2019-2020年高中英语 Module3 My First Ride on a Train单元检测题 外研版必修1.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Module3 My First Ride on a Train单元检测题 外研版必修1第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1Where do you think the woman es from?A. London.B. Paris.C. Berlin.2Where is the man now?A. In his bed.B. In the kitchen.C. In his office.3Who is the woman?A. John Hopkins wife.B. John Hopkins secretary.C. Mr Jones wife.4What does the man mean?A. Jane is always late for her class.B. Jane went to bed late last night.C. I have heard about it.5Why does the man look better?A. Because he had seen a doctor.B. Because he had done much exercise.C. Because he had taken a certain medicine.第二节(共15小题;每题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6Whats wrong with Jack?A. His father is ill.B. His mother is ill.C. He is ill.7How will Jack use the money?A. To buy some medicine for himself.B. To buy some medicine for his father.C. To buy some medicine for his mother.听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。8What are the two speakers talking about?A. Dancing.B. Disco. C. Ballet.9What is the main purpose for the woman to dance?A. To learn disco.B. To learn ballet.C. To reduce her body weight.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10When is the game going to take place if it wont rain?A. On Saturday afternoon.B. On Sunday afternoon.C. On Sunday evening.11What time will the game begin if it is put off?A. At 8 am.B. At 7 am. C. At 9 am.12What day is it when they are talking?A. Sunday.B. Thursday. C. Friday.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13Why does the woman want to put on a show?A. Just for fun.B. To make some money.C. To find a chance to sing.14What kind of show will be put on this spring?A. An English play.B. A musical play.C. A fairy play.15What can we learn from the conversation?A. The man often appears to sing and dance on the stage.B. The man is good at singing.C. The man sings in church every morning.16What is the man going to do on the show?A. Sing.B. Act and dance.C. Both A and B.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17What are scientists trying to do?A. To bring water to the deserts.B. To make the deserts into good land again.C. To do bad things to the earth.18Who or what do scientists think make the desert?A. People.B. Plants. C. Rain.19Why dont some places with little rain bee desert?A. Because people can bring water to there.B. Because people dont do bad things there.C. Because some green plants grow there.20What are the two uses of green plants to protect land from being desert?AThey can prevent wind blowing the earth away and hold the water.BThey can prevent the hot sun making the earth drier and the wind blowing the earth away.CThey can prevent the hot sun making the earth drier and hold the water.答案:15 BACAB610 BCACA1115 BCABB1620 CBACA听力原文Text 1W:Today many French people go to London to do business, while many Londoners e and live in our Paris.M:No wonder that people say the two cities are continuing a “New Tale of Two Cities”Text 2M:Would you please turn off the alarm clock? Im too tired to get up.W:But you said you had to see a friend at the airport this morning.Text 3M:Hello, this is John Hopkins speaking. I want to speak to Mr Jones.W:Sorry, my husband isnt at home. But I can give you his office phone number. He wont be back until seven oclock.Text 4W:Jane was late for her class this morning.M:Its nothing new for her.Text 5W:Glad to see you. You look better now. You looked ill when you left.M:Thanks. I had a lot of exercise and drank vegetable juice every day.Text 6W:Hey, Jack, whats up?M: Not so good.W:Why?M:Well, my mother is ill. I dont have enough money to buy her more medicine.W:I could lend you some money if youd like.M:That would be great. Thanks a lot.Text 7M:Do you like dancing?W:Sometimes, if theres music.M:What kind of dancing do you like?W:It depends on the music. For example, if its rock music, Ill do disco and if it is romantic music, Ill do ballet.M:Do you really know how to do ballet?W:Not really, but I can practice on my own. I like learning different kinds of dancing.M:Oh, yes. Recently I heard many girls who want to lose weight join dancing classes. Is that right?W:Yes, it is.M:I hope you will find a way of reducing your body weight.W:I hope so.Text 8W:What are you going to do this Saturday afternoon?M:We are going to have a football match.W:What time is the match going to start?M:The match begins at 3 in the afternoon so that it wont be so hot.W:But the weather report says it is going to rain tomorrow afternoon.M:If it rains tomorrow, well put it off till Sunday. It will begin at 7 a. m.W:Whom are you going to play with? M:We are going to play with Class Two.W:Well, well go and watch