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外刊经贸知识选读,一、单项选择题(本大题工15小题,每小题2分,共30分) 此题不是考语法而是词汇,选与题干相同的词,属于同义词替换,大概四级水平的词汇。 1. Faced with declining revenues, the Saudi Arabian government was reluctant to pay in cash but to offer crude oil of equivalent value. A. same B. extra C. double D. low,外刊经贸知识选读,二、正误判断题(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分) 两篇阅读文章,每篇文章5题,只要判断T或F就可。 三、将下列中文词组译成英文(本大题共10分,每小题1分,共10分) 26. 赠券 27. 财政一揽子计划 28. 可兑换货币 29. 贸易制裁 30. 经济特区 31. 知识产权 32. 跨行业公司 33. 贸易逆差 34. 贴现率 35. 特许专营权,外刊经贸知识选读,四、将下列词组译成中文(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 要译的词组都是书上的一些专有名词,估计大家每一课的词组都要用心记喽 36. the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 37. portfolio investment 38. commercial hub 39. certificate of origin 40. per capita income 41. securities 42. insolvency 43. fledgling industries 44. tender 45. consumer goods,外刊经贸知识选读,五、简答题(本大题共6 小题,每小题3 分,共18 分) 这题不难,只要阅读文章中的词汇没有问题基本都能做对 六、翻译题(本大题12分) 只是从课本中出一段文章,英翻中。 For most people involved in the production and trading of “ soft冶or agricultural commodities, this is proving to be a grim decade. Prices are in many cases at, or near, historic lows in real terms as markets struggle to cope with floods of surplus produce.,manufactured goods 制成品 capital equipment 资本货物 balance of payments 国际收支 visible trade account 有形贸易项目 invisible trade account 无形贸易项目 trade surplus 贸易顺差 trade deficit 贸易逆差 barter 易货贸易 compensation trade 补偿贸易 counter-trade 反向贸易 joint venture 合资企业 deferred payment 延期付款 buyer credit 买方信贷 supplier credit 卖方信贷 soft loan 软贷款 (低息贷款),Lesson 1,substantially :dramatically, significantly, subsequently: afterwards exacerbate: worsen; make worse withdraw: cancellation in return for: in exchange for disrupt: interrupt destined: designed pronounced: marked,The special Economic Zone 经济特区 a well-placed source 一位高层消息灵通人士 infrastructure 基础设施 capital stock 实际资本 consumer goods 消费品 preferential tax rate 优惠税率 cooperative enterprise 合作(经营)企业 means of production 生产资料 stock-taking 评估 Allocation of resources 资源配置 macroregulation and control 宏观调控 tight monetary policy 紧缩的货币政策 working capital 运营资本 basic policy 基本国策 technical transformation 技术革新,Lesson 2,in piecemeal form: piece by piece; gradually 逐渐的 showpiece: a prime or outstanding example 典范 pipe dream: fantasy; daydream; dream that cannot be realized 白日梦 from scratch: from the very beginning 从零开始,从最初开始 grassroots: basic level 基层 the dust settles: the confusion ends 尘埃落定 in the drivers seat: in the dominant position,1.economic heavyweight 举足轻重的经济强国 mercial hub 商业活动中心 3.Per capita 人均 4.Gross National Product 国民生产总值 5.punitive import tariff 惩罚性进口关税 6.securities 有价证券 7.real estate market 房地产市场 8.“ Greater China”trade block “大中华”贸易集团,Lesson 3,1.jockey: move 2.is bustling with: is filled with 3.farfetched: improbable; incredible 4.clear: earn a net profit 5.retaliation: return of ill treatment for ill treatment; revenge; reprisal 6.career out of control: run out of control,1.centrally-planned economy 中央计划经济 2.market economy 市场经济 3.disinflationary (anti-inflationary) policies 反通货膨胀政策 4.deflation 通货紧缩 modity market 商品市场 6.per capita GDP 人均国内生产总值 7.GATT: General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 关贸总协定 8.EMS: European Monetary System 欧洲货币体系 9.per capita income 人均收入 10.multilateral trade agreements 多边贸易协定 11.Portfolio investment 证券投资,Lesson 4,1.in a row: in succession 2.easing: slowing down; decrease 3.momentum: force of movement 4.underlying: being at the basis ofe 5.moderate inflation: ease inflation 6.robust: strong and healthy 7.setbacks: frustrations 8.slump: depression 9.edge down: move slowly down 10.pick-up: recovery 11.rein in: control 12.bottoming-out: reaching the lowest point before rising again ( 止跌回升),Lesson 5,trade representative 贸易谈判代表 government procurement 政府采购 NAFTA : North America Free Trade Agreements 北美自由贸易协定 trade sanctions 贸易制裁 trade hawks 贸易中主张强硬路线的鹰派人物,1.tough: uncompromising (不妥协的,强硬的) 2.discrimination: unfair treatment 3.sanctions: penalty 4.escalate: develop; intensify 5.frictions: conflicts 6.procurement: purchase 7.be bullied into doing: be forced to do 8.amenable to: responsive to 9. tactical: skillful 10.a ragged start: a poor start 11.intolerable: unbearable 12.retaliate: revenge; reprisal 13.impose: exert; influence,Lesson 7,barrier-free market 无壁垒市场 free-trade zone 自由贸易区 referendum 公民复决投票 merger 兼并 budget cuts 预算削减 political and economic integration 政治经济一体化 deregulation 放松管制 privatization 私有化,big bang: strong and powerful effect; 不同凡响的效果 be bursting to: be eager to (迫不及待地 ) skid: slide; fall gush about: talk about with excessive enthusiasm (滔滔不绝地谈论) translate into: transform into,Lesson 7,free trade 自由贸易 trade