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2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习闯关导练综合模拟预测卷五第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1What is the weather like today?AWindy. BSunny. CRainy.2What has the man just finished doing?ATalking with Tom. BMaking a phone call.CAnswering the phone.3When will Linda probably hear from her family?ATomorrow. BNext week. CThe day after tomorrow.4Who is the woman probably speaking to?AA post office clerk. BA bus conductor. CA railway porter.5Where should the woman take Bus No.1?ANear the railway station.BFrom where she is standing.COn the other side of the street.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6How does Susan find her job?ARewarding. BInteresting. CRelaxing.7What is the most important to Susan?AIne. BHolidays. CWorking hours.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8What will the speakers do next?APlay with the snow. BGo skiing outside. CClear the snow.9Which month is it now?ADecember. BJanuary. CFebruary.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10What do we know about Simon?AHe dislikes his school. BHe doesnt have many friends.CHe likes studying his courses.11Where will Zoe probably work in the future?AIn Sydney. BIn Toronto. CIn Los Angeles.12What will Lucy be in the future?AA lawyer. BA hotel manager.CA businesswoman.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13How does the man feel about Davids way of sleeping?A.Its the best. BIts harmful. CIts strange.14Where did David get the way of sleeping?AHe read from a book. BHe learned from others. CHe learned from his father.15How many hours does David sleep a day?ASix. BFour. CSeven.16What does the man mean at the end of the conversation?APeople need longer hours of sleep.BPeople have different sleeping habits.CPeople should develop a habit like Davids.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17Which is the best month to visit Europe?AMay. BAugust. CDecember.18In which country do shops usually close in August?AItaly. BGreece. CRussia.19Which is the cheapest region in Europe?AMediterranean Europe. BWestern Europe.CEastern Europe.20Which country is the most expensive to visit?AUkraine. BSweden. CRussia.第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AWhen life takes you away from home,take technology to help guide and entertain you.Apps(程序)can help make your trip easier and more fun.Travel apps are very helpful to guide you on your trip.Some apps help you plan your trip and others help you travel.TripItTripIt is a helpful app to organize travel plans.Sign up for a free account at the TripIt website and download the app to have all of your travel plans handy in one place.TripIt will create a travel plan that will be shown in the TripIt app on your phone.No need to hunt down emails when it is time to travel.Everything will be in one place,on the TripIt app.TripIt is free but a paid version is available that has more functions.Google TranslateWhen traveling outside your home country,you may need some language help.Google Translate is an app that can help you understand a language other than your native tongue.The Google Translate app translates between 103 different languages.Copy text into the app to see a translation.You can also handwrite text onto the screen.Use your phones camera to see a translation of signs.Point the lens(镜头)at words to see the translation on the phones screen.The app works even without an Internet connection.Google Translate is available for free.OpenTableOpenTable is a restaurant reservation app to help users discover and make reservations at restaurants.Search by location,cooking,reviews and prices.OpenTable includes 31,000 restaurants around the world.Check the app to find information and make reservations within the app.OpenTable is available free for Android and iPhone and iPad.21How does the app“TripIt”benefit the users?AIt provides jobs concerning travel. BIt helps them plan their trip.CIt helps them sort out emails about travel. DIt helps them municate better.22What can users do to make full use of the app “ TripIt” ?A. Pay for a version of the app. B. Sign up for a free account. C. Update the app at least once a month. D. Upload a certain amount of relevant information. 