjoy Dsave 12A.lost Bhad Cfound Dspent 13A.because Bas Cif Dwhether 14A.happens Btakes place Cused Duses 15A.funny Bhappy Cexcited Dunhappy,D,D,D,C,A,C,A,D,二、阅读理解。 A(2015,福建龙岩) Du Yijun,a 21yearold Fudan University student,was one of the 36 people who died in the crush on New Years Eve on the Bund(外滩) in Shanghai. On the night of December 31,2014,a holiday celebration turned into a terrible tragedy. “Overcrowding(过度拥挤) and the failure of the police to control the crowds were the main reasons it happened,” the authorities(官方) said.,For the last three years,light shows on the Bund have been successfully held for New Years Eve celebrations,but this year the light show was cancelled and there were fewer police on hand.But the crowds came anyway.About 300,000 people were on the Bund by 8:30 that evening and more kept arriving until people suddenly became noisy and angry around 11:30.Some people fell on the stairs and were stepped heavily on and died.,In Shanghai,the authorities have reacted(作出反应) to the Bund tragedy by cancelling big events.But this isnt really necessary.Better planning and better crowd control can make sure the celebrations are safe. However,if youre going to a place where there will be a big crowd,you should take notice of where the exits(出口) are,and if there are too many people,move away from the center of the crowd.And most importantly,if the crowd seems too bi


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