2019-2020年高考英语典型试题精粹 专题十五 完形填空.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语典型试题精粹 专题十五 完形填空高考精萃Cloze 1(xx辽宁卷)It was already half past seven and I was running late again for the dinner appointment with my wife, Eleanor. We had _1_ to meet at the restaurant at seven oclock. I felt a little uneasy, but to my _2_, I had a good excuse: A business meeting had _3_ and Id wasted no time getting to the dinner.When I arrived at the _4_, I apologized and told Eleanor I didnt mean to be late. She screamed, “You never mean to.” Well, I _5_ tell she was angry. “Im sorry but it was not _6_,” I said. Then I told her about the business meeting. _7_, my explanation seemed to make things worse, which started to drive _8_ mad as well.Several weeks later, when I _9_ the situation to my friend Ken Hardy, he smiled, “You _10_ a classic mistake. Youre stuck _11_ your own way of thinking. You didnt _12_ to be late. But thats not the point. What is _13_ in your munication is how your lateness affected Eleanor.” He pointed out that I focused on the intention _14_ Eleanor focused on the result. Thus, _15_ of us felt misunderstood and crazy.Thinking more about Kens words, I _16_ recognized the root cause of such disagreement. Its the result of the action that really _17_. I should have started the conversation by expressing _18_ my actions affected Eleanor and _19_ the discussions about my intention for later, much later and even never.Later on, after talking to Eleanor and really _20_ her experience of the results of my lateness, Ive managed to be on time a lot more frequently.1A.started BagreedCcontinued Dmanaged2A.relief BsurpriseCregret Dsorrow3A.broken out Bclosed downCfaded away Drun over4A.house BroomCrestaurant Dsupermarket5A.could BmustCwill Dmight6A.movable BfortableCacceptable Davoidable7A.However BThereforeCMoreover DOtherwise8A.her BhimCme Dthem9A.spread BwroteCtranslated Ddescribed10A.knew BmadeCfound Dtook11A.in BbeyondCfor Dagainst12A.need BproveCpretend Dintend13A.funny BimportantCpossible Dsimple14A.while BafterCuntil Dunless15A.all BnoneCboth Dneither16A.usually BmerelyChardly Dgradually17A.inspires BmattersCimproves Dchallenges18A.how BwhyCwhen Dwhat19Apared BreportedCfinished Dsaved20A.showing BsatisfyingCunderstanding Ddestroying答案与解析这是一篇记叙文。一次,作者与妻子约好一起吃饭但是迟到了半个小时。作者的解释不但没有让妻子息怒,反而让情况变得更加糟糕。后来,当作者与一个朋友谈起此事,朋友的一番话让他恍然大悟,意识到了问题的根源。1B根据上文中关键词语the dinner appointment可知,作者与妻子约好七点钟在餐馆见面,但是作者迟到了。start “开始”;agree “同意,商定”;continue “继续”;manage “完成,努力做到”。2A根据上文I felt a little uneasy和句中的but一词可知,但是作者感到有些宽慰的是,他有一个很好的借口。relief “宽慰,放松”;surprise“惊讶”;regret“后悔”;sorrow“难过,悲伤”。3Drun over 有“超过(预期的限额)”的意思,在此处表示会议的时间超出了原来预想的时间,这就是作者迟到的借口。break out“(火灾,战争等)爆发”;close down“倒闭”;fade away“减弱”。4C根据第一段内容可知,作者与妻子约定见面的地点是一家餐馆,所以此处选C项。5A根据上文妻子所说的话,作者能够判断出妻子生气了。could“能够”;must“必须”;will“将要”;might“也许,可能”。6D根据语境可知,看到妻子生气了,作者继续解释迟到是无法避免的事情。movable“可移动的”;fortable“舒适的”;acceptable“可接受的”;avoidable“可避免的”。7A该空的前后两个句子之间是转折关系,所以选用however。作者原本以为自己有一个很冠冕堂皇的理由,然而,他的解释却使情况变得更糟糕。