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2019-2020年高一期末考试英语(附答案).一、听力(略)二、单项选择:(15%)21None at the Iraq police station _ the car bombing last week .A. survived B. was survived in C. had survived D. has survived in 22. While walking in the grass , you must _ poisonous snakes .A. look out B. take care of C. watch out for D. be careful for 23. SARS is dangerous _ .A. working at B. to work at C. to work with D. to be worked with 24. He is always speaking to his parents in the way _ no one can accept .Choose the wrong answer :A. that B. / C. in which D. which 25.Bill Gates has set up his Microsoft _ only one year of hard work .A. since B. for C. after D. in 26. _happens ,we will stand by your side .Choose the wrong answer :A. Whatever B. No matter what C. Whether or not it D. Whenever 27.The police drew a white circle_ they found the dead boy .A. in where B. where C. at the place D. at which 28. The best school _ I have ever worked is Suzhou High School .A. that B. which C. where D./29. Those naughty boys never stay in the classroom _ classes .A. in B. after C. among D. between 30. Lily _ argue with the boss although she is a little afraid of him .A. dare B. dares to C. dares not D. doesnt dare to 31. He lived in a small room _ window faced west .A. whose B. of which C. which D. that 32. I am sure your dream _a scientist will _ some day .A. of being , realize B. to bee , e about C. of being , e true D. being , be realized 33. Harry Potter only had a small room _ when he just came to his aunts.Choose the wrong answer :A. to sleep B. to sleep in C. in which he could sleep D. where he could sleep 34. Is this the problem _the teacher explained last week ?Choose the wrong answer :A. which B. that C./ D. the one 35.It was evening _we got to a small village .A. that B. when C. on which D. in which 三、完形填空:(20%) Tolstoy , the great Russian writer , liked o walk about in a railway station near his home . One day when he was waling up and down as _36_ , looking at people getting on and off the _37_, he heard a lady _38_after him , “Hey , you old fellow , go and bring back my handbag in the _39_room which I_40_there . ” Tolstoy _41_there . He _42_the bag up and walked quickly along the platform (站台), _43_the same time the lady was waiting beside the carriage , looking _44_. When at _45_the old man gave the bag back to her , she opened it to _46_sure nothing was _47_. “Good , old man ,” said the woman . “You are just _48_as I can expect . Here you are .” She gave a copper coin (硬币)to him . Tolstoy _49_the coin and put it into his pocket with a smile . But the woman was very _50_when she heard that he was Tolstoy , the author (作者)of the great novel WAR AND PEACE .She _51_to Tolstoy and said , “Oh, excuse me .Oh, how silly I was to _52_you as a porter (脚大) . Please throw back that coin _53_you forgive me .” “Oh , madam , why ? You ve done _54_wrong . ” Tolstoy laughed . “The coin is given for my work , so Ill _55_it . Thank you , madam !”36. A. possible B. often C. usual D. well 37. A. trains B. cars C. planes D. bikes 38. A. talking B. speaking C. telling D shouting 39. A. next B. meeting C. waiting D dining 40. A. went B. forgot C. left D. bought 41. A. passed B. jumped C. went D .entered 42. A. lifted B. gave C. picked D. brought 43. A. At B. In C. For D. By 44. A. happy B. back C. well D. worried 45. A. first B. last C. end D. beginning 46. A. make B. do C. take D. get 47. A. right B. inside C. lost D. wrong 48. A. as quick B. as quickly C. so quick D so quickly 49. A. showed B. watched C. accepted D. picked 50. A. angry B. surprised C. happy D. worried 51. A. returned B. changed C. responded D. turned52. A. see B. treat C. have D. look 53. A. unless B. if C. because D. until 54. A. something B. everything C. anything D .nothing 55. A. throw B. give C. keep D. stay 四、阅读理解:(20%)(A)We walked in so quietly that the nurse at the desk didnt even lift her eyes from the book Mum pointed at a big chair by the door and I knew she wanted me to sit down . While I watched , mouth open in surprise , Mum took off her hat and coat and gave them to me to hold . She walked quietly to the small room by the lift and took out a wet mop (拖把). She pushed the mop past the desk and as the nurse looked up , Mum nodded and said , “Very dirty floors .” “Yes . Im glad they ve finally decided to clean them , ” the nurse answered . She looked at Mum strangely and said , “But arent you working late ?” Mum just pushed harder , each swipe of the mop taking her farther and farther down the hall . I watched until she was out of sight and the nurse had turned back to writing in the big book . After a long time Mum came back . Her eyes were shining . She quickly put the mop back and took my hand . As we turned to go out of the door , Mum nodded politely to the nurse and said , “Thank you . ”Outside ,Mum told me , “ Dagma is fine . No fever. ” “You see her, Mum?”