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2019-2020年高一期末复习内部资料1. Thirty passengers were hurt, five children _.A. containingB. includingC. containedD. included2. She was not _ frightened, in fact she was nearly frightened to death.A. a bitB. at allC. a littleD. much3. I advised he _ for a holiday.A. wentB. goC. goingD. to go4. _ done for us?A. What do you think he hasB. What do you think has heC. Do you think what he hasD. Do you think what has he5. He _ 10 kilos.A. is weighedB. is weightedC. weighsD. weights6. That young man has made so much noise that he _ not have been allowed to attend the concert.A. couldB. mustC. wouldD. should7. The doctor remended I _ here for the sunshine before I started for home.A. would eB. will eC. should eD. shall e8. What should we do if it _ tomorrow?A. should snowB. would snowC. snowD. will snow9. I have had my hair _.A. cutted shortB. cut shortC. cut shortedD. cut shorting10. We must be _ the worst.A. preparingB. preparing forC. preparedD. prepared for11. The cock _ the egg was _ by him.A. lied; laidB. lied; lainC. lay; laidD. lay; lain12. He taught us the way _ we grow _.A. which; potatosB. which; potatoesC. in which; potatosD. in which; potatoes13. _, and youll know which one is good.A. pared with these two onesB. pare this one with that oneC. pare this one to that oneD. pared to this one with that one14. _ houses were knocked down in the earthquake.A. A great manyB. The number ofC. A great many ofD. A great deal of15. He goes to attend nightclass Monday. Wednesday and Eriday. That is to say, he go to class every _ day.A. anotherB. twoC. the second D. other16. _ you start doing something, you mustnt stop halfway.A. WhileB. ThoughC. AsD. Once17. We havent heard from him for a long time.-What do you suppose _ to her?A. was happeningB. to happenC. has happenedD. having happened18. Im sure _ the old lady said is right.A. thatB. all whatC. whatD. all which19. He stepped into the room, _ his seat taken.A. findB. foundC. findedD. only to find20. He spent as much time as he _ English.A. could learningB. learnedC. would learnD. had learned21. What did the football player that you are talking _?A. to wantB. wantC. wantedD. wants22. The room, where there are _ one bed, is almost empty.A. not more thanB. no more thanC. not less thanD. no less than23. The reason _ he died is _ he had got heart diseases.A. for; thatB. that; whyC. why; thatD. why; why24. Have you ever been to Paris?-Yes, its the most beautiful city _.A. which Ive ever been toB. that Ive never been toC. that Ive ever been toD. where Ive never been to25. He must be used to living without a car, _?A. must heB. isnt heC. is heD. mustnt he26. We must have been drunk last might, _?A. werent weB. mustnt weC. hadnt weD. didnt we27. Mom, I want to buy another bag.-Sorry, Id rather you _.A. wontB. didntC. dontD. cant28. What made you so angry?-_.A. To be made fun ofB. Being made fun ofC. Because he was made fun ofD. Because of being made fun of29. This is the only way _ we can use to work out the maths problem.A. whichB. in whichC. thatD. /30. _ in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him.A. LosingB. Having lostC. LostD. To lost31. The _ boy was last seen _ near the East lake.A. missing; playingB. missing; playC. missed; playedD. missed; to play32. It was so easy and _ so reasonable.A. in a wayB. in the wayC. in this wayD. by the way33. He was considered _ a selfish man.A. to beB. beC. beingD. been34. Im _ the long walk.A. tiring ofB. tiring withC. tired ofD. tired with35. The teacher asked the children to _ a poem about spring.A. makeB. make upC. make ofD. make from36. Do you consider _ wise _ now.A. it; leaveB. it; to leaveC. that; leaveD. that; to leave37. He was considered _ to Beijing.A. to go B. goingC. to have goneD. having gone38. He _, but he dont now.A. is used to smokeB. is used to smokingC. used to smokeD. uses to smoke39. You havent got the textbook for my chemistry course yet.-I know, and we _ to get it for the last 5 weeks.A. will be tryingB. had triedC. will have been trying D. have been trying40. What do you think of the book?-Oh, excellent. Its worth _ a second time.A. to readB. to be readC. readingD. being read41. Is this question worthy _ again?A. discussingB. being discussedC. to discussD. to be discussed42. She _ have _ good time in the party.A. did; aB. did; /C. do; aD. do; /43. See whos there! _ it be Mary?A. MayB. MustC. CanD. will44. Many questions have _.A. e upB. been e upC. e outD. been e out45. Your dress looks nice _ the color.A. besidesB. besideC. except forD. except46. Dont have him _ outside all the time?A. standB. to standC. standingD. stood47. I_ this little toy car _ my brother as a surprise, but now Tom took it away.A. mean; toB. meant; forC. had meant; forD. had meant; to48. The old man _ the way, the children went out of the forest.A. leadingB. leadC. leadsD. to lead49. _, the players tried their bet to win the game for their country.A. Greatly encouragedB. Having greatly encouragedC. To be encouragedD. Greatly encouraging50. It worries her a lot _ her son is more and more dependant on her.A. whenB. thatC. asD. because51. The fire spread through the hotel but everyone _ get out.A. had toB. wouldC. couldD. was able to52. Mr. Brown, _, works as the manager of the pany.A. we got here in his carB. we got here by carC. in whose car we got hereD. by