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扬子江高级中学2011-xx学年高一下学期期末复习综合练习(一)英语试题第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分35分)第1节 :单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21. You should get your ideas _ when you are putting _an ad campaign.A. on; acrossB. along; forwardC. through; onD. across; together22. How _ they expect to learn anything when they spend all their spare time watching TV? A. can B. should C. might D. could23. -What happened to Mr. Green?-I heard that ten years ago he arrived at a distant village, _never _ again.A. determined; to move B. being determined; to move C. determined; moving D. determining; moving 24. He was so angry at _ she was doing _ he walked out and closed the door behind him. A. what, what B. that, that C. what, that D. that, that25. I am looking for another job because I feel that nothing I do _ my boss. A. serves B. satisfies C. promises D. supports 26. -Jack seems to be in trouble again now.-_to give such a lazy man any more help! A. It is no good B. There is no point B. It is no wonder D. There is no need27. Since you have made such good preparations, there _ be any problem about passing the ing exam. A. mustnt B. shant C. shouldnt D. neednt28. -It is exciting that you are living so close to me!-e and see me whenever _.A. you are convenient B. you feel convenientC. it is convenient to you D. it will suit your convenience29. - Why are you so popular with your students?- As a teacher, I seldom give my students so difficult a problem _ they cannot work out.A. as B. that C. if D. which 30. Thousands of athletes _ in many countries peted _ medals in the xx Olympic Games in Beijing. A. involved; toB. involving; byC. to involve; againstD. involved; for31. -John, how did your English exam go?-I thought I _, but in fact I came in the top 10% in the class.A. A. should have failed B. couldnt have failed B. C. might have failed D. mustnt have failed32. -How often do you go to the countryside to see your grandmother? -_. A. Every second weeks B. Each few weeks C. Every other week D. Each two weeks33. Good morning. May I help you? Yes. Im looking for a flat. Id like _ with two bedrooms. A. those B. one C. it D. that 34. -Id like to go to the cinema with you, Dad! -Sorry, my darling, but this film is _ for adults only. A. allowed B. designed C. mentioned D. intended35. The flu is believed _ by viruses that like to reproduce in the cells inside the human nose andthroat.A. causing B. being caused C. to be caused D. to have caused第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下列短文,从短文后所给各题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。One spring afternoon five years ago, Jimmy Liao was crying in the hall of Taipeis Sherwood Hotel, Life seemed 36 . The people who laughed as they walked past were taking their 37 for granted (认为理所当然), just as he 38 himself. Now, however, he felt 39 and he couldnt even show his disappointment in his 40 .Seeking(寻求)more personally satisfying 41 , he had just left a successful job as a mercial artist when it seemed that fate(命运)played a cruel 42 on him. It was at this time that he developed cancer and was 43 to work. But that moment in the hotel was a turning point for Jimmy. He began to 44 the fact that there is no such a thing as fate, only 45 . Since then, he has published several imaginative, illustrated(带插图的)books.According to Jimmy, you are 46 you choose to be. You can give up or you can work to be a happier person. Jimmy realized that, while the world 47 seems unfair, your choice can change your life.This idea can be 48 in Jimmys books, where his characters show the powerlessness they feel 49 making their choices. The message that goes with Jimmys drawings, however, is 50 .Though the world may make us feel small, we must be 51 . Everything will be all right for usas it is for the “small people” in Jimmys booksif we make choices that are 52 for us.In spite of his new 53 and wealth, Jimmy prefers working 54 at home with his wife and daughter. He spends his mornings drawing. To Jimmy, living a life as he chooses means much more than money and fame could 55 .36AunhappyBunusualCunfairDuneasy37AhealthBwealthChappinessDillnesses38Aought toBhad toCneeded toDused to39AashamedBregretfulChelplessDendless40AcryingBpaintingCimaginationDconsideration41AhomeBconditionCsituationDwork42AgameBtrickCroleDpart43AunableBimpossibleCunfitDdifficult44AunderstandBfaceCrefuseDrecognize45AfailuresBeffortsCchoicesDinterests46AthatBwhatCwhichDwhoever47AalwaysBseldomCsometimesDusually48AfoundBdrawnCwrittenDaccepted49AafterBaboutCwithDbefore50ApowerfulBhopefulCusefulDsuccessful51AgreatBstrongCbraveDequal52AscientificBbasicCrightDsimple53AproductBfameCnameDjob54ArapidlyBseparatelyCslowlyDquietly55AofferBgainCgatherDearn第二部分:阅读理解(共15小题,每题2分,满分30分)2019-2020年高一下学期期末复习综合练习(一)英语试题Heres an unusual story: a diamond ring was recently found in an egg. The magician, Liu Qian, discovered it, in front of an audience of millions at CCTVs Spring Festival Gala. Lius magic tricks have made the centuries-old art of magic fashionable once again, and made