the game.M:OK.Text 9W:We are thinking about putting on a show this spring.M:Do you think youll be able to make some money?W:Oh, no, we just want to do it for the fun of it. You know there are a lot of us who like to perform.M:What kind of show? W: A musical play. M:Have you decided which one to do?W:We have three in mind, and of course weve been thinking about you.M:Me? Why me?W:You sing, dont you? Everyone says you have a wonderful voice.M:Well, I have sung a little, but Ive never really appeared on stage.W: I thought you sang in church every Sunday.M:Thats different. There are so many other singers too.W:Then heres your chance to find out how good you are. And not just to sing but to act and dance too.M: Oh, it might be exciting. Text 10Scientists are trying to make the deserts into good land again. They want to bring water to the desert, so people can live and grow food. They are learning a lot about the deserts. But more and more of the earth is being desert all the time. Scientists may not be able to change the desert in time.Why is more and more land being desert? Scientists think that people make deserts. People are doing bad things to the earth.Some places on the earth dont get very much rain, but they still dont bee deserts. This is because some green plants are growing there. Small green plants and grasses are very important to dry places. Plants dont let the hot sun make the earth drier. Plants dont let the wind blow the earth away. When a bit of rain falls, the plants hold the water. Without plants, the land can bee a desert much more easily.第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ATips for travel to EnglandGood afternoon,and wele to England. We hope that your visit here will be a pleasant one. Today, I would like to draw your attention to a few of our laws.The first one is about drinking. Now, you may nor buy alcohol in this country if you are under 18 years of age, nor may your friends buy it for you.Secondly, noise. Enjoy yourselves by all means, but please dont make unnecessary noise, particularly at night. We ask you to respect other people who may wish to be quiet.Thirdly, crossing the road. Be careful. The traffic moves on the left side of the road in this country. Use pedestrian crossings and do not take any chances when crossing the road.My next point is about litter(throwing away waste materials in a public place). It is an offence (冒犯)to drop litter in the street. When you have something to throw away, please put it in your pocket and take it home,or put it in a litter bin.Finally, as regards smoking, it is against the law to buy cigarettes or tobacco if you are under 16 years of age.Id like to finish by saying that if you require any sort of help or assistance, you should contact your local police station, who will be pleased to help you.Now,are there any questions?21The main purpose of this speech would be to _.Aprepare people for international travelBdeclare the laws of different kindsCgive advice to travelers to the countryDinform people of the punishment for breaking laws答案:C作者意图题。从文中第一段“.,and wele to England.”和“I would like to draw your attention to a few of our laws.”可以得出答案选C。22How many laws are there discussed in the speech?AThree.BFour.CSixDFive.答案:D细节理解题。文章的第二、三、四、五、六段分别给出了具体内容:drinking,noise,crossing the road,litter and smoking。23From the speech we learn that _.Ain this country,if you are under 18 years of age,you may not buy alcohol,but your friends can buy it for youByou may not buy cigarettes or tobacco unless you are above 16 years of ageCbecause the traffic moves on the left side of the road, you must use pedestrian crossings when crossing the roadDyou cant make noise except at night答案:B推理判断题。从文中的第二段可知,A选项中的“but your friends can buy it for you”是错误的。C项的前后两句并不构成因果关系。D项中的except at night和原文的particularly at night矛盾,也不正确,所以正确选项为B。24The underlined word “contact” in the seventh paragraph means _.Akeep in touch withBget in touch withCjoinDreport答案:B词义猜测题。根据倒数第二段可知contact的意思是“与取得联系”,故选B。BThere are lots of attractions in St. Petersburg. If youre short of time to visit all of them, or if you just want to make sure to hit the highlights(最精彩的部分), the following are the top mustsee sights in St. Petersburg.1The Hermitage MuseumThe Hermitage Museum is one of the most important sights to see for any visitor to St. Petersburg. There you can see lots of different paintings painted by the old masters. Prepare to e face to face with many of the western classical artists.2Kizhi Island Kizhi Island is an openair museum of wooden buildings from the Karelia region of Russia. These impressive structures are made without any nails(钉子). Can you imagine how the wood fits together? e and see for yourself!3PeterhofPeterhof is as beautiful as it is fun. Youll