“Of course. I told her about the hospital rules, and she will not expect us until tomorrow. Dad will stop worrying as well. Its a fine hospital. But the floors! A mop is no good. You need a brush. ”56. When she took a mop from the small room, what Mum really wanted to do was _.A. to clean the floor B. to make the nurse happy C. to see a patient (病人) D. to surprise the story teller 57. When the nurse talked to Mum, she thought Mum was a _.A. nurse B. visitor C. patient D. cleaner 58. After reading the story , what can we infer ( 推断)about the hospital ?A. It was a childrens hospital. B. It has strict rules about visiting hours. C. The nurses and doctors there dont work hard. D. A lot of patients e to this hospital every day. 59. Why did Mum go to see Dagma in the hospital?A. To give her some messages about Dad. B. To make sure her room was clean. C. To check that she was still there. D. To find out how she was. 60. Which of the following words best describes Mum?A. clever B. hard working C. warm hearted D. strange (B)John Russell , ,83 years old , got on a Chicago bus and saw a sign saying that senior citizens(高龄市民)could ride for half price . When he dropped his three quarters (that is , 75 cents ) in the box ,the driver asked for his ID card . John took out his ID card . “You need a special CTA card , ” said the driver . John did not have the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) card because he lives in New York and was in Chicago visiting his two sons . “Then you need to put in another three quarters , ” said the driver , “or get off the bus . ”Old people are usually very stubborn (顽固的). John said , “Give me back my three quarters , and Ill get off. ”“I cant its in the box . If you dont get off , Ill call the police , ” said the driver , which he did , Two police cars pulled up. John and the driver told the police their stories . “Thats why you called ?”one policeman asked the driver . Another policeman then said to John , “Ill give you three quarters . ”John shook his head , “Why should you give me the quarters ?He should give me my three quarters . ”“Where are you going ?”asked the policemen . “Downtown to have lunch with friends , ”John said . “e on , ” the policemen said , “Well get you your card . ” So they took him downtown to the CTA office . But the people there wouldnt give him a CTA card he needed a picture . “What about his three quarters ?”one policeman asked . The officials discussed ,and a decision was made to give Johns quarters back . “How are you going to get there ?”“By bus . And all Im going to pay is 75 cents . ”“Good luck , ” the policemen said . John got on a bus , dropped three quarters in the box , and said , “Im a senior citizen .” The driver looked at John and nodded . He didnt know how lucky he was to be a sensible (明智的)man . 61. Whit a Chicago Transit Authority card _.A. men of authority can ride on a bus for half price B. senior citizens can pay only half price for a bus ride C. men of authority can ride on a bus paying only three quarters . D. senior citizens can pay only three quarters for a bus ride .62.John Russell needs a special CTA card most probably because _. A. he is not a senior citizen B. he is not a citizen of Chicago C. he is only visiting his two sons D. he has lost his ID card 63. The decision made by the CTA office was _.A. to give John a CTA card then and there B. not to give Johns three quarters back C. to return the three quarters to John D. to tell John that he has broken the rules 64. The second driver let John ride on his bus because _. A. now John had the CTA card B. he knew John was a very difficult man C. he was kind enough to help the old D. the policemen were with John 65.The best title for this passage is _. A. Giving No Quarters B. Giving No More QuartersC. A Sensitive Driver D. A Senior Citizen (C) Minh Pham was born in Vietnam . He left when he was 21 years old . Minh has been in America for almost two years . There is still much he does not understand about America . Once , Minh was in a supermarket . He saw an old man and an old woman . They wanted a box of cereal . The box was on a high shelf . The man and woman couldnt reach it . Minh saw a ladder . He got on the ladder and got the box . He handed it to the elderly couple . They thanked him . “Where are your children ?”asked Minh . “Why dont they help you buy food ?”