2019-2020年高中英语 第四单元综合测评 新人教版必修1.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 第四单元综合测评 新人教版必修1第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话只读一遍。1What does the woman mean?A. She likes watching movies.B. She recently saw an excellent movie.C. She would like to go to see a movie.2What is the man going to do?A. Meet the woman and her friend.B. Move over one seat.C. Sit between the woman and her friend.3How did the woman go on the journey?A. By air. B. By land.C. By water.4What does the woman mean?A. The movie was already over.B. Some people were watching the movie.C. She does not want the man to e tonight.5Whatll happen to the womans cat?A. It will be looked after by Ken.B. It will be sold to Ken.C. It has been killed by Ken.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第67题。6What does the man think of the exam?A. He is sure he has passed it.B. He doesnt think he has passed it.C. He doesnt care for the result.7What is the opinion of the woman?A. She is certain about what the man said.B. She is doubtful about it.C. She feels disappointed.听第7段材料,回答第810题。8What did the woman realise when she finished high school?A. She still had a lot to learn.B. She was more confident.C. Her life was wonderful.9What does the man think of himself when he was a child?A. Dependent. B. Impolite.C. Troublesome.10When did the man change?A. When he entered high school.B. When he graduated from high school.C. When he found his first job.听第8段材料,回答第1113题。11What are the speakers talking about?A. Friends. B. Sea birds.C. A trip.12Why does the woman like going to Qinhuangdao?A. To sit in the sun.B. To watch the waves.C. To see sea birds.13When do they plan to meet again?A. Saturday. B. One year later.C. Friday.听第9段材料,回答第1416题。14What does the man want to do here?A. Apply for a new card.B. Cancel his credit card.C. Open a saving account.15What does woman ask the man to do?A. Copy his ID card.B. Enter his password (密码)C. Write down his telephone number.16How much is there left in the mans account at last?A. $800. B. $2,000.C. $2,800.听第10段材料,回答第1720题。17Why will the speaker be out of the office today?A. She is sick.B. She is on a business trip.C. She will have an important meeting.18Who probably is Mr. Johnson?A. A manager.B. A customer.C. A repairman.19What does the speaker ask Sam to do?A. Fix her broken desk.B. Post her letters if possible.C. Send an email to Mrs. Wilson.20What is the probable relationship between Sam and the speaker?A. Colleagues (同事)B. Husband and wife.C. Salesman and customer.答案15CBACA610BBAAC1115CCCAB1620BACBA听力材料Text 1M:How would you feel about seeing a movie?W:Sounds great to me!Text 2W:Excuse me, is this seat taken?M:No, it isnt.W:Would you mind moving over one, so my friend and I can sit together?M:No, not at all.Text 3M:Did you have a good time there?W:Yes, but the journey was terrible. I almost missed my flight.Text 4M:Our TV is broken, and there is a great movie on tonight. Could we e over and watch yours?W:Im sorry. We are having some people over tonight.Text 5M:What will you do with your cat when you leave for vacation?W:Im having Ken take care of it.Text 6W:Well, do you think youve passed?M:No, I dont think so. I thought the paper was terrible.W:But, are you sure?M:Yes. Not a hope!W:Youre always saying that, but you always manage to e top in all the tests we have.M:Well, this time its different.W:I doubt that.Text 7M:So what were you like as a kid?W:When I was a kid, always make troubles.M:You? Really? When was that changed?W:When I graduated from high school.M:What do you mean?W:Until you graduate, you dont understand that life is just beginning. After I finished high school, I realised that I still had a lot to learn.M:I know what you mean. I was really dependent when I was a child.W:What changed?M:I think I became more independent after I got my first job. Once you have a job, you learn to be more independent.W:Thats true.Text 8M:Hi, Belinda, where are you going this weekend?W:Hi, Bob. Im going to the beach with some friends. Do you want to e, too?M:Yeah, that sounds like fun. Which beach are you going to?W:We were thinking of driving north to Qinhuangdao. I like to watch the sea birds and wildlife there.M:That sounds great! When do you plan to leave?W:Well, I think at about 4:00 on Friday.M:Must I drive my car?W:No need, well fit you into a car.M:Great. Where should we meet?W:Meet me on Friday in front of our pany.M:OK, Ill see you then. Bye.Text 9W:What can I do for you?M:I lost my bank card. Can I apply for a new one?W:Yes, but you should cancel the lost one. Please fill in this form first .M:OK. Is that all?W:That is correct. Please show your ID card and enter your password.M:Ive done that.W:OK. This is your new card, and take care not