be charged for admission(门票), but if you go to Peterhof when the fountains (喷泉) are workingduring the day in summerthe admission will be worth it.4Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood Love it or hate it, Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood in St. Petersburg is a real mustsee sight. This beautiful building will truly surprise you, and the paintings inside the church will make you say “Wow!” 5The Bronze Horseman StatueThe socalled Bronze Horseman is a part of Russian culture and is a symbol of St. Petersburg. Made famous by Alexander Pushkin, this statue of Peter the Great sitting on his horse truly shows Peter the Greats influence on the Russian idea of greatness.25If you are interested in paintings, youd better go to _.AThe Hermitage Museum and Kizhi IslandBTheBronze Horseman Statue and Kizhi IslandCKizhi Island and Church of the Savior on Spilled BloodDThe Hermitage Museum and Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood答案:D细节理解题。根据第一个景点介绍中的“lots of different paintings”和第四个景点介绍中的“the paintings”可知。26The author wrote the text to _.Aattract tourists to visit St. PetersburgBshow the wonderful history of RussiaCpersuade artists to go to St. PetersburgDintroduce the famous buildings of Russia答案:A主旨大意题。本文介绍了圣彼得堡中必须看的景点,写作目的是吸引游客来参观这个城市。27If you are a student of construction, you should probably visit _.AThe Hermitage MuseumBKizhi IslandCPeterhofDThe Bronze Horseman Statue答案:B细节理解题。根据第二个景点介绍中的“museum of wooden buildings”和“These impressive structures”可知学习建筑的学生应该去参观Kizhi Island.CTravelling can be a fun way to gain life experiences, but what if youre a student and dont have enough money for a trip? Dont worry. Here are some useful tips. Save:This probably is the most important preparation for travelling. Cut expenses (花费) to fatten your wallet so youll have more choices about where to go and how to get there.Plan ahead:Dont wait until the last minute to plan your trip. Giving yourself several months to get ready can mean security and savings.Do your homework:No matter where you go, research the places you will visit. Decide what to see. Travel books will provide information on the cheapest hotels and restaurants.Plan sensibly:Write down how much you expect to spend for food and hotels. Stick to(坚持) your plan or you may not have enough money to cover everything. Travel in groups: Find someone who is interested in visiting the same places. By travelling with others you can share costs and experiences.Work as you go:Need more money to support your trip, Look for work in places you visit. Go off the beaten path:Tourist cities may be expensive. You may want to rethink about your trip and go to a lessknown area. Smaller towns can have many interesting activities(活动) and sights.Pack necessary things:The most important things to take are not always clothes. Remember to take along medicine in case you get sick and snacks in case you cannot find a cheap restaurant.By planning sensibly, even students can enjoy their travel. Your travel experiences will be remembered for a lifetime.文章大意:主要讲述了如何明智地安排旅行。28Before your trip, the first thing you should do is _.Ato make a plan of the routeBto get information on the InternetCto save money by spending lessDto buy tickets ahead of time答案:C细节理解题。根据第一条“Save:This probably is the most important preparation for travelling.”可知,节约也许是旅行最重要的准备,即首先考虑的是节约。29The writer advises you _.Ato share costs with any other peopleBnot to go to wellknown placesCnot to visit dangerous placesDto buy anything you want to buy答案:B细节理解题。根据第七条中“旅游城市花费要多”可知,作者建议去不很著名的地方,也就是不要去著名的地方。30During your trip, _.Ayou need more medicine than clothesByou should look for work all the wayCyou should remember to do your homeworkDyou can gain valuable life experiences答案:D细节理解题。根据文章的末句“Your travel experiences will be remembered for a lifetime.”可知,旅行的经历终生难忘,换言之,人们会在旅行中获得有价值的生活经历。31Which of the following can be used as the best title of the passage?AHow to Plan Your Travel WiselyBTravel Can Be Great FunCDifferent Kinds of TravelDHow to Save Money答案:A主旨大意题。根据文章提到的这几点看,文章主要讲述了如何明智地安排旅行。