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2019-2020年高考英语大题精做14书面表达图表类含解析新人教版 图表类书面表达常以曲线图形式、流程图形式、柱形图形式、饼式图形式、数据表格形式及平面图形式出现。这类题型具有文字少、信息简洁、要点分散等特征。图表类书面表达在近年的高考中时有出现,主要是一些关于情况调查、生产、销售、发展进程等各种项目统计的示意图。这类统计图在日常生活中应用得非常广泛,因此,读懂它并能用英语清晰地表述出来具有很强的现实意义。图表作文主要是介绍或说明某方面的情况,文体上属于说明文。考生应按照说明文的形式和特点来进行写作。由于这类试题文字少、信息简洁,如果只是把图表中的内容一点一点地记叙出来,进行清单式的罗列,就会索然乏味,并且达不到字数要求。因此,对于这类形式的书面表达,考生首先要根据图表前的文字说明,弄清楚图表的性质、内容、规律,并做到如下几点:1.细读图表,抓住特征图表中的数据信息往往较多,首先要读懂其中的符号和数字所代表的意思。然后,从图表的整体着手,认真分析各项数据,抓住其主要特征,弄懂它们所揭示的规律。经常使用的词汇有:table,chart,figure,graph,describe,tell,show,represent等。2.认真审读,确定主题认真审读试题所提供的数据信息,结合文字提示,确定短文的主题。短文的主题往往隐含在图表中,需要考生从图表数据中概括出事情或事件的规律和特征,然后归纳出主题。有时,试题给出了短文的题目,也就等于为考生点明了主题。3.巧用数据,突出主题引用数据说明基本趋势,比较数据揭示基本特征。由于图表中的数据信息较多,写作时要巧妙地引用一些数据来说明主题,不要作任何发挥。表达时,既要包含所有要点,但又不能面面俱到。经常使用的词汇有:rise,drop,reduce,increase,decrease,fall,while,but,on the contrary,however,pare.to/with.,in contrast to,as.as,the same as,similar to,different from,difference between,among,more than,less than等。4.词句多变,表达灵活由于图表数据比较单调,很容易使人选用相同的词语和句式进行表达,结果文章显得很乏味。因此,写作时要尽量避免重复使用同一词语或句型,选择一些异曲同工的词语和句式来表达。5.适当发挥,表明观点图表类书面表达有时要求考生在对数据进行分析、对比后,简单地谈谈自己的看法或提出建议,这属于让考生自主发挥的部分,更是短文最精彩的部分。考生要在该部分陈述自己的看法,表明自己的观点,提出解决问题的方法或建议。表述观点时,可以引用人们普遍的观点,也可说出自己独到的见解。借题发挥时,不可偏离主题,只要把观点表述清楚即可,不必作更多的解释或说明。经常使用的词有:in a word,in short, generally speaking,Its clear from the chart that.,we can draw the conclusion that.,we can learn/know.等。一、写作技巧对于图表作文,写作内容主要包括三个方面:描述图表信息从中总结出变化规律提出建议或解决之道(这一部分可以根据实际要求进行取舍)。 准备过程中,应着重从以下几个方面入手。1. 读出图表所传达的信息,并对信息进行分类 将图表所传达的信息进行全面的转换,并根据不同的项目对信息进行分类,这是进行数据整合的基础, 这一过程中要尽量确保信息全面。 2. 整合信息,总结规律/分析原因 信息经过分类之后,以某一个标准为参照(比如时间、地域等),总结出同一对象在不同时间/地域/ 下的变化规律,或通过对同类信息的对比分析出问题出现的原因。找出规律/原因是解决问题/提出建议的基础。 3. 数据处理对数据进行处理时,要根据题干的要求,着重处理差异比较大或变化比较明显的信息。这样呈现数据时才能有所侧重,写的时候才能有详略之分。 4. 段落构建 一般而言,图表作文可分为三个段落来写。第一个段落点明调查/统计对象并进行图表信息的转换,转 换过程中需要注意的是信息的取舍和详略程度。第二段主要是根据信息总结出规律或找出问题出现的原因。 第三段则主要是建议的提出或解决方法的提出。其中第一段和第二段是重点段落,第三段可根据题干要求 进行取舍。 二、常用词汇1. 点明图表所反映的主题时常用的词汇: table 表格,chart 图表,diagram 图解/示意图,figure图形/数字,describe 描述,tell 告诉,show 表明, represent 描绘/展示,indicate 显示2. 分析数据差异及变化趋势时常用的词汇: (1)表示上升或增加的:rise, increase, go up(2)表示下降或减少的:decrease, fall, reduce, decline, drop, go down(3)表示变化特点的:sharply 急剧地,quickly 迅速地,rapidly 快速地,dramatically 戏剧性地,slowly 缓慢地,gradually 逐渐地。 (4)表示比较的:pared different from, difference between, while, contrary, however, more than, less than。三、常用句式 1. 点明主题时:I have recently made/conducted/carried out a survey about. among. Last week, we made/conducted/carried out a survey onA survey has been made/conducted/carried out on2. 呈现数据/分析原因时:(1)呈现数据: The above table/chart/graph shows thatAs can be seen from the pie chart. From the table/chart/graph we can see(2)分析原因:There are several reasons that account for this phenomenon.A number of factors account for (contribute to/lead to/result in) the change (phenomenon/increase) The main reason for such a change is. 3. 