8C根据语境可知,作者的借口使情况变得更糟了,事情的发展远远超出他的想象,这简直让他抓狂。由空格后面的as well可知选C项。9D根据下文内容可知,几周后,作者向朋友描述了那天的情景。spread“展开”;write“书写”;translate“翻译”;describe“描述”。10B根据朋友的一番话可知,朋友觉得作者犯了一个典型的错误。make a mistake“犯错误”。11A朋友认为,作者一味困在自己的思维方式当中,没有考虑妻子的感受。be stuck in“被困在,陷入”。12D根据上文内容可知,作者不是故意迟到的。intend to do sth.为固定搭配,表示“想要做某事”,符合语境。13B根据前面的句子But thats not the point.可知,important与the point相对应。重要的不是作者不想迟到这个事实,而是作者的迟到如何影响了他的妻子。14A作者看重的是意图而妻子看重的是结果。while在此处是并列连词,表示对比和转折。15C因为当事人就是作者和妻子两个人,所以此处用both 表示两人都感到被对方误解了并非常生气。16D根据语境Thinking more allout Kens words可知作者逐渐意识到夫妻两人出现争执的根本原因是什么。17BIts.that matters.是一个常见句型,意思是“重要的是”。inspire “激励,鼓舞”;matter “要紧,有重大影响”;improve “提高”;challenge “挑战”。18A作者觉得当时自己应该首先表达自己的迟到行为如何影响了妻子,而不是一味给自己辩解。根据第14空之前的how your lateness affected Eleanor可知此空填how。19D作者仍然在反省,自己当时应该保留关于自己并不想迟到的意图的讨论,以后再提迟到的意图这件事,或者干脆不提。pare“比较”;report “报道”;finish “完成”;save “保留”。20C根据语境可知,后来,作者与妻子进行了沟通和交流,也真正理解了自己迟到这一后果对妻子的影响。show “展示”;satisfy “使满意”;understand “理解”;destroy “破坏”。Cloze 2(xx安徽卷)In xx, I had just recovered from a serious illness when I received an invitation to a writers conference in Orlando, Florida. My family persuaded me that a(n) _1_ might be just what the doctor ordered, so off I _2_.Arriving in the Sunshine State was rather tiring, but I _3_ to catch a taxi to my _4_ and settle in. Next morning, I took another _5_ to the shopping centre to buy a few souvenirs. _6_ I went to a cafe to have lunch, but all the tables were _7_. Then I heard a friendly voice saying, “You can _8_ my table.”I gratefully sat down with the _9_ lady and we had a happy lunch together. As the _10_ drew to a close she asked how long I would be in Orlando. I had already told her that I hadnt _11_ a car, and hadnt realised how _12_ taking taxis would be. After a while she said, “My dear, dont use any more taxis. Im retired and it would be my pleasure to _13_ you wherever you wish.” I told her that I couldnt put her to that _14_, but she brushed aside my protests(反对). She asked me where I was _15_ and next morning she was waiting at my apartment at the _16_ time to take me to Disney World. She spent some time with me before leaving me to _17_ alone. At the end of the day, she _18_ to take me back to my acmodation. I _19_ her money but she refused to take any.Ill never forget that wonderful lady who, through her _20_, filled my brief holiday in Florida with wonderful memories.1A.holiday BceremonyCoperation Dexperiment2A.kept BwentCdropped Dknocked3A.intended BpromisedCmanaged Ddeserved4A.hospital BpanyCuniversity Dacmodation5A.colleague BpassengerCsuitcase Dtaxi6A.Instead BFirstCLater DOnce7A.classified BoccupiedCdecorated Dpainted8A.share BreserveCset Dpossess9A.old BpoorCinnocent Dstubborn10A.journey BmealCspeech Dinterview11A.donated BrepairedChired Dguided12A.convenient BworthwhileCunfortunate Dexpensive13A.inspire BentertainCcall Ddrive14A.business BargumentCtrouble Dchallenge15A.working BstayingCmoving Dshopping16A.appointed BlimitedCfavourite Dregular17A.digest BexploreCperform Dcalculate18A.forgot BrefusedCreturned Dpreferred19A.sent BlentCoffered Dowed20A.confidence BdignityCcuriosity Dkindness答案与解析本文是一篇记叙文。