2019年高中英语 小题狂刷19 Unit 5 Warming Up Pre-reading Reading Comprehending(含解析)新人教版选修6.doc

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2019年高中英语 小题狂刷19 Unit 5 Warming Up Pre-reading Reading prehending(含解析)新人教版选修6. 单词拼写1Iceland volcanoes _(爆发) frequently last year.2Judging from what you did, you are an _(完全的)fool.3It has been _(估计) that the hurricane is ing to Hainan in three days.4Mr Wang was _(任命) as leader of our basketball team.5First we need to identify actual and _(潜在的) problems.6The _(实际的) price was much higher than we had expected7The local council is supplying new play _(设备) for the playground8The boat pulled up _(在旁边) the ship.9She wondered whether the dress s_ her.10My mother was in tears as I w_ goodbye to her.【答案】1.erupted2.absolute3.evaluated4.appointed5.potential6.actual7.equipment8.alongside9.suited10waved.根据汉语意思,将下列句子补充完整1. 买票之后我们走进了戏院。 _ _ _ _, we went into the theatre. (buy)2. 他向加油站驶去。 He _ _ _ _ the filling station. (make)3. 他随身携带街道图。 He _ _ _ a street plan. (equip)4. 我们正要出发突然下起雨来。 We _ _ _ _ when it began to rain. (start)5. 由于没有上课,他们昨天去公园了。 _ _ _ _, they went to the park yesterday. (there)6. 看!很多孩子正往沙滩走去。Look! Many children are _ _ _ to the beach.7. 由于在这方面没有经验,我们只能摸索着前进。Without experience in it, we have to _ _ _.8. 这个男孩在城里迷路了,在大街上大哭。The boy _ _ _ in the city and cried loudly in the street.9. 约翰逐渐在政界有所建树。Gradually, John began to _ _ _ in politics.【答案】. 句型转换1Have you decided where to go for your summer vacation? Have you _ _ _ _where to go for your summer vacation?2Its geeting dark.We should go back to the hotel soon. Its getting dark.We should_ _ _to the hotel soon.3Many villages were pletely destroyed by the fire during the war. Many villages were_ _ _ _during the war.4He always wears sunglasses because sunshine is bad for his eyes. He always wears sunglasses to_his eyes_sunshine.5Because it is Sunday today,I stay at home. Z.x.xk _ _Sunday today,I stay at home.【答案】1. made up your mind2. make our way3. burnt to the ground4. protect;from5. It being. 单句语法填空1. I hate to rush you but I have another (appoint) later on.2. We need to carry out a proper (evaluate) of the new judging system.3. The (erupt) of that volcano last year made many people lose their lives.4. I get very nervous because Im using a lot of expensive (equip).5. It is difficult to cross the desert by car, but not (absolute) impossible.6. the distance, he could see the tall chimneys of the factory.7. Buses were destroyed and a tourist hotel was burned the ground, although no holidaymakers were injured.8. Mary quickly moved out the way and Donald put a heavy box there.9. All the staff are enthusiastic the project.10. He was about to leave the office the telephone rang.【答案】1. appointment 2. evaluation 3. eruption 4. equipment 5. absolutely 6. In 7. to 8. of 9. about 10. when. 单项填空1. This region which had been relatively calm erupted _ violence this spring.A. toB. withC. atD. into【答案】D【解析】句意:今年春季,这个一直以来相对平静的地区突然发生了暴力事件。2. Michaels new house is like a huge palace,_with his old one.A. paringB. pares C. to pare D. pared【答案】D【解析】句意:与旧房子相比,迈克尔的新房子看起来就像一座大宫殿。pared to/with表示与 相比,在句中担任状语。3. This is a very interesting book. Ill buy it,_.A. how much may it cost B. no matter how it may costC. however much it may cost D. how may it cost【答案】C4. Do you think little Tom can do the work?No! Such fine work requires a good eye and a _ hand.A. steadyB. regularC. calmD. frequent【答案】A【解析】句意:你觉得小汤姆能做这项工作吗?他不能。做这么精细的工作,眼要尖,手要 稳。steady平稳的,持续的,稳固的,符合题意。regular规则的,有规律的,正规的;calm 平静的;镇静的;frequent经常的;不断的。