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2019-2020年高考英语大一轮复习单元检测卷22Unit2TheUnitedKingdom新人教版必修.阅读理解A(状元桥原创)The British drinking cultureI first met alcohol in the late 1980s. It was the morning after one of my parents parties. My sister and I, aged 9 or 10, were up alone. We were searching for abandoned cans. I remember being methodical(有方法的): pick one up, give it a shake to see if theres anything inside, and if there is, drink! I can still remember the warm taste of the beer on my tongue. In my midteens, I started to drink more often. I found that drinking made being a human easier. Drinking meant I could talk to people more easily, sometimes even dance. After I graduated, I found myself in a new city but with the same habits. I ended one night by getting drunk. The next morning I had a black eye and a need for a tetanus injection(破伤风注射). I didnt feel that I had a problem with alcohol, nor did any of my friends. We got drunk, and then suffered the consequences. We were just doing what young people did. But recently, with nearly 20 years of drinking, I started to wonder if my generations relationship with alcohol was abnormal. When I looked into the numbers, I realized that it was. I discovered that xx was _Peak_Booze_:_the year when Brits drank more than they had done for a century. No other generation drank so much in their early twenties. Why us?In 1950, Brits drank an average of39 liters(公升) per person. Then, in 1960, it began to move upward. The climb became steadier during the 1970s. However, the rising trend ended in 1980, but that turned out to be temporary. By the late 1990s, consumption was rising rapidly again. In xx, we were drinking95 liters of alcohol per person. For many of us nowadays, its still normal to go to the bar after work on Friday. We drink maybe because were happy or sad. Today the drinking mercials are more tightly regulated, but the winesponsored TV cooking contest and beerbranded soccer shirt are here, reminding us that alcohol is a normal part of everyday life.语篇导读本文为说明文。英国的饮酒文化历史悠久,也影响着一代又一代的人。1How did the writer begin his first attempt at drinking?ABy drinking with his sister at the mercy of their parents.BBy drinking the beer in the abandoned cans after a party.CBy drinking at random with their teen mates after school.DBy drinking the beer bought with the pocket money given to them.解析 B细节理解题。根据第一段内容可知B项正确。2What do we know about the writer according to the second paragraph?AThe writer was a little premature.BThe writer had difficulty getting on with others.CThe writer used to get drunk when he was young.DThe writer dropped out of school due to drinking too much.解析 C细节理解题。根据第二段内容可知,作者年轻时习惯夜里喝醉,第二天早上,有黑眼圈,需要破伤风注射,故选C项。3How does the writer develop his idea in the fourth paragraph?ABy showing examples.BBy analyzing data.CBy classifying figures.DBy tracing the time order.解析 D篇章结构题。 作者主要通过列举不同时期英国人喝酒的量来告诉读者一个客观事实,即:喝酒的量在英国基本上是呈上升的趋势。作者是按时间的顺序来写的,故选D项。 4What can we infer from the last paragraph?ADrinking advertisements are forbidden on TV in Britain.BThe British drinking culture is different from the past.CPeople go to the bar simply because they are happy or sad.DSmart businessmen can still plant their alcohol advertisements everywhere.解析 D推理判断题。根据最后一段可知,尽管与酒相关的广告管理得更严了,但酒商通过赞助电视烹饪大赛和在足球衫上印商标等方式间接地做广告,故选D项。B(xx河北保定一中高三一检)If something that youre doing doesnt challenge you,then it doesnt change you.We all need some normal stress in our lives, after all.5._ So challenge the following limits:Figure out what youre scared of and do it continuously.If youre a salesman, and youre scared of talking to people personally or over the phone, now, instead of being scared and thinking youll fail, spend at least five minutes a day to pick up the phone and make a call.6_ But dont stop on the first try! Eventually, you can look at fear in the eyes and say, “Go on, Im not scared!”7_Make sure this hobby is not linked to your career; you have to relax and relieve your stress while performing this. Some examples might be cooking, sewing, painting and so on. Apart from helping you challenge yourself, taking a class for your hobby may also give you extra ine.Set aside at least nine minutes a day for physical exercise.8_ A simple 9minute run around your neighborhood can do wonders for yourself. Exercise can not only help you maintain your regular weight,but also make you feel better about yourself.Travel and allow yourself to be interested in new people.Dont just limit yourself to your fellow travelerstry to connect with the service staff. You never know what kind of people theyre going to be. Get out of your house or go online right now to book your class.9_AYou should do it continuously.BSomeone may hang up on you.CYou dont need to go to the gym.DRunning in the gym may be a better choice.EStart to travel now and learn to challenge yourself.FTake a class for a hobby youve been wanting to develop.GYou can never see any improvement if you stick to your fort zone.