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期末总复习,四年级英语上册,Unit1,Nice to meet you!,找招呼用语,Good morning Good afternoon. Good evening.,早上好,下午好,晚上好,向他人问好,How are you?,Im fine. Thank you.,Nice to meet you.,Nice to meet you, too.,Glad to see you.,Glad to see you, too.,This is Chen Dong. This is Lily.,Hes my brother.,Shes my sister.,练习,_ morning, Mary. _ morning,Lingling. _are you? Im _, thanks.,Good,Good,How,fine,_ is Chen Dong. _ is my brother. _ is Lily. _ is my sister.,This,He,This,She,连词成句 1.meet to you nice 2.Chen Dong is this 3.name Mary is my 4.sister my is she 5.is brother he my 6.thank fine Im you,看谁拼的句子多 nice good he she morning to is Mary this am I my sister name to afternoon thanks meet are how you,Unit 2,Whats that?,square,circle,line,dot,flag,triangle,circle,square,flag triangle square circle,Whats that? Its a circle.,many squares,How,are there ?,There are _,squares,many circles,How,are there ?,There are _,circles,that is what circle is it a many how squares there are are six there circles,Unit 3,Look at this elephant,a big elephant,a funny monkey,a strong tiger,a beautiful bird,a small mouse,a lazy cat,连线,strong tiger funny monkey small mouse lazy cat beautiful bird big elephant,a.大象 b.美丽的鸟 c.小老鼠 d.强壮的老虎 e.懒猫 f.顽皮的猴子,连线,funny big small lazy beautiful strong,tiger mouse cat bird elephant monkey,Look at that,Its,elephant,big,Look at that,Its,monkey,funny,Look at that,Its,tiger,strong,Look at that,Its,bird,beautiful,Look at that,Its,mouse,small,Look at that,Its,cat,lazy,Unit 4,These are flowers,What is this?,This is a bird.,What are these?,These are birds.,What is that?,That is a flower.,What are those?,Those are flowers.,What is that?,That is a tree.,What are those?,Those are trees.,What is this?,This is an egg.,What are these?,These are eggs.,What is this?,This is a sheep.,What are these?,These are sheep.,连线,What are these? What are those? What is this? What is that?,a.This is a bird. b.These are sheep. c.That is a flower. d.Those are eggs.,改错,What is these? What are that? This is a birds. That are a cat. Those is a tiger. These are a monkey.,What are these? What is that? This is a bird. That is a cat. Those are tigers. These are monkeys.,选择,What is _? What are_? _is a tiger. _are mouses. These _ birds. That _ a tiger.,this that these those is are,Unit 5,I like noodles,rice,noodles,milk,bread,noodles,dumplings,biscuits,I like rice .,I dont like noodles .,What do you like?,What do you like?,I like .,I dont like .,hungry,Im hungry. Me too.,Unit 6,Turn right!,policemen 警察(复数),policeman 警察(单数),He is a policeman,What is he?,They are policemen,What are they?,What is he?,He is a soldier,They are soldiers,Are you a teacher?,Yes. I am a teacher.,Are you a postman?,Yes. I am a postman.,Are you a doctor?,No. I am a nurse.,Are you a doctor?,Yes. I am a doctor.,Are you a driver?,Yes. I am a driver.,postman driver soldier teacher nurse doctor policemen,a.警察 b.医生 c.护士 d.司机 e.教师 f.士兵 g.