2019-2020年高考英语总复习知识点精讲精析与高考试题预测 Unit 13 The water planet 人教版大纲第二册.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语总复习知识点精讲精析与高考试题预测 Unit 13 The water planet 人教版大纲第二册.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高考英语总复习知识点精讲精析与高考试题预测 Unit 13 The water planet 人教版大纲第二册.doc_第2页
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2019-2020年高考英语总复习知识点精讲精析与高考试题预测 Unit 13 The water planet 人教版大纲第二册.doc_第3页
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2019-2020年高考英语总复习知识点精讲精析与高考试题预测 Unit 13 The water planet 人教版大纲第二册I单元知识点全览 工欲善其事 必先利其器 高考须掌握的词汇:1freeze 2purely 3cube 4absorption 5sense 6Recreational高考须掌握的短语:1ftom 2way 3take 4off 5in 6variety考点过关 过关斩将 一马平川考点详解 精剖细解 入巿三分一、重点词汇1benefit vt&vi使受益,得益n利益益处eg:The new hospital will bene fit the entire munity这所新医院将使整个社区受益。 I benefited mach from my fathers advice我从父亲的建议中获益颇多。 Moderate exercise wilI be of much benefit to you适度运动对你有很多益处。用法据展benefit sb/sth使某人(物)受益 benem from/by从中受益 be of benefit to对有益处 for the benefit of为了的利益 特别提醒:be of benefit to“对有益处”,可用作表语,也可用作定语。案例剖析 旁征博引 举一反三考题1 ( 典型例题 分 ) A large sum of money has been raised for the of the poorly-educated children in the mountainous dis-tricts. A. profit B. favor C. advantage D. benefit考题1点拨:答案为D。此题考查名词的词义辨析。profit。利润”,favor 恩惠,帮助”,advantage?优越性”,benefit“益处。好处?;for the benefit of“为了酌利益”为固定搭配,其他词不与其搭配,故选D。句意为:为了有益于山区贫困儿童受教育,我们筹了一大笔钱。” 2sensitive adj敏感的,灵敏的 eg:My leg is sensitive to the changes in temperature我的腿对温度的变化很敏感。 You should not be so sensitive about criticism你不应该对别人的评价那么在乎。相关链接:sense n感官,感觉sensibIe adj合理的,可感觉到的。明事理的用法拓展:be sensitive to对敏感be sensitive about/to对在意(介意)特别提醒:sensitive“敏感的,灵敏的”,而sensble“合理的,可感觉到的”构成短语be sensible of觉察到”。考题2 (典型例题 分)The singer is always very to the reaction of the audience when she gives a performance. A. sentimental B. positive C. sensible D. sensitive考题2点拨:答案为D。根据题意“这位歌手总是很在意观众的反应。一be sensitive to 对”敏感(介意),而sentimental多愁善感的”,positive。积极的”,sensible“可察觉的”均不符合题意。句意为;“当这位歌手上台演出时,她总是非常在意观众的反应。”3Absorb vt 吸收,吸取,理解eg: Black cloth absorbs light黑色布料吸收光线。 Did you absorb everything the professor said?教授说的你全部理解了吗? He was absorbed in deep thought他陷入沉思。用法拓展be absorbed in一put ones heart into(fix ofies attention on)全神贯注于 be absorbed in thoughtbe lost in thought陷入沉思特别提醒:absorb当“使全神贯注,使专心”讲时,常用于被动语态。考题3(典型例题1 分) When I opened the door, I found my father sitting in his chair,pletely a magazine. A. absorbing in B. absorbed in C. absorbing to D. absorbed to考题3点拨;答案为B。此题考查be absorbed in-“佥神贯注于用作伴随状语。句意为:“当我打开门时,我发现父亲坐在椅子上,全神贯泣地读杂志。”二、重点短语4be measured jn按来测量eg: The cIoth is measured in metres布是按米来计量的。 The ship measures sixteen metres long这船有16米长。用法拓展be measured in按来测量 make sthto ones own measure按某人自己的尺寸做take measures to do采取措施干一take steps to do in a(some)measure某种程度;几分特别提醒:measure用作动词时,可以作及物动词构成短语measure sth/sb测量某人(物);用作不及物动词表示“有之大小”。