语篇导读本文为议论文。人如果不被挑战,就不会有进步。本文从培养兴趣、旅游和锻炼等几个方面来鼓励人们挑战自己。5解析 G转折关系。上文讲在生活中,我们需要一些正常范围内的压力。下文接着提出了建议:所以尝试着挑战以下的事情吧。after all具有转折的意味,G项(如果你一直待在你的舒适区,那么你将不会有任何提高)有承上启下,转折作用,故选G项。6解析 B顺承关系。这段主要讲推销员如何克服害怕和人说话的问题。上文讲到每天至少花5分钟去打一个电话,由下文的But dont stop on the first try!可知,前面应该是遇到了什么困难,所以下文才会出现鼓励的话语,hang up挂断电话,故选B项。7解析 F总分关系。本句是整段的总领句。根据下文可知,这段主要是讲在工作之外培养一个兴趣的好处。根据下文的taking a class for your hobby may also give you extra ine可知,F项(为你一直想培养的兴趣报一个兴趣班)符合题意,故选F项。8解析 C顺承关系。本段是讲,最好每天花至少9分钟来锻炼身体以及锻炼身体的好处。由下句可知,C项符合题意,此句起承上启下的作用,故选C项。9解析 E总分关系。该段讲的是旅行的好处,根据上文的Get out of your house or go online right now to book your class可知,最后这两句是对全文的总结,并提出想要提高自己所需要做的具体事情。上句是对锻炼和培养兴趣提出的建议,下句的建议则是和旅游相关的,故选E项。.完形填空It must have been after two oclock in the morning when the last guest took his leave. Though we had enjoyed their stay, my wife and I were quite_1_ to shut the door on them. We_2_ all the dirty dishes and glasses as they were, and after opening a few windows to let some_3_ air in and the smell of food out, we climbed into bed and_4_ asleep.I_5_ have been asleep for more than half an hour_6_ I awoke with a strong smell of smoke._7_ half asleep, I stepped into the livingroom, and there,_8_ heavy clouds of smoke, I saw one of our curtains was on fire. I should have_9_ the windows then without delay,_10_ instead I tried to beat out the fire with a folded newspaper. _11_ this failed, I hurried into the kitchen to_12_ a bucket of water. At the same time, I shouted to Barbara, who_13_ phoned to summon the fire brigade(消防队)_14_ ing to help me. We had to work at top _15_ carrying buckets of water from the kitchen to_16_ the fire, fanned by the wind from the windows, _17_. We were unable to_18_ out the fire, but we managed to_19_ it under control till the arrival of the firemen._20_,_they arrived in no time, and they had little difficulty in putting out the fire.语篇导读本文为记叙文,讲述了我和妻子在深夜救火的经历。1Anervous Bbusy Cthankful Dfree解析 C毕竟客人走了之后“我们”可以放松一下,故选C项,“谢天谢地,客人总算走了”。2A.laid Bleft Cwashed Dput解析 Bleave表示“使处于某种状态”,与下文构成完整结构,leave sth as it is表示“听之任之”,故选B项。3A.hot Bwarm Cfresh Dcold解析 C开窗当然是为了让新鲜空气进来,让食物的气味排放出去,故选C项。4A.fell Bfelt Cgot Dwent解析 Afall asleep睡着,为固定搭配,故选A项。5A.must Bmay Ccouldnt Dmustnt解析 C与下一空相搭配,表示“我睡了顶多半个钟头”,用否定句式,是hardly/not have done sth when句式,而must用于否定句中不表示判断推测,故选C项。6A.until Bafter Cwhen Das解析 C参见上题解析。7A.Just BStill CYet DOnly解析 B早上两点才睡觉,才睡了半个小时,此时仍然(still)睡眼蒙眬,故选B项。8A.through Bby Cfrom Din解析 Athrough从中间穿过,透过满屋烟雾,“我”看见一片窗帘着火了,故选A项。9A.broken Bopened Cclosed Dremoved解析 C上文已提到“我”睡觉前将窗户打开了,因此A、B项不对,remove表示“挪开,拿走,去掉”,此处应该是“我本该把窗户关上的”,第16空所在句提到窗外的风助火势,故选C项。10A.and Bbut Cso Dor解析 B根据上下文可知用but表示转折,should have done sth, but表示“本该,可是”,故选B项。11A.For BWhen CAnd DIf解析 B从上下文看,fail这个动作已经发生,因此用when不用if,用报纸灭火没有用时,“我”就用了其他办法,故选B项。12A.bring Bfind Ctake Dcarry解析 Dbring带来;take拿走;find找到,均不符合上下文的含义;此处指提水救火,用carry表示“拿着笨重物体”,故选D项。13A.eagerly BnervouslyChurriedly Dcertainly解析 C家里失火了要救火,当然迫在眉睫,用hurriedly才妥当,故选C项。14A.before Bfor Cafter Dwhen解析 A先打电话给消防队再来帮“我”,故选A项。15A.manner BqualityCmeans Dspeed解析 Dat top speed全速地,故选D项。16A.beat Bconduct Cprevent Dmake解析 C与下一空前面的介词from(被省略)构成搭配,表示“不让火势蔓延”,中间夹了过去分词短语作定语,故选C项。17A.rising BburningClighting Dspreading解析 D不让火势蔓延,与上文prevent构成搭配prevent(from) doing,与下文it under control相呼应,故选D项。18A.get Bput Ckeep Dtake解析 B“我们”不能扑灭大火,put out the fire灭火,故选B项。19A.keep Bleave Cmake Dhold解析 Abring/keep sth under control控制,故选A项。20A.However BThereforeCFortunately DEspecially解析 C有了如此结果,应该算作“幸运地”了,故选C项。.短文改错After school, I was about to enter into my apartment when I saw a little dirty dog beside the dustbin. He looked extremely weak. Immediately the homeless dog filled me sympathy. So I decided to take him home. I gave him some food and a bath. After the bath he looked and refreshed. What a lovely dog!When my parents got home, I asked I could keep the dog. To my and joy, they agreed. Up to now, he has bee member of our family and everyone enjoyed his pany. at the cute, happy dog today, I realize that I was right to help him. I offered him a shelter and he has brought great happiness and laughter. 解析 enter进入,是及物动词。 解析 see sb/sth doing sth看见正在做某事。 解析 fillwith用装满。 解析 look看起来,是系动词,后跟形容词作表语。 解析 根据ask可知,作者不确定父母是否会允许作者养那只小狗,故把that改为if/whether。 解析 to ones surprise让某人惊讶的是。 解析 小狗已经成了家庭的一员。a member of的一员。 解析 此处和句中的has bee为并列谓语,故此处也应该用现在完成时。 解析 look的逻辑主语是I,两者是主谓关系,故应该用现在分词表示主动和伴随。 解析 它带给“我们”欢乐,宾语是us。

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