邮递员,postman driver soldier teacher nurse doctor policeman,postmen drivers soldiers teachers nurses doctors policemen,What are you?,Are you a nurse?,No. Im a doctor,What are you?,Are you soldiers?,Yes. We are soldiers,This is a tiger.,These are tigers.,That is a bird.,Those are birds.,I am a soldier.,We are soldiers.,I am a teacher.,We are teachers.,I am a driver.,I am a postman.,I am a doctor.,I am a policeman.,We are drivers.,We are doctors.,We are postmen.,We are policemen.,left,right,turn,turn left,turn right,left 左边;左边的 right 右边;右边的 turn 转弯 up 向上 down 向下,traffic police,stop 停,turn left 向左转,turn right 向右转,Do you know? 你知道交警 的动作是什么意思吗?,Unit 7,Whose is this?,I have a magical box.,bag,scarf,key,wallet,hat,mobile phone,Whose is this?,Its Peters scarf.,Whose is this?,Its Annes wallet.,Whose is this?,Its Dongdongs hat.,Whose is this?,Its Tims mobile phone.,记忆力大比拼,Whose is this?,Its _s_.,这个是谁的?,它是_的_。,Lingling,Peter,Mingming,Anne,Dongdong,Tim,Whose is this?,Its _s_.,这个是谁的?,它是_的_。,Lingling,bag,Whose is this?,Its _s_.,这个是谁的?,它是_的_。,Peter,scarf,Whose is this?,Its _s_.,这个是谁的?,它是_的_。,Mingming,key,Whose is this?,Its _s_.,这个是谁的?,它是_的_。,Anne,wallet,Whose is this?,Its _s_.,这个是谁的?,它是_的_。,Dongdong,hat,Whose is this?,Its _s_.,这个是谁的?,它是_的_。,Tim,mobile phone,Whose 谁的,我的 my 我们的 our 你的 your 你们的 your 他的 his 她的 her 他们的 their 它的 its,Whose 谁的,我的背包 你的围巾 他的钱包 她的帽子,my bag your scarf his purse her hat,Whose 谁的,安的书包 简的钱包 杰克的帽子 本尼的钢笔 海伦的围巾 琳达的书 陈冬的尺子,Annes bag Janes purse Jacks hat Bennys pen Helens scarf Lindas book Chen dongs ruler,Is it your?,Benny,No. it isnt.,Whose is this?,Its Bennys.,Is it your?,No. it isnt.,Whose is this?,Its s.,Jack,Is it your?,No. it isnt.,Whose is this?,Its s.,Jane,Is it your?,No. it isnt.,Whose is this?,Its s.,Peter,Unit 8,She wears a white and black sweater,red,yellow,green,blue,orange,pink,black,white,brown,grey,white and black,brown and grey,sweater,skirt,socks,shoes,Quick response!,white and black,scarf,a,grey and black,trousers,a,Unit 9,Its one hundred,Try to count the numbers (数一数钟面上的数字),1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 ten 11 eleven 12 twelve,13 thirteen 14 fourteen 15 fifteen 16 sixteen 17 seventeen 18 eighteen 19 nineteen,13-19数词构成方法: 在有关的个位数词词尾加-teen,20 twenty,30 thirty,40 forty,50 fifty,60 sixty,70 seventy,80 eighty,90 ninety,整十位数数词20-90构成:个位数词词尾加-ty,twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine,twenty+ one =,twenty-one,十位数数词构成:整十位数数词后加 个位数词,中间用连字符号“-”连接。,one hundred,Read and count,15,+,5,=,20,fifteen,and,five,is,twenty,Unit 10,Welcome to our home,Who has good eyes?,bathroom,Who has good eyes?,bedroom,Who has good eyes?,kitchen,Who has good eyes?,living room,home 家,This is my home.,bed 床,desk 课桌,chair 椅子,Where is the .?,意思是在哪里,通常放在句首构成疑问句,用来询问地点。,Where is the cat?,It is in the bag.,在里面,Where is the cat?,It is under the bed.,在下面,Where is the bird?,It is on the table.,在上面,Where is the cat? It is _the table.,Where is the cat? It is _ the bag.,Where is the cat? It is_the bed.,on,in,under,1,2,3,1,2,3,A: Wheres the ?,B: Its in onunder the,Practice,Is the apple on the bag?,Yes, it is.,Is the apple in the pencil-box?,No, it isnt.,Is Hui Tailang in the box?,Yes, it is.,No, it isnt.,Is Hui Tailang under the table?,Is Lan Yangyang in/ on/ under the?,A: Wheres the ? B: Its in/on/under the A: Isin/on/under the? B: Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.,the key sentence patterns,

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