to lose it again.M:Thank you. Excuse me, but can I check the money in my card?W:Wait a minute. Well, 2,800 dollars left.M:Thank you. I would like to take out 800 dollars.W:How would you like your money?M:Five in hundreds, two in fifties, and ten in twenties, please.W:OK, here you are.M:Thanks a lot.Text 10W:Hello, Sam? This is Ms. Rivera. Ill be out of the office all day today. Im not feeling well. Would you please do me some favours? First, please write a note to Mrs. Wilson and tell her Im sick. Then, please call Mr. Smith and change the time of our meeting. Also, send an email to everybody in the office, and tell them about next weeks meeting. Dont forget to speak to Mr. Johnson about my broken desk. He will fix it. Hmm . Lets see. I know there are a few more things. Oh, yes. Please make a list of all the workers and give it to our manager. She asked me for the list last week. OK. Oh, one more thing. Please take the letters on my desk to the post office if you have time. And thats it. Thanks, Sam. Ill see you tomorrow morning.第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AJimmy is an automotive mechanic, but he lost his job a few months ago. He has a good heart, but always feared applying for a new job.One day, he gathered up all his strength and decided to attend a job interview. His appointment was at 10 am and it was already 8:30. While waiting for a bus to the office where he was supposed to be interviewed, he saw an elderly man wildly kicking the tyre of his car. Obviously there was something wrong with the car. Jimmy immediately went up to lend him a hand. When Jimmy finished working on the car, the old man asked him how much he should pay for the service. Jimmy said there was no need to pay him; he just helped someone in need, and he had to rush for an interview. Then the old man said, “Well, I could take you to the office for your interview. Its the least I could do. Please. I insist.” Jimmy agreed.Upon arrival, Jimmy found a long line of applications waiting to be interviewed. Jimmy still had some grease on him after the car repair, but he did not have much time to wash it off or have a change of shirt. One by one, the applicants left the interviewers office with disappointed look on their faces. Finally his name was called. The interviewer was sitting on a large chair facing the office window. Rocking the chair back and forth, he asked, “Do you really need to be interviewed?” Jimmys heart sank. “With the way I look now, how could I possibly pass this interview?” he thought to himself.Then the interviewer turned the chair and to Jimmys surprise, it was the old man he helped earlier in the morning. It turned out he was the General Manager of the pany.“Sorry I had to keep you waiting, but I was pretty sure I made the right decision to have you as part of our workforce before you even stepped into the office. I just know youd be a trustworthy worker. Congratulations!” Jimmy sat down and they shared a cup of welldeserved coffee as he landed himself a new job.21Why did Jimmy apply for a new job? A. He was out of work.B. He was bored with his job. C. He wanted a higher position.D. He hoped to find a better boss.答案与解析A从文章第一句“he lost his job.”可知,他失业了。A项正确。22What did Jimmy see on the way to the interview?A. A friends car had a flat tyre.B. A wild man was pushing a car. C. A terrible accident happened.D. An old mans car broke down. 答案与解析D从文章第二段中“there was something wrong with the car”可知,那位老人的车出故障了,D项正确。23Why did the old man offer Jimmy a ride?A. He was also to be interviewed.B. He needed a traveling panion.C. He always helped people in need.D. He was thankful to Jimmy. 答案与解析D从文章第二段末可知,吉米修好了老人的车。老人为了表示感谢坚持要送吉米去公司面试。24What can we learn from Jimmys experience?A. Where there is a will, theres a way.B. A friend in need is a friend indeed.C. Good is rewarded with good. D. Two heads are better than one. 答案与解析C文章讲述了一个助人为乐的吉米。由于做好事而获得工作的故事。A项“有志者事竟成”;B项“患难见真情”;D项“人多力量大”,均不符合文章主旨。C项“好人好报”,为正确答案。BA study shows that nearly ninety percent of teens report that they have tried alcohol. Thats an increase of 23 percent in just four years!Each year, 1. 