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2019-2020年高考英语大一轮复习第3部分语法专项专练专题7情态动词和虚拟语气演练提升新人教版.单句语法填空1(xx四川凉山州二次诊断) We often hear that children wish they _(be)grownups, and that old people wish to be young.2(xx江苏淮安四次调研)She would be much healthier now _she not burdened herself with that much pressure from work when young.3(xx天津十二区县联考) I am sure I saw Brian in the park this morning.You _ be imagining things.He left for America last night.4( xx浙江金华艾青中学一次质检)The old lady insisted that the young man had stolen her wallet and that he_(send) to the police station.5I _thank you too much because without your help I wouldnt have won the first prize.6 Ill have to write a report about“Jane Eyre”next week,but I havent got the book yet.Dont worry.You_have it by noon tomorrow.7It is required by law that a driving test _(take)before a man gets a license. 答案1.were2.had3.must4.(should)be sent5cant6.shall7.(should)be taken.单句改错1(xx湖南衡阳八中二模)It is true that no one should live without money in modern society._2(xx河北邯郸一模)How I wish I can study in my dream university in four months!_3(xx湖北七市3月联考) I suggest that we telling them we want them to trust us as much as wed like to trust them._4(xx江西赣州5月适应性考试)Lily came to my home when she was only several days old and cant even open her eyes._5You suggested that we went to the concert this Sunday._ 答案1.shouldcan2.cancould3.tellingtell4.cantcouldnt5.wentgo .语法填空Tom:Hi,Mr.Smith.1._ you give me a hand? Mr.Smith:Of course.You 2._ hesitate to ask me for help.Whats the matter with you?Tom:My mum is always plaining about my going back home late after school. Mr.Smith:What do you usually do after school?Tom:I usually go to the playground to play basketball.But I know that I 3._ go home first. Mr.Smith: Why dont you go home directly? Tom: My mother usually says, “Every student 4._ do their homework first after school, and that is a rule for all of you students.”You see, if I 5._ (do) my homework first now, I couldnt have a rest and relax.I am so tired.Mr.Smith:Both you and your mum are reasonable.As a mother, she believes that you 6._ never work too hard, while you think you need some time to have a rest.Does your mother know what you think?Tom: No.If I 7._ ( tell ) her before, she wouldnt have understood it.Mr.Smith:I dont think you are right.I think you should tell your mother what you think and she would understand you.Besides, you had better not hide your feelings from your mother and you 8._ as well learn to municate with her. Tom: Thank you for your advice.It is high time I 9._(talk)with her. Mr.Smith: I 10._ agree more. 答案1.Can2.neednt3.should4.shall5.did6.can7.had told8.might9.talked10.cant.短文改错 Nowadays, with the growing popularity of puters,students were paying less and less attention to handwriting. According to a recently survey, many students dont want to improve their handwriting for various reason.52 percent of them think that they can just use a puter, so there was no need to waste time improving our handwriting.32 percent believe that they are too busy with the study that they have no time to practicing, and 16 percent think that practicing handwriting is useless. As the saying went, writing style shows the man.Beautiful and neat handwriting is great benefit, especially for students.Therefore, in my opinion, the more importance should be attached to handwriting from now on. 答案 Nowadays, with the growing popularity of puters,students paying less and less attention to handwriting. According to a survey, many students dont want to improve their handwriting for various .52 percent of them think that they can just use a puter, so there no need to waste time improving handwriting.32 percent believe that they are busy with the study that they have no time to , and 16 percent think that practicing handwriting is useless. As the saying , writing style shows the man.Beautiful and neat handwriting is great benefit, especially for students.Therefore, in my opinion,the more importance should be attached to handwriting from now on.

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