发表看法/提出建议时: Personally/In my opinion/As far as Im concerned/From my point of view. It is high time that we. Writing 1(xx江苏卷)Saturday Afternoon. In a Shopping Centre.Li Jiang: Hi, Su Hua. Which movie shall we see?Su Hua: Whatever. Weve got so many choices, Kung Fu Yoga, Journey to the WestEach sounds great!Li Jiang: Yeah! And some movie stars are fantastic.Su Hua: And the high-tech!.Li Jiang: Perfect! Lets get some food first. We only have 20 minutes left.Su Hua: No hurry. The cinema is on the same floor.One Day in xx. At Home.Son: Mum, shall we go and see a film tonight?Mother: Why bother? We can stay at home and watch films online. Its convenient with our new and faster networkSon: But it feels good in a cinema.Mother: And the price We have to pay 50 yuan a ticket.Son: Only 10 yuan more than last year.Mother: But still we cannot get the moneys worth. Some films are just boring【写作内容】1. 用约30个单词概述柱状图信息的主要内容;2. 我国电影票房收入变化的原因有哪些,简要谈谈你的看法(上述对话仅供参考,原因不少于两点);3. 谈谈你对我国电影票房收入走向的看法,并简要说明理由。【写作要求】1. 写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句;2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;3. 不必写标题。【评分标准】内容完整,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当。_【参考范文】The box-office ine of Chinese movies witnessed a constant increase from about 17 billion yuan in xx to over 40 billion in xx. However, that increase slowed down in xx.The reasons behind this are various. The fast economic development before xx was probably the most powerful engine driving the constant growth in the box-office ine. The application of new technologies and the wide appeal of movie stars could also account for the increase. However, China saw a decline in its economic growth rate last year. And the Internet increased options for movie lovers. Consequently, some viewers began to turn away from cinemas, leading to a slower growth.Chinas economy is expected to grow at a medium speed in the ing years, so an increase is possible in the investment in the movie industry and the number of quality movies. Therefore, its box-office ine will probably enjoy a slight increase. (150 words)Possible version two: As is indicated in the graph, the box-office ine of Chinese films increased constantly from xx to xx, but its growth, for one reason or another, slowed down in xx.The increase in the box-office ine can be attributed to a number of factors. The quality of life has improved and watching films is regarded as a good means of entertainment. Besides, filming technology has advanced and more quality films are on offer. Moreover, the Internet plays an important part. On the Internet, people can seek information about their favorite stars and buy tickets at a discount as well, which is both time-saving and economical.However, the film market may witness a slowdown in the near future. Cinemas have gradually given way to the rise of the Internet and cellphones, and the ticket price is on the increase. Therefore, the film industry should make greater efforts to attract more viewers. (150 words)Writing 2(xx上海卷)Directions: Write an English position in 120150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese. 假设你是中华中学学生姚平,最近参加了一项研究性学习调研,课题为父母是否以子女为荣。通过调研你校学生及其父母,结果发现双方对此问题的看法有差异(数据如图所示)。根据图表写一份报告,在报告中,你必须:1.描述调研数据;2.分析可能导致这一结果的原因。_【写作指导】【参考范文】Recently, I took part in an inquiry learning research, whose topic is whether parents are proud of their children. After doing the research into the students in my school andtheirparents, I found that thereisa big difference between the two sides. 