23What should“Google Translate”users do first if they want to know a foreign shop sign?ARead it to the phone. BUse the Google search engine.CRefer to an edictionary on the phone. DSee it through the phones camera.24What can users do with the app“OpenTable”?ABook food in advance. BDeliver food to a place quickly.CBuy raw materials to produce good dishes. DCook food according to the recipes the app provides.BI was taking the garbage out two nights ago and I recognized a neighbor so I said hi.We started chatting and he began by telling me how his wife passed away in September last year and how they had been together for 63 years.He is now 87.I was delighted to listen to his stories about when he lived in Poland, the country that he is from,and how he was a skilled worker that got payment only with food and wine.He continued to tell me very interesting facts about crows he had seen on National Geographic国家地理,and about how happy he is in this neighborhood where he can walk everywhere and doesnt even need a car to get around.We chatted for about 30 minutes and then we began to part ways.On his way back home,he was sure to let me know how I had made his day by chatting with him.He said hes old and just talks to himself every day.During the conversation,he told me what unit he lives in,in the building and I was so happy about that! I decided to bake a delicious pie and some peanut butter cookies to share with him,and chat with him some more.In the meantime,I want to ask him if he would like me to visit from time to time.Im sure hell love the pany and the human interaction.So I wanted to share my story,because not only did I make his day,but also he made mine! It was the highlight of my day,and now I cant wait to surprise him with my food!25How did the authors neighbor begin his talk with him?A. By telling him how his wife died.B. By telling him why he left Poland. C. By telling him what his hobbies were.D. By telling him how he got along with his children.26What made the author overjoyed?AHis neighbours kind characters. BHis neighbours life experiences.CHis neighbours optimistic attitude. DHis neighbours fortable life style.27What do you know about the old man?AHe has been living a hard and difficult life.BHe is too old to support himself on his own.CIt is hard for him to find someone to chat with.DNo one is interested in his stories except the author.28What is the author going to do to further the relationship with his neighbor?ADo some housework for him regularly. BMake food for him.CBring him out to eat. DInvite him to his home.CImagine getting a soft drink from a robot machine using only your smart phone. Or scanning a QR code (二维码) to buy goods from a newspaper ad.By making use of these new technologies, China mobile shopping is a bit ahead of the United States. China is still the worlds largest smart phone market, even though growth is slow. It accounts for about 30 percent of the global smart phone market, and Chinese smart phone users are expected to jump from 526.8 million to 640 million in xx, according to eMarketer. And its shoppers are using their instruments to rush to purchase a wide range of goods and services.Nearly half of all Chinas emerce sales, totaling $505.7 billion, are made with mobile devices, versus roughly onequarter in the US, according to eMarketer. By 2019, Chinas mobile sales will account for 71 percent of those sales.“We dont see mobile buying staying unchangeable for the next five years,” said Monica Pearl, eMarketers director of forecasting. “Itll increase because consumer behavior has changed.” Featurerich(功能多样的), cheap smart phones are also helping fuel the boom, she added.“China is, after all, a mobile first market,” explains Brian Buchwald, CEO of consumer intelligence firm Bomoda. So it has been able to go beyond other markets, which mainly used PCs for purchases.Meanwhile, the Chinese government has allowed a freeflowing retail and payments marketplace. “There are no restraints(约束),” said Michael Zakkour, vice president of China / Asia Pacific practice at Tompkins International.And thats good news for WeChat, a messaging app thats only five years old and is offered by the Internet giant Tencent. The app now has 650 million users. And a good mass of them are using the app for mobile shopping. The result is that WeChat payments, along with Alibabas Alipay, lead the market. Because retailers can easily set up shops inside WeChat, users can plan family vacations, order a taxi or even buy clothes without going anywhere else.China is up to three years ahead of the US in mobile shopping, said Buchwald. “And its moving faster than any other area of the economy. Its the future.”29What can we learn from Paragraph 2?AChina has more goods than the United States.BAmericas new technologies are as good as China.CChinas smart phone market is larger than that of the United States.DAmerican smart phone users will be ahead of Chinese in xx.30According to Monica Pearl, why is mobile shopping increasing in China? AChinese are fond of using these new technologies.BNearly half of all Chinas emerce sales are made with mobile devices.CSmart phones are cheaper than any other country in the world.DThe behavior of customers has changed.31Which best describes the Buchwalds attitude toward Chinese mobile shopping?ADoubtful.BOptimistic.CCautious.DWorried.DHillary Clinton promised On October 30, xx that she would not be “knocked off course” in the elections final days, as she sought to push past a new FBI email inquiry that delivered a late jolt(震动) to her race against Republican Donald Trump.