1 billion cans of beer are drunk by students aged 1519 years old. Beer is the most mon alcoholic drink among teens 81 percent of the drinkers had tried it. Beer is followed by wine with 63 percent, hard liquor (烈酒) with 53 percent and wine coolers with 35 percent. When the young people are asked why they drank, the most mon answer is that drinking is “something to do”. If a teens parents drink alcohol, the teenager is more likely to start drinking at an early age. Also, teens see all of their friends drinking alcohol so they think it is the musttodo thing. Peer pressure is probably the hardest thing teens have to deal with. Whats more, teens often drink alcohol because it makes them feel older and cooler.Researchers asked 56,000 students about their drinking habits and grades, to see how drinking might affect their grades in school. The results seem to be clear. Students who got a C level or lower tend to use three times as much alcohol as those who got Bs or As. Alcohol use can be deadly. About 8,100 young people are killed per year in alcoholrelated accidents. Eight young people die per day as a result of a drunkdriving accident. Between 50 and 65 percent of all teen suicides (自杀) occur after the young people drink. So you see, drinking the alcohol doesnt always end up with a good time. The next time you try to push someone to drink or someone tries to push you to drink, please remember this. One drink can set the habit for life. Why not throw it away?25The reasons for teens drinking alcohol are mentioned EXCEPT that _.A. they think it is cool to drink alcoholB. their parents set a bad example to themC. alcohol can make them happierD. peer pressure plays an important role答案与解析C根据第三段“Whats more, teens often drink alcohol because it makes them feel older and cooler.”“If a teens parents drink alcohol, the teenager is more likely to start drinking at an early age.”以及“Peer pressure is probably the hardest thing teens have to deal with.”说明A、B、D三项都提及了,所以答案为C项。“饮酒可以使他们快乐”文中没有提及。26What can we learn from paragraph 4?A. Drinking alcohol makes students stupid.B. Good students never try alcohol. C. Drinking habits have something to do with IQ.D. Students with poor grades tend to use more alcohol.答案与解析D根据第四段中“Students who got a C level or lower tend to use three times as much alcohol as those who got Bs or As.”可知成绩及格或不及格的学生可能是良好、优秀学生饮酒量的三倍可以推出答案为D项。27The passage was written mainly to _.A. show the bad effect of drinking alcoholB. show how many teenagers drink alcoholC. tell teenagers not to try alcoholD. tell the reasons why teenagers drink alcohol答案与解析C根据最后一段告诫青少年戒掉饮酒的习惯,不要饮酒,更不要劝别人喝酒。因为饮酒的结局不总是那么美妙。告诉青少年“不要以身试酒”。C项最能概括文章大意。CHave you ever had travel problems because your airplane was late? It is a mon problem and it is getting worse. Airport delays make people angry and cost the country billions in lost work time.The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is the government agency that oversees air travel. They studied the problem of airline delays. They found eleven major problems and suggested eleven ways to fix them. Some of the problems are caused because different regions of the country do things differently. The regions dont talk to each other enough. Some of them need new puters. Also, more planes are flying. A strong economy has more people using airplanes to get around. Airplanes are a form of mass transportation now, like trains and buses were in the past. More planes in the airport cause delays. The airport in San Francisco is a good example. It is growing fast. Many people go through San Francisco to get to other places around the world. Ron Wilson of the San Francisco International Airport says, “If youve got 18 flights that all want to take off at 8:00 am and youre on the 18th plane in line, youre going to be 40 minutes late.”Weather is another main reason for delays. Weather causes about 70% of delays. Fog or freezing rain can cause delays. The first thing the FAA wants to do is take control away from the regions during heavy traffic times and bad weather. A national center would make decisions on things that affect the whole country. The FAA also wants to put more distance between planes in the sky when the weather is bad. This rule could cause even more delays. The FAA knows that their solutions will not solve the problems with airport delays. But, they hope to make things better. There are just too many planes, too few traffic controllers, and not enough new technology.28FAA found that some of the delay problems are caused by _ between two regions.A. different languagesB. technical misunderstandingC. misunderstanding of the rulesD. lack (缺乏) of munication答案与解析D在第三段提到了FAA总结的几种航班延误的原因:不同地区做事不同、缺乏沟通、交流、电脑设备陈旧。D项正确。29Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a reason for airline delays?A. A growing number of flights.B. Bad weather.C. A growing population.D. Lack of new technology. 答案与解析C第四段提到了A项;第六段提到了B项;最后一段提到了D项。文中没有涉及C项的内容。C项为正确选项。30From the passage we can infer that _.A. FAA is a national center which controls all the flight mattersB. FAA has taken control to solve airport delaysC. in San Francisco, each plane will delay about 40 minutesD. safety rules during bad weather may cause more delays答案与解析D第二段说FAA是government agency,排除A项; FAA“studied the problem of airline delays”,排除B项;第五段只是举了个例子,C项并不是真实发生。D项可在第七段找到依据。