80%oftheparentsthink that they areproudoftheirchildrenwhile 60%ofthe students think thattheirparentsareproudofthem. As far as I am concerned, the reasons why theparentsandtheirchildrenhave different opinions on the same questionareas follows. Firstly, thereisonly one child in most families. Therefore, theparentspay more attention totheirchildren than themselves. Secondly, thechildrenareaccustomed to the love given bytheirparents. Thirdly, thechildrenare not confident of themselves thinking that they are not excellent to make their parents proud of them.Writing 3(xx江苏卷)请阅读下面文字及图表,并按照要求用英语写一篇150词左右的文章。【写作内容】1.用约30个单词概述上述信息的主要内容;2.结合上述信息,简要分析导致交通问题的主要原因;3.根据你的分析,从社会规范(rules and regulations)和个人行为两方面谈谈你得到的启示(不少于两点)。【写作要求】1.写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句;2.作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;3.不必写标题。【评分标准】内容完整,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当。_【写作指导】【参考范文】The traffic issue is a hard nut to crack. It not only affects our everyday life, but may also threaten peoples lives. The three selections presented above are typical examples.Quite a few things give rise to the traffic problem. In spite of the large-scale construction of roads and highways, there is still much room for improvement, because of the ever increasing number of cars these years. Whats worse, some drivers, cyclists and pedestrians do not think it vital to obey traffic rules.In fact, traffic rules are part of the rules and regulations closely related to public order. Without them, people could not enjoy harmony or the country would be in chaos. But rules alone dont secure an orderly society. It is the people who obey the rules that matter. It is everybodys duty to observe them to keep our society in order and being on the right track.Writing1(xx安徽省淮北市第一中学高三最后一卷)假定你是李华,计划高三毕业后的暑假,找份兼职工作。下面的招聘广告引起了你的注意,请根据要点(箭头所指内容)写一封申请信。注意:1.词数100左右;2.可适当增加细节使行文连贯。_【范文】Dear Mr. Smith,Ive read your advertisement for an assistant teacher for a childrens summer camp. Im very interested in this position and I think my personality and experience will qualify me for the job.To begin with, I gain much experience of working with children from my part-time job as a babysitter. Besides, I have been a helpful assistant for both my English teacher and my classmates. More importantly, I can speak Writing 2(xx浙江省金华十校高三高考4月模拟考试)你校的英国姊妹学校将于本周来校访问交流,假如你是校学生会主席李华,请你用英语准备一份讲话稿,向交流团师生介绍一日活动安排,内容如下:时间地点内容上午报告厅校史介绍校园参观校园下午操场中英学生足球赛晚上学校湖边英语晚会注意:1.词数100左右;2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。_【范文】Dear friends,Wele to our school! I am Li Hua, chairman of the students union. I am greatly honored to receive you here. Here is a schedule for your visit.In the morning you will be shown around our school and listen to an introduction of the school history in the lecture hall. After lunch, therell be a football match between British and Chinese students on the playground. Students from both of our schools are wele to join in. In the evening, well have a party by the school lake.Wish you to have lots of fun here!Thank you!Writing 3(xx江苏省启东中学高三月考)你们学校学生会最近组织了一次有烦恼时向谁倾诉?