考题4 (典型例题分)The town covers 1,000 square kilometres, every way round and the school in the center. A. measured B. measuring C. is measuring D. measures考题4点拨:答案为B。此题考查measure用作非谓语动词measuring作方式状语,表示“测量”。c、D两项不用作非谓语动词,A 项表示“被测量”,与题干不符。句意为:“这个城镇占地方圆1000平方公里,以学校为中心向四周量。” 5range fromto从到不等,在一定范围内变化eg: The prices of the doIls range ftom$5 to$100 那些布娃娃的价格从5美元到100美元不等。 The temperature ranges from 15 to 35 degrees 温度在15度到35度之间变化。 The age range is from six months to twelve years年龄范围从6个月到12岁。用法拓展:range ftomto从到变化=vary fom to the range of变动的范围 特别提醒:trange当“变化”讲时,用舴不及物动词,侧重在某一范围的变化。考题5 For more than 20 years, weve been sup-porting educational programs that from kindergartens to colleges. A. spread B. move C. shift D. range考题5点拨:答案为D。此题考查动词词义辨析。spread“传播”。move移动”,shift改变,转移”range变化”且rangeftomto 表示。从到“变化”。故选D。句意为:。20多年来,我们一直在支持这些从幼儿因到大学的教育方案。” 三、重点交际用语 6The water is being used to/for水正被用来 eg: The water is being used for irrigation这水正在被用来灌溉。A new city is being built一座新城市正在建设中。用法拓展lis(am,are)being done正在被干特别提醒;(1)现在进行时的被动语态表示某人、某事现在或现在这一阶段正在被做。 (2)此结构表示被动,又表示动作正在进行,只有合二为一才为被动式的进行时。 (3)强调动作正在进行。 (4)主语是动作的承受者。考题6 - Have you moved into the new house? Not yet. The rooms A. are being painted B. are painting C. are painted D. are being painting考题6点拨:答案为A。此题考查被动语态。根据Not yet,表示paint这个动作还没结束,选项D are being painting为错误结构,选项B are painting是主动不是被动语态,而选项c are painted是一般现在时的被动语态表示经常性的动作,不符合题意。故选A。 句意为:“你搬进新房子了吗?还没有,房间正在被粉刷。”四、重点句型 7比较级+than any other 比较级形式,表达最高级含义。用法拓展:(1)比较级+than+any other+单数名词 eg:He is taller han any other boy in his class他比他班里任何别的男孩 都高。 (2)比较级+than+a11 the other+复数名词 eg:Shanghai is bigget than aIl the other cities in C hina上海比中国其他城市都大。 (3)比较级+than+anyone else eg:He jumps higher than anyone else in his claSS他跳得比班里任何别的学生都高。 (4)never/not+a(an)十比较级+单数名词eg:How delicious!I had never had a better mea1多香啊我从未吃过这么一顿好 吃的饭。特别提醒:在比较级十than+any other+名词句型中,若主语与比较的对象在同一范围内必须加ofher或else排除掉本身;若不 是同一范围则不需要用other或eIse。 考题7 (典型例题)How beautifully she sang! I have never heard song. A. the better B. a better C. the best D. a best考题7点拨:答案为B。比较级与never连用表示最高级的意思。句意为:她唱得真美啊!我从来没听过比这更动听的歌。五、词语辨析8 pick out,pick up (1)pick Out挑出;辨认出;弄清了解(含义)eg:I eould hardly piek him OUt ftom the crowd在人群中,我几乎认不出他。 Pick Out the one you want把你要的那个挑出来。 (2)pick up拣起;重新得到恢复(健康,希望);(偶然地)买到学会;搭车;(无线电)接收eg:He picked a pen up ftom the floor 他从地上拣了一支钢笔。 She is picking up wonderfully她在迅速恢复。 I picked up some French whiIe l was away on a business trip in Paris 当我到巴黎出差时学了点法语。 We picked up radio signaIs for help from the damaged ship 我们接收到那艘发生故障的轮船发出的无线电信号。 I will pick you up at your house我开车上你家去接你。用法拓展:(1)在pickup/out(等副词)结构中若后接人称代词作宾语须放在pick与up/out等副词之间。 (2)pick的惯例搭配pocket不与wallet搭配。