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2019-2020年高考英语大一轮复习第3部分语法专项专练专题2代词演练提升新人教版.单句语法填空1(xx福建福州十三中高三期中)Once there lived a rich man who wanted to do_for the people of his town.2(xx福建福州十三中高三期中)Instead,with some difficulty he passed around the stone and continued on his way._man came along and did the same thing;then another came,and another.3(xx福建福州十三中高三期中)All of them plained about the stone but not tried to remove_.4(xx湖南衡阳八中二模)_changed colour,one white,the other red.5(xx江西南昌高三联考)Nowadays,school violence is a hot issue.I think this is a phenomenon,_calling for our great concern.6(xx山东肥城二中1月月考)At the end of the five minutes,no one could find_(they)own balloon.7. (xx山东东营一模)_is generally acknowledged that young people from poorer socioeconomic backgrounds tend to do less well in our education system.8(xx山东青岛一模) My feet had hardly touched the sandy bottom when the two men jumped down, one on each side of_(I)9(xx四川资阳一诊)_wasnt until two days ago that Dad allowed me to drive on the motorway.10(xx广东汕头二模) This is 18yearold Musa Bockaries story about how first aid saved_(he) life. 答案1.something2.Another3.it4.Both5.something6.their7.It8.me9.It10.his.单句改错1(xx福建龙岩3月质检)I was so stubborn that I wouldnt say sorry to him,believing he had done nothing wrong._2(xx河南焦作一模)When we handed the cleaners the hot porridge and expressed us appreciation for their hard work,they looked a little surprised at first._3(xx湖北七市3月联考)Our parents check our bags to make it sure were not getting into trouble._4(xx浙江温州联考)To my great relief,he brought textbooks with them and helped me with my lessons._5(xx全国名校联盟百校大联考)After that,they showed us how to operate a fire extinguisher,and even gave our chances to practice using it._ 6( xx兰州模拟) Twentysix percent of the students say that English stories are his favorite._7. (xx云南第一次统一检测)Shortly after he arrived in Germany, he found easy to steal subway rides._8(xx长春质量监测二) I am writing to express my interest in your recently advertised position as a secretary of English.Here I would like to introduce me briefly._9(xx大连双基测试) In my opinion, this is our duty to help those who are in trouble._10(xx江西九江三模) Mysterious and classic decorations from the owners collection make that more pleasant for drinkers to sit there and enjoy fine tea._ 答案1.heI2.usour3.去掉it4.themhim或hethey5.ourus6.histheir7.found后加it8.memyself9.thisit10thatit.语法填空 “Without the ball, Im half plete of 1._,”Luis Figo,one of the worlds greatest football players once said. The Portuguese played his first international match in 1991 at the age of 18 and has kept scoring ever since.He reached a new mark on February 18 by playing 2._ hundredth match for his national team in a friendly match against England.A crowd of more than 30,000 fans watched and cheered for 3._ in Lisbon.“Figo, Figo,” 4._ (all, both) shouted excitedly when he walked onto the field. The Real Madrid player, 31, wanted to help his country in Euro xx and to win 5._ (another,other) Spanish Cup with Real Madrid.Madrid bought Figo from FC Barcelona for 82.4 million dollars in xx, and he showed 6._ (everyone, anyone)what a great player he was by winning FIFAs Footballer of the Year award in xx.“Figo works like an artist and has the skills to be the most plete player,” said FIFA President Joseph Blatter in xx.“Figo 7._ is a real leader 8._ always tries his best on the field and a good team player.He doesnt have any problems working together with his teammate at Real Madrid, star footballer David Beckham.”In fact, Figo was the first 9._ to wele Beckham when he arrived.“We have a strong team, and we can help one 10._ and work together to be successful,” Figo said. 答案1.myself2.his3.him4.all5.another6everyone7.himself8.who9.one10.another.短文改错Dear American guests,On behalf for our school, I shall like to express our warm wele to you.We are lucky to have us here in the middle of our English Week activities.As scheduled, we had English Talent Show today.The purpose of this programme is develop our interest in English learning and practical abilities in listening and spoken.The students are required that they will follow the activities:recitation, singing, word spelling, story told and so on.The Show will begin at two oclock this afternoon at the Student Center.Dear guests, you are wele to take part in our activities.I hope we students will benefit great from your presence. Can you have a pleasant time with us.Thank you. 答案Dear American guests,On behalf our school, I like to express our warm wele to you.We are lucky to have here in the middle of our English Week activities. As scheduled, we English Talent Show today.The purpose of this programme is develop our interest in English learning and practical abilities in listening and .The students are required that they 或will follow the activities:recitation, singing, word spelling, story and so on.The Show will begin at two oclock this afternoon at the Student Center.Dear guests, you are wele to take part in our activities.I hope we students will benefit from your presence. you have a pleasant time with us.Thank you.

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