2019-2020年高考英语二轮专题总复习 语法精选冠词.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语二轮专题总复习 语法精选冠词一、分类1定冠词指的是the, 常常表示的是特指。He is the teacher we talked about yesterday。2不定冠词是a和an。其中a用于辅音(指的是音而不是字母)开头的词前,an用于元音开头的词。An island, a small island, an honest man, a house, a university, 还应注意He is a European. I got a one hundred.3特指和泛指特指泛指 表类别 表“一个/一些” 可数名词单数 The book A book A book 可名词复数 The books Books Some/any books 不可数名词 The water Water some/any water 1不定冠词表示一这个数量的时候,意思和one差不多。但one更侧重数目这一概念,如yesterday I bought one book, not two. 通常表示重量,长度,时间等词组。The apples are two yuan a pound.Give me a cup of tea. Twice a week, eight hours a day.只可能在可数的单数名词前,不可能出现在不可数名词前。I have a good idea. I have good news.2表示某一个。但是仍然翻译成一个。At that time I was working in a factory.A young man wanted to see you.3. 表示一类,或一类中的某一个。A dictionary is a book.Do you have a pen?There is a man standing in front of the bank.I met a friend of yours yesterday.4首次提到的人或事物而且听者并不知道指的是哪一个的时候,前面必须用不定冠词;再次提到此人或此物时,由于听者已知知道指的是何人或何物时,必须用定冠词。Yesterday I saw a dog. The dog was running after a cat. The cat ran into a hole. The hole was very small.There was a king. The king had a man. The man could make gold out of stone.Do you want to hear a story about an American, a German and a Polish.5首次提到的复数名词或不可数名词,不用任何冠词。再提到时必须用定冠词。He will give you information about hotels.This house is made of wood.6首次提到的名词双方都知道其为何物的时候应用定冠词。Open the door please.We will go to the market to buy some CDs.The earth moves round the sun once a year.当表示世界上独一无二的东西时,sun, moon, earth, world, air, stars (星系),应加上the.7定冠词加形容词表示一类。比如the poor/rich/deaf/blind/dead.谓语动词用复数。如:The rich are not always happy8当有形容词或从句来进行修饰的名词通常用定冠词。Most of the books on the table are novels.He is the doctor whom I told you of yesterday.This is the city in which I live.I live in a city far away from here. (听者不知道)。You can ask the woman in front of you.I saw a woman looking like your mother. (听者不知道是谁)9指人体的某个部位有两个表达方法。The ball hit his eye. = The ball hit him in the eye.He took me by the hand.The stone hit him in the face.【专有名词前冠词的用法】1一般来说在专有名词前不加冠词。2在一些地理名词前要加定冠词:江河海洋,山脉群岛,海峡海湾。比如:The Yellow River, the Pacific (Ocean), the Alps, the Taiwan Strait, the Persian Gulf.3由普通名词和其他一些词构成的专有名词前要加定冠词:(国家名)the United States, the United Kingdom, (组织机构名) the No.4 High School , the white House, (建筑物) the Capital Theater, (报纸,会议.) the New York Times, The Washington Post.但是一般来说这些专有名词前不加冠词:街道名,Wang Fujing street. 广场名(Tian Anman Square), 公园(Hyde Park),车站机场(Beijing Airport), 大学(Peking University, 但是the University of Chicago),外国人过的节日(Christmas, New Years Day) ,但是the Spring Festival春节(中国的节日),杂志名称(Time时代周刊)。4在姓氏的复数形式前加上定冠词表示一家人。(谓语动词用复数)The Smiths live upstairs.【个别情况下的冠词】1三顿饭前不加冠词。但是在adj.+餐名或餐名+形容词词组或从句的时候以及特指各种用途的宴席时应加上冠词。He will be back after supper.The dinner I had yesterday was terrible.2四季一般没有冠词,担当表示特定的季节时应加上定冠词。Leaves fall in autumn.I was born in the spring of 1973.3. 当以下的词被用作原来的目的时没有冠词:class, school, college, university, church, hospital, prison, market, bed, table, sea. 如果这些词的意思时表示场所或建筑物本身时,用冠词。He left school when he was 15 years old.His father will go to the school to see his teacher.They go to church every week. We walked to the church and took a bus there.4. east/ west/south/north, left / right, present /past/future作名词的时候有the, 作副词的时候没有。1) He es from the south. 2) Please turn left.5by和计量单位名词之间要有the.1) Pork is sold by the kilo. 2) The workers are paid by the hour.6by和交通工具或交通方式不要冠词Shall we go there by train or by air/bus/land/sea/air/boat.但I came here in his car.7. 乐器前有the, 球类和有规则的游戏前没有冠词。8television没有冠词,I saw it on TV/television. 但是radio加the. I heard on the radio that our football team won the world cup.9society泛指社会时没有冠词,若是指一个组织用冠词。Society is very important for us.We will form a society to help others.10. country (乡间), sea, seaside, desert, mountains要有the.I am going to the country for a week.We cant travel across the desert.11. 表示官职,身份,职业的名词与冠词的使用1)在人名前没有冠词:Queen Elizabeth, President Jiang, Chairman Mao, Professor Chen.2) 作专有名词的同位语的时候没有冠词。This is Mr. Li, professor of this college.3) 在elect, make, be词的后面的职业作宾语补足语,主语补足语或表语时应没有冠词。We elected him chairman.He was made president of the club.12. all和both后的the可以省略,all of/ both of后的the不能省。All (the) girls are his students.Both(the) brothers are clever.All/Both of the students are having an exam.13. 称呼语之前不用冠词。Ladies and gentlemen, lets.14. 家庭成员不用冠词。Father has gone to Shanghai on business.15. 惯用语: at/ from a distance, as a rule, all of a sudden, as a whole, in a hurry, in the morning/ afternoon. in the sun, on the other hand, in the end,.