“Im not stopping now, were just getting warmed up,” Clinton declared during a packed rally (集会)with supporters in Florida. “Were not going to be distracted, no matter what our opponents throw at us.”Trump campaigned in Las Vegas at a club owned by billionaire GOP major donor Sheldon Adelson and accused the Justice Department, without offering evidence, of trying to protect Clinton following the FBIs discovery of new emails that could be related to its investigation into Clintons use of a private email server.“Hillary has nobody but herself to blame for her mounting legal problems,” Trump said during a rally.Meanwhile, federal investigators secured a warrant (权证)to examine the newly discovered emails related to Hillary Clintons private server, media reported on Sunday, as a prominent Democrat accused FBI Director James ey of breaking the law by trying to influence the election.The warrant will allow the FBI to examine the emails to see if they are relevant to its investigation into the private email server used for government work by Clinton, the Democratic presidential nominee, while she was secretary of state from xx to xx.ey came under heavy pressure from Democrats on Sunday to quickly provide details of the emails, as Clinton allies worried the controversy could extend beyond the Nov 8 election and cast a shadow over a Clinton transition if she wins the White House.eys disclosure of the email discovery in a letter to Congress on Friday plunged(使陷入) the final days of the White House race between Clinton and Republican Donald Trump into a state of confusion and disorder.Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid sent a letter to ey on Sunday suggesting he violated the Hatch Act, which bans the use of a federal government position to influence an election.32What is James ey?ASenate Democratic Leader. BA prominent Democrat.CFBI Director. DHead of the Justice Department.33What has FBI made a discovery of?AClintons private letters written to a foreign country. BClintons accepting a lot of money from a businessman. CClintons bad health conditions that may affect her administration. DClintons new emails through the use of a private email server.34The possible meaning of the underlined word “ controversy ” in Para. 7 is _.Aa successful ending of a struggle or contestBa lot of argument about somethingCthe ability and strength to do active physical thingsDsomething new and difficult which requires great effort and determination35The best title for the news report can be “_” .AClinton promises to stay course, Trump boostedBTrump accuses the Justice Department of trying to protect ClintonCTrump says Hillary should blame for her mounting legal problemsDWhite House race between Clinton and Republican Donald Trump第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Each relationship in our life has great importance whether its with your family or friends. While a healthy argument helps make the right decision and makes people see the other side of the coin, problems occur when the argument bees a big fight. It brings the peace of the house to an end. _36_ Therefore, all of us should try not to argue.No arguing doesnt mean not voicing your opinion. It simply means stating your point of view in a proper manner and respecting others beliefs and thoughts. _37_ It will make you less defensive and allow you to analyze the statement of the other person deeply. You should listen to the other person with patience and give a logical approach to the same topic. Let the other person plete what he/she wants to say. Once he/she is done, give your feedback. _38_ If people have been correcting you time and again, know that there is some problem which lies inside you. Accept that you have a problem of arguing on small issues and try to get rid of it. Accepting your weak points will strengthen your relationship. Also, ask them to help you e out of the problem. Fix understanding firmly in your mind. Instead of thinking about your own issues, try to understand the other persons views, feelings, state of mind, etc. _39_ After understanding the other person, your approach