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Unit 1 重要单词和句型,is问is答 He问he答,DO问do答,考选择,考连词成句,考句子排序,Whats(人名,科目老师,她他)like? 连词成句like在最后 whats=what is 谁谁谁是什么样的人?,可替换,考选择,考连词成句,考句子排序,am is are 用法,I用am, you用are, he she it 用is 单数名词用is,复数名词全用are。 you, we, they 全用are.,I am young。 You are kind. He is old She is strict It is funny.,They are polite. We are hardworking. You are clever.,1.以My new teacher 为题,描述你的新老师,My new teacher I have a new teacher, he is young, he is tall ,he is strict, he is kind, he is funny.,(hard-working clever polite helpful old young kind strict funny 等等所有的描述人物的词汇都可以替换。原则:保证写对单词。He或者she后面用is。,2.以My English teacher 为题,描述你的英语老师,My English teacher I have a new English teacher, he is young, he is tall ,he is strict, he is kind, he is funny. I like my English teacher.,(hard-working clever polite helpful old young kind strict funny 等等所有的描述人物的词汇都可以替换。 原则:保证写对单词。He或者she后面用is。,Unit 2 重要单词和句型,-What do you have on Mondays Tuesdays? Wednesdays? Thursdays? Fridays? Saturdays? Sundays?,所有的星期首字母都大写, 尤其是周六和周日! Weekend小写! 有什么课用have! 在星期几用on!,-I/We have数学, 英语,语文and体育.,1.-What do you have on Mondays? -We have Chinese, English ,maths and PE. 2._? _. 3._? _.,What do you have on Tuesdays,We have maths, science ,Chineseand art,Do 问do答,考看图写短语, 考连词成句。一定不要抄 错了单词!,你星期几经常做(do)什么?,-What do you often do on Mondays? on Tuesdays on Wednesdays on Thursdays on Fridays on Saturdayson Sundaysonthe weekend?,-I/We often What about you?,考题类型:连词成句,选择,补全对话,watch TV wash my clothes read books do (my) homework play football,变一般疑问句把do提前:Do you often+动词短语+在星期几,今天/明天是星期几?,What day is it today/tomorrow?,Tomorrow is Thursday, what day is it today?,Today is Tuesday, what day is it tomorrow?,必考题型:连词成句,选择,知道明天算今天,往前推一天,知道明天算今天,往后推一天,Unit 2 重要单词和句型,三明治可数,复数sandwiches,询问某人想吃什么? What would you like to eat?,Id(I would ) like aansome .,Id like a hamburger,a hot dog,a sandwich,rice,noodles,ice cream,salad,bread,可数名词单数用a、an 不可数名词用some,juice,water,milk,What would you like to drink?,Id(I would ) like some .,你想喝点什么?,询问某人想喝什么?,ice cream不可数,后面用is Beef noodles后面用theyre,.,Its( 单数) Theyre(复数),fresh新鲜的,healthy健康的,delicious美味的,hot辣的,sweet甜的,My favourite food is beef noodles ice cream,重要句型:whats your favourite food? 你最喜爱的食物是什么?,我最喜爱的食物是,仿写例句,1.-What would you like to eat? -Id like some bread.,2.-What would you like to eat? -Id like some chicken.,4.-What would you like to drink? -Id like some water.,6.-What would you like to drink? -Id like some milk.,3.-What would you like to eat? -Id like a sandwich.,5.-What would you like to drink? -Id like some juice,吃,喝,语音专项,在所有含有元音字母ariou的单词中, y单词末尾的全部发短音|i| 不含有元音 字母的单词y在词尾发|ai|啊哎的音,如 sky,fly。课本例词都是发i的音的, 单词中都含有元音字母,回顾:,Uint1 y发音规则: 含有y字母单词中如果含有元音字母 (aeiou)的任意一个,y发/i/. candy baby happy windy sunny sorry family party say any 否则在词尾发/ai/的音,如sky fly shy bye try cry,例题:baby windy sorry shy,家庭,聚会,回顾:,Uint2 字母组合ea ee发音规则: 发长元音/i:/ (衣),例题:tea seat bread jeans,a啊奥, 欧四声,Uint3 字母组合ow 发音规则: 发/au/ 啊奥和 / / 欧四声,语音题考察类型,1.选出划线部分发音不同的选项/选项。 (D )A. thin B thank C mouth D there ( C ) A. warm B. pork C. doctor D. fork ( B ) A. box B. hello C not D .fox,1.判断划线部分发音是(T)否(F)一致。 ( T )A. flag B bag C apple D fat ( F ) A. black B. blue C. brown D. blow,


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