him the hottest magician in China. As a seasoned young magician from Taiwan, Liu is popular worldwide for his magic shows. Countries he has performed in include the United States, Japan, South Korea and the UKWitnessing something impossible happen right before your eyes is the root of peoples love for magic. Liu is known for his interaction with his audiences. He has a unique understanding of showmanship (演出技巧) . “Its actually thinking rather than ones manipulation(操作) skills that is more important to achieving a successful magic show. We think carefully about how to design the shows creatively to make them appear more interesting.” Liu said.Liu Qians success dated back to his childhood. Born in 1976 in Taiwan, he found himself attracted to a magic toy in a shop when he was seven years old. At the age of 12, he won Taiwans Youth Magic Contest, which was judged by the great American magician, David Copperfield. Yet, Liu never planned on being a professional magician. He studied Japanese literature at university and only hoped to be an amateur(业余的) magician in his spare time. However, his failure to find a proper job after graduation pushed him towards magic as a career. To refine his performing skills, he has performed on streets, roads and fields, for passersby, policemen and farmers. “Street shows are the biggest challenge for us magicians. We have to deal with unexpected situations and tough crowds,” Liu said. 56. The story is about _. A. why people love magicB. what magic tricks areC. how fashionable magic isD. how Liu Qian became Chinas hottest magician 57. People love to watch magic because _. A. they cant figure out the secret of magicB. it arouses their curiosityC. they love watching magicians make the impossible happenD. it is a centuries-old art58. Which of the following is the key reason that Liu Qian decided to make magic his career?A. He was interested in magic when he was little B. He had won Taiwans Youth Magic Contest. C. He became all amateur magician in his spare time. D. He couldnt find an acceptable job after graduation. 59. What does the word “seasoned” in Paragraph 2 mean?A. 季节性的 B. 刚出道的 C. 经验丰富的 D. 职业的 BEight days for just¥12,000Departs:MayOctober xxIncludes: Return flights from 6 Chinas airports to Naples Return airport to hotel transport Seven nights acmodation(膳宿) at the 3-star Hotel Nice BreakfastThe service of guides Government taxesJoin us for a wonderful holiday in one of the Europes most wonderful-Naples in Italy if you want to have a nice time in a beautiful small quiet placeThe ancient Romans called the city“happy land”with attractive coastline,colorful towns,splendid views and the warm Mediterranean SeaYour best choice for a truly memorable holiday!Choose between the peaceful traditional villages of Sant Agata,set on a hillside six miles away from Sorrento,or the more lively and well-known international resort(胜地) town of Sorrento,with wonderful views over the Bay of NaplesBreathtaking scenery,famous sights and European restaurants everywhereFrom the mysterious Isle of Capri to the hunting ruins of Pompeii,and from the unforgettable“Amalfi Drive”to the delightful resorts of Positano,Sorrento and Ravello,the area is a feast(盛宴) for the eyes! Join us,and you wont be disappointed!Price based on two tourists sharing a double room at the Hotel NiceA single room,another¥2,000A group of ten college students,¥10,000 for eachLike to know more? Telephone Newmarket Air Holidays Ltd on:0845-226-7788(All calls charged(要价,收费) at local rates)60All the following are included in the price of ¥12,000 EXCEPT Atransport between the airport and the hotelBtelephone calls made by touristsCthe service of guides to touristsDdouble rooms for every two tourists61If you dont like sharing a room with others,you have to pay A¥12,000B¥10,000C¥2,000D¥14,00062If you like to visit historical sites,which of the following is your best choice?AAmalfiBSant AgataCPompeiiDSorrento63Who is the advertisement intended for?APotential(可能的) touristsBCollege studentsCQuiet peopleDOld people CI moved into a new house in July. Since then I have met a few of my neighbors who are very nice people. For Christmas, I thought I would do something nice for each of the neighbors I know. There were nine neighbors whom I knew by name or spoke with often when I was out in my yard. I knew which houses they lived in. I decided to add one more to my list. This lady I decided to add lives down the street from me. I meet her every morning walking to work as I drive down the street. She always smiles to me. But I had no idea who she was and which house she lived in. I planned to make small fruit baskets and leave them on my neighbors front porches(门廊) on Christmas Eve. I signed the cards: Happy Holidays from 5104 Northumberland Road. I saved the last for the friendly lady. I finally decided on a house where I met her each morning and guessed that it was hers. My neighbors really appreciated the baskets and would tell me as they saw me in the yard or they would call, and a couple even came by to thank me. This morning I found a small note in the mailbox. It was addressed simply: Resident, 5104 Northumberland Road. 64. How many Christmas gifts did the author intend to send? A. Nine. B. Eight. C. Ten. D. Eleven.65. Where did the friendly lady live?A. She lived at the end of Northumberland Road. B. Her address was 5104 Northumberland Road.C. She was thought to share a house with Mr. Kelly.D. The author was not sure about her address at all.66. How did the authors neighbors respond to his gifts? A. They liked the gifts very much and were thankful. B. They were thankful that they wanted to be friends. C. They all made phone calls to say “Thank You”. D. They all visited him by person to show gratitude. 