作者受邀去佛罗里达参加一个会议,同时顺便度假。期间作者得到一位老太太善意的帮助,这位老太太的善良,给作者的这次度假留下了美好的回忆。1A根据第一段第一句、第二句“.just what the doctor ordered.”以及最后一段“.filled my brief holiday.”的提示,可知本空为holiday。这句话的意思是:我的家人劝说我,假期也正好是医生要求的,因此我就去了。故选A项。2B解析参照1题。3C根据第二段第一句中的“.rather tiring, but I.”可知,作者克服了困难,最终打了个出租车去了住宿地点。这句话的意思是:到达阳光之州令人相当疲劳,但我还是设法打了辆出租车去了住宿地点并且住下来。故选C项。4D由第一段可知,作者去外地开会,因此排除A、B、C三项,同时第三段最后一句“.take me back to my acmodation.”也有提示,故D项正确。5D根据本句中“another”一词可知,前面已出现过一次,由一句内容可知为出租车,故D项正确。6C此处表示时间上的先后顺序,第二天早上(next morning)先购物,午餐(lunch)在后,故选C项,later 此处表示“此后”。7B所有的桌子都满人了,因此才出现后面老太太和作者共用一张餐桌。classify “分类”;occupy “占据”,decorate “装饰”;paint “画,漆”。故选B项。8A由下文可知,老太太提出和作者共用一张餐桌。share “分享,共享”;reserve “保留,预订”;set “设置”;possess “拥有”。故选A项。9A根据第三段第五句“Im retired(退休).”可知A项正确。10B由上句“.we had a happy lunch together.”可知,这里是“进餐”。这句话的意思是:就在午餐快吃完的时候,她问我在奥兰多要待多长时间。故选B项。11C这句话的意思是:我早已告诉她我以前从来没有租过车,没有意识到乘出租车会这么贵。因此才引出下文,老太太主动提出她开车带“我”去转转。故选C项。12D解析参照11题。13Dinspire “鼓励”;entertain “招待”;call “叫,打电话”;drive “驾驶,用车送”。根据下文老太太开车带着作者四处转,可知D项正确。14C根据下一句“.but she brushed aside my protests.”可知,作者不想给这位老太太添麻烦,但老太太对作者的反对置之不理。brush aside “不理,漠视”。故选C项。15Bwork “工作”;stay “停留,住在”;move “移动”;shop “购物”。由全文可知,作者去开会,顺便度假,因此是短暂停留,故选B项。16A前面信息是老太太坚持用车带“我”四处转转,并问我的住宿地点,这里应该是约好时间的。appoint “约定,指派”;limit “限制”;favourite “特别喜爱的”;regular “定期的”。故选A项。17Bdigest “消化”;explore “探究,探险”;perform “表现”;calculate “计算”。这句话的意思是:老太太离开了一段时间,让我自己独自游玩。只有explore 与旅游有关,故选B项。18C由本句“.take me back to my acmodation.”可知,在天色将晚时,老太太返回把“我”送回到住宿地点。故选C项。19Csend “送”;lend “借”;offer “提供;主动给”;owe “欠”。这句话的意思是:我主动给老太太钱,但她不要一分钱。故选C项。20Dconfidence “信心”;dignity “尊严,高贵”;curiosity “好奇心”;kindness “善良,善心”。根据老太太的一系列表现可知这都是一种善意的帮助。故选D项。Cloze 3(xx四川卷)My husband, Tom, has always been good with animals, but I was still amazed when he befriended a female grouse(松鸡). Its _1_ for a grouse to have any contact(接触) with people. In fact, theyre hard to spot, _2_ they usually fly off when they hear humans approaching.This grouse came into our lives in _3_. Tom was working out in the field when he _4_ her walking around at the edge of the field. She was _5_ unafraid and seemed to be _6_ about what he was doing.Tom saw the _7_ bird several times, and she got more fortable around him. We quickly grew _8_ of the bird and decided to call her Mildred.One day, as Tom was working, Mildred came within a few feet of him to watch. Tom _9_ he didnt see her and kept working to see what she would do next.Apparently, she didnt like to be _10_. Shed run up and peck(啄) at Toms hands, then _11_ off to see what he would do. This went on for about 20 minutes, until Mildred became tired of the _12_ and left.As spring went and summer came, Mildred started to _13_ more and more often. _14_ Mildred felt fortable enough to jump up on Toms leg and stay long enough for me to get a _15_ of the two of them together. This friendly grouse soon felt _16_ not just with our family, but with anybody who walked or drove by.When hunting season