DWhen most people turn 21, they spend too much time partying and having fun. But when Adele turned 21,she did something pletely different. After going through a tough breakup(分手), the British singer turned her pain into glory and recorded one of the most moving albums of the year.The album, 21 , which was released in January, has already hit the charts in 14 countries, according to the Billboard magazine.It also noted that Adele made history as the first artist since the Beatles to have two top five singles and two top five albums in the charts at the same time (Adeles first album, 19, was released in xx. Each album is named for her age when she wrote it)Now, after touring around the world for almost a year, the DVD of her live concert, released on November 29, is Adeles latest work.Having topped the preorder list of Amazon. for over a month already, this one seems to stay on top for a while.Born in north London, Adele sang her way up honestly: In xx, she was signed by Englands XL Recordings on the strength of (基于) a threesong demo (样本唱片) a friend of hers had posted on MySpace; within two years she had won the BRIT Awards CriticsChoice prize and been tipped by the BBC as the “Sound of 2O08”In xx she got the best new artist Grammy Award, and went on a world tour in support of the album 19 with a soldout show in Los Angeles.According to Adele herself, much of the inspiration of her music es from one single breakup.Thats probably what has made the singers successthat emotional certitude (确信), according to Dickins.“The key to great singers is believing every single word they sing,” he said. “And I think you believe every word that es out of Adeles mouth. You can feel her life force through her voice.” 文章大意:大多数人21岁时可能还在整日找乐,虚度光阴。而英国歌手阿黛尔21岁时却做了完全不同的事情。她几乎是在一年之内便横扫了全球各大音乐榜单并斩获多项大奖,下面让我们一同走近这个用灵魂歌唱的歌手。32When she wrote album 19, she is at the age of _.A21B18C20D19答案:D推理判断题。根据文章第四段括号中“Each album is named for her age when she wrote it.”“每张专辑都以她创作专辑时的年龄命名”可知正确选项为D。33How many awards did Adele get?AOne.BTwo.CThreeDFour.答案:C细节理解题。根据文章第七、八段可知,英国歌手阿黛尔获得了the BRIT Awards Critics Choice prize全英音乐大奖中的“乐评人奖”、“Sound of 2008”“(xx年度之音)”、the best new artist Grammy Award“格莱美最佳新人奖”。34The underlined word “released” can be best replaced by _.ArecordedBcame outCsoldDwrote答案:B词义猜测题。根据文章第三段可知release意为“发行”。e out“出版,发行”;record“录制”;sell“卖,销售”;write“写”。故选B。35In Adeles opinion, where does her inspiration of music mainly e from?AEmotional certitude.BOne single breakup.CA threesong demoDA world tour.答案:B细节理解题。根据文章倒数第三段“According to Adele herself,much of the inspiration,of her music es from one single breakup.”“据阿黛尔本人表示,她的音乐灵感大多来自于一次分手事件。”可知B为正确选项。第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。What is a dream?For centuries, people have wondered about the strange places that they seem to visit in their sleep._36_However,they have been valued as necessary to a persons health and happiness. Historically people thought dreams contained messages from God. It was only in the twentieth century that people started to study dreams scientifically believing that they tell about a persons character. _37_ He believed that dreams allow a person to express fantasies or fears, which would be socially unacceptable in real life. The second theory to bee popular was Carl Jungs pensation theory. Jung, a former student of Freud, said that the purpose of a dream is not to hide something, but rather to municate it to the dreamer._38_ Thus, people who think too highly of themselves may dream about falling; those who think too little of themselves dream of being heroes. Using more recent research, William Domhoff from the University of California found that dreaming is a mental skill that needs time to develop in humans._39_ Until they reach the age of five,they can not express very well what their dreams are about. Once people bee adults, there is little or no change in their dreams. The dreams of men and women differ. For instance, the characters that appear in the dreams of men are often other men, and often involve physical aggression. The meaning of dreams continues to be difficult to understand._40_If you dream that a loved one is going to die,do not panic. The dream may have meaning,but it does not mean that your loved one is going to die. ADreams make up for what is lacking in waking life.BHowever, people should not take their dreams as reality.CThey have been considered as meaningless nighttime journeys.DIt gives scientists chances to better understand human mind.EChildren do not dream as much as adults.FThey think their mind is trying to tell them something.GFirst, there was Sigmund Fredus theory.答案:3640 CGAEB第三部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面的短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。I remember my first day here very clearly. My friend was waiting for me when my plane _41_ at Kennedy Airport at 3 oclock in the afternoon. The weather was very _42_ and it was snowing. But I was too excited to _43_. From the airport my friend and I took a taxi to my _44_. On the way I saw the skyline of Manhattan _45_ the first time, and I stared in astonishment at the famous skyscrapers and neon lights (霓虹灯光) made them _46_. My friend helped_47_ at the hotel and then left me because he had to go back to work. He _48_ to return the next day._49_ my friend had left I went to a _50_ near the hotel to get something to eat. Because I couldnt

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