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2019-2020年高考英语总复习真题研练Week11Friday含解析Task 1:请阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。(xx四川)My previous home had a stand of woods behind it and many animals in the backyard.That first year,I_1_feeding peanuts to the blue jays,then the squirrels.The squirrels had no_2_ing up right to me for them.As the months went by,the rabbits saw that I was no _3_ and didnt escape.When I threw carrot slices(薄片),they even came for a nibble(啃)Slowly they came to_4_me,and by the end of the year they were eating out of my hand.That second year,the rabbits_5_me,and one would even sit up for slices!While I was feeding them,I_6_that a groundhog who used to run away was now taking an_7_interest in this food situation.I carefully extended a long_8_,with a keen eye on those teeth,and _9_,there were times I would have the groundhog sitting next to a rabbit,both munching(津津有味地咀嚼)on carrots.A few months later,while _10_,she would even turn her back to me._11_when she was facing away,I reached out and _12_scratched(搔) her back with my finger.She didnt move.By year three,the rabbits and the groundhog were back.The groundhog _13_ didnt have a problem with me scratching her back,and I got an idea.Id always_14_,while slicing up carrots,that the end looked like a cap._15_ one day,just to see what she would do,I gently _16_ one on top of the groundhogs head.Again,not a _17_The next time,I had my camera ready to record what you see here,one of several dozen such pictures._18_she had a slice to eat,she never _19_ the one on her head.It was a fair _20_I got a pleasure,and she had yet another tasty treat.【语篇解读】本文主要讲述的是作者从前的家中有个后院,院子里有许多小动物,作者通过喂养小动物,而逐渐使得这些小动物放弃警惕,最终作者拍下了许多可爱的照片。1A.avoided BstartedCcanceled Dsuggested答案Bavoid 避免;start开始;cancel取消;suggest建议。根据语意,第一年开始用花生喂冠蓝鸦,然后(喂)松鼠。故选择B。2A.business BfunCproblem Dprivilege答案Cbusiness 生意;fun乐趣;problem问题;privilege特权。考查短语have no problem (in) doing sth意为“做某事没问题”。根据意思选择C。3A.help BcheatCthreat Dexception答案Chelp帮助;cheat欺骗;threat威胁;exception例外。根据下文的didnt escape可知,兔子不怕我,故选择C,意为兔子看到我并没有威胁。4A.trust BmissCadmire Dappreciate答案Atrust信任;miss错过,思念;admire钦佩;appreciate感激,欣赏。根据下文的“.by the end of the year they were eating out of my hand.”可知,小兔越来越信任我。故选择A。5A.feared BignoredCdiscovered Dremembered答案Dfear 害怕;ignore忽视;discover发现;remember记住。根据下文的“.one would even sit up for slices!”可知小兔们越来越不害怕我,也就是说他们开始记得我。6A.proved BdecidedCnoticed Dunderstood答案Cprove证明;decide决定;notice注意;understand理解。根据下文的“.a groundhog who used to run away was now taking an _ interest in this food situation.”可知选择C,意为注意到这么一个情况。7A.extreme BincreasingCadditional Dinspiring答案Bextreme极端的; increasing不断增长的;additional 额外的; inspiring 鼓舞人心的。根据下文土拨鼠逐渐不怕作者可知,指土拨鼠开始对这种吃东西的方式越来越感兴趣。8A.squirrel BrabbitCpeanut Dcarrot答案Dsquirrel 松鼠; rabbit 兔子;peanut 花生;carrot 胡萝卜。根据下文的both munching(津津有味地咀嚼) on carrots可知选择D。9A.before long Blong agoCover and over Dall over again答案Abefore long 不久之后;long ago 很久之前;over and over 一次又一次;all over again 再一次。根据下文可知,不久之后土拨鼠不怕作者了。10A.eating BplayingCsitting Dsleeping答案A此处还是在说土拨鼠进食的情况。while eating为while she was eating的省略形式。11A.Next BOnceCSoon DLately答案B作者在叙述自己的经历,“一次(once)”当土拨鼠往其他地方看时。12A.carefully BsuddenlyCviolently Dpatiently答案Acarefully仔细地、小心地;suddenly突然;violently暴力地; patiently有耐心地。如果不想让土拨鼠感觉作者是一种威胁,作者只能是“小心地”搔她的背。故选A。13A.also BthusCjust Dstill答案Dalso也;thus 因此;just 正好,恰恰;still 仍然。到了第三年作者搔土拨鼠的背时仍然没有问题,故选D。14A.thought BdoubtedCadmitted Drecognised答案Athink 认为; doubt 怀疑; admit 承认;recognize 认识。根据下文的“.that the end looked like a cap.”可知,这是作者的想法,故选择A。15A.While BOrCSo DFor答案Cwhile 当时; or 否则;so 因此; for 因为。根据上文可知,作者认为胡萝卜根部像帽子,然后有一天他就把它当帽子用了,前后为因果关系,故选择C。16A.fixed BplacedChung Dkept答案Bfix 安装;place 放置;hang 悬挂;keep 维持。因为作者把胡萝卜根部当帽子放在土拨鼠的头上,故选择B。17A.tremble BmoveCdelay Dhesitation答案Btremble 颤抖;move 移动;delay 推延;hesitation 犹豫。土拨鼠没有动,故选择B。18A.Even if BEver sinceCAs far as DSo long as答案D考查连词以及对语境的理解。even if 即使; ever since 自从;as far as远到;so long as 只要。she had a slice to eat是土拨鼠不理会自己头上“帽子”的条件,故选D项。19A.weled BrequiredCbothered Dexpected答案C根据上文可知,只要有一片吃着,她就不会费心(bother)理会头上的那一片,故选择C。20A.trade BpetitionCtask Daffair答案A从后面的“I got a pleasure,and she had yet another tasty treat.”可知,这是一个公平的“交易”,故选A项。Task 2:用英语简要概述本文大意答案The passage mainly tells us that the author liked feeding the animals in the backyard, and they were getting along so well with each other that she took dozens of pictures of the lovely animals.Task 3:词汇积累1previous adj.以前的2go by时间流逝3sit up 坐直,熬夜4extend vt.延伸;给予5next to紧挨着6reach out 伸出7scratch v抓,搔Task 4:攻克长难句While I was feeding them, I noticed that a groundhog who used to run away was now taking an increasing interest in this food situation.分析:这是一个复合句。While I was feeding them为时间状语从句,I noticed后为that引导的宾语从句,其中who used to run away为定语从句,修饰先行词a groundhog。

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