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第六课时 名词和主谓一致,1.(2016浙江高考)It is important to pay your electricity bill on time,as late payments may affect your _. A.condition B.income C.credit D.status 答案 C 句意:重要的是按时缴纳电费,因为逾期付款可能会影响你的信用。condition “情况”; income “收入”;credit “信誉”; status “身份”。根据句意,答案为C。,感 悟 高 考,2.(2016天津高考)The weather forecast says it will be cloudy with a slight _ of rain later tonight. A.effect B.sense C.change D.chance 答案 D 句意:天气预报说今晚晚些时候天气将转阴,降雨的可能性不大。chance表示“可能性”,符合语境。effect “影响”;sense “感觉,意识”;change “变化”。,3.(2015安徽高考)There is no need to tell me your answer now.Give it some_and then let me know. A.thought B.support C.protection D.authority 答案 A 句意:现在没有必要告诉我你的答案。思考一下,然后让我知道。 thought思想,思考;support支持,维持,支援,供养;protection保护,防卫;authority权威,权力,当局。,4.(2015浙江高考)Studies have shown that the right and left ear _ sound differently. A.produce B.pronounce C.process D.download 答案 C 句意:研究表明左右耳处理声音的方式不同。process加工,处理,符合语境。produce生产,制作,创作;pronounce发音;download下载。,5.(2015浙江高考)One of the most effective ways to reduce _ is to talk about feelings with someone you trust. A.production B.stress C.energy D.power 答案 B 句意:减少压力最有效的方法之一就是与你信任的人谈谈你的感受。stress压力,紧张,符合语境。production生产,制作,产品;energy精力,活力,干劲;power权力,势力,影响力。,名词 考点一 可数名词的不规则变化,考 点 清 单,规则 常见单复数同形的名词 Chinese中国人;Japanese 日本人;sheep 绵羊;deer鹿;series 系列;means 方式;works 工厂;fish 鱼;fruit 水果;crossroads 十字路口等。其中fish,fruit表示种类时,可加复数词尾,即fishes,fruits。,规则 自身有特殊变化的名词 childchildren manmen toothteeth footfeet mousemice phenomenonphenomena mediummedia,考点二 不可数名词,规则 通常只用作不可数名词的名词:advice建议;furniture家具;fun乐趣;information信息;news新闻;weather天气;progress进步;wealth财富;value价值等。 规则 抽象名词在表示具体的概念时,可以与不定冠词连用,常考到的有:,Your contribution will certainly make the event a huge success. 你的贡献一定会使这个事件很成功。 Its a great honor for me to be here today and share my experience of learning English with you.我很荣幸今天在这里和大家一起分享我学习英语的经验。 规则 物质名词具体化 drink饮料two drinks 两杯饮料 coffee咖啡a coffee一杯咖啡 chalk 粉笔a chalk 一支粉笔 hair 头发a hair 一根头发,考点三 名词所有格,规则 用and连接的并列名词的所有格要分两种情况,即表示各自的所有关系时,要分别在并列名词后加-s 或;表示共同的所有关系时,只在最后一个名词后加-s或。 Toms and Jims rooms.汤姆和吉姆(各自)的房间。 Tom and Jims room.汤姆和吉姆(共同)的房间。,规则 表示店铺、办公室或某人的家时,名词所有格后被修饰的名词一般省略。 at the barbers在理发店 at the teachers在老师办公室 规则 “名词of名词所有格”或“名词of名词性物主代词”。 a play of Shakespeares 莎士比亚的一个戏剧 a friend of mine 我的一个朋友,主谓一致 考点一 语法一致原则,规则 动名词、动词不定式、主语从句、不定代词作主语时,谓语动词常用单数。 Listening to music makes me relaxed after a busy day. 听音乐使我在一天的忙碌之后得到了放松。 To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness in the world. 爱和被爱是这个世界上最大的幸福。,规则 主语后接介词短语或其他插入语,如with,together with,as well as,along with,besides,but,except,including,rather than等,谓语动词的人称和数与主语的人称和数保持一致。 My father,together with his workmates,has been to Beijing. 我父亲和他的同事曾去过北京。,规则 and,both.and.连接两个不同的主语,谓语动词用复数形式,但是如果由and连接的两个名词表示同一个人或物时,谓语动词需用单数形式。 A famous writer and poet is to give a talk. 一位著名的作家兼诗人将要作一次报告。,规则 定语从句中关系代词作主语时,从句中的谓语动词要与先行词保持一致。在“itbe被强调部分that/who.”强调句型中,be一般用单数形式。如果强调的是主语,that/who后的谓语动词由被强调的主语决定。 It is I who am going to be a pilot. 是我将成为一名飞行员。 Anyone who has questions to ask,please come to my office this afternoon. 有问题要问的人,今天下午到我办公室来。,规则 “more than one/many a单数可数名词”作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式;each,every,no所修饰的名词作主语时,即使有and连接,谓语动词仍用单数。 Many a desk and many a bench is to be taken out of the hall. 许多课桌和凳子将被搬出大厅。 Every boy and every girl wishes to attend the party held on Sunday.每个男生和女生都希望参加周日的聚会。,考点二 意义一致原则,规则 集体名词作主语时,若被看作一个整体,谓语动词用单数形式;若被看作是构成集体的一个个成员,谓语动词用复数形式。常见的集体名词有:family,class,team,group,public,committee,government,audience等。 