5. Bears _ fat stores throughout the summer and fall to have energy enough to last them through their winter sleep.A. pack up B. build upC. bring up D. take up 【答案】B6. The team leader should _ a team secretary to take and publish meeting notes.A. pointB. appointC. electD. pick【答案】B【解析】句意:小组的领导人应指定秘书做好会议记录,发布会议纪要。appoint表示任命;委任。7. How do you _ the general standard of education there?A. valueB. supposeC. evaluateD. imagine【答案】C【解析】句意:你对那里教育的整体水准如何评价?evaluate表示评价;评估。8. He was on the point of starting out _ Harran cut in.A. whileB. whenC. asD. although【答案】B【解析】句意:他正预备开始,就被哈伦打断了。when作并列连词,表示其时;当时;就在那时。9. Though this was his most unfortunate time in his life, he was still _ his goal.A. going out of his wayB. having it both waysC. mending his waysD. making his way to【答案】D. 完形填空Serious storms smashed the central United States on 12, May, xx, resulting in tornadoes, heavy rains, and flooding that killed at least five people and injured dozens more. Initial reports say that 2025 tornadoes 1 down in several Great Plains states on Sunday alone.Though larger cities were mostly unharmed, Sundays tornados 2 some small towns in the middle of the country. One of the 3 hit was Van, Texas, a town of about 2,600 people located 70 miles southeast of Dallas. Winds there 4 up to 140 miles per hour and damaged about 30 percent of the city, destroying homes and downing power 5 . Weather experts say it was the strongest tornado to hit the town in more than 70 years.This storm spun up(自旋增快) real fast and the warning time was extremely 6 , Fire Marshal Chuck Allen said.Emergency workers in Van moved quickly to help those 7 , but two people were killed and more than two dozen were injured by the tornados 8 . A driver in the nearby town of Corsicana was killed by floodwaters that had risen after the 9 .Nine people were injured 10 the 130 miles per hour winds of a twister that struck Delmont, South Dakota, but tornadoes werent the only 11 weather that state saw on Sunday. People in the Black Hills were 12 with a late-spring snowfall of 10 to 18 inches.Tornadoes are weather events that 13 inside thunderstorms. Made of swirling air, they are 14 like funnels(漏斗). A tornados winds can reach speeds anywhere from 40 to 300 miles per hour. 15 tornadoes can happen in any state, they are most 16 in the central U.S. Though this past weekends storms were damaging, they were not 17 for this time of year. More twisters 18 the U.S. in May than in any other month.Weve had at least one tornado reported somewhere in the 19 every day since May 2, Greg Carbin said. Its a 20 time of year.1. A. knockedB. pulledC. settledD. touched2. A. destroyedB. passedC. approachedD. terrified3. A. weakestB. hardestC. slightestD. shortest4. A. endedB. reducedC. reachedD. added5. A. polesB. stationsC. enginesD. failures6. A. limitedB. scheduledC. balancedD. ignored7. A. confusedB. tiredC. affectedD. buried8. A. speedsB. rangesC. routesD. winds9. A. disasterB. emergencyC. stormD. trouble10. A.atB.inC. forD. with11. A. wetB. coldC. fineD. severe12. A. facedB. awardedC. floodedD. covered13. A. formB. goC. disappearD. turn14. A. expandedB. circulatedC. shapedD. floated15. A. BecauseB. AlthoughC. IfD. When16. A. harmfulB. peacefulC. violentD. mon17. A. unusualB. uncertainC. unluckyD. unaccustomed18. A. wanderB. strikeC. trapD. surround19. A. worldB. cityC. townD. nation20. A. uniqueB. busyC. dangerousD. cautious【语篇解读】本篇文章主要描写了发生在美国的龙卷风给美国各地造成的人员伤亡和经济损失等情况。5. A【解析】与前面的destroying homes相呼应,这里指吹倒了很多的电线杆。6. A【解析】根据前面的This storm spun up(自旋增快) real fast可知,这个龙卷风很快就形成了,因此预警的时间非常有限(limited)。17. A【解析】结合下文中的the U.S. in May than in any other month可知,这个时候的暴风雨很寻常。