sanctions 贸易制裁 fiscal packages 财政一揽子计划 trade balance 贸易差额 multilateral rules 多边规则 economic cycle 经济周期 budget deficit 预算赤字 trade reprisals 贸易报复 market share市场份额 White Paper白皮书 vested interests既得利益 civil service行政部门 wholesaler批发商 households save 家庭储蓄 economic cycle 经济周期 parts and components 零件、部件、零部件,draw the line: set limits; refuse to go as far as or beyond (划定界限;不肯做到或超越某种程度) die down: disappear gradually foreshadow: is a sign of; represents; indicates capitulate to: yield to thrust: principal concern or objective geared to: adjusted to take sb to task for: reprimand sb for; criticize sb for is at pains to: makes a great effort to; works hard to of its own accord: voluntarily; spontaneously export-driven: export-led; export-oriented in due course: at the right time cave in to: give in to,Lesson 8,Silicon Valley 硅谷 state-of-the-art technology 最先进的技术 microprocessor 微信息处理机 dumping 倾销 licensor 转让人 insolvency 无偿还能力 market forces 市场力量 a hermit nation 一个闭关自守的国家 fledgling industries 新兴工业 nouveau riche 暴发户 brain trust 智囊团 tax breaks 减税;税额优惠 bankruptcy 破产 xenophobia 排外;对外国人恐惧或仇视,delve into: make researches into is poised for: is ready for churn out: produce in large quantities clout: influence; power be lost on: fail to influence or attract the attention of edge: advantage upset ones apple cart: spoil ones plan the lions share: the largest portion curb money market: a market for trading in securities not listed on a stock exchange 场外证券交易市场,Lesson 9,sovereignty dispute 主权争端 Ramadan 斋月 carbon tax 双重税 surcharge 附加税 OPEC ( Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries )石油输出国组织 tenders 招标 reexports 再出口;复出口 certificate of origin 原产地证明书,add weight to ones voice: add to ones influence head off: prevent be forthright about: be straightforward about is riding high on: is having great success spin-off: derived effect; by-product 副效应;副产品 show teeth: show power; show effective means of enforcement 显示威力;显示效力 up for grabs: available for anyone to take or win 群起而争的;待价而沽的,Lesson 10,anti-dumping measures 反倾销措施 subsidies 补贴 countervailing duties 反补贴税 government procurement 政府采购 barriers to trade (trade barriers) 贸易壁垒 intellectual property 知识资产 trade liberalization 贸易自由化 WTO: World Trade Organization 世界贸易组织,carry ones heart in ones boots: feel afraid and worried 提心吊胆 subsidy: money granted by government to an industry to keep prices at a desired level allow for: take into consideration,Lesson 11,convertible currency 可兑换货币 debt service 债息支付 debtor 债务人 creditor 债权人 The United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference 联合国货币金融会议 IMF (International Monetary Fund) 国际货币基金组织,proceeds: money gained from the sale of something 收入,收益 dip into: spend; use up 动用(存款) hammer out: talk about in detail and come to a decision; produce by hard work 经详细讨论得出;经过大量工作而作出 break down: collapse pay a premium for: pay a higher price for perpetuate: make everlasting,Lesson 12,market share 市场份额 test market 试销市场 coupons 赠券 price promotion 价格促销 hard sell 强行推销手段 franchise 特许经营权,be spoiling for (a fight): be very eager (to fight) 一心想;切望 pick on: single out, esp. for sth unpleasant live up to: keep to the high standards of make way for: allow room for 让位 flagship brand: leading brand; chief brand work off: dispose of niche: a suitable place let much to chance: let chance to decide; let luck to decide,Lesson 13,eightfold: eight times outlets: markets market shave: 市场份额 wholesaler: 批发商 retailer: 零售商 promote sales: 促销商品 luck draw: 幸运抽奖 增加出口计划:Export Enhancement Program 快餐店:fast food shops 咸鸭蛋:preserved duck eggs 茶鸡蛋:eggs cooked in salt and tea leaves,Lesson 14 1.yields: profits. 2.elapsed: passed 3.tumble: slump 4.boost: accelerate 5.offset: balance 6.impeded: hindered 7.spin-offs: 副产品;副作用 8.liquid assets: 流动资产 9.surplus produce: 生产过剩 10.financial futures: 期货 11.currency movements: 货币流通 12价格指数:price index 13.软商品:soft commodities 14.削价战:price-cutting war,Lesson 15,1.discount rate贴现率 2.futures(商)期货(交易) 3.shipments交运的货物 4.spot market现货市场 5closing price收盘价 6.terminal prices期货价格 7.futures market期货市场 8.place of origin原产地,1. bearish: showing or expecting a fall in the prices of shares 2. cargo: goods carried in a ship, aircraft or other vehicle 3. fluctuate: rise and fall; change irregularly 4. quotation: statement of the current price 5. prevail: be widespread; gain victory,1.firm: 坚挺 2.buoyant: 活跃 3.steady: 坚稳 4.quiet: 清淡 5.stagnant: 停滞 6.heavy: 很呆滞 7.easy: 疲软 8.irregular: 涨落不定 9.erratic: 反复无常 10.irregular lower: 曲折下降 11.uncertain: 捉摸不定12.贵金属:precious metals 13 现货市场:spot market 14.欧共体:European Economic Community 15.期货市场:futures market 16.伦敦五金交易所:London Metal Exchange,


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