考题8-1 (典型例题分)Although there were so many ears in the square. I my own at once. A. picked B. picked out C. picked up D. made out考题8-2 (典型例题)On taking off the bus, he found his pocket A. stolen B. gone C. missing D. picked考题8一1点拨:答案为B。pick OUt在此句中毒示。辨认出”。句意为:“尽管广场上有很多车,但我还是马上认出了自己的邢辆。”考题8-2点拨:答案为D。pocket与pick搭配使用,构成逻辑上的被动关系。句意为:。一下公交车,他就发现口袋被扒了。”语法归纳精通规则游刃有余在本单元的语法中情态动词已在第一册十三讲至十五讲详细讲解过。在此不再重复。另外本单元出现多处状语从句现对状语从句总结归纳如下:1时间状语从句 (1)aswhenwhile用法一览表类别 作用 例句 as as表示“当的时候”时往往和when/while通用但它着重强调主句与从句的动作或事情同时或几乎同时发生She came up as 1 was cooking(同时)当她出现的时候,我正在做饭。The runners started as the gun went off(几乎同时)枪一响。运动员就开始跑了。when(as or during the time that)既可以表示在某一点的时候,又可以表示在某一段时间内,主句与从句的动作或事情可以同时发生也可以先后发生lt was raining when we arrived(指时间点)我们刚到就开始下起雨了。When we were at schoolwe went to the lirary every day(在一段时间)在学校时我们每天都去图书馆。while while意思是“当的时候”或“在某一段时间里”。主句中的动作或事情在从句中的动作或事情的进展过程中发生,从句中的动词一般要用延续性动词。在when表示a period of time时两者可以互换Please dont talk so loud while we are work一mg我们工作的时候请不要大声说话。He felt asleep while/when reading他看着看着就睡着了。Strike while the iron is hot(用as或when不可这里的while意思是“趁”)趁热打铁。 (2)引导时间状语从句的连接词除上述外还有: tillnotuntiluntilbeforesince eg: Dont get off the bus until it has stopped公共汽车停稳后再下车。 He waited for his father until(till)it was twelve oclock 他等他父亲一直到12:OO。 It will be five years before he returns from England 还有五年他才从英国返回。 hardly/scarcelywhenno sooner thanas soon asonce表示“一就” eg: As soon as I have finished itIll give you a call我一完成就给你打电话。 Once you show any fearhe will attack you一旦你表现出害怕的样子他就会袭击你。 We had hardly got/Hardly had we got into the village when it hogan lo rain我们刚到那个村子就开始下雨了。 No sooner had hc arrived/He had noooner arrived than she started plaining他一到她就开始抱怨。 directlyimmediatelythe momentthe minute that一就eg: He made for the door directly he heard the knock一听到敲门声他就朝门走去。 each timeevery timeby the time eg:Each time he came to my cityhe would call on me每次他到我所在的城市他都会来拜访我。注意:表示未来情况主句用将来时从句用现在时。2让步状语从句 (1)ahhough与though可以引导让步状语从句不能与hut连用但可以与yet连用。 eg:Ahhough they are poor(yet)they are warm-hearlcd:尽管他们穷但很热心。 (2)even if或even though引导让步状语从句表示“即使”“纵然”用来使人注意下文所强调的内容。 eg:Ill go there even if(though)I have to sell my house即使卖掉房子我也要去那儿。 (3)no matter后接上who、what、where、how等疑问句也可以在这类疑问词后面加上ever构成whoever、whatever、wherever、however等。 eg: Dont trust himno matter what/whatever he says 无论他说什么都不要相信他。 Whoever breaks the law will be punished违法必究。 No matter how hard the work isyoud better try to do it well 不管工作有多难你最好尽力把它做好。 (4)as也可以引导让步状语从句。要用倒装。 eg:Child as(though)he ishe knows a lot 虽然他还是个孩子,但他却懂得很多。 Much as I like it,1 wont buy|t尽管我很喜欢它但是我不会买它。 Try as he would,he couldnt lift the heavy box尽管尽力了但他仍然举不起这个重箱子。3原因状语从句:because,forassince,now that (1)表示不知道的原因时用because即说话人认为听话人不知道,因此because从句是全 句最重要的部分,通常它被置于主句之后。 eg:You want to know why lm leavingIm leaving because Im full 你想知道我为什么要离开,那是因为我吃饱了。 