的调查活动。请根据以下的调查数据,用英语给校报写一篇新闻稿,反映调查结果。倾诉对象同学和朋友老师和家长没有百分比 61% 22% 17%理由同龄人容易交流和理解老师家长阅历丰富,有生活和教育经验不愿和别人说自己的事或难以与别人相处注意:1.词数100左右;2信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Editor,Recently the Student Union carried out a survey,the title of which is To whom do you go to when in trouble? The results are as follows._Yours sincerely,The Student Union【范文】Dear Editor, Recently the Student Union carried out a survey,the title of which is To whom do you go to when in trouble? The results are as follows.61% of the students surveyed go to friends and classmates as their ideal listeners when they have trouble. The primary reason lies in the fact that they have a better understanding of each other(用动词understand和表语Writing 1xx11月,你校校刊举办了一次关于How do you use the Internet?的问卷调查,全校3 000多名学生参与了该调查。请你根据图片提供的信息,用英语写一篇短文刊登在校英语报上,简要分析调查结果,发表自己的观点,并提出相应的建议。注意:1.词数100左右;2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。【范文】Recently, the school magazine carried out a survey, concerning the topic How do you use the Internet? With 3 000 students taking part, the findings are as follows.As we can see in the pie chart, the majority of students use the Internet to entertain themselves, accounting for 69%, while those who regard it as a tool to search for information e second, taking up 23%. Surprisingly, only Writing 2最近你校英语报做了一次关于遇到困难找谁帮忙的问卷调查,请根据以下信息,用英语为该报写一篇120词左右的短文, 简要分析调查结果,并发表自己的观点。短文的标题已为你写好。调查对象:你校高中生调查人数:200人调查方式:访谈调查结果:(见下图)Whom Do You Turn to When in Trouble_【范文】Whom Do You Turn to When in TroubleRecently, the school English newspaper carried out a survey, concerning the topic whom students turn to when in trouble. With two hundreds senior high school students taking part, the survey results are as follows. The majority of the students choose to share their trouble with their classmates or friends when in trouble, accounting for 53%. The reason is that the persons of the same age can put themselves in his or her shoes. Besides, there is no munication barrier. 28% of the students will turn to their teachers or parents, who have abundant experience and can be helpful. Surprisingly, 19% turn to nobody.As far as I am concerned, we students are supposed to municate with others frequently. Only in this way can we keep healthy mentally.Writing 3近年来,中国政府出台一系列政策以抑制房价过快上涨,但此举引发了热议。某外文网站就此开展了一项关于房价应不应该降?的调查,请根据饼状图(pie chart) 及表格中所示信息用英语写一篇短文,并提出你自己的看法。立场观点必须降房价远远高于现有工资水平,很多人买不起房不应该降不能违背市场规律不确定还要拭目以待注意:1.词数150左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3.开头已给出,不计入总词数。参考词汇:市场规律market disciplineThe Chinese government has taken measures to cool down the overheated real estate market, which has caused heated discussions among people._Writing 4现在,学生的零花钱越来越多,但是乱花钱现象很严重。下面是你应某晚报教育在线栏目之约针对学生零花钱(pocket money)的消费方向,对某中学的高中和初中的部分学生进行问卷调查所得出的数据。请用英文写一篇调查报告,反映调查结果,并呼吁中学生树立正确的消费观。注意:1.信中不必一一列举具体数字,只要抓住主题和数据说明的问题即可;2.词数100左右;3.开头已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Editor,Recently a survey has been carried out to find out how middle school students spend their pocket money._【范文】hard-earned. I hope we students value our money as well as our time.


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