2019-2020年高考英语总复习 Module1 My First Day at Senior High测评试题 外研版必修1.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语总复习 Module1 My First Day at Senior High测评试题 外研版必修1. 单词拼写1. We are surprised that Professor Watson is leaving a world to take a job in industry.2. What impresses me most is the friendly and e attitude Danny has towards all the customers.3. Students should pay more attention to the reading c and writing in their English learning.4. The stepmothers b towards Lily shows that she likes her very much.5. I keep in touch with many of my p classmates after leaving school.6. The scenery of the West Lake is beautiful beyond (描述).7. Thanks to the (鼓励) from my Chinese teacher, I finally realized my dream.8. Today the (文凭) is very important for the college students to get their jobs.9. My father was very (失望的) in me because I didnt pass the final examination.10. Helen is the most diligent shop (助手) that I have ever seen. 辨析填空A. divide/separate1. England is from France by the English Channel.2. After World War , Germany was into two separate countries.3. I think we should the costs equally among us.B. instruction/direction/introduction/explanation1. Mr Brown gave a brief to the course.2. When we came closer, the birds flew in all .3. Read the carefully before you operate the machine.4. What was her for why she was late?C. take part in/join/join in/attend1. Wont you us a tennis match?2. I felt so unfit after Christmas that I decided to a gym.3. Which school do your children ?4. She doesnt usually any of the class activities. 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空1. When first (introduce) to the market, these products enjoyed great success.2. He remained (amaze) long after he had been told the story.3. (cover) more than 500 mu, our school is the biggest in the city.4. I was greatly (impress) with the rapid changes that had taken place in my hometown.5. (tire) of the (bore) speech, he started to read a magazine. 完成句子1. 我熟悉他的作品,并期待听到他的见解。Im his works and his view.2. 在我们学校,大家都得参加跑步训练,无人例外。In our school, we all have to with nobody excepted.3. 我的家乡和十年前完全不同了。My hometown is what it was 10 years ago.4. 我经常参加各种各样的课外活动,他也是。I often take part in afterschool activities, he.5. 当校长把我们的新英语老师介绍给我们时,她感到有点尴尬和紧张。When the headmaster our new English teacher us, she and nervous. 单项填空从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. It is reported that more athletes and audiences the xx Olympic opening ceremony in Beijing.A. joined B. attendedC. entered D. took part in2. If you take this medicine following the on the bottle, you will feel better tomorrow morning.A. instructions B. directionC. explanation D. introductions3. It is rather that many of us still do not know that many rare species are in danger.A. embarrassed B. embarrassingC. boring D. bored4. My mother always does some reading while my father is watching football matches. , my mother shows no interest in football.A. In a word B. In other wordsC. In words D. Word for word5. I dont believe that he will marry Kathy whom he doesnt love at all, ?A. do I B. dont IC. will he D. Wont he6. The words said by my English teacher at the first class are strongly on my memory.A. kept B. rememberedC. learned D. impressed7. Where can I find the about the ancient Chinese characters?Plenty of sources such as the Internet and libraries can help you.A. news