18. B【解析】根据语境可知,一般龙卷风在每年的5月份更多地袭击美国。19. D【解析】根据第一段中的Serious storms smashed the central United States On 12, May, xx可知,此处应该指美国整个国家范围之内的情况。20. C【解析】根据上文内容可知,美国每年5月份龙卷风就相对来说多一些且自从5月2日起,一直就有龙卷风的报道,这说明了这是一年之中的危险时刻。. 七选五型阅读理解根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。What is the easiest way to stay warm in the super cold? 1. At least that is what Santa Claus told me.During Christmas, Dennis and I went to Finland. We brought back some tips for keeping warm in a cold temperature.There layers(层)work wonders.Start with the base layer, which sits right on your skin: choose something that can absorb sweat. 2. A sweater is a good choice. The most important layer is the outer clothes, which should be waterproof(防水的)and windproof.3.You lose heat from every millimeter of uncovered skin, which was the biggest lesson I learned on this trip. My whole body was well covered. But I missed one sport: my face. So it often felt like the wind was going to blow my nose off.Exercise, dont just stand still.When its cold, exercising may be the last thing you feel like doing, but be smart.4, and you will feel the difference. When we first got to Finland, we were freezing. But after a couple of minutes jumping around, we felt less cold.If you have a heaterYou may want to turn it all the way up, but its best to keep it at between 18 and 20 degrees. 5, but not create a huge difference between inside and outside.A. Grow a crazy beard.B. The key is what your layer isC. Cover every bit of your skinD. That will keep you fortableE. Take a walk, faster than your normal speedF. Dont forget to keep your hands and feet warm, tooG. The middle layer keeps your body heat from getting away【语篇解读】在极其寒冷的天气状况下,如何才能做到让自己保暖呢?作者以自己到芬兰的经历告诉了大家几个保暖御寒的方法。5. D【解析】考查上下文理解和逻辑推理。根据前面的“You may want to turn it all the way up, but its best to keep it at between 18 and 20 degrees.”可知,最好把加热器调到1820度,这是人们感觉最舒服的温度。故选D。. 语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。How long can a person live? How tall can a human being grow? The Guinness(吉尼斯)World Records book lists many of the greatest records1the greatest potentials(潜能). But its a fossil record. It speaks only to what has been done, not how much can2(do), which is why it has to be constantly updated(更新).Take the3(surprise )case of the British middle-distance runner Roger Bannister for example. In the 1950s, experts said4the human body could not run a mile in less than four minutes. Then Bannister came along in 1954 and proved it could5fact be run in 3:59. 4. Once Bannister broke the imaginary barrier, 6(sudden )the floodgates opened; scores of runners started besting(击败)the four-minute mark every year, each one7(fast) than the last. How fast does a human have the ability8(run)the mile today? We honestly dont know. That is why we hold our9(breathe )during every Olympics.All we know10(be)that this kind of change is possible. Keep this in mind the next time you feel stuck or challenged. Just because it hasnt been done before doesnt mean its impossible.【语篇解读】文章介绍了吉尼斯世界纪录这本书。1. (xx 江苏卷)The lecture _, a lively questionandanswer session followed.A. being givenB. having givenC. to be givenD. having been given【答案】D2. (xx 福建卷)It is widely acknowledged that students should be _ in terms of overall quality.A. supportedB. matchedC. evaluatedD. controlled【答案】C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。support支持; match与匹配; evaluate 评估;评价;control控制。根据overall quality全面的品质可知,本题涉及到对学生的评价问题,故选C项。句意:人们普遍认为应该综合能力对学生进行评价。3.(xx 湖南卷)But ironing shirts was not work. (suit)【答案】suitable


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