【练习检测】1. _ Elephant/elephant is bigger than _ horse.A. 不填/不填 B. The/aC. An/a D. 不填/the2. _ Doctors/doctors and _ nurses should care for their patients.A. The/the B. 不填/不填C. The/不填 D. 不填/the3. It took me_ hour and_ half to finish _ work.A. a/a/a B. an/a/aC. an/a/the D. an/a/不填4. _ Doctor/doctor told me to take _ medicine three times _ day, stay in_ bed, and then I would be better soon.A. 不填/a/a/the B. A/the/the/不填C. A/the/a/不填 D. A/不填/a/不填5. _Snow/snow is white. _ Snow/snow that covers _ top of _mountain is _ beautiful sight.A. The/The/the/the/the B . 不填/不填/the/the/aC. 不填/The/the/the/a D . 不填/不填/不填/the/the6. _ rades/rades here are friendly to me.A. A B. An C. The D. 不填7. My uncle was elected _ principal of the No. l Middle School.A. a B. an C. the D. 不填8. I have to work at least eight hours _ day.A. another B. a C. the D. an9. He is _ of our school.A. a teacher B. the teacherC. teacher D. only teacher10. Beyond _ stars. the astronauts saw nothing but _ space.A. the/不填 B. 不填/theC. 不填/不填 D. the/the11. Alice is fond of playing _ piano while Henry is interested in listening to_ music .A. 不填/the B. the/theC. the/不填 D. 不填/不填12. The guard caught him by _ arm.A. an B. a C. 不填 D. the13. - Id like _ information about the management of your hotel, please.-Well, you could have _ word with the manager.A. an; some B. some; a C. some; some D. an; a14. Biology is _.A. science of life B. science of the lifeC. the science of the life D. the science of life15. There is _ new magazine on the desk.A. an B. a C. the D. 不填16. He has _ girl. _ Girl/ girl is very clever.A. a/The B. the/AnC. a/An D. an /不填17. We all know _ earth moves around _sun. A. the/the B . a/aC. an/an D. 不填/不填18. She likes to have butter and _ butter sold in this shop is very well made.A. the B. a C. an D. 不填19. He is _ last one to e and _ first one to leave.A. the/the B. a/不填C. an/a D. the/a20. _ Browns are all good at drawing.A. An B. A C. The D. 不填21. _ Rich/rich are not always happy.A. The B. An C. 不填 D. A22. Paper money was used in _ China when Marco Polo visited the country in_ thirteenth century.A. the/不填 B. the/theC . 不填/the D . 不填/不填23. In _ 1870s Marx found it important to study the situation in Russia.A. a B. an C. 不填 D. the24. Is _ Mississippi the longest river in _ world?A. the/the B. 不填/aC. an/a D. a/the25. China is on the east of _Pacific Ocean. A. 不填 B. anC. a D. the26. _ Philippine Islands are to _ south of our country.A. The/a B. A/theC. The/the D. 不填/不填27. _ Time is read all over the world.A. A B. An C. The D. 不填28. _ Summer Palace looks especially beautiful in the rain.A. The B. An C. A D. 不填29. Paper money is in _ use in China when Marco Polo visited the country in _ thirteenth century.A. the; 不填 B. the; theC. 不填; 不填 D. 不填; the30. She is fond of_ music.A. the B. 不填C. a D. an31. _ Horses/horses are _animals.A. The/a B. 不填/不填C. A/the D. An/a32. They will arrive here on _ New Years Day.A. the B. aC. an D. 不填33. Ill be on duty on _ Friday.A. 不填 B. theC. an D. a34. We often go swimming in _ summer and skating in _ winter.A. 不填/the B. the/theC. 不填/不填 D. a/a35. My brother and I go to _ school after _ breakfast.A. 不填/不填 B. the/theC. the/不填 D. 不填/the36. My parents are going to watch me play _ chess.A. a B. theC. an D. 不填37. The visitors will e to our school _next week.A. the B. 不填C. an D. a38. The boss made them work _ day and _ night.A. the/the B. a/aC. an/an D. 不填/不填39. He is _ only man for the job.A. a B. an C. 不填 D. the40. We were born on _ same day and in _ same town.A. 不填 B. the/theC. a/a D. an/an41. There is_ s in the word.A. the B. a C. an D. 不填42. He hit me in _ face.A. an B. the C. 不填 D. a43. I went to see him _ other day.A. the B. an C. a D. 不填44. My sister is _ university student.A. 不填 B. an C. a D. the45. He teaches _English in a middle school.A. the B. a C. an D. 不填46. _ Hero/hero as he is, he is sometimes afraid.A. 不填 B. A C. An D . The47.- Have you seen _ pen? I left it here this morning.-Is it _black one? I think I saw it somewhere.A. a/the B. the/the C. the/a D. a/a48. He was _ medical student before he turned _ writer.A. a/the B. the/a C. the/不填 D. a/不填49. _ worker and _ poet was invited to the party the other day.A. The/the B. A/a C. The/a D. The/不填50. His honesty is _; nobody can doubt _.A. out of the question/him B. in question/himC. beside the question/it D. out of question/it【答案】1-5 CBCCC 6-10 CDBAA 11-15 CDBDB 16-20 AAAAC21-25 ACDAD 26-30 CDADB 31-35 BDACA 36-40 DBDDB41-45 CBACD 46-50 ADDDD

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