for虽然表示不知道的原因,但其语气较because要弱得多,是可说可不说的话。它只能置于主句之后,这时,for是并列连词。如果不是因果关系,而是对前面主句的内容加以解释或推断时,只能用for。 eg:Its morning now,for the birds are singing现在是早上,因为鸟叫了。(很显然,鸟叫不可能是“现在已是早上”的原因。) (2)表示已经知道的原因时用as或since,即某种原因在说话人看来已经很明显,或已为听话人所熟悉。因此它是句中不很重要的部分。since要比as正式一些,它们通常被置于主句之前,但有时却相反。 eg: Seeing all of the children already seated,he said,“Since everyone is here,lets start” 看到孩子们都已经坐好了,他说:“大家都来了,我们开始上课吧。” (3)下列情况下只能使用because: 在回答why的问句时;在用于强调句型时; 被not所否定时。 4地点状语从句:where,wherever eg: Make a mark wherever you have any questions在你有疑问的地方做个标记。 We will go where the Party directs us我们要跟着党走。 5目的状语从句:that,so that,in order that 注意:目的状语从句的谓语动词常与情态动词连用?否则可能是结果状语从句。不可置于句首。 6结果状语从句:that,so that,Sothat,suchthat 注意:so+形容词/副词+that从句;such+名词+that从句。 7方式状语从句:asas if(though)eg: Ill do as l am told to叫我怎么做我就怎么做。 It looks as ifit is going to rain看起来好像要下雨了。 8比较状语从句:thanas 9条件状语从句:if。unless,so(as)long as,in case,once,as far as。on condition that 注意:if与unless的区别:不能用and连接两个unless从句,即不能用unlessand unless。但fnot and-fnot却不受此限制。You wont lose your weight unless you eat less and unless you exercise more() 但可以说unless you eat less and exercise more。 10注意状语从句中从句的省略现象 (1)连接词十过去分词eg: Dont speak until spoken to不要主动跟别人说话。 Unless repairedthe washing machine is no use 如果不让人修一下洗衣机,它一点儿用处也没有. (2)连词+现在分词eg: Look OUt while crossing the street过马路时要小心。 (3)连词+形容词/其他常见的有if necessary、if possible、when necessary、if any等。考题1 (典型例题) Do you think we can get there on time? -Yes. .the truck doesnt break down. A. Even if B. Unless C. Until D. So long as,考题2 (200s,苏南四巿二联.l 分) CCTV is exactly Jike a window of the world you will sit by it and fix your attention on what it shows. A. if B. as C. while D. unless考题1(典型例题) Dont look down upon Bob. Ho has his own advantages. Oh. yes. others are weak. he is strong. A. When B. Though C. Where D. If考题1点拨:答案为D。so long as引导条件状语从句,表示“只要”。 考题2点拨:答案为A。if引导条件状语从句。句意为:“只要你愿意坐在电视机旁注意中央电视台所播放的节目内容,它就像是你了解世界的一扇窗子。”考题3点拨;答案为c。where引导状语从句。句意为:。别看不起鲍勃,他有他的优势。噢,你说得对。别人弱的地方他是强项。”IV专题探究 由点及面 由表及里专题探究: 专题详解:主要考查的知识点:动词的时态、语态是每年的必考点,也是历年高考重点考查的项目,通常考23个小题。重点考查的是现在完成时、一般过去时、过去进行时、将来完成时、完成进行时等,多和语态一起考查;且通常以对话的形式出现且常出现两种时态混合在一起进行比较。时态理解不准确是考生常见的错误。把握住的意图是至关重要的。一般来说,在考查时态这个内容时总是设置一个语言情景来实现,所以理解语言情景是关键,同时要在这个语言环境里找到动作发生的时间或隐含的时间关系。只要理解了情景与动作的时间关系,对照选项,就不难把握命题意图。注意不要断章取义,同时还要注意时态一致。重点复习:一般现在时和一般过去时的区别。现在完成时和一般过去时的区别。一般过去时和过去完成时的区别。一般现在时和现在进行时以及一般过去时和过去进行时的区别。“半系动词+过去分词”的用法。 eg:get paid;remain covered;look lost等形式的用法。进行时态的被动语态及主动表被动的用法。考题1 (典型例题分)-What were you up to when your parents came in? -I for a while and some reading. A. was playing; wasgoing to do B. played; did C. had played; was going to do D. had played; did考题2 (典型例题)Jane, hurry up. Im afraid you havent time to before the party. A. get changed B. get change C. get changing D. get to change考题1点拨:答案为c。