“Our children have their own lives , ” said the man and woman . “ We like to be independent . ”Minh doesnt think it is right . In his country ,children help their parents . Minh gave the elderly couple his phone number . He told them to call him if they needed help . One night they invited Minh to dinner , but they never asked him for help . One day , Minh was walking with a Vietnamese friend . Two men were going to a movie . Minh wanted to go to a restaurant first . Minh took his friend s hand . He pulled him toward the restaurant. People on the street stared at Minh. In Vietnam ,friends often hold hands. Minh found out that people in America are not used to men holding hands.Minh Pham is going through a process(过程) known as resocialization. Socialization is the process in which a person learns to live in a society. Everyone goes through this process. Minh went through it when he lived in Vietnam. But it is only the Vietnamese way of life. When Minh came to America, he had to learn a new way of life. He had to learn how to live in a new society.Minh has learned a lot about American life in two years. He still has a lot to learn ,The process of resocialization can take many years.66. The main idea of this passage is that _.A. it takes time to get used to a new society B. it is not so easy to travel from one country to another C. it needs time and energy to act independently D. it is necessary to learn about other countries 67. According to the passage , socialization happens to _.A. only the Vietnamese in America B. only Americans C. only older people D. everyone 68.According to the passage , people stared at Minh and his friend because Minh and his friend were _.A. Vietnamese B. holding hands C. fighting D. not dressed like Americans 69.The underlined word “resocialization ” means _.A. keeping ones own way of life B. keeping up with others C. a process of learning how to live in a new society D. understanding a new culture (D) About 25 million children in developing countries have no homes . So they live on city streets .United Nations Childrens Fund says most of these children do not receive education or health care (卫生保健). The private organization known as “Child Hope USA ” is trying to do something to help these children . The group has many goals . Child Hope USA wants to stop the spread of AIDS and the use of illegal (非法)drugs among children . It wants to protect young girls from being mistreated sexually . It wants to tell children how to protect themselves , how to survive conditions on the streets and how to feel good about themselves . Child Hope USA is trying to set up educational programs for children . It is working with local groups to get their help in protecting the rights of street children .And it Is trying to make international development groups more informed about street children . Some children begin living on the streets when they are five years old or younger .Four year olds can be found selling goods on the street corner or begging for food and money .Some of these children have lost their families because of wars or natural disasters ,such as earthquakes and floods . Some are helping their families earn enough money to survive . Study shows that more than one million children live and work on the streets in the Philippines .Seven million children live on the streets in Brazil .About 250 thousand children live on the streets of Mexico . Child Hope USA works closely with international and local groups . It has offices in Brazil , Guatermala , the Philippines , Britain ,Canada and the United States . Child Hope USA also works to improve child labor (童工) laws . In 1992 ,Pakistan made new laws to control child labor . The laws make it illegal to lend money to families and let children repay the loan by working in factories . Yet , about eight million children are still working in Pakistan to repay loans .70.Which of the following is not the goal of Child Hope USA ?It wants to _. A. build a school and a hospital to help the children B. help the children not to use illegal drugs C. teach the children ways to protect themselves D. help the children to go to school 71. Which of the following is the reason for the childrens working on the street ?A. They have no parents . B. They