中考英语 第一部分 夯实基础 第16讲 九全 Units 3-4复习课件 人教新目标版.ppt

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,第16讲 九年级 Units 34,九年级 Units 34 (训练时间:60分钟 分值:100分),综合能力提高 一、单项选择(20分) 1. I used to _ letters to my pen pals, but now Im used to _ emails to them. A. write; sending B. write; send C. writing; sending D. writing; send 【解析】 used to do sth. “过去常常做某事”;be used to doing sth. “习惯于做某事”。句意为“过去我常常给我的笔友写信,现在我习惯给他们发电子邮件。” 【答案】A,2. Id like to see you whenever its _. A. expensive B. difficult C. convenient D. trendy 【解析】expensive“昂贵的”;difficult“困难的”;convenient“方便的”;trendy“时髦的”。根据句意“每当方便的时候我就想去看你。”可知,选C。 【答案】C,3. It _ that he has been ill for a long time. A. seems B. looks C. looks as if D. seems as if 【解析】seem“好像;似乎”。“It seemsthat从句”中it是形式主语。 【答案】A,4. The girl _ out at night. A. dares not go B. not dares C. doesnt dare to go D. doesnt dare going 【解析】考查动词dare的用法。dare“害怕”,作实义动词时,后跟动词不定式。故选C。 【答案】C,5. I really dont know what _ next. A. do B. doing C. done D. to do 【解析】“特殊疑问词动词不定式”作宾语,相当于宾语从句。故选D。 【答案】D,6. He has failed several times, but he wont _. A. go on B. come on C. get up D. give up 【解析】句意为“他失败过几次了,但他不会放弃。”give up“放弃”,符合题意。 【答案】D,7. Mom, I was the first to reach the top of the mountain. Good job, Jack. Im _ of you. A. careful B. proud C. tired D. afraid 【解析】上句句意为“妈妈,我是第一个到达山顶的(人)。”careful“小心的,细心的”;proud“自豪的,骄傲的”;tired“疲倦的”;afraid“害怕的”。be proud of“为感到骄傲”,为固定搭配。由此可知,答句句意为“做得好,杰克。我为你感到骄傲。”故选B。 【答案】B,8. Sally used to be _, but now she enjoys meeting and talking to new friends. A. active B. shy C. honest D. outgoing 【解析】考查形容词辨析。active“活跃的”;shy“羞怯的”;honest“诚实的”; outgoing“外向的”。由下句句意“但是现在她喜欢和新朋友见面并交谈”可知,上句意思应为“过去很害羞”。 【答案】B,9. (2016上海)Excuse me, where is the Moonlight Hotel? _. Im a stranger myself. A. Sorry, I dont know B. No, I didnt think so C. It doesnt matter D. Thank you all the same 【解析】考查交际用语。根据“Im a stranger myself. ”可知,答案为A。 【答案】A,10. (2016北京)Can you tell me _? He lives in Shanghai. A. where Mark lives B. where does Mike live C. where Mark lived D. where did Mark live 【解析】考查宾语从句。宾语从句要用陈述语序,先排除B和D;再结合答语可知,从句应用一般现在时。故选A。 【答案】A,1. A. experiences B. jokes C.hobbies D. studies 【解析】当时她不想告诉任何人,但是现在她觉得遭受校园欺凌的人应该谈谈他们的“经历”,故所缺的词是experiences。 【答案】A 2. A. sleep B. laugh C. suffer D. play 【解析】许多遭受欺凌的人都默默地“承受”,故所缺的词是suffer。 【答案】C,3. A. seldom B. always C. never D. suddenly 【解析】尽管她上小学时“一直”听到有关校园欺凌的事情,但是她从来没有想过那会发生在自己身上,故所缺的词是always。 【答案】B 4. A. bad B. happy C. silent D. good 【解析】结合其后的“knowing all the answers”可推断,她是一个“好”学生,故所缺的词是good。 【答案】D,5. A. clever B. slow C. noisy D. proud 【解析】当她在课堂上正确地回答出问题的时候,所有人都开始大喊大叫,说她太“聪明”了,故所缺的词是clever。 【答案】A 6. A. pleased B. worried C. satisfied D. amazed 【解析】结合下文的描述可推断,她为受到欺凌的事情而“焦虑”,然后病倒了,故所缺的词是worried。 【答案】B,7. A. usually B. interestingly C. luckily D. strangely 【解析】但是,“幸运的是”,她有一个可以聊天的朋友,她的朋友把她的烦恼告诉班主任,故所缺的词是luckily。 【答案】C 8. A. surprised B. controlled C. excited D. helped 【解析】她相信和老师谈一谈对Rebecca帮助很大,故所缺的词是helped。 【答案】D,9. A. started B. stopped C. increased D. continued 【解析】他们找到了处理这个问题的方法,后来欺凌事件终于“停止”了,故所缺的词是stopped。 【答案】B 10. A. problem B. agreement C. condition D. advice 【解析】下文中提到的是她的“建议”,故所缺的词是advice。 【答案】D,1. Why were Jasons parents shocked when they saw him for the first time? A. Because he was born disabled. B. Because he had big hands. C. Because his hair was curly. 【解析】由第一段的第一、二句“When Jasons parents saw him for the first time, they were shocked. This lovely little baby with shining blue eyes and curly hair was born disabled. ”可知,Jason的父母最初看到他感到震惊是因为他天生残疾。 【答案】A,2. Jason learned to write and color by holding the pen _. A. between his legs B. between his arms C. between his teeth 【解析】由第三段第一句“Jason learned handwriting and coloring at school, holding the pen between the ends of his arms. ”可知,Jason用两只断臂夹着笔来学习书写和涂色。 【答案】B,3. What does the underlined word “hardships” mean in this passage? A. 成就 B. 贫穷 C. 困难 【解析】由后半句句意“但是他会使你相信你可以做到他所做的事”可知,前半句句意为“现在Jason在生活中仍然面临许多困难”,由此可推断hardships意为“困难”。 【答案】C,4. From the passage, we learn the following about Jason EXCEPT_. A. he only uses his electric wheelchair at home B. he only wore socks while playing football C. he is never afraid of any difficulty in life 【解析】由第二段最后一句“He now has an electric wheelchair, but he never uses it at home. . . ”可知,Jason在家里从来不用他的电动轮椅,因此A项说法不正确;由第三段第五句“He only wore socks on the football field. ”可知,Jason踢足球时只穿袜子,因此B项说法正确;由最后一段最后一句Jason所说的话“Never be afraid of any difficulty”可知,他从不害怕生活中的任何困难,因此C项说法正确。故选A。 【答案】A,5. What is the best title(标题) of this passage? A. Disabled but still able B. Playing football brings good luck C. Never wear prosthetics even disabled 【解析】通读全文可知,文章主要讲述了Jason虽然天生残疾,但他自强自立,能够做许多事情。故A项为最佳标题。 【答案】A,


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