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,Holiday fun,Unit,3,Period 1,Story time,What do you usually do for the National Day holiday?,What did you do last National Day holiday? Where did you go? I went to Beijing and Shanghai.,Do you know any scenic spots(旅游景点) in Beijing and Shanghai?,the Bund 外滩,Shanghai,the Shanghai Museum 上海博物馆,Shanghai,the Great Wall 长城,Beijing,the Palace Museum 故宫,Beijing,the Summer Palace 颐和园,Beijing,Tiananmen Square天安门广场,Beijing,Play a game: Whats missing?,Whats missing?,Whats missing?,Whats missing?,Whats missing?,Whats missing?,Whats missing?,Watch and answer,How were their holidays? 他们的假日过的怎么样?,Watch and answer,How were their holidays?,They were great fun.,极大的乐趣,Would you like to know more about his holiday?,Where,What,.,Tips:Read the dialogue and underline the questions. 大声朗读P26对话,划出相关的问句。,Mike: Hello, Liu Tao! Where did you go for the holiday? I called you, but you werent at home. Liu Tao: I went to Shanghai and visited my aunt. Mike: What did you do there? Liu Tao: We went to the Bund and visited the Shanghai Museum. I saw many interesting things.,Read and find,Where did you go for the holiday?,Listen and answer,did是 do和does过去式,I went to Shanghai and visited my aunt.,What did you do there?,We went to the Bund and visited the Shanghai Museum.,Listen and answer,Mike: Hello, Liu Tao! Where did you go for the holiday?I called you, but you werent at home. Liu Tao: I went to Shanghai and visited my aunt. Mike: What did you do there? Liu Tao: We went to the Bund and visited the Shanghai Museum. I saw many interesting things.,Lets read,werent=were not,Think and write,Liu Tao went to _. He went to the _ and the _. He saw many _.,Shanghai,Bund,Shanghai Museum,interesting things,What did Liu Tao do for the National Day holiday?,默读课文27页,完成下列表格,went to a farm near Star Lake,Star Lake. 星星湖,picked some oranges and went fishing.,Look and say,went fishing,Did he catch any fish?,抓,捉,He caught a big fish.,catch过去式,Wheres the fish now?,Mike ate it.,ate 是eat过去式,Look and say,Liu Tao: How was your holiday, Mike? Mike: It was great fun. Our family went to a farm near Star Lake. We picked some oranges and went fishing. Liu Tao: Did you catch any fish? Mike: Yes, I did. I caught a big fish! Liu Tao: Thats great. Why did you call me? Mike: Because I wanted to give you the fish. Liu Tao: Wheres the fish now? Mike: I ate it!,Lets read,Think and write,Mike went to a _. He picked some _. He went _ too. He caught _,What did Mike do for the National Day holiday?,farm,oranges,fishing,a big fish,Dub this cartoon. (配音),Read in roles. (分角色读),Make a new story (编写新对话),Happy reading,选择自己喜欢的方式,小组合作。,朗读对话,注意人物的语音语调哦!,A: How was your summer holiday? B: It was great fun. A: Where did you go? B: I went to . A: What did you do there? B: I visited . A: Did you eat./ buy. / take photos? B: Yes, I did./ No, I didnt.,Retell the text,Liu Tao and Mike _ back to school after the National Day _. They are talking about their holidays. Liu Tao _ his aunt in Shanghai. He went to the _ and _ the Shanghai _. He saw many _ things. Mike and his family went to a _ near Star Lake. They _ some _ and went _. And Mike _ a big _. He _ to give the fish to Liu Tao. But Liu Tao _ at home. So Mike _ the fish! Ha! Ha! Their holidays were great _.,came,holiday,visited,Bund,visited,Museum,interesting,farm,picked,oranges,fishing,caught,fish,wanted,wasnt,ate,fun,Summary,一、说出下列单词的过去式。 go see catch do eat,went,saw,caught,did,ate,二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1、The students _ (come)back to school one hour (小时) ago. 2、We picked some oranges and _(go) fishing. 3、What _(do) you do yesterday? 4、I saw many _(interest) things in the museum.,came,went,did,interesting,Writing time,My holiday Miss Li asked the students to write a story about their holiday life. How do Liu Tao and Mike write? Can you teach them?You could help one of them. Please write and read to him.,My holiday,I went for the holiday. I saw . I It was great fun.,Emotion education,在我国,国庆节特指中华人民共和国正式成立的纪 念日。然而当下国庆节却逐渐演变成促销黄金周, 旅游黄金周,对于国庆节的纪念元素却少之又少。 老师希望今年的国庆节同学们能去参观一些博物馆, 纪念馆,或观看一些有纪念意义的影片。在休闲放松 的活动中去体会一下先辈们曾经历过的苦难,去感悟 我们民族的伟大,和身为一名中国人的自豪。,Im a Chinese,I love China !,Todays homework,1.有感情地朗读课文,完成一起作业网上的跟读练习。 2. 将课上新编的对话故事写下来。,

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