B. messageC. information D. notice8. The newly built dining hall, which is -will be open to the students next Saturday.A. as three times large as the old oneB. three times larger than the old oneC. three times of the old ones sizeD. the size of the old ones three times9. All these new students will be divided 12 classes. Then these classes will be divided the teachers.A. to; in B. among; intoC. into; by D. into; among10. When the bell rang, the students were all sitting on their own seats quietly and looking forward to their new Chinese teacher.A. have seen B. seeingC. see D. be seen. 完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。On a Friday 1 , a poor young artist stood at the gate of the subway station, playing his violin. The music was 2 , and many people 3 and put some money into the 4 of the young man.The next night, the young artist took out a large piece of 5 and laid it on the ground. Then he began 6 . The music sounded more pleasant. Some people gathered and they found the 7 on that paper. “Last night, a gentleman put a(n) 8 thing into my hat. Please e to get it back.” When the people saw that, they felt very curious and began to 9 what it could be. After about half an hour, a man 10 there in a hurry and said, “It cant be true!You .you .”The young violinist asked, “Did you 11 something?”“Lottery (彩票).”the man answered 12 .The violinist took out a lottery ticket. “Is it?” he asked.The man was too 13 to say a word .George Sang 14 a lottery ticket a few days ago. The awards(奖)opened yesterday and he won $500,000. So lucky and excited did he feel that he 15 50 dollars and put it in the hat when hearing the music. However, the lottery ticket was also thrown into the hat without being noticed. The violinist found the lottery ticket. Thinking that the owner would 16 to look for it, he came back to where he was given the lottery ticket.Someone asked the violinist 17 he returned the lottery ticket to the man. He said, “ 18 I dont have much 19 , I live happily; but if I lose 20 I wont be happy forever.”1. A. morning B. afternoon C. noon D. night2. A. quiet B. beautiful C. familiar D. exciting3. A. slowed down B. speeded upC. passed by D. went away4. A. wallet B. bag C. hat D. box5. A. paper B. glass C. plastic D. cloth6. A. working B. waiting C. singing D. playing7. A. poems B. articles C. words D. texts8. A. important B. fantasticC. dangerous D. interesting9. A. argue B. care C. expect D. guess10. A. came B. rushed C. walked D. left11. A. get B. find C. forget D. lose12. A. quickly B. anxiouslyC. seriously D. carefully13. A. confused B. anxiouslyC. excited D. surprised14. A. bought B. made C. found D. sold15. A. handed out B. took outC. hunted for D. picked up16. A. forget B. rememberC. return D. picked up17. A. where B. whyC. when D. how18. A. If B. WhileC. Because D. Although19. A. money B. food C. time D. luck20. A. friendship B. hopeC. love D. honesty. 短文改错此题要求改正所给短文的错误。请根据上下文对标有题号的每一行作出判断;如无错误,在该行右边横线上划一个勾();如果有错误(每行只有一个错误),则按下列情况改正:此行多一个词:把多余的词用斜线()划掉,在该行右边横线上写出该词,并用斜线划掉。此行缺一个词:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),在该行右边横线上写出应加的单词。此行错一个词:在错词下划一横线,在该行右边横线上写出改正后的单词。注意:原行没有错误的不要改。