earn money to help their parents C. They break away from their families ,so they have to make a living by themselves . D. Either A or B 72.Which of the following is correct ?A. Child Hope USA is working alone to help the children . B. Child Hope USA has an office in China . C. Street childrens condition has improved , but the problems still haven t been solved D. Because of the law , no child in Pakistan is still working to repay loans . (E)Blue jeans , the uniform of young and old for generations , are losing their popularity . According to a study by Jeans Wear munications , Jeans sales in the United States dropped from 502 million pairs ten years ago to 387 million pairs last year . Experts say that the decrease in sales will continue . Why is there the great decrease ?Some fashion experts say it is because of the aging baby boomer (迅速发展)generation , They say that customers in their thirties and forties no longer have the body shape to wear the form fitting trousers . Others say it is because there are few people in the 14 to 24-year old population group . Also , boys used to buy a lot of jeans . Today they are choosing more stylish (时髦的)shorts , bicycle shorts , and cotton pants . Jeans manufacturers (制造商)are trying to find ways to deal with the decrease in sales . Some are making pants for the aging generation loose cotton trousers and a special design of their classic “505” jeans that have extra room in the seat (臀部). Other manufacturers are trying to increase their oversea sales . While jeans are less popular in the United States , they continue to be important fashion items in parts of Europe and the Far East . 73. This passage is most probably taken from _.A. a news report B. a novel C. the introduction to a book D. a science magazine 74. The passage in mainly about _.A. aging baby-boomer generation B. the ways to increase the sales of blue jeans C. new fashion in the United States D. the failing popularity of the blue Jeans 75.From the passage we learn that _.A. pants are a typical kind of jeans B. Jeans have bee less popular in the Far EastC. the manufactures will have to stop production of Jeans D. “505” is traditionally a kind of jeans 五、单词填空:76. You have to o _the rules if you want to live here . 77.We all think that it is i _to interrupt others when they are talking . 78. It is said that the vase they found yesterday dates back to the Ming D_.79.You will be c _with the best athletes in the world in the Olympics . 80.The band play many songs , i _some of my favourites . 81.He graduated from Harvard with a doctors _last year . (学位)82. _to children or animals in not allowed in Britain . (残酷)83.All the morning he has been practicing _himself because some VIP will attend the meeting (介绍)84. She turned _at the age of thirteen . ( 职业的)85. I am very proud of this project and I _hope it will succeed . (真诚) 86. The experience was good _for a career in the film industry . (准备)87. A happy family provides a loving _for its children . (环境)88. Everything is on sale . Childrens shoes are now _to 50 yuan a pair . (降价)89. He was _on the radio this morning , which made him well known throughout the country . (采访)90. He won a prize for his good _at school .(表现)六、短文改错:(10%) 此题要求改正所给短文中的错误,对标有题号的每一行做出判断;如无错误,在该行右边横线上画一个勾();如有错误(每行只有一个错误),则按下列情况改正: 该行多一个词:把多余的词用斜线()划掉,在该行右边横线上写出该词,并也用斜线划掉。 该行缺一个词:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),在该行右边横线上写出该加的词。 该行错一个词:在错的词下划一条横线,在该行右边横线上写出改正后的词。 When World War II broke out , Disney joined in 91._the Red Cross (红十字会)and went to France , there 92._he stayed until the war over . After the war , he 93._returned Kansas to work for a pany 94._where made fairy story cartoons . This was 95_the kind of work he like best . He determined to 96._find better ways of making the cartoons moving 97._so that the cartoon characters (卡通人物)will seem alive. 98._ Later he joined his elder brother, Roy , in Hollywood, 99._ California. There they soon put up their own pany. 100._ 【参考答案】一、听力(略)二、单项选择:(15%)21.A 22.C 23.C 24.C 25.C 26.D 27.B 28.C 29.D 30.B 31.A 32.C 33.A 34.D 35.B 三、完形填空:(20%)36-40:CADCC 41-45:CCADB 46-50:ACACB 51-55:DBBDC 四、阅读理解:(20%)56C 57.D 58.B 59.D 60.A 61.B 62.B 63.C 64.C 65.B 66.A 67.D 68.B 69.C 70.A 71.D 72.C 73.A 74.D 75.D 五、单词填空(15%)76. obey 77. impolite 78. Dynasty 79. peting 80. including 81. degree 82. Cruelty 83. introducing 84. professional 85. sincerely 86. preparation 87. environment 88. reduced 89. interviewed 90. behaviour 六、短

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