高中英语《Module 5 Great People and Great Inventions of Ancient China》课件3 外研版必修3.ppt

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1_ n职位 2_ vt.强调 3_ vi.辞职 4_ n状况;条件;环境 5_ adj.平等的_ adv.平等地_ n平等 6_ n重要;重要性_ adj.重要的 7_ n秩序_ adj.有序的 8_ adj.有影响的_n& vt.影响,position,stress,resign,condition,equal,equally,equality,importance,important,order,orderly,influential,influence,预案,9_ n诚实_ adj.诚实的 10_ n公正_ adj.公正的 11_ n贡献_ vt.贡献 12_ vt.发明_ n发明_ n发明家 13_ n争论;辩论;议论_ v争论;辩论 14_ n自由_ adj.自由的;空闲的;免费的,honesty,honest,justice,just,contribution,contribute,invent,invention,inventor,argument,argue,freedom,free,Jane holds a senior position in a large company . always stresses the importance of honesty and justice,which has a great influence on her workmates.She makes great contributions to the development of the company.We are shocked to hear that she resigned because she was out of condition.,简在一个大型公司任高级职位。她总是强调诚实和公正的重要性,这对她的同事影响很大。她对公司的发展做出了很大的贡献。听说她因为身体不好辞职我们很震惊。,【学情调查,情境导入】,Philosopher,Confucius,Mencius,Mozi,Philosophers of Ancient China,学习目标:学习和掌握本模块重点词汇、短语 和句型的应用;完成有关的练习。 学习重点:词汇与短语的运用和掌握, 并能加以运用。 学习难点:those / that 的用法, influence , the reason why等词汇用法。 学法指导:借助字典等工具书,独立思考,组内 讨论、对比,总结归纳重点知识点。,根据课本P43,翻译下列句子。 1. Ancient China was a place where states were often at war with each other. 【译】_ 2. He stressed the importance of kindness, duty and order in society 【译】_ 3. Confucius was the most influential philosopher, who had a great influence on Chinese society. In other words, Chinese society was influenced by these ideas for more than 2,000 years. 【译】 _,【学情调查,情境导入】,1. be at war 及相关短语 2. stress 3. influence 4.代词those / that 的用法 5. bring up词汇及短语用法 6. 句型:the reason why.is that,【问题展示,合作探究】,1. be _ war (with.) (与)交战 【拓展】“atn.” 表示 “处于一种什么样的状态” Germany has been at peace with France for many years.,【问题展示,合作探究】,多年来德国和法国和平相处。,at,at peace at risk at sea,处于和平状态 在冒险 在航海;茫然;不知所措,stress n. 压力;强调;紧张;重读 vt. 强调; 使紧张;加压力于; stress the importance of 强调 的重要性 A good way to deal with stress is to find a hobby that you enjoy 老师已经强调了学英语的重要性。,2. He stressed the importance of kindness, duty and order in society,应对压力的一个好方法是找一个你喜欢的爱好。,Our teacher has stressed the importance of learning English.,influence n. vt. 影响 - influential adj. 有影响的, n. 有影响力的人物 have an influence on 父母对孩子有很大影响。 He is one of the most influential figures in the government.,3. Chinese society was influenced by these ideas for more than 2,000 years.,对有影响,Parents have a great influence on their children.,他是政府里最有影响的人物之一。,4. Mencius was a thinker whose teachings were very similar to _ of Confucius. In some ways, his beliefs were similar to _ of Confucius. those分别代替teachings 和 beliefs 【归纳】:those代替可数名词复数, that可以代替可数名词单数和不可数名词 The population of China is larger than _ of Japan. The students in Class 3 are better at English than _ in Class 4.,those,those,that,those,bring up 养育,抚养,呕吐,提出 对他们父母来说,把这对双胞胎养大很不容易。 She brought up three children. Please bring up this point at the next meeting. He brought up all the food he ate.,5. His father died when he was young, and he was _ _ by his mother.,brought up,他(孟子)自小丧父,是母亲把他抚养成人。,It is difficult for their parents to bring up the twins.,她养育了三个孩子。,呕吐,请把这一点在下次会议上提出来。,6. Mencius believed that_ _ _ man is different from the animals _ _ man is good. 【归纳】: the reason why(for which) is /was that 的原因是,the reason why,was that,孟子认为人区别于动物的本质就是人性是善的。,【仿写】: 他缺席的原因是他病了。 The reason _ he was absent was _ he was ill. The reason why she was ill was that she had eaten bad food. 【译】 他周游列国的原因是他听从了我的建议。 中国有沙尘暴的原因是人们破坏环境。,why,that,她生病的原因是因为她吃了不好的食物。,The reason why he travelled from state to state was that he followed my advice.,The reason why there are sandstorms in China is that people destroy the environment.,【达标检测、归纳总结】,A级. 1Why are those two countries still _? 2. We should _ forming the good habits of studying. 3Lincoln _ by his stepmother after his mother died. 4Your handwriting _ your exam results.,at war,stress the important of,was brought up,has an influence on,B级. 5. 我喜欢上网的原因是我可得知更多信息。 6. 他没买那件衣服的原因是价钱太高了。,The reason why I like/enjoy surfing the Internet is that I want to get more information.,The reason why he didnt buy the coat was that it was too expensive.,C级 Mencius was a thinker whose teachings were very similar to _ of Confucius. Mencius was born in 372 BC, _ states were often at war with each other. His father died when he was young, and he _ (bring up) by his mother. When he _ (grow up), he got an important position in the government of a state. However, when he saw that the ruler was not _ (follow) his advice, he resigned. For many years he travelled _ state to state, _ (teach) the principles of Confucius. Mencius believed that the reason _ man is different from animals is _ man is good. Mencius was very _ (influence). His teachings that people were more important than rulers had a great influence on Chinese emperors.,those,when,was brought up,grew up,following,teaching,from,why,that,influential,【知识梳理、归纳总结】 1. 单词及相关短语: stress, influence , 2. be at war, bring up及相关短语 3. 代词those / that 的用法, 4. 句型:the reason why.is that.,【预习指导、新课链接】见预案,一. 定语从句的基本定义 关系代词的基本用法that, which, who, whom, whose,2. 关系副词when, where和why的用法,


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