whose car we got here53. _ in a new skirt, the girl walked into the classroom with a smile.A. WearingB. WornC. DressingD. Dressed54. Every possible use should _ time to study our subjects.A. make B. make use of C. be made ofD. be used55. _ to take this adventure course will certainly learn a lot of useful skills.A. Brave enough studentsB. Enough brave studentC. Students brave enoughD. Students enough brave56. _ needs further discussion whether well build another lab or not.A. ThatB. ThereC. HeD. It57. They asked the government to make _ clear to the public _ they did was right.A. it; thatB. it; whatC. that; whatD. this; that58. It is _ the reason _ he has lied to me before _ I dont believe him now.A. because; why; thatB. for; that; whichC. for; that; thatD. by; that; /59. Who do you _ go with us?A. allowB. causeC. getD. have60. He cant read or write. Who do you think he _ this letter?A. has write B. has wroteC. has writtenD. has to write61. There are _ people attending the meeting than last time.A. twice manyB. many twiceC. twice moreD. more twice62. When and where to build the new factory _ yet.A. is not decidedB. are not decidedC. has not decidedD. have not decided63. I like reading a magazine _ “Readers”.A. calledB. to callC. callD. calling64. Do you know the boy _ under the big tree?A. layB. lainC. layingD. lying65. Is that old man _ you often help with his housework.A. /B. asC. whyD. the one66. He is one of the students who _ good at singing.A. have beenB. wasC. isD. are67. Im sorry, I didnt do a good job.-Never mind, _, you have tried your best.A. above allB. in allC. at allD. after all68. He lives in a house. The roof of _ is white.A. it B. thatC. whichD. what69. Was it during the second world war _ he died?A. that B. whileC. in whichD. then70. It was not until 1920 _ regular radio broadcasts began.A. whileB. whichC. thatD. since71. Guilin is not _ _ used to be.A. That; itB. what; itC. the one; whatD. that; what72. It _ Mike and Mong who helped the old man several days ago.A. wasB. areC. wereD. had been73. The way he thought of _ the problem is very useful.A. solvingB. to solveC. solveD. answering74. He lost a lot of time _ which he should be make use.A. ofB. inC. onD. at75. - “ Will you go to the Great Wall with us?”-“If John wants to go, _”.A. so do I B. so will I C. so I doD. so I will76. Look! _.A. Out the girl wentB. Went the girl outC. Away went the girlD. Away the girl went77. The murderer was brought in, with his hands _ behind his back.A. being tiedB. having tiedC. to be tiedD. tied78. The problem _ this afternoon is very serious.A. being discussedB. discussedC. to be discussedD. will be discussed79. The government forbids _ such had books.A. publishB. publishedC. to publishD. publishing80. Her husband died, _ her a lot of debts(债务).A. leavingB. leftC. to leaveD. having left81. I was so angry that I felt like _ sth at him.A. to throw B. throwC. throwingD. threw82. The famous scientist grew up _ he was born and in 1950 he came to Nanjing .A. WhenB. wheneverC. whereD. wherever83. We usually _ children _ flowers of the motherland.A. pare; toB. pare; withC. pared; toD. pared; with84. In some parts of London, missing a bus means _ for another hour.A. waitingB. to waitC. waitD. to be waiting85. While watching TV, _.A. the doorbell rangB. the doorbell ringsC. we heard the doorbellringD. we heard the doorbell rings86. Its said in Australia there is more land than the government knows _.A. it what to do withB. what to do it withC. what to do with itD. to do what with it87. The country life he was used to _ greatly since 1992.A. change B. has changedC. changingD. have changed88. The president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour without _ his notes.A. bringing upB. referring toC. looking forD. trying on89. TV has many advantages. It keeps us _ about the _ news and also provides entertainment in the house.A. informed; latestB. to know; laterC. learning; latterD. to think; latest90. Cleaning women in big cities usually get _ by the hour.A. payB. payingC. paidD. to pay91. We didnt plan our ant exhibition like that but it _ very well.A. worked outB. triedC. went outD. carried on92. _ with the size of the whole earth, the biggest ocean doesnt seem big at all.A. pare B. when paringC. paringD. when pared93. Helen had to shout _ above the sound of the music.A. making herself hearB. to make herself hearC. making herself heardD. to make herself heard94. You should understand the traffic rule by now. Youve had it _ often enough.A. explainingB. to explainC. explainD. explained95. There was _ time _ I hated to go to school.A. a; thatB. a; whenC. the; thatD. the; when96. I couldnt do my homework with all that noise _.A. going onB. goes onC. went onD. to go on97. It is the ability to do the job _ matters not where you e from or what you are.A. oneB. thatC. whatD. it98. I dont want _ like Im speaking ill of anybody, but the managers plan is unfair.A. to soundB. to be soundedC. soundingD. to have sounded99. I hope we shall _ and e to understand one another.A. be a friendB. being friendsC. be friendsD. to be a friend100. The men were provided _ blankets against the cold.A. to B. forC. onD. withDCBAC, DCABD, ADBAD, DCCDA, ABCCB, DBBCC, AAADB, BCCDC, DACAC, CCAABDCDCC, DBCDA, CAADD, DDAAC, BABAB, CDCDA, CCAAC, CBBAC, ADDDB, ABACD


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