31Which of the statements best gives the idea of the passage?A. FAA should make decisions to stop airport delays. B. Airport delays are on the rise. C. Travel problems cost billions in lost work time. D. FAA has taken control of air traffic nationwide. 答案与解析B文章主要讲了航班延误的问题,由于各种原因,航班延误还不能彻底解决。B项最符合文章主题。DVerbier language schoolBeginner? Fluent? Young? Young at heart? VLS can help you learn or improve your language skills in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere with fun, professional teachers.What we offer:Individual (个人) and group French, English, German, Spanish, Italian, Russian and Swedish lessons for children and adults.Exam preparation for TEFL, TOEFL, IELTS, mon Entrance, GCSE.Summer course.Translation services.Summer immersion (浸泡式) camps language and activities including cooking, performances, art and crafts, walking, biking, various sports etc. 9am 4pm (lunch included)Winter immersion camps language and skiing. 9am 4pm (lunch included)Course prices (Prices shown are for 1 hour lessons, per student):Private lessons90 dollarsSemiprivate (2 people)50 dollarsGroup lessons (36 people)30 dollarsPrivate onetoone tuition focusing on the individual needs of the student.Group learn in a relaxed and fun environment.Maximum of 6 students per group so there are still plenty of chances to ask questions.Children learning with fun and games in private or group lessons.Corporate arrange private or group classes for your pany aimed at your specific needs.ConditionsIf registering by phone and email, classes are not confirmed (确认) until a deposit (定金) has been received via the bank or Paypal. Please contact us for bank details.Payment for the classes must be paid in full in advance or at each lessons.Students must plete a test at their first lesson to make sure of their level.Contact usBy post: Verbier Language School, Centre de lEtoile, Case Postal 475, Rue de M dran 6, 1936 Verbier, SwitzerlandBy phone: 41(0)79 653 22 27By email: infoverbierlanguageschool32In the first paragraph, “Young at heart” refers to _.A. optimistic peopleB. people with a strong heartC. old professional teachersD. the elderly people答案与解析D这是一篇广告,广告用语表达得很委婉,避免用elderly, old等词。但从文章开头部分并不难猜测出Young at heart指的是老年人。Beginner对Fluent; Young对Young at heart。33It can be inferred that IELTS is _.A. a language courseB. a language testC. a sports petitionD. a summer camp答案与解析B从What we offer中第二条可知, IELTS和TEFL,TOEFL等一样是一种语言考试。B项正确。34John and his father both attend the Group lessons to learn German. They learn two hours each day. How much do they need to pay per day?A. 200 dollars. B. 180 dollars.C. 120 dollars. D. 60 dollars.答案与解析C从表格中可以看出一个人一小时Group lessons是30美元,约翰和他父亲两个小时就是120美元。C项正确。35In their first lesson, students are required to _.A. report their interestB. take an examC. plete a formD. pay by credit card答案与解析B在conditions一栏最后一条可知,学生第一课时要考试确定其英语水平。B项正确。第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Healthy habits are important to all of us. Here are a few tips that can help you improve your healthy habits. pulsory breakfast. _36_ There is a saying like our lifetime will be shorter when we dont eat breakfast. Breakfast is important to keep a healthy and a problemfree stomach. Good sleep. A good sleep is necessary for a healthy body and mind. Good sleep not only means sleeping for a long time (8 hours preferably) but also sleeping with a peaceful mind. _37_ _38_ Water is the best medicine for most diseases. We need to drink a lot of water every day, almost 8 glasses every day. Water helps us keep our body clean and fit. Relationships. _39_ This causes your mind and heart to be more fresh and peaceful. This in turn leads to a healthy life. Speak to your children or old people at least for an hour every day, which reduces (减轻) your burden (负担) greatly. Healthy relationships lead to a healthy life. _40_ Take a good walk every day, which is a very good habit regardless of the age or gender (性别). Walking helps you keep your mind at peace and helps in keeping a healthy body.A. Take a good walk.B. Drink lots of water.C. These are very healthy habits for all.D. The first is to eat our breakfast every morning.E. Spend at least half an hour for exercising each day.F. Always keep healthy relationships with other people.G. A peaceful sleep is important for a good healthy life.答案36.D37.G38.B39.F40.A第三部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Mr Dawson was an old man with bad temper. Kids dared not go into his yard to _41_ a delicious apple, even off the ground.One Friday, 12yearold Janet was going to _42_ all night with her friend Amy. They had to walk by Dawsons house _43_ the way to Amys house. Like most of the children, she was _44_ of the old man.Amy said not to worry, M

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