The class consists of 25 boys and 20 girls. 这个班由25个男生和20个女生组成。 The class are doing experiments. 全班学生都在做实验。,规则 “分数/百分数/the majorityof名词”作主语时,谓语动词的单复数取决于of后名词的数以及其表示的意义:all,some,half,most,the rest等作主语时,谓语动词单复数取决于主语实际表达的意义。 70 percent of the surface of our planet is covered by water. 我们星球的表面百分之七十都被水覆盖着。,规则 “the形容词”表示一类人在句中作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。 The sick have been cured and the lost have been found. 病人已被治愈,失踪的人也都找到了。,规则 a quantity of后既可接不可数名词,也可接可数名词复数;谓语动词的单复数取决于of后名词的数以及其表示的意义。quantities of后无论是可数名词还是不可数名词,谓语动词均用复数形式。 With more and more forests being destroyed,a large quantity of good earth is being washed away each year. With more and more forests being destroyed,quantities of good earth are being washed away each year. 随着越来越多的森林被砍伐,每年有大量的沃土被冲走。,规则 “a number of复数名词”作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式,意为“许多”;“the number of复数名词”作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式,意为“的数量”。 A number of students have gone for an outing. 许多学生去远足了。 The number of the students is increasing year after year. 学生的数量逐年增加。,规则 表示时间、距离、重量、金额等复数名词作主语时,谓语动词通常用单数形式。 Three thousand dollars is quite a lot of money for a boy. 对于一个男孩来说,3 000 美元是一笔大数目。,考点三 就近一致原则,规则 当or,nor,either.or.,neither.nor.,not only.but also.,not.but.等连接并列主语时,谓语动词常与最近的主语在人称和数上保持一致。 Not only the students but also the teacher enjoys listening to the music. 不仅学生而且这位老师也喜欢听这种音乐。 Neither his parents nor he himself is a bank clerk. 他父母和他本人都不是银行职员。,规则 在here,there置于句首的倒装句中,当主语不止一个时,谓语动词通常与其邻近的主语在人称和数上保持一致。 There stands the teaching building between the two rows of trees.教学楼在两排树之间。 There is a pencil and two pens in the pencil-box. There are two pens and a pencil in the pencil-box. 文具盒内有一支铅笔和两支钢笔。,1.利用固定搭配和习惯表达,解 题 策 略,(1)It is said that dogs will keep you _ for as long as you want when you are feeling lonely. A.safety B.company C.house D.friend 答案 B 句意:据说, 当你感到孤独时, 你想要狗陪伴你多长时间他们就陪伴你多长时间。keep somebody company “陪伴某人;与某人作伴”。,(2)Despite such a big difference in the _ towards what one eats, there is no doubt that people in the west regard the Chinese food as something special. A.point B.idea C.attitude D.sight 答案 C 句意:尽管人们对吃什么有不同的观点, 但是毋庸置疑的是西方人认为中餐别具一格。point “重点, 见解” ; idea “想法 , 主意”; sight “视力,看见”。,2.利用句子的平衡、对比等结构,To make members of a team perform better, the trainer first of all has to know their _ and weaknesses. A.strengths B.benefits C.techniques D.values 答案 A 句意:为了使队员更好地表现, 教练首先要了解队员的优势和劣势。and后weak的名词形式 , 正好与strong的名词形式对比,符合语境。strength “长处,优点”,符合句意。,3.充分把握具体的语境,Shall we go out for a walk? Sorry.This is not the right _ to invite me. I am too tired to walk. A.moment B.situation C.place D.chance 答案 A 句意:“我们出去走走吧?”“对不起, 现在邀请我不是时候, 我都累得没有力气走路了。”后面的提示了前者提出建议是不合时宜的, 故用moment “时刻, 时候” 。,4.运用固定句式解决词义辨析,You will find this map of great _ in helping you to get around the city. A.source B.sense C.favor D.value 答案 D 句意:你会觉得这张地图在帮助你在城里走动非常有价值。此处用of great value, 相当于very valuable 表示“十分有价值”。,5.分清主语、找准谓语法,做主谓一致的题目时,由于在句子中,有一些主语容易受到别的词的影响,往往造成一些理解上的错误,如主语后面接with, together with,along with,but,as well as等短语时,谓语应与前面的名词保持一致,记住:谓语动词的单复词要和主语中的中心词一致。,(1)Listening to loud music at rock concerts _ caused hearing loss in some teenagers. A.is B.are C.has D.have 答案 C 根据动名词短语作主语,句子的谓语动词用单数形式,由此排除B、D两项,根据主语与caused的主动关系,排除A项。,(2)Such poets as Shakespeare _widely read,of whose works,however,some _ difficult to understand. A.are;are B.is;is C.are;is D.is;are 答案 A 主句中的主语应为poets,谓语动词用复数,其后的非限制性定语从句的主语应为some of whose works,谓语动词也应是复数。故选A。,

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