opened, we put a _17_ at the end of our driveway asking _18_ not to shoot our pet grouse. My father, who lived down the road, _19_ warned people not to shoot her._20_, hunters would stop and take pictures, because they had never seen anything like her.1A.interesting BreasonableCimpossible Dunusual2A.though BbecauseCunless Duntil3A.spring BsummerCautumn Dwinter4A.got BkeptCnoticed Dimagined5A.naturally BcertainlyCnormally Dsurprisingly6A.crazy BcuriousCconcerned Dcautious7A.shy BawkwardCfriendly Delegant8A.careful BtiredCfond Dsick9A.supposed BrealizedChoped Dpretended10A.ignored BobservedCamazed Ddisturbed11A.put BbackCset Dtake12A.game BworkCplace Dman13A.give up Be outCturn over Dfly by14A.Eventually BSuddenlyCConstantly DPresently15A.chance BdreamCpicture Dsense16Afortable BguiltyCanxious Dfamiliar17A.lantern BsignCgun Dloudspeaker18A.drivers BfarmersChunters Dtourists19A.just ByetCthus Dalso20A.In fact BFor longCOn the contrary DBy the way答案与解析本文是一篇记叙文。作者的丈夫在地里干活时,无意中发现了一只松鸡。令人称奇的是,这只松鸡根本不怕人,逐渐与作者一家成了好朋友。周围的人们,包括猎人们,都很喜欢她。1D根据下文“In fact,theyre hard to spot”可知,这种松鸡平时很难看到,与人主动接触更是罕见。2B上下文之间是因果关系,所以用because连接。因为松鸡听到有人靠近就会飞走,所以人们很难看到它们。3A根据倒数第二段第一句的“As spring went and summer came”可知,这只松鸡是在春天进入我们生活中的。4C作者的丈夫正在地里干活,这时他注意到一只松鸡在地边走来走去。“noticesb./sth.doing”表示“注意到某人或某物正在做某事”。5D上文提到,松鸡通常听到有人靠近就会飞走,但令人惊讶的是,这只松鸡一点儿也不怕人。naturally“自然地”;certainly“当然;的确”;normally “正常地”;surprisingly“令人惊讶地”。6B根据第四段第一句中的“Mildred came within a.watch”可知,这只松鸡似乎对作者的丈夫干的工作很好奇。be curious about“对感到好奇”。7C这只松鸡很愿意与人接触,因此看起来很友好。根据倒数第二段最后一句也能得出答案。其他形容词不符合语境。shy“害羞的”;awkward “尴尬的”;elegant“优雅的”。8C作者一家人越来越喜欢这只松鸡,并且给她取了一个名字。grow/be fond of “喜爱”。9D根据语境可知,作者的丈夫假装没有看到这只松鸡,继续在地里干活,想看看接下来这只松鸡会做什么。10A根据下文描述的松鸡的动作可知,这只松鸡很不喜欢被别人忽视,于是主动上前进攻作者的丈夫。11B松鸡跑上前,用嘴啄汤姆的手,然后向后退,想看看汤姆会怎么做。back off“后退”。12A上文描述的松鸡的行为就好像是与汤姆做的一种游戏。后来,松鸡厌倦了这种游戏,然后走开了。13B根据下文内容可知,这只松鸡出来的次数越来越频繁,与汤姆的关系越来越亲近。14A事情发展的结果越来越有趣,最后,这只松鸡居然跳到汤姆的腿上玩耍。15C作者把松鸡跳到丈夫腿上玩耍的镜头拍摄下来,于是有了一张合影。16A很快,这只松鸡不但感到与作者一家人相处很轻松,而且与任何从她旁边经过的人都相处得很自在。17B狩猎季节来到了,作者一家在自家车道的尽头竖了一个牌子,请求猎人们不要射杀这只松鸡。18C因为上文提到hunting season opened,显然此处是针对猎人们竖立的牌子。19D根据上下文内容可知,作者的父亲也警告人们不要射杀这只松鸡。20A事实上,作者一家的担心是多余的,猎人们经常会停下来和这只松鸡一起拍照,因为他们从来没有看到像这只松鸡一样有趣的动物。Cloze 4(xx天津卷)One night, when I was eight, my mother gently asked me a question I would never forget. “Sweetie, my pany wants to _1_ me but needs me to work in Brazil. This is like your teacher telling you that youve done _2_ and allowing you to skip a grade(跳级),but youll have to _3_ your friends. Would you say yes to your teacher?”She gave me a hug and asked me to think about it. I was puzzled. The question kept me _4_ for the rest of the night. I had said “yes” but for the first time, I realized the _5_ decisions adults had to make.For almost four years, my mother would call us from Brazil every day. Every evening Id _6_ wait for the phone to ring and then tell her every detail of my day. A phone call, however, could never replace her _7_ and it was difficult not to feel lonely at times.During my fourthgrade Christmas break, we flew to Rio to