Have you ever heard from the saying: All work and no 1. play make Jack a dull boy? What this means is that if you 2. study all the times you will bee a boring person. You 3. must go out and having fun with your friends, otherwise 4. you will lose him. No one wants to be friends with the 5. person who that only works and studies. Perhaps you have 6. a confidence problem. Please try remember that the work 7. you do is for yourself rather than for anyone else. You do 8. not have to pete your classmates. No one can be 9. happier in studying seven days and seven nights a week. 10. 参 考 答 案必修1Module 1 My First Day at Senior High基础操练. 1. academic 2. enthusiastic3. prehension 4. behaviour5. previous 6. description7. encouragement 8. diploma9. disappointed 10. assistant. A. 1. separated 2. divided 3. divideB. 1. introduction 2. directions3. instructions 4. explanationC. 1. join; in 2. join3. attend 4. take part in. 1. introduced 2. amazed 3. Covering4. impressed 5. Tired; boring. 1. familiar with; looking forward to hearing2. take part in the run training3. nothing like4. all kinds of; so does5. introduced; to; felt a bit embarrassed提升练习. 1. 解析: 选B。考查词义辨析。join的宾语多为“党派、团体、组织”等;attend的宾语多为“会议、仪式”等;enter表示“进入某一场合或团体”;take part in意为“参加集体活动,并在其中发挥一定的作用”。 2. 解析:选A。考查词义辨析。instruction 用法;说明,一般用复数形式;direction方向;explanation解释;introduction介绍,导言。根据句意可知,答案为A。3. 解析:选B。考查词义辨析。句意为:我们当中还有许多人不知道很多稀有物种将濒临灭绝,这真是令人尴尬的事。v.-ed形式表示“(人)感到的”;v.-ing形式表示“(人或事物)令人的”;embarrassed意为“(人)感到尴尬的”;boring意为“令人厌倦的”;bored意为“(人)感到厌烦的”。根据句意,答案为B。4. 解析:选B。考查短语辨析。句意为:我爸爸看足球赛的时候我妈妈总是读书。换句话说,我妈妈对足球不感兴趣。in a word 总之,简言之;in other words 换句话说;in words 口头上;word for word 逐字地。根据句意,答案为B。5. 解析:选C。考查否定前移的用法。句中I dont believe中的否定实际上是否定宾语从句,且以I/We think/suppose/believe等开头的句子的反意疑问部分应与宾语从句保持一致。故答案为C。6. 解析:选D。impress sth. on sb.s memory意为“使某人铭记在心”。本句是该结构的被动形式。句意为:英语老师在第一节课上说的话深深地印在我的记忆里。根据句意,故选D。7. 解析:选C。考查词义辨析。news消息;message口信;通讯消息;information用任何手段获知的信息或情报;notice布告,通告。根据句意,答案为C。8. 解析:选B。考查倍数表达法。常见结构:(1)A+ 谓语+倍数+as+adj./adv.原级+as B;(2)A+谓语+倍数+adj./adv.比较级+than B; (3)A+谓语+倍数+the+n.(size, weight, length, width, height)+of B。9. 解析:选D。考查divide的用法。divide sth. among sb.意为“(某人)分担/分配某事物”;divide .into .意为“把分成”。10. 解析:选B。考查look forward to的用法。look forward to 中to是介词,后接名词或动名词作宾语。. 1. 解析:选D。下文“The next night”暗示此处应填night。故选D。2. 解析:选B。逻辑推理题。从下文人们纷纷给钱可推知,音乐一定很美妙。故选B。3. 解析:选A。逻辑推理题。从人们给钱的举动可知,他们一定是驻足倾听了,所以应该是放慢脚步,而不可能是speed up“加速”;如果选pass by “路过”,经过那里的所有的人都可以说是路过,那就与前面的many people矛盾,故可排除此项;go away表示“走开,离开”之意,不符合语境,可排除。故选A。4. 解析:选C。从下文“.into my hat”可知,应是帽子。故选C。5. 解析:选A。从下文“.on that paper”可知,是一张纸。故选A。6. 解析:选D。由下文“The music sounded more pleasant”可知,小提琴手开始演奏了。故选D。7. 解析:选C。根据下文纸上所写的内容可知,是几句话,故选C。8. 解析:选A。逻辑推理题。从下文可知,这件东西是中了50万美元的彩票,所以很重要。故选A。9. 解析:选D。逻辑推理题。人们并不知道究竟是什么东西,因此选guess,其他三项均不符合语境。故选D。10. 解析:选B。逻辑推理题。丢了这么重要的东西一定心急如焚,rush表示“冲,奔跑”,最能表现他急切的心情。故选B。11. 解析:选D。彩票的主人如果发现彩票不见了,一定会认为是丢了。故小提琴手问他丢了什么。故选D。12. 解析:选B。逻辑推理题。quickly仅仅指动作迅速,不能表现急迫的心情;anxiously焦急地,忧心地;seriously严肃地;carefully谨慎地,小心地。中了50万美元的彩票不见了,心急如焚只有anxiously能表现得最充分。故选B。13. 解析:选C。逻辑推理题。彩票失而复得,心情肯定是无比激动。而且从上文他不敢相信的情节也可推知此处是“激动”。故选C。14. 解析:选A。逻辑推理题。中了奖,那之前肯定是购买了彩票。故选A。15. 解析:选B。hand out散发,分发;take out拿出来;hunt for搜寻;pick up拾起,接人。掏出50美元,能表示这个动作的只有take out。故选B。16. 解析:选C。逻辑推理题。发现彩票不见了,肯定要回来找的。故选C。17. 解析:选B。下文回答的是原因,故选B18. 解析:选D。逻辑推理题。上下句是让步关系。句意为:虽然我没有多少钱,但我生活得很快乐。故选D。19. 解析:选A。逻辑推理题。靠卖艺为生,必定是生活拮据,没多少钱。故选A。20. 解析:选D。理解全文,小提琴手的行为诠释了“诚实”二字的意义,故此处选honesty。 句意为:假如我没有了诚信,我永远也不会快乐。故选D。.1.fromof/about 2.makemakes3.timestime 4.havinghave5.himthem 6.去掉that 7.在try后加to8. 9.在pete后加against/with10.happierhappy

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