play动作发生在came之前,所以用过去完成时态,而do some reading的动作则即将开始,故答案为C。考题2点拨:答案为A。本题考查“连系动词+过去分词”的用法。句意为:。简,赶紧点!恐怕你在晚会之前没有时间抉衣服了。”V考题类型一网打尽 蓦然回首 灯火阑珊 回顾1 测试考点 2 ( 典型例题 ) The elderly need special care in winter, as they are to the sudden changes, of weather. A. sensitive B. sensible C. flexible D. positiive 1A 点拨:本题考查形容词的意义辨析。sensitive“敏感的,灵敏的”,常构成短语he sensitive to“对敏感,易受影响;sensible合理的,可感觉到的,明事理的”,可构成短语be sensible of“察觉到”;flexihle“灵活的,可通融的”;positive“积极的。肯定的”。根据题意“冬季老年人需要特别的关照,因为他们对天气的突然变化很敏感”。故选A。回顾2 测试考点 8 (典型例题is picture was taken a long time ago. I wonder if you can my father.A. find out B. pick out C. look out D. speak out2B点拨:本题考查动词词组辨析。在此句中pick OUt表示“辨认出”,相当于动词recognize。回顾3 测试语法 (典型例题分)It is almost five years we saw each other last time.A. before B. since C. after D. when3B点拨:“It is+一段时间+since+从句”表示从事情发生到现在多长时间了。回顾4 测试语法 (典型例题分)Simon thought his -puter was broken his little brother pointed out that he had forgotten to turn it on.A. until B. unless C. after D. because4A 点拨:until用于肯定句时,表示“直到为止”,表示动作一直延续到后面的动作发生。 回顾5 测试语法 (典型例题分)Several weeks had gone by I realized the painting Was missing.A. as B. before C. since D. when5B点拨:before在之前。表示在意识到油画丢失了已过了好几周。回顾6 测试语法 (典型例题t was evening we reached the little town of Winchester.A. that B. until C. since D. before6D点拨:before引导的时间状语从句表示“在之前”。在我们到达Winchester这个小镇前,已是傍晚了。it wasthat引导强调句要把evening改为in the evening。回顾7 测试考点 9 (典型例题 Jasminewas holidaying with her family in a wildlife park she was bitten on the leg by a lion.A. when B. while C. since D. once7A点拨:when这时。这时她被狮子咬伤了腿。回顾8 测试语法 (典型例题How far apart do they live? I know, they live in the same neighbourhood. A. As long as B. As far as C. As well as D. As often as 8B点拨:as far as表示程度范围,意思是“就,尽,至于”。as far as I know,就我所知。as long as表示时间长度,或表示“只要”;as well as和一样好;as often as。和一样经常。回顾9 (典型例题ood story-teller must beable to hold his listeners curiosity he reaches the end of the story. A. when B. unless C. after D. until9D点拨:until用于肯定句时,表示“直到为止”。句意为:“一个好的讲故事的人必须能够使听众的好奇心保持到故事的结尾。”VI2011年高考题预测 高瞻远瞩 占尽先机一、考情预测 预测1:定语从句中先行词前面的冠词使用问题 预测根据:冠词是高考题中必考的一个要点,一般会设12个题目。在定语从句中一般说来,名词后有了定语从句作修饰时,该名词前常用定冠词the。 eg:Do you know the man who is standing under the tree?你知道站在树下的那个男人吗?但当表示类属(定语从句解释名词)时,尽管名词后有定语从句修饰,名词前仍用不定冠词。 eg:He is a man that can be trusted他是能相信的人。 命题角度预测:此要点的考查会在高考的单项选择或完形填空中进行。考生务必弄清楚定语从句是用来修饰先行词还是对先行词作出解释(即表示类属)来决定用定冠词还是不定冠词。 预测2:where/when引导的状语从句与引导定语从句的区别预测根据:where/when既可引导状语从句又可引导定语从句这一点是考生很容易混淆的问题。也是高考考查的一个重点和命题热点在考情预测 年高考题中将有所体现。 命题角度预测:where/when引导状语从句或引导定语从句会在单项选择或完形填空部分出现。where/when引导定语从句时在意义上是先行词的同位语即它们所表示的是同一概念,而引导状语从句时没有这种关系因此这时的where/when不可以换成“介词+which结构。 eg: This is the house where(一in which)he was born(定语从句) 这是他出生的那所房子。I found my book where I left it(状语从句)我在书落下的地方找到了它。 