visit her. Looking at her large _8_ apartment, I became _9_ how lonely my mother must have been in Brazil herself. It was then _10_ I started to appreciate the tough choices she had to make on _11_ family and work. _12_ difficult decisions, she used to tell me, you wouldnt know whether you made the right choice, but you could always make the best out of the situation, with passion and a _13_ attitude.Back home, I _14_ myself that what my mother could do, I could, too. If she _15_ to live in Rio all by herself, I, too, could learn to be _16_. I learnt how to take care of myself and set high but achievable _17_.My mother is now back with us. But I will never forget what the _18_ has really taught me. Sacrifices _19_ in the end. The separation between us has proved to be a _20_ for me.1A.attract BpromoteCsurprise Dpraise2A.little BmuchCwell Dwrong3A.leave BrefuseCcontact Dforgive4A.explaining BsleepingCwondering Dregretting5A.poor BtimelyCfinal Dtough6A.eagerly BpolitelyCnervously Dcuriously7A.patience BpresenceCintelligence Dinfluence8Afortable BexpensiveCempty Dmodern9A.interested in Baware ofCdoubtful about Dsatisfied with10A.when BwhereCwhich Dthat11A.abandoning BbalancingCparing Dmixing12A.Depending on BSupplied withCFaced with DInsisting on13A.different BfriendlyCpositive Dgeneral14A.criticized BinformedCwarned Dreminded15A.managed BofferedCattempted Dexpected16A.grateful BenergeticCindependent Dpractical17A.examples BlimitsCrules Dgoals18A.question BexperienceChistory Doccasion19A.pay off Be backCrun out Dturn up20A.blessing BgatheringCfailure Dpleasure答案与解析母爱无言,妈妈为家庭所做的努力和牺牲让作者体会颇深,使作者学会了独立和设定有一定高度但可达到的目标。 1.B下文提到“就像你老师说你做得好能跳级一样”可推断,此处指妈妈的公司想提拔妈妈,故选B项。attract “吸引”;promote“提升,提拔”;surprise“吃惊”;praise“表扬”。2C能跳级说明学习很好,故选C项。3A既然要跳级,当然要离开自己的朋友,故选A项。leave“离开”;refuse“拒绝”;contact“联系”;forgive“原谅”。4C整个晚上的其他时间“我”都在想这个问题。explain“解释”;sleep“睡觉”;wonder“想知道,琢磨”;regret“后悔,遗憾”。5D“我”首次意识到大人们要做艰难的选择。poor“贫穷的”;timely“及时的”;final“最终的”;tough“困难的,艰难的”。6A前文提到妈妈每天都会给“我”打电话,下文提到“我”告诉她生活中的点滴,故此处表示每天傍晚“我”都会急切地等在电话前。eagerly“急切地”;politely“有礼貌地”;nervously“紧张地”;curiously“好奇地”。7B后文提到作者放假去看望妈妈可知,此处表示的是即使妈妈每天打电话也不能代替她在身边,故选B项。patience “耐心”;presence“在场”;intelligence“智力”;influence“影响”。8C根据下文“how lonely my mother”可知妈妈很孤独,所以她住的公寓应该也是空荡荡的。fortable“舒服的”;expensive“昂贵的”;empty“空的”;modern “现代的”。9B看到妈妈空荡荡的公寓“我”意识到妈妈一个人在巴西是多么孤独。bee interested in“对感兴趣”;bee aware of“意识到”;bee doubtful about“对怀疑”;bee satisfied with“对满意”。10D就是在那时“我”开始钦佩妈妈所做出的艰难的选择。It was.that.构成强调句型。11B妈妈要在工作和家庭之间保持平衡。abandon “放弃”; balance“平衡”;pare“比较”;mix“混合”。12C妈妈告诉“我”在面临这些艰难选择时,你不知道你所做的决定是否正确。depend on“取决于;依赖”;supply with“提供”;be faced with“面临,面对”;insist on“坚持”。13C根据passion可知妈妈告诉作者要充分利用所处的境地,要有热情和积极的态度。different“不同的”;friendly“友好的”;positive“积极的”;general“一般的”。14D前文提到“我”意积到妈妈所做的一切有多么困难,回来后“我”不断提醒自己妈妈能做的“我”也能做到,故选D项。criticize“批评”;inform“告诉,通知”;warn“警告”;remind “提醒”。15A如果妈妈能独自在里约热内卢生活,“我”也能独立。manage to do“成功做某事”;offer to do“主动做某事”;attempt to do“试图做某事”;expect to do“希望做某事”。16C根据take care of myself(照顾“我”自己)可知此处表示“我”也能学会独立。