wont be illogical or defensive. The feedback should be based on the feelings of both of you, not only on yours.Introspect(反身) yourself and develop your ability in selfcontrol. _40_ A couple must never get into the argument in front of their children. It may have a bad influence on them. Respect each other to share a great relationship. Similarly, starting a heated argument in a public place such as a mall or a cinema hall would make people think of you as uncultured. ANever think you are always right.BSometimes you need to stand by your points of view.CObviously, trust consists in many relationships in our life.DTo achieve this, you need to develop your listening skills.EBe aware of the place and people around before heading towards an argument.FThis will help you to talk calmly and make the relationship a strong one.GAlso, an unhealthy argument destroys the sweetness of the relationship between the two.36_37._38._39._40._第三部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节完形填空(共20小题;每小题 1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。One evening I was preparing for my guests. Suddenly an unexpected _41_ dropped into my fireplace. No, not Santa Claus, _42_ a bird that had been nesting(筑巢) on the roof of my house. _43_, she dropped into my fireplace before I _44_ the fire.The fall was _45_ enough for this little being. She crashed _46_ the ceiling three times, then a wall, then _47_ on the floor. I went near to her, speaking _48_. In fear, she flew again to the ceiling, crashing. She _49_ the backyard though the dining room window, with plants glowing under floodlights. More crashes, this time against the clear window. I opened the balcony door, _50_ to get her to fly to the familiar outside.As I talked in a soft voice, I _51_ to hold the bird in my hands. Her terror gave her strength to fly from my _52_, only to crash against the ceiling and then a wall. How I longed for this bird to know that I loved her and wanted her to be _53_. I wanted her to live, to fly, to _54_ again outside my window. I begged for the _55_ of the angels who protected the bird kingdom as I continued my kind words to my feathery visitor. Again I reached for her and succeeded in _56_ her trembling and soft body in my hands. She let me carry her to the balcony, where she could safely _57_ her unexpected adventure. That bird is not unlike so many of us when we are _58_. So often, we bump our heads, _59_ ourselves, and fall into unconsciousness. We are often unaware of a higher _60_ and gentle, loving hands. 41A.bottleBtoyCstoneDvisitor 42A.but Bnor Cand Dso 43A.Usually BGradually CLuckily DCarefully 44A.watched Bheld Clighted Dcaught 45A.puzzling Bfrightening Crelaxing Dexciting 46A.against Bunder Cabove Dthrough 47A.slept Bsat Crolled Dplayed 48A.suddenly Bangrily Cloudly Dgently 49A.circled Bleft Cnoticed Dimagined 50A.planning Bforgetting Cregretting Dagreeing 51A.put up Breached outCgave in Dbroke down 52A.coat Bpocket Cmind Dgrasp 53A.strong Bclever Csafe Dbeautiful 54A.sing Bpete Cunderstand Dwin 55A.answer Bmoney Chelp Dfood 56A.touching Bwarming Cpulling Dkeeping 57A.turn on Brecover from Cpack up Dsearch for 58A.afraid Bhappy Cpoor Drich 59A.teach Btrust Clost Dhurt 60A.goal Btree Cpower Dbuilding 第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。After a long wait, I was _61_(final) sixteen years old, which meant that I was old enough _62_(donate) blood. Days before the birthday, I called the blood center and made an _63_(appoint)The blood center, _64_I wanted to donate my blood, was a little far from our house. I arrived at the center at 11 am on my birthday, excited and nervous about giving blood. _65_(tell) that I was not qualified because _66_(I) pulse was too fast, I felt very disappointed at the news. Two weeks later, I went back there by myself again. This time I was _67_ nervous nor excited. A nurse _68_(take) my pulse, and it was 96. She asked me some questions before the donation. Then the blood donation began. I expected a much _69_ (bad) pain but it was not. After about ten minutes, the donation was over. Donating blood is such a nice experience that I cant wait to do it again. If youre qualified, please donate! Someone needs it. Blood donation can save a life. Your blood will certainly make a difference _70_ others. 61_62._63._64._65._66_67._68._69._70._第四部分写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。In my classroom today,an unpleasantly thing occurred.We are having an English lesson, but a pupil was playing with a cell phone with two other kids during a course of the lesson. Saw this,the teacher came over a

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