特别提醒:判断一个从句是否是定语从句要看一下从句之前是否出现相应的单词或短语作,为先行词。预测3:pick up的用法 预测根据:pick up是高考大纲要求四会的一个动词词组最基本的用法是表示“捡起、拾起”,另外还可表示“接收收听;好转/改善;用车搭载或接某人;通过实践学会(外语、技术等);发现(找到)某事物”等,这些用法都是高考要求掌握的范畴也是高考考查的重点。 命题角度预测:pick up的几种常用表达含义在高考单项选择或完形填空中出现的可能性大。 设题时往往与其他的与pick有关的词组放在一起要求考生进行辨析。考生应根据考题所提供的语境清楚pick up所表示的意思,进行正确选择。预测4:非限制性定语从句与并列句的区别 预测根据:非限制性定语从句是高考命题的热点又是中学英语教学中的重点和难点。非限制性定语从句与并列句是很多考生容易混淆的问题,也是高考单选题中易出现的一个重点。命题角度预测:非限制性定语从句与并列句的区别会在高考的。单项选择部分出现。考生务必注意:并列句一般由and、but和so等连词连接,或中间用分号隔开;而非限制性定语从句前面没有这些连词,只有逗号。 eg:(1)Johns parents kept telling him that he should work hard, but didnt help.A. he B. it C. which D. who(2)Cedric was so angry that he kicked a chair and broke one of his legs, was rather funny. A. / B. it C. that D. which第(1)题中有连词but。说明这是并列句故选B; 第(2)题是一个含有非限制性定语从句的复合句故选D(which指代前面整句话的内容)。预测5:话题预测 本单元的中心话题是“水星球”具体涉及水的化学结构、水的物理性质、水的用途、人海口、海洋等。其中一个主题是“如何正确使用和保护水资源”。高考有可能会在这一点上设题用图表或图画的方式提示,要求考生根据提示表达人类在用水方面的现状并对如何正确使用和保护水资源提出自己的看法和建议。这一话题具有较强的现实意义,有利于增强学生的环保意识培养学生热爱大自然、自觉保护环境的基本素质。二、考题预测 备考1测试语法 difficulties we may e across, well help one another to overe them. A. Wherever B. Whatever C. However D. Whenever 1B 点拨:whatever引导状语从句,同时修饰difficulties。 句意为:不管遇到什么样的困难,我们都要相互帮助来克服。备考2测试语法 I have kept that portrait I can see it every day. as it always reminds me of my university days in l,ondon. A. which B. where C. whether. D. when 2B点拨where引导地点状语从句不可理解为定语从句,因为没有先行词。备考3测试语法 Although he knew little about the large amount of work done in the field, he succeeded other more well-informed experimenters failed. A. which B. that C. what .D. where3D点拨:where引导地点状语从句,“在其他受过良好培训的实验者失败的地方,他成功了。”备考4测试考点 1 We should try our best to improve our sur- roundings to the people rather than harm them. A. benefit B. contribute C. protect D. affect4A点拨:contribute与to连用,表示“有益于”;protect the people表示“保护人们”;affect the people表示“影响人们”; benefit表示“受益”。句意为:“我们应尽力改善环境使人类受益而非伤害人类。”备考5测试考点 2 Some plants are very to light:they prefer the shade. A. sensible B. sensitive C. suitable D. acceptable5B 点拨:be sensitive to“对敏感”be sensible of。察觉到”;be suitable for“适合”。备考6测试考点 5 The climate in China from area to area. A. ranges B. gels C. spreads D. moves 6A 点拨:rang fromto表示“从到变化”。句意为:“中国的气候随着地区的变化而变化。”备考7测试考点3 He didnt respond to my answer, perhaps .he was in thinking about something. A. set B. absorbed C. got D. losing7B 点拨:be absorbed in“全神贯注于”,从He didnt respond to my answer可知,他一定在全神贯注地想事情。备考8测试考点 7 How wonderful the game is! I have never watched A. the better one B. a better one C. the best one D. a best one8B点拨:a better+单数名词用在否定句中相当于最高级含义。备考9测试考点 6 How wide the river is! I gucss it about 500 metres wide. A. is measured B. is measuring C. measures D. takes measures9c点拨:measure表示“量起来”时,用主动形式表示某物量起来是多少。句意为:“这条河多宽啊!我想量起来有500米宽吧。”

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