grateful“感激的”;energetic“精力充沛的”;independent“独立的”;practical“实际的”。17D此处表示作者会为自己设定有一定高度但能达到的目标。example“例子”;limit“限制”;rule“规则”;goal“目标”。18B“我”永远也不会忘记那次经历所教会“我”的。question “问题”;experience “经历”;history “历史”;occasion “场合”。19A牺牲最终得到了回报。pay off“取得好的结果,得到回报”;e back“回来”;run out“用完”;turn up“出现,调大”。20A“我”与妈妈的分离结果成为了对“我”有益的事情。blessling“祝福,好事,有益之事”;gathering “聚集,聚会”;failure “失败”;pleasure “快乐”。Cloze 5(xx湖北卷)When our restaurant business failed, we headed north in a camping truck to Texas, hoping to have a “fresh start”At the _1_ of Palo Duro Canyon (峡谷) State Park, I _2_ a job advertisement hiring park hosts. The position offered a _3_, permanent campsite in the park and _4_, the hosts served as a link between the parks guests and the rangers (护林人). It was the perfect solution: a rentfree place to reorganize our lives. We entered the park and I made an _5_ for the following day.The park was _6_, so it took us some time to find an available site. That evening, as we finished our dinner, my wife saw two large skunks (臭鼬) walking toward our table. We _7_ climbed onto the table and, for the next four hours, waited for them to _8_ our camp.Having survived that night, we were _9_ that everything else would be all right. The next day we met with the people who ran the park. They explained our _10_ and gave us a beautiful campsite. That evening, _11_, we learned about the canyon _12_. They were strong and cold, rocking our little camping truck violently, and we lay _13_ in the dark until the winds died away._14_ the weeks that followed, we learned to survive in our truck and _15_ the little money my wife _16_ by substitute teaching. Building a successful business and then losing it had left very little time for building a successful _17_. For a time after our business _18_ I thought I might lose my family as well. Living in the tiny _19_ with no television, we sat close together reading and talking. One evening, standing under a jeweled sky, I found myself _20_ for all the hardships. We had walked the trails and climbed the canyon walls. We had bee a family! 1A.back BedgeCcentre Dentrance 2A.sponsored BpublishedCnoticed Danswered 3A.safe BfreeCconvenient Dbeautiful 4A.in return Bin timeCin short Din turn 5A.attempt BagreementCappeal Dappointment 6A.crowded BdangerousCideal Dquiet 7A.repeatedly BimmediatelyCeventually Dcalmly8A.attack BleaveCpass Dsearch9A.satisfied BdeterminedCconfident Daware 10A.responsibilities BrequirementsCcircumstances Dconditions11A.moreover BthereforeCmeanwhile Dhowever 12A.winds BsnowsCwoods Dtrails 13A.shaking BquarrellingCmourning Daching 14A.After BBetweenCDuring DBeyond15A.give away Bhand outClive on Dput aside 16A.borrowed BearnedCposted Draised 17A.business BcareerCfamily Dimage18A.started BfailedCexpanded Ddeclined19A.truck BparkChouse Dcamp 20A.desperate BreadyCsuitable Dthankful答案与解析这是一篇记叙文。作者的餐馆倒闭了,于是一家人坐着卡车去寻找新的出路,他们在一个国家公园谋得一份差事,日子虽然很苦,但这却增加了家庭的凝聚力。1D根据下文中的“We entered the park”可知,作者在这个国家公园的入口处看到招聘广告,


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