67. What does the author mean in the last paragraph? A. He was regretful that the nice lady didnt receive his gift. B. He was glad to have made Mr. Kellys life more pleasant. C. He thought Richard Kelly deserved to receive that basket. D. The old lady was happy to sacrifice(牺牲) to make Kelly happy. DIt is impossible not to make a mistake at some point of your life. We may as well accept that something will go wrong and we will be to blame. It is therefore sensible to work out some plans for apologizing, and the best way to apologize is by letter. This way you can take care over every word you write which you cant do if you say sorry to someone in person. We all say or do something that we wish we hadnt said or done. You may say something that accidentally hurts someone, or you may provide a service which doesnt e up to the standards that a cheat or customer expected. You may feel that it was a mistake which couldnt be avoided. Rather than dwell on(凝思, 仔细研究) the mistake. you should quickly try to remedy (补救) the problem. An effective letter of apology is an important part of that process. For the content of the letter, just remember TABS Timing, Action, Brevity, Sincerity. The timing of a letter of apology is crucial一it must be sent as soon as possible. Any delay in sending the letter will only pound the problem. In this case. “better late than never” is not the best motto! The longer you wait before writing a letter of apology, the more it will seem that you have been forced into writing it. Although it is important to recognize what has gone before, it is also necessary to detail the action you plan to take to rectify whatever it was you did wrong. Research has shown that some indication that you have thought about what future action you plan to take is always well received. A letter of apology should be brief and the word “sorry” should appear no more than twice. Indicate that you are aware you are using it a second time “once again, Im so sorry for” or “as I said early, Im so sorry about” Finally, the tone of the letter has to be sincere. In fact, all the above factors will help in this respect. And dont think that letters are out of date in the Email-oriented 21st century. An apology email can be worse than no apology at all!68. What kind of advice does the writer suggest about apologizing?A. Its a good idea to write a letter of apology as soon as something goes wrong. B. Its a good idea to send several emails to apologize and show that you mean it. C. Write a long letter apologizing several times to make your point. D. Wait to see how they react to your letter before planning to do anything69. According to the writer, you should not _ after you have made a mistake. A. avoid what happened B. write an effective letter of apologyC. waste time worrying about what happened D. recognize what has gone before70. The underlined word “rectify” means _. A. to improve B. to put aside C. to apologize D. to put right 第三部分:单词拼写 (本节共10小题,每小题0.5分,满分5分) 请认真阅读下列各句,根据所给的中文提示,在横线上写出一个单词的完整、正确的形式,使句子通顺。 .71. They believed the child by his _ (有说服力的) reasons.72. Chinese athletes have also made _ (贡献) to the Olympic Games.73. I did some research on _ (广告), and have some information to share with you.74. It must be practised by women in at least 40 countries and on three _ (大陆).75. Lets meet on some day _(先前的,之前的)to Christmas, shall we?76. Some Public Service Ads deal with serious _ (社会) problems.77. The opening _(典礼,仪式) of the xx8 Beijing Olympics were held on Aug.8, xx.78. There are _ (各种各样的,多样的) ways of getting to the station.79. The brain needs a _ (连续不断的) supply of blood.80. I tried to fort him after he was defeated by his _ (对手,竞争者).第四部分:书面表达(满分25分)一年一度的暑假即将来临,这对于我们平时忙于学习的学生来说尤其宝贵。每个人对于暑假都有自己的打算。比如:1. 和家人朋友在一起或和父母去拜访他们的朋友;2. 参加一些活动以发展培养自己的业余爱好和才能,如: 打球,游泳,跳舞等;3. 去图书馆学习或借书阅读以增长知识;4. 观看一些展览以开阔眼界。最后谈谈自己的打算(至少两点)注意:1.短文必须包括所有要点,可适当发挥;2.字数:100-120。参考词汇:开阔眼界broaden ones horizon 展览 exhibition参考答案单项选择:21-35 DAACB DCCAD CCBDC完形填空:36-55 CADCB DBAAC BCADB CCBDA阅读理解:56-70 DCDC BDCA CDAB ACD单词拼写:81. persuasive 82. contributions 83. advertisements 84. continents 85. previous86. social 87. ceremony 88. various 89. continuous 90. opponent(s)One possible version: Summer vacation is approaching, which